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Jun 27th, 2014
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  1. >Be Anonymous in Equestria
  2. >Be in bed sleeping, due to it being your day off from working at Sugarcube Corner
  3. >Rapid knocking at your front door breaks you away from your light slumber.
  4. >Knocking that quick can only come from one certain pink pony you know too well.
  5. >Sure enough, Pinkie Pie greets you with a smile as soon as you open the door.
  6. >”Hi Anon! I was wondering if you wanted to help me with my rock candy giveaway party! I accidentally made way, WAY much when my sister came to visit.”
  7. > You do remember Pinkie and her friends carrying around some weird candy over the past few days.
  8. “Sure, Pinkie. I've got nothing better to do.
  9. >”Thanks, Nonny. Meet me outside my house at noon!”
  10. >She gives you a rib crushingly tight hug before bouncing off to her home.
  11. >You glance at the clock and notice it's only 8 A.M.
  12. “Goddamn it, Pinkie Pie.”
  13. >With nothing better to do, you show up a little bit before noon.
  14. >Awaiting you is Pinkie Pie with a GIGANTIC mountain of candy sitting in an oversized bucket.
  15. “Wow, you weren't kidding about having too much of this stuff.”
  16. >”I know, right? I just got a little, teeny, tiny bit carried away when I made this batch. Now I have candy for the whole town to enjoy!”
  17. >Sure enough, a small line of foals and even some adults had lined up for the offer of free candy.
  18. >”C'mon everypony! FREE CANDY!” Pinkie shouts as she shoves giant hooffuls of candy at all the waiting ponies.
  19. >The crowd disperses, leaving a sizable amount of candy left over.
  20. “Free candy and sweets made by the one and only Pinkie Pie! Get it before it's gone.”
  21. >Ponies simply pass you by, each one politely refusing both you and Pinkie Pie.
  22. >”This is a lot harder then it looks! Who knew giving out free stuff was a challenge?”
  23. >Pinkie Pie's tummy growls and she sheepishly rubs her belly.
  24. >Without a second thought, she swipes her hoof out, grabs a giant stack of candy and shoves it into her mouth.
  25. >>
  26. Free Candy Tankris 05/28/14(Wed)15:55:57 No.17975701▶
  27. >>17975875 >>17975882 >>17976144
  28. File: 378706__safe_solo_pinkie+(...).png (411 KB, 1932x1693)
  30. >It happens little by little, but the pile dwindles down as the day goes on. However, none of the candy is taken away from the ponies passing by.
  31. >You watch in amazement as Pinkie's stomach bloats even bigger than it was yesterday.
  32. >Pinkie's stomach groans in discomfort. Her hooves wander to the stretched tummy and rub the taxed skin with small circles.
  33. >”Oof. At least the candy is gone. Too bad I can't just sit in bed and eat all this candy all myself in one day.”
  34. “Yea...”
  35. >Your eyes are locked on her stuffed stomach as she sinks a hoof into the jiggling flesh, causing another giant burp to escape her mouth.
  36. >Pinkie sighs and lets her stomach go, causing it to bounce into her lap.
  37. >”I know, right? My tummy would get all round and heavy and jiggle every time I moved. Still wanna try tomorrow? I kinda ate all of today's candy.”
  38. >You nod your head and help her drag the empty bucket inside her house. Her packed stomach wobbles as she slowly walked into her house and collapsed onto her couch.
  39. >Pinkie lets out another burp as her back slams onto the couch. She gives her taxed skin a few rubs and sighs before noticing you staring.
  40. “Oh...uh, bye Pinkie!” You shout out and slam her front door,
  41. >There's no denying that she saw you staring at her. You awkwardly make your way back home as the last memory of Pinkie Pie burns through your skull like a match to paper.
  42. >The third day begins as usual. Pinkie greets you and you both sit down next to the giant bucket of candy. You try not to peