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a guest
Dec 2nd, 2016
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text 30.92 KB | None | 0 0
  1. ; --- upp 2
  2. ; --- file themes
  3. ; --- type module
  4. ; --- info description=enable theme support|version=|rank=7|libraries=theme|modules=control,themes_dlg,importer2|hidden=0
  7. ; --- load dependencies
  9. on *:load:{
  10. fixdatas
  11. rebuilddata
  12. setgroups
  13. setfonts
  14. loadmodule themes_dlg,importer2
  15. }
  16. on *:signal:rebuild:{
  17. ; $?1 = afterupdate|outdated
  18. rebuilddata $1
  19. if ($1 == outdated) { cttall }
  20. }
  21. alias -l rebuilddata {
  22. ; $?1 = afterupdate|outdated
  23. .timerthemeload -io 1 0 checknothemeunload $1
  24. }
  25. alias checknothemeunload {
  26. ; $?1 = afterupdate|outdated
  27. if ($ismodule(nothemes)) {
  28. dbout unloading nothemes from themes
  29. .unload -rs $quo($module2file(nothemes))
  30. }
  31. if ($1 == afterupdate) {
  32. .loadtheme $deftheme
  33. }
  34. else {
  35. loadtheme $deftheme
  36. }
  37. }
  38. alias cttall {
  39. ; !$1-
  40. dbout updated version detected, updating custom themes...
  41. var %dir = $+($mircdir,system\themes\)
  42. $null($findfile(%dir,*.upp,0,0,ctt_check $1-))
  43. }
  44. alias -l ctt_check {
  45. ; $1- = filename
  46. if (($isfile($1-)) && (!$isdefaulttheme($1-))) {
  47. $converttheme($1-)
  48. }
  49. }
  50. alias setfonts {
  51. setfont channel fchannel
  52. setfont query fquery
  53. setfont status fstatus
  54. }
  55. alias -l setfont {
  56. ; $1 = friendlyname, $2 = mircininame
  57. var %font = $readini($mircini,n,fonts,$2)
  58. $inf(font,$1,$gettok(%font,1,44)).set
  59. $inf(font,$+($1,.,size),$iif(($gettok(%font,2,44) isnum),$fontsize($v1).towindows)).set
  60. }
  61. alias deftheme {
  62. if ($istheme($inf(theme,lasttheme))) { return $inf(theme,lasttheme) }
  63. return $const(default,theme)
  64. }
  67. ; --- unload clean
  69. on *:unload:{
  70. closedialogs themes
  71. unloadlib theme
  72. unloadmodule themes_dlg
  73. .timerthemeload -io 1 0 loadmodule nothemes
  74. }
  77. ; --- groups
  79. on *:signal:setgroups:{
  80. setgroups
  81. }
  82. alias -l setgroups {
  83. setthemeprefixgroups
  84. setthemeprefixnicklistgroups
  85. setgroup themes_echodcctransfers $inf(theme,echodccs)
  86. setgroup themes_nomircdccs $inf(theme,nomircdccs)
  87. setgroup themes_hiding $inf(themehiding,on)
  88. }
  89. alias -l setthemeprefixgroups {
  90. if ($inf(prefix,on)) {
  91. if ($inf(theme,msgnickcolors)) {
  92. setgroup themes_prefix 0
  93. setgroup themes_prefix_color 1
  94. }
  95. else {
  96. setgroup themes_prefix 1
  97. setgroup themes_prefix_color 0
  98. }
  99. }
  100. else {
  101. setgroup themes_prefix 0
  102. setgroup themes_prefix_color 0
  103. }
  104. }
  105. alias -l setthemeprefixnicklistgroups {
  106. if ($inf(prefix,nicklist)) {
  107. setgroup themes_prefix_nicklist 1
  108. setgroup themes_prefix_custom 0
  109. }
  110. else {
  111. setgroup themes_prefix_nicklist 0
  112. setgroup themes_prefix_custom 1
  113. }
  114. }
  117. ; --- register toggles
  119. on *:signal:set.prefix.on:{ setthemeprefixgroups }
  120. on *:signal:set.prefix.nicklist:{ setthemeprefixnicklistgroups }
  121. on *:signal:set.theme.msgnickcolors:{ setthemeprefixgroups }
  122. on *:signal:set.theme.echodccs:{ setgroup themes_echodcctransfers $1 }
  123. on *:signal:set.theme.nomircdccs:{ setgroup themes_nomircdccs $1 }
  124. on *:signal:set.themehiding.on:{ setgroup themes_hiding $1 }
  127. ; --- feedback signals
  129. on *:signal:makechn:{
  130. $$1- themehiding -1 themehiding on theme engine event hiding
  131. }
  134. ; --- hashcache
  136. on *:signal:hashcache:{
  137. fixdatas
  138. }
  139. alias -l fixdatas {
  140. fixdata txt prefix q
  141. fixdata txt prefix a
  142. fixdata txt prefix o
  143. fixdata txt prefix h
  144. fixdata txt prefix v
  145. fixdata reg theme noclones
  146. fixdata reg theme notice.activeonly
  147. fixdata reg theme notice.notinactive
  148. fixdata reg theme notice.channelonly
  149. fixdata reg theme opsnotice.channelonly
  150. fixdata reg themehiding join
  151. fixdata reg themehiding part
  152. fixdata reg themehiding quit
  153. }
  156. ; --- on start
  158. on *:start:{
  159. savetheme
  160. }
  161. alias -l savetheme {
  162. if (($islib(theme)) && ($istheme($ {
  163. $inf(theme,lasttheme,$
  164. }
  165. }
  168. ; --- channel status nick prefixes
  170. #themes_prefix_color off
  172. alias prefnonick {
  173. ; $1 = nick, $2 = chan
  174. if ($prefix2mode($left($nick($2,$1).pnick,1))) {
  175. return $+($chr(3),$nick($2,$1).color,$v1)
  176. }
  177. return $+($chr(3),$nick($2,$1).color)
  178. }
  180. #themes_prefix_color end
  181. #themes_prefix on
  183. alias prefnonick {
  184. ; $1 = nick, $2 = chan
  185. if ($prefix2mode($left($nick($2,$1).pnick,1))) {
  186. return $v1
  187. }
  188. }
  190. #themes_prefix end
  191. #themes_prefix_nicklist on
  193. alias prefix2mode {
  194. if ($1 isin $prefix) {
  195. return $1
  196. }
  197. }
  199. #themes_prefix_nicklist end
  200. #themes_prefix_custom off
  202. alias prefix2mode {
  203. if ($pos(-+%@!&*.~,$1) isnum 1-) { return $data(txt,prefix,$mid(vvhoaaqqq,$v1,1)) }
  204. }
  206. #themes_prefix_custom end
  209. ; --- themed aliases
  211. alias prefnonick { }
  212. alias avnick { return $prefnick($nick,$chan) }
  213. alias c { return  $+ $data(txt,color,$1) }
  214. alias say_noenc { if (($active == status window) || ($left($active,1) == @)) { return } | !.msg $active $1- | echo $color(own) -aqtm $mytext($prefnick($me,$active),$1-) }
  215. alias describe_noenc { !.describe $1- | if (!$show) { return } | if ($window($1)) { echo $color(action) -tm $1 $myaction($prefnick($me,$1),$2-) } | elseif ($left($1,1) !== $chr(61)) { echo $color(action) -atm -> * $+ $1 $+ * $2- } }
  216. alias msg_noenc { !.msg $1- | if (!$show) { return } | if ($window($1)) { echo $color(own) -tm $1 $mytext($prefnick($me,$1),$2-) } | elseif ($left($1,1) !== $chr(61)) { echo $color(own) -atm -> * $+ $1 $+ * $2- } | checklistsignal $1- }
  219. ; --- themed events
  221. on &^*:text:*:#:{
  222. whilefix
  223. tokenize 32 $fill($1-)
  224. if ($msgstamp > 0) { echo $color(text) -mlbf $chan $asctime($msgstamp,$timestampfmt) $nb $1- }
  225. else { echo $color(text) -tmlbf $chan $nb $1- }
  226. halt
  227. }
  228. on ^*:text:*:?:{
  229. whilefix
  230. tokenize 32 $fill($1-)
  231. if ($msgstamp > 0) { echo $color(text) -mlbf $nick $asctime($msgstamp,$timestampfmt) $nbc $1- }
  232. else { echo $color(text) -tmlbf $nick $nbc $1- }
  233. halt
  234. }
  235. on ^*:action:*:#:{
  236. whilefix
  237. if ($str($chr(32),2) isin $rawmsg) {
  238. $null($regex(cact,$rawmsg,$+($chr(1),ACTION\s(.+),$chr(1),$)))
  239. tokenize 32 $fillonly($regml(cact,1))
  240. }
  241. if ($msgstamp > 0) { echo $color(action) -mlbf $chan $asctime($msgstamp,$timestampfmt) $chanaction($1-) }
  242. else { echo $color(action) -tmlbf $chan $chanaction($1-) }
  243. halt
  244. }
  245. on ^*:action:*:?:{
  246. whilefix
  247. if ($str($chr(32),2) isin $rawmsg) {
  248. $null($regex(pact,$rawmsg,$+($chr(1),ACTION\s(.+),$chr(1),$)))
  249. tokenize 32 $fillonly($regml(pact,1))
  250. }
  251. if ($msgstamp > 0) { echo $color(action) -mlbf $nick $asctime($msgstamp,$timestampfmt) $privaction($1-) }
  252. else { echo $color(action) -tmlbf $nick $privaction($1-) }
  253. halt
  254. }
  255. on ^*:chat:action *:{
  256. if ($str($chr(32),2) isin $rawmsg) {
  257. $null($regex(dact,$rawmsg,$+($chr(1),ACTION\s(.+),$chr(1),$)))
  258. tokenize 32 $fillonly($regml(dact,1))
  259. }
  260. else {
  261. tokenize 32 $gettok($2-,1-,1)
  262. }
  263. echo $color(action) -tmlbf =$nick $chataction($1-)
  264. halt
  265. }
  266. on ^*:chat:*:{ tokenize 32 $fillchat($1-) | echo $color(text) -tmlbf =$nick $nbc $1- | halt }
  267. on me:^*:join:#:{ whilefix | echo $chan $rc(onjoin,self) | halt }
  269. #themes_hiding off
  271. on !^*:join:#:{
  272. whilefix
  273. $checkforfloods
  274. if ((!$data(reg,themehiding,join)) || (!$chn(themehiding).getsafe)) {
  275. echo $color(join) -t $chan $chanjoin $clonechk $userstatsinfoline($nick,$wildsite)
  276. }
  277. halt
  278. }
  279. on !^*:part:#:{
  280. whilefix
  281. if ((!$data(reg,themehiding,part)) || (!$chn(themehiding).getsafe)) {
  282. if ($fill($1-) !== $null) { tokenize 32 $+($v1,$chr(15)) }
  283. else { tokenize 32 }
  284. echo $color(part) -t $chan $chanpart($1-)
  285. }
  286. halt
  287. }
  288. on ^*:quit:{
  289. whilefix
  290. if ($fill($1-) !== $null) { tokenize 32 $+($v1,$chr(15)) }
  291. else { tokenize 32 }
