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Dec 1st, 2015
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  1. Disziple
  2. 2 days ago
  4. What's going on is some kind of a massive hivemind sexual frustration and revenge of Finnish women. That is the entire reason on part of Finland for why immigration is desired.
  6. On the abstract level sexuality functions as a socially acceptable and unique (non-statistical and non-societal) lifestyle, but in reality it is a rather brutal, societal, statistical, status-based, instinct-based, mediocre and gang-based predetermined fate.
  8. In the abstract lie this is merely free movement and helping of those in distress. However, in the instinct-based reality of the animal, it is a phenomenon that is aimed towards spreading the female genome, a kind of defiance towards the herd. In truth the decapitation execution practised by ISIS is hotter than anything that Finnish men, never having fought in wars, could offer. Timo Hännikäinen said it but there's nothing new about this: women worship power, especially violence.
  12. beastmaster
  13. 1 day ago
  15. now there's some psychosis
  19. Disziple
  20. 1 day ago (edited)
  22. What part went so wrong that "thought and emotions are so impaired that contact is lost with external reality"? A single fault will suffice, but it would probably be better if you referred to a number of falsehoods in my text. My pondering was not at all scientific in nature but in my opinion (unfortunately) directional regardless.
  26. beastmaster
  27. 1 day ago
  29. well straight in the beginning, " What's going on is some kind of a massive hivemind sexual frustration and revenge of Finnish women" Totally fucking psychotic writing.
  33. Diziple
  34. 1 day ago
  36. I reasoned below why I think this is.
  38. When immigration is desired by women (and submissive men or otherwise successful men who are in good positions in terms of preserving their species, both of whom we can omit from this thought) and the average profile of an immigrant is a young man, then could it be that these gender-specific factors have some shared factor and correlation that influences them from the background?
  40. Although I used the be-verb a lot, my text was intended to be speculative. In my opinion this kind of a sexual, deeper explanation exists for the Finnish side of immigration. (we're not talking about the other side of immigration or the Middle Eastern side whose ONLY explanatory root cause is sexuality (sexuality ~ islam -> population explosion -> limits of social and material carrying capacity -> wars -> immigration))
  42. Immigration is a mass phenomenon and one can hardly read a single piece of news or editorial without finding out between the lines the preaching writer's stance on the issue, whether you looked for it or not. The entire nation is harnessed to discuss this phenomenon and it consumes everyone's time regardless of whether the topic personally concerns the individual or not. I generalised this to women, because my text was mostly about women's thinking and wants, because in my opinion we wouldn't have had a single immigrant without a passport if only men had decided.
  44. Sexual frustration and "revenge" is a thing that most men will probably never understand. A woman (ON AVERAGE) wants a more successful spouse. In other words, somebody stronger and with a higher income than herself. In reverse: a woman does not want a man who is weaker than herself or has a lower income than herself. On average. For men (surprisingly) this bears no significance on average.
  46. Violence is power. Sexuality and the rest of human instinctual life cannot distinguish whether a man is strong in a "politically correct" way or strong like how a barbarian is strong. This quality makes sexually frustrated women (in a Finland of emasculated men) see a brutal (from our perspective) honour religion such as Islam as sexually alluring. In truth the sexual harassment that feminists have sought to ban is precisely the kind of attention that women desire. It makes no difference how this attention is sought; that makes a difference whether the man is strong (as in does the man possess power, for example health and social capital) or not.
  48. In short: egoistically, immigration is sexually positive for women. Egoistically, immigration is sexually negative for men. Ultimately immigration is bad for both of them, but why that is, is a whole different story.
  52. DjaMelaque
  53. 1 day ago
  55. Finns (and Swedes) slither down into the sewer of history crying, but unwilling to defend themselves. The immigrant flood is evolution's way of saying that Finns no longer fit into the gene pool. In the big picture this is but one of countless instances of native populations disappearing underneath a healthier culture. It is however historically unique, that the disappearing population funds its own destruction.
  57. When Finnish men do nothing to defend their nation, women rightly label them as worthless weaklings. Women salvage part of the Finnish genome by going in bed with the Muslims. From evolution's perspective, they defect to the winning side.
  59. The topic can be examined further by looking at different cultures' total fertility rates. In the horn of Africa that number is the world's highest (over 6 children per woman) and the Middle East doesn't fall too short of that (on average about 5 children). Islam is therefore justifiably, from evolution's perspective, the world's healthiest culture.
  61. "The total fertility rate must at least be above the population replacement rate or 2.1, in order for the population to replenish itself and for the population structures to remain in balance. Nowadays among the industrialised countries only the United States, New Zealand, and Israel achieve this number; all other industrial countries are left underneath it. Finland's total fertility rate in 2010 was 1.87"
  63. In Finland and elsewhere in Europe the population growth is therefore negative, with the exception of immigrant communities. Evolution ensures that the healthier culture expands into the dying culture's living space and displaces it. This phenomenon has been repeated thousands of times in history, only this time it doesn't concern some single tribe but instead the entire western culture, which in the past 100 years has totally lost its identity and integrity.
  65. Single individuals can either slow down or speed up the change, but the direction has been clear already for a few decades.
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