  292. if (!$data(reg,themehiding,quit)) { themeechoquits $1- | halt }
  293. var %c,%o = $comchan($nick,0)
  294. if ($query($nick)) { .signal echo -t $v1 $tag $cborder($nick) has quit irc $iif(($1- !== $null),$cbrack($v1)) }
  295. while (%o) {
  296. whilefix
  297. %c = $comchan($nick,%o)
  298. if (!$chns($cid,%c,themehiding).getsafe) { echo $color(quit) -t %c $chanquit($prefnick($nick,%c),$1-) }
  299. dec %o
  300. }
  301. halt
  302. }
  304. #themes_hiding end
  306. on !^*:join:#:{
  307. whilefix
  308. $checkforfloods
  309. echo $color(join) -t $chan $chanjoin $clonechk $userstatsinfoline($nick,$wildsite)
  310. halt
  311. }
  312. on !^*:part:#:{
  313. whilefix
  314. if ($fill($1-) !== $null) { tokenize 32 $+($v1,$chr(15)) }
  315. else { tokenize 32 }
  316. echo $color(part) -t $chan $chanpart($1-)
  317. halt
  318. }
  319. on ^*:quit:{
  320. whilefix
  321. if ($fill($1-) !== $null) { tokenize 32 $+($v1,$chr(15)) }
  322. else { tokenize 32 }
  323. themeechoquits $1-
  324. halt
  325. }
  327. alias -l themeechoquits {
  328. var %c,%o = $comchan($nick,0)
  329. if ($query($nick)) { .signal echo -t $v1 $tag $cborder($nick) has quit irc $iif(($1- !== $null),$cbrack($v1)) }
  330. while (%o) {
  331. whilefix
  332. %c = $comchan($nick,%o)
  333. echo $color(quit) -t %c $chanquit($prefnick($nick,%c),$1-)
  334. dec %o
  335. }
  336. }
  337. alias -l clonechk {
  338. if ($data(reg,theme,noclones)) { return }
  339. tokenize 32 $ialchan($wildsite,$chan,0)
  340. if ($1 <= 1) { return }
  341. var %t,%m,%k,%o = $1 | while (%o) {
  342. whilefix
  343. if ($ialchan($wildsite,$chan,%o).nick !== $nick) {
  344. %t = $prefnick($v1,$chan) $+  &
  345. inc %m $calc(1 + $len(%t))
  346. if (%m > 600) { %k = %k ... | break }
  347. %k = %k %t
  348. }
  349. dec %o
  350. }
  351. return $channelclone($1,$gettok(%k,1-,38))
  352. }
  353. alias -l userstatsinfoline {
  354. ; $1 = nick, $2 = wildsite
  355. if ($data(reg,userstats,on)) {
  356. var %msg
  357. if (($data(reg,userstats,showlines)) && ($dat(user,$+($getnet,.,$1)).exists)) { %msg = $sv(lines,$dat(user,$+($getnet,.,$1)).linesspoken) }
  358. if ($data(reg,userstats,showclass)) { %msg = %msg $sv(class,$remtok($hget(wild,$2),$1,1,32)) }
  359. return %msg
  360. }
  361. }
  362. alias -l sv { if ($2) { return $1 $+ : $+ $border($2-) } }
  364. on !^*:nick:{
  365. whilefix
  366. var %o = $comchan($newnick,0) | while (%o) {
  367. whilefix
  368. tokenize 32 $comchan($newnick,%o) $prefnonick($newnick,$comchan($newnick,%o))
  369. echo $color(nick) -t $1 $channickchange($+($2,$nick,),$+($2,$newnick,))
  370. dec %o
  371. }
  372. halt
  373. }
  374. on ^*:nick:{ whilefix | allecho $color(nick) -t $mynickchange | halt }
  375. alias -l allecho {
  376. var %o = $chan(0)
  377. while (%o) { whilefix | echo $1-2 $chan(%o) $3- | dec %o }
  378. echo $1-2 $+ s $3-
  379. if (($cid == $activecid) && ($active !ischan) && ($active !== status window)) {
  380. echo $1-2 $+ a $3-
  381. }
  382. }
  383. on ^*:usermode:{ whilefix | acecho $mymodechange($1-) | halt }
  384. on ^*:rawmode:#:{ whilefix | echo $color(mode) -t $chan $chanmodechange($avnick,$1,$2-) | halt }
  385. on &^*:invite:#:{
  386. whilefix
  387. if ($cid !== $activecid) { echo $color(invite) -atm $privinvite($+($shortservname,$nick),$1-) }
  388. else { echo $color(invite) -atm $privinvite($nick,$1-) }
  389. halt
  390. }
  391. on ^*:topic:#:{ whilefix | tokenize 32 $fill($1-) | echo $color(topic) -t $chan $chantopic($avnick,$+($chr(15),$1-,$chr(15))) | halt }
  392. on ^*:kick:#:{
  393. whilefix
  394. if ($fill($1-) !== $null) { tokenize 32 $+($v1,$chr(15)) }
  395. else { tokenize 32 }
  396. if ($knick == $me) {
  397. echo $color(kick) -t $chan $activechankickme($1-)
  398. if (($cid !== $activecid) || ($chan !== $active)) { asecho $chankickme($1-) }
  399. }
  400. else { echo $color(kick) -t $chan $chankick($avnick,$prefnick($knick,$chan),$1-) }
  401. halt
  402. }
  403. on ^*:notice:*:#:{
  404. whilefix
  405. tokenize 32 $fill($1-)
  406. if ((($chan !== $active) || ($activecid !== $cid)) && (!$data(reg,theme,notice.channelonly)) && (($target !== $+(@,$chan)) || (!$data(reg,theme,opsnotice.channelonly)))) {
  407. if ($cid !== $activecid) { echo $color(notice) -atm $channotice($+($shortservname,$avnick),$1-) }
  408. else { echo $color(notice) -atm $channotice($avnick,$1-) }
  409. }
  410. echo $color(notice) -tm $chan $channotice($avnick,$1-)
  411. halt
  412. }
  413. on &^*:notice:*:?:{
  414. whilefix
  415. tokenize 32 $fill($1-)
  416. if (!$data(reg,theme,notice.activeonly)) {
  417. var %o = $comchan($nick,0) | while (%o) {
  418. whilefix
  419. echo $color(notice) -tm $comchan($nick,%o) $privnotice($prefnick($nick,$comchan($nick,%o)),$1-)
  420. dec %o
  421. }
  422. }
  423. if (($nick !ison $active) || ($activecid !== $cid) || ($data(reg,theme,notice.activeonly))) {
  424. if ($data(reg,theme,notice.notinactive)) { echo $color(notice) -stm $privnotice($nick,$1-) }
  425. elseif ($cid !== $activecid) { echo $color(notice) -atm $privnotice($+($shortservname,$nick),$1-) }
  426. elseif ($nick ison $active) { echo $color(notice) -atm $privnotice($prefnick($nick,$active),$1-) }
  427. else { echo $color(notice) -atm $privnotice($nick,$1-) }
  428. }
  429. halt
  430. }
  431. ctcp &^*:xdcc *:?:{ whilefix | if ((!$inf(xdcc,on)) || (!$inf(xdcc,hidectcp))) { privctcpecho $1- } | halt }
  432. alias -l privctcpecho {
  433. ; $1- = ctcp
  434. if ($gettok($fill($1-),1-,1) !== motfv) { tokenize 32 $v1 }
  435. else { tokenize 32 VERSION }
  436. if ($inf(theme,ctcp.instatus)) { echo $color(ctcp) -stm $privctcp($nick,$1,$2-) }
  437. elseif ($cid !== $activecid) { echo $color(ctcp) -atm $privctcp($+($shortservname,$nick),$1,$2-) }
  438. else { echo $color(ctcp) -atm $privctcp($nick,$1,$2-) }
  439. }
  440. ctcp &^*:page *:?:{ whilefix | if (!$inf(pager,enabled)) { privctcpecho $1- } | halt }
  441. ctcp &^*:ping *:?:{ whilefix | if ($inf(ignore,ping) == all) { halt } | privctcpecho $1- }
  442. ctcp &^*:dcc *:?:{ whilefix }
  443. ctcp &^*:version:*:{ whilefix | halt }
  444. ctcp &^*:*:?:{ whilefix | privctcpecho $1- | halt }
  445. ctcp ^*:*:#:{
  446. whilefix
  447. if ($gettok($fill($1-),1-,1) !== motfv) { tokenize 32 $v1 }
  448. else { tokenize 32 VERSION }
  449. if ($inf(theme,ctcp.instatus)) { echo $color(ctcp) -stm $chanctcp($avnick,$1,$2-) }
  450. else {
  451. echo $color(ctcp) -tm $chan $chanctcp($avnick,$1,$2-)
  452. if ($cid !== $activecid) { echo $color(ctcp) -atm $chanctcp($+($shortservname,$avnick),$1,$2-) }
  453. elseif ($chan !== $active) { echo $color(ctcp) -atm $chanctcp($avnick,$1,$2-) }
  454. }
  455. halt
  456. }
  457. on &*:ctcpreply:*:{
  458. whilefix
  459. tokenize 32 $gettok($fill($1-),1-,1)
  460. if ($cid !== $activecid) { echo $color(ctcp) -atm $privctcpreply($+($shortservname,$nick),$1,$2-) }
  461. else { echo $color(ctcp) -atm $privctcpreply($nick,$1,$2-) }
  462. halt
  463. }
  464. on ^*:snotice:*:{
  465. whilefix
  466. if ($notarealservernotice) {
  467. tokenize 32 $fill($1-)
  468. if ($cid !== $activecid) { echo $color(notice) -atm $privnotice($+($shortservname,$gettok($nick,1,46)),$1-) }
  469. else { echo $color(notice) -atm $privnotice($gettok($nick,1,46),$1-) }
  470. halt
  471. }
  472. }
  473. on *:input:status window:{ whilefix }
  474. on *:input:@:{ whilefix }
  475. on &*:input:*:{
  476. whilefix
  477. if ($1- == $null) { if (!$inpaste) { return } | tokenize 32 $chr(160) }
  478. if (($left($1,1) !== /) || ($inpaste) || ($mouse.key & 2)) { haltdef | say $1- }
  479. elseif (($1 == /me) && ($2- !== $null)) { haltdef | describe $target $2- }
  480. }
  481. on *:disconnect:{ whilefix | if ($timeonline) { disconnectlogo } }
  482. alias -l disconnectlogo {
  483. if ($cid == $activecid) { aecho $logo }
  484. else {
  485. secho $logo
  486. if ($inf(theme,ondisconnect)) {
  487. aecho $csv($rc(onconnect,disconnected),$servname)
  488. }
  489. }
  490. }
  493. ; --- dcc transfer notification
  495. #themes_echodcctransfers on
  497. on *:signal:filercvd:{
  498. ; $1 = nick, $!2 = ip, $3 = cps, $4 = secs, $5 = size, $6- = filename
  499. aecho successfully received $cborder($nopath($6-)) $cbrack($size($5)) from $1 at $cborder($size($3) $+ /s) $csv(in,$hourtime($4)) $safeid(openlastreceivedmessage)
  500. }
  501. on *:signal:getfail:{
  502. ; $1 = nick, $!2 = ip, $3 = pct, $4 = secs, $5 = size, $6- = filename
  503. error failed to receive $cborder($nopath($6-)) $brack($size($5)) from $1 at $cborder($3 $+ $chr(37)) $csv(after,$hourtime($4))
  504. }
  505. on *:signal:filesent:{
  506. ; $1 = nick, $!2 = ip, $3 = cps, $4 = secs, $5 = size, $!6 = wid, $7 = exists, $8- = filename
  507. $iif(($7),secho,aecho) successfully sent $cborder($nopath($8-)) $brack($size($5)) to $1 at $cborder($size($3) $+ /s) $csv(in,$hourtime($4))
  508. }
  509. on *:signal:sendfail:{
  510. ; $1 = nick, $!2 = ip, $3 = pct, $4 = secs, $5 = size, $!6 = wid, $7 = exists, $!8 = bytessent, $9- = filename
  511. $iif(($7),statuserror,error) failed to send $cborder($nopath($9-)) $brack($size($5)) to $1 at $cborder($3 $+ $chr(37)) $csv(after,$hourtime($4))
  512. }
  514. #themes_echodcctransfers end
  517. ; --- no mirc dcc transfer echo messages
  519. #themes_nomircdccs off
  521. on ^*:filercvd:*:{
  522. whilefix
  523. haltdef
  524. }
  525. on ^*:getfail:*:{
  526. whilefix
  527. haltdef
  528. }
  529. on ^*:filesent:*:{
  530. whilefix
  531. haltdef
  532. }
  533. on ^*:sendfail:*:{
  534. whilefix
  535. haltdef
  536. }
  538. #themes_nomircdccs end
  541. ; --- global theme aliases
  543. alias themefile { return $+($themedir,$1-,.upp) }
  544. alias istheme { if ($1- !== $null) { return $isfile($themefile($v1)) } }
  545. alias themedir { return $path(directories,themes) }
  546. alias themepicdir { return $path(directories,themepics) }
  547. alias namedtheme { if ($left($,8) !== default_) { return $ } }
  548. alias themednotifylistprops { return background,textcolor,textbg,caption,position }
  549. alias themedcontrolpanelprops { return background,textcolor,textbg,caption,position,flags,headerdims,iconview,icp }
  550. alias themedbackgrounds { return main,status,channel,query,menubar,menubuttons,switchbar,treebar }
  553. ; --- drag and drop support
  555. alias themesend {
  556. tokenize 32 $1-
  557. if ($left($1,1) == $chr(35)) { loadtheme $2- }
  558. else { $dccc(send $1 n/a $2-) }
  559. }
  562. ; --- loading themes
  564. alias loadtheme {
  565. ; $1- = themename|themefile
  566. tokenize 32 $1-
  567. if ($istheme($1-)) { tokenize 32 $themefile($1-) }
  568. if ((!$isfile($1-)) && (!$islib(theme))) {
  569. dbout cannot load theme $1-
  570. tokenize 32 $themefile($const(default,theme))
  571. }
  572. if ($isfile($1-)) {
  573. tokenize 32 $realfn($1-)
  574. pretheme $1-
  575. if ((!$istheme($noext($nopath($1-)))) || ($crc($1-) !== $crc($themefile($noext($nopath($1-)))))) { .copy -o $quo($1-) $quo($themedir) }
  576. var %a = $iif((!$show),.) $+ continuethemeload
  577. .timerloadingtheme -io 1 0 %a $uneval($1-)
  578. }
  579. elseif (!$isid) { error no such theme $quo($1-) }
  580. }
  581. alias -l pretheme {
  582. mkemptydir $themepicdir
  583. $null($unzip($1-,$themepicdir))
  584. }
  585. alias continuethemeload {
  586. ; $1- = themefile
  587. var %file = $+($themepicdir,theme.txt)
  588. var %themename = $noext($nopath($1-))
  589. if ($isfile(%file)) {
  590. $overwritethemename(%themename)
  591. .copy -o $quo(%file) $quo($+($mircdir,system\aliases\,theme.txt))
  592. if (!$isfile($+($mircdir,system\aliases\,theme.txt))) {
  593. error failed to copy themefile $quo(%file) to $quo($+($mircdir,system\aliases\,theme.txt))
  594. }
  595. else {
  596. $iif((!$show),.) $+ applytheme
  597. }
  598. }
  599. else {
  600. error invalid themefile found, cannot load theme $quo(%themename)
  601. }
  602. }
  603. alias -l overwritethemename {
  604. ; $1 = themename
  605. var %file = $+($themepicdir,theme.txt)
  606. $null($read(%file,ns,
  607. if ($readn) {
  608. write -l $+ $v1 $quo(%file) $evbrack(return,$noevalsafe($1))
  609. }
  610. }
  611. alias isdefaulttheme {
  612. ; $1 = themename|themefile
  613. return $istok($const(list,themes),$noext($nopath($1-)),44)
  614. }
  615. alias applytheme {
  616. if ($1- !== -n) {
  617. tokenize 32 -n
  618. if ($islib(theme)) { .reload -a $quo($v1) }
  619. else { .timer -io 1 1 applytheme -n | loadlib theme | return }
  620. }
  621. elseif (!$islib(theme)) { error could not load theme file $quo($lib2file(theme)) | return }
  622. setthemecolors $1
  623. setthemefonts $1
  624. setthemescriptcolors
  625. setthemestamp
  626. setthemeprefix
  627. setthemecontrolpanel
  628. setthemenotifylist
  629. setthemecontrolpanelicons
  630. setthemenotifylisticons
  631. setthemecnicks
  632. if ($show) { clearany }
  633. setthemebackgrounds
  634. saveini
  635. var %a = $iif((!$show),.) $+ themeecho
  636. .timerthemeecho -io 1 0 %a
  637. }
  638. alias themeecho {
  639. savetheme
  640. if ($show) { aecho $bracket(loaded theme,$ $csv(by,$ }
  641. .signal theme_loaded $
  642. }
  643. on *:signal:theme_loaded:{
  644. writeini -n $quo($mircini) colors n0 $+(mIRC Classic,$chr(44),$themed_events)
  645. writeini -n $quo($mircini) palettes n0 $themed_colors
  646. flushini $quo($mircini)
  647. .color -l
  648. setfonts
  649. }
  650. alias themed_events {
  651. ; !$1-
  652. var %k = background,action,ctcp,highlight,info,info2,invite,join,kick,mode,nick,normal,notice,notify,other,own,part,quit,topic,wallops,whois,editbox,editbox text,listbox,listbox text,gray,title,inactive,treebar,treebar text
  653. var %r,%i = 1,%o = $numtok(%k,44) | while (%i <= %o) {
  654. %r = $instok(%r,$color($gettok(%k,%i,44)),0,44)
  655. inc %i
  656. }
  657. return %r
  658. }
  659. alias themed_colors {
  660. ; !$1-
  661. var %r,%i = 0,%o = 15 | while (%i <= %o) {
  662. %r = $instok(%r,$color(%i),0,44)
  663. inc %i
  664. }
  665. return %r
  666. }
  667. alias deletetheme {
  668. ; $1- = themename|themefile
  669. if ($istheme($1-)) { tokenize 32 $themefile($1-) }
  670. var %themename = $noext($nopath($1-))
  671. if ($isfile($1-)) {
  672. if (!$isdefaulttheme($1-)) {
  673. if ($innput(deletetheme,%themename)) { ifsremove $1- }
  674. else { halt }
  675. }
  676. else { halt $innput(error,you cannot delete default themes $crlf $+ using this dialog. $crlf $crlf $+ the default themes are: $crlf $+ $replace($const(list,themes),$chr(44),$crlf)) }
  677. }
  678. else { halt $innput(error,no such theme $quo(%themename)) }
  679. }
  682. ; --- loading themes - backgrounds
  684. alias setthemebackgrounds {
  685. .signal theme.background $themedbackgrounds
  686. }
  687. on *:signal:theme.background:{
  688. ; $1 = backgrounds
  689. var %background,%i = 1,%o = $numtok($1,44) | while (%i <= %o) {
  690. %background = $safeid($+(background.,$gettok($1,%i,44)))
  691. if (%background !== $null) {
  692. if ($deltok($1,1- $+ %i,44) !== $null) { .signal $signal $v1 }
  693. _background $gettok($1,%i,44) %background
  694. return
  695. }
  696. inc %i
  697. }
  698. }
  701. ; --- loading themes - fonts
  703. alias -l setthemefonts {
  704. if ($theme.fontchannel) { .signal $1 theme.font -c $v1 }
  705. if ($theme.fontstatus) { .signal $1 theme.font -s $v1 }
  706. if ($theme.fontquery) { .signal $1 theme.font -q $v1 }
  707. }
  708. on *:signal:theme.font:{ if ($1-) { _font $v1 } }
  711. ; --- loading themes - cnicks
  713. alias -l setthemecnicks {
  714. var %n = $1
  715. if ($safeid(theme.msgnickcolors) !== $null) { $inf(theme,msgnickcolors,$v1).set }
  716. tokenize 32 $str($chr(32) $+ -r,$cnick(0))
  717. .signal %n theme.cnick $*
  718. if ($safeid(theme.cnicks)) { .signal %n theme.cnick $numtok($theme.cnicks,44) }
  719. }
  720. on *:signal:theme.cnick:{
  721. if ($1 == -r) { .cnick -r 1 }
  722. elseif ($1 isnum 1-) {
  723. .cnick $gettok($theme.cnicks,$v1,44)
  724. .signal $signal $calc($v1 -1)
  725. }
  726. }
  729. ; --- loading themes - colors
  731. alias -l setthemecolors {
  732. .color -s mirc classic
  733. var %n = $1
  734. tokenize 44 $+($,$chr(44),$theme.colors)
  735. .signal %n theme.color $*
  736. }
  737. on *:signal:theme.color:{ .color $1- }
  740. ; --- loading themes - scriptcolors
  742. alias -l setthemescriptcolors {
  743. if ($safeid(theme.color1) !== $null) { $inf(color,1,$v1).set }
  744. if ($safeid(theme.color2) !== $null) { $inf(color,2,$v1).set }
  745. }
  748. ; --- loading themes - timestamp
  750. alias -l setthemestamp {
  751. $inf(timestamp,on,$iif(($safeid(theme.timestamp)),1,0)).set
  752. var %timestampfmt = $safeid(theme.timestampfmt)
  753. $inf(timestamp,timestamp,$iif((%timestampfmt === $ts(2)),2,$iif((%timestampfmt === $ts(1)),1,%timestampfmt))).set
  754. settimestamp
  755. }
  758. ; --- loading themes - prefixes
  760. alias -l setthemeprefix {
  761. var %k = on.nicklist.v.h.o.a.q,%o = $numtok(%k,46) | while (%o) {
  762. setprefixsetting $gettok(%k,%o,46)
  763. dec %o
  764. }
  765. }
  766. alias -l setprefixsetting {
  767. ; $1 = prefixtype
  768. if ($safeid($+(prefix_,$1)) !== $null) { $inf(prefix,$1,$v1).set }
  769. }
  772. ; --- loading themes - controlpanel/notifylist settings
  774. alias -l setthemecontrolpanel {
  775. var %k = $themedcontrolpanelprops,%o = $numtok(%k,44) | while (%o) {
  776. setcontrolpanelsetting $gettok(%k,%o,44)
  777. dec %o
  778. }
  779. }
  780. alias -l setthemenotifylist {
  781. var %k = $themednotifylistprops,%o = $numtok(%k,44) | while (%o) {
  782. setnotifylistsetting $gettok(%k,%o,44)
  783. dec %o
  784. }
  785. }
  786. alias -l setnotifylistsetting {
  787. ; $1 = setting
  788. if ($safeid($+($1,.notifylist)) !== $null) { $dyn(dlg,notify,$1 $v1).set }
  789. }
  790. alias -l setcontrolpanelsetting {
  791. ; $1 = setting
  792. if ($safeid($+($1,.controlpanel)) !== $null) { $dyn(dlg,control,$1 $v1).set }
  793. }
  794. alias -l setthemecontrolpanelicons {
  795. var %icons = $safeid(theme.controlpanelicons),%cpitem,%o = $dat(cpitem).num | while (%o) {
  796. %cpitem = $dat(cpitem,%o).itemat
  797. if ($istok(%icons,%cpitem,44)) {
  798. $dat(cpitem,%cpitem,$defaultthemedicon(%cpitem)).iconset
  799. }
  800. elseif ($dat(cpitem,%cpitem).icon == $defaultthemedicon(%cpitem)) {
  801. $dat(cpitem,%cpitem,$defaultunthemedicon(%cpitem)).iconset
  802. }
  803. dec %o
  804. }
  805. }
  806. alias -l setthemenotifylisticons {
  807. var %icon,%icons = $safeid(theme.notifylisticons),%notifyicons = online,offline
  808. var %o = $numtok(%notifyicons,44) | while (%o) {
  809. %icon = $gettok(%notifyicons,%o,44)
  810. if ($istok(%icons,%icon,44)) {
  811. $inf(notify,$+(icon.,%icon),$defaultthemedicon(%icon)).set
  812. }
  813. elseif ($inf(notify,$+(icon.,%icon)) == $defaultthemedicon(%icon)) {
  814. $inf(notify,$+(icon.,%icon),$defaultnotifyicon(%icon)).set
  815. }
  816. dec %o
  817. }
  818. }
  821. ; --- table themes
  823. dialog themes {
  824. title "theme manager"
  825. size -1 -1 290 220
  826. option dbu
  827. tab "load theme", 1, 8 4 274 192
  828. box "available themes", 2, 16 24 94 166, tab 1
  829. list 3, 24 36 78 134, tab 1 sort size
  830. button "&load", 4, 24 172 37 12, tab 1
  831. button "&delete", 77, 64 172 37 12, tab 1
  832. box "theme details", 5, 116 24 158 166, tab 1
  833. text "name", 6, 124 37 33 8, tab 1 right
  834. edit "", 7, 160 36 106 10, tab 1 read autohs
  835. text "author", 8, 124 49 33 8, tab 1 right
  836. edit "", 9, 160 48 106 10, tab 1 read autohs
  837. text "created", 101, 124 61 33 8, tab 1 right
  838. edit "", 102, 160 60 106 10, tab 1 read autohs
  839. text "description", 16, 124 72 33 8, tab 1 right
  840. edit "", 17, 124 80 142 42, tab 1 read multi autovs
  841. button "&preview...", 83, 228 124 37 12, tab 1
  842. text "included settings:", 66, 124 132 45 8, tab 1
  843. check "", 10, 128 144 8 8, disable tab 1
  844. text "timestamp", 69, 136 144 37 8, tab 1
  845. check "", 14, 196 144 8 8, disable tab 1
  846. text "controlpanel layout", 72, 204 144 57 8, tab 1
  847. check "", 11, 128 152 8 8, disable tab 1
  848. text "nick prefixes", 70, 136 152 37 8, tab 1
  849. check "", 15, 196 152 8 8, disable tab 1
  850. text "notifylist layout", 73, 204 152 57 8, tab 1
  851. check "", 12, 128 160 8 8, disable tab 1
  852. text "script colors", 71, 136 160 37 8, tab 1
  853. check "", 13, 196 160 8 8, disable tab 1
  854. text "nicklist colors", 74, 204 160 57 8, tab 1
  855. text "fonts used", 67, 124 177 33 8, tab 1 right
  856. edit "", 68, 160 176 106 10, tab 1 read
  857. tab "settings", 18
  858. box "font settings", 19, 16 24 258 50, tab 18
  859. text "channel font", 20, 24 35 33 8, tab 18 right
  860. edit "", 21, 60 34 54 10, tab 18 autohs
  861. text "size", 22, 124 35 13 8, tab 18 right
  862. edit "", 23, 140 34 26 10, tab 18 autohs
  863. icon 34, 172 34 95 11, system\pics\pixel.bmp, 0, tab 18 noborder
  864. text "chat font", 24, 24 47 33 8, tab 18 right
  865. edit "", 25, 60 46 54 10, tab 18 autohs
  866. text "size", 26, 124 47 13 8, tab 18 right
  867. edit "", 27, 140 46 26 10, tab 18 autohs
  868. icon 32, 172 46 95 11, system\pics\pixel.bmp, 0, tab 18 noborder
  869. text "status font", 28, 24 59 33 8, tab 18 right
  870. edit "", 29, 60 58 54 10, tab 18 autohs
  871. text "size", 30, 124 59 13 8, tab 18 right
  872. edit "", 31, 140 58 26 10, tab 18 autohs
  873. icon 33, 172 58 95 11, system\pics\pixel.bmp, 0, tab 18 noborder
  874. box "channel status nickprefixes", 45, 16 76 82 114, group tab 18
  875. check "enable", 47, 24 88 34 8, tab 18
  876. radio "use default prefixes", 98, 32 101 62 8, disable tab 18
  877. radio "use custom:", 99, 32 113 50 8, disable tab 18
  878. text "+q", 78, 24 128 21 8, disable tab 18 right
  879. edit "", 79, 48 128 42 10, disable tab 18 autohs
  880. text "+a", 62, 24 139 21 8, disable tab 18 right
  881. edit "", 63, 48 139 42 10, disable tab 18 autohs
  882. text "+o", 48, 24 150 21 8, disable tab 18 right
  883. edit "", 49, 48 150 42 10, disable tab 18 autohs
  884. text "+h", 50, 24 161 21 8, disable tab 18 right
  885. edit "", 51, 48 161 42 10, disable tab 18 autohs
  886. text "+v", 53, 24 172 21 8, disable tab 18 right
  887. edit "", 54, 48 172 42 10, disable tab 18 autohs
  888. box "nick colors", 81, 104 76 170 30, tab 18
  889. check "color nicks in messages like nicks on the nicklist", 82, 112 88 130 8, tab 18
  890. box "notes on creating themes", 46, 104 108 170 82, tab 18
  891. text "to adjust color settings, inactive this dialog and hit alt+k", 37, 112 120 145 8, tab 18
  892. text "to adjust nicklist colors, inactive this dialog, hit alt+b and see the 'nick' tab", 38, 112 136 157 16, tab 18
  893. text "settings on this tab might be overwritten when you (re)load a theme. to safeguard your changes, click the 'theme builder' button to create a theme based on your current settings and theme.", 39, 112 160 157 28, tab 18
  894. tab "behaviour", 52
  895. box "disconnect", 55, 16 24 258 26, tab 52
  896. check "show 'disconnected from...' message on disconnect from a non-active server", 36, 24 36 202 8, tab 52
  897. box "ctcps", 61, 16 52 258 26, tab 52
  898. check "show ctcps in the status window (default: show ctcps in the active window)", 59, 24 64 198 8, tab 52
  899. box "dcc", 64, 16 80 126 34, tab 52
  900. check "hide upp dcc transfer echo messages", 65, 24 92 106 8, tab 52
  901. check "hide mirc dcc transfer echo messages", 100, 24 100 102 8, tab 52
  902. box "join", 75, 148 80 126 34, tab 52
  903. check "do not show clones in join message", 76, 156 92 102 8, tab 52
  904. box "notices", 60, 16 116 258 50, tab 52
  905. check "show private notices in active window only (default: show in active and in all common channels)", 56, 24 128 242 8, tab 52
  906. check "do not show private notices in active window", 80, 24 136 122 8, tab 52
  907. check "show channel notices in the target channel only (default: show in target and active window)", 57, 24 144 238 8, tab 52
  908. check "show ops notices in the target channel only (default: show in target and active window)", 58, 24 152 226 8, tab 52
  909. text "note: contrary to the previous tab, settings on this and the next tab cannot be themed, as they affect what to show and where, rather than how to show it.", 103, 20 172 249 16, tab 52
  910. tab "event hiding", 84
  911. box "settings", 85, 16 24 142 166, tab 84
  912. check "hide the following events:", 86, 24 36 78 8, tab 84
  913. check "join", 87, 32 48 26 8, disable tab 84
  914. check "part", 88, 32 56 26 8, disable tab 84
  915. check "quit", 89, 32 64 26 8, disable tab 84
  916. text "on these channels:", 90, 32 80 53 8, disable tab 84
  917. radio "all", 91, 32 92 19 8, disable tab 84
  918. radio "all except", 92, 56 92 34 8, disable tab 84
  919. radio "only", 93, 96 92 26 8, disable tab 84
  920. combo 94, 32 104 84 74, disable tab 84 size
  921. button "add", 95, 120 104 29 12, disable tab 84
  922. button "remove", 96, 120 164 29 12, disable tab 84
  923. text "", 97, 56 178 45 8, disable tab 84
  924. button "&theme builder...", 35, 16 204 49 12, multi
  925. text "current theme", 40, 72 200 77 8, center
  926. button "&ok", 42, 156 204 37 12, default ok
  927. button "&cancel", 43, 200 204 37 12, cancel
  928. button "&apply", 44, 244 204 37 12
  929. text "", 41, 72 208 77 8, center
  930. }
  933. ; --- popup themes
  935. #themes_popup on
  937. menu menubar,status {
  938. themes
  939. .load theme
  940. ..$submenu($thememenu($1))
  941. .create theme... { dopen maketheme }
  942. .settings... { dopen themes }
  943. .-
  944. .unload this module { unloadthemeengine }
  945. }
  946. alias -l thememenu {
  947. if (($1 == begin) || ($1 == end)) { return - }
  948. if ($noext($nopath($findfile($themedir,*.upp,$1,0)))) {
  949. tokenize 32 $v1
  950. var %i = $uneval($1-)
  951. if ($1- == $ { return $style(1) %i :loadtheme %i }
  952. return %i :loadtheme %i
  953. }
  954. }
  955. alias -l unloadthemeengine { unloadmoduletree themes }
  958. #themes_popup end
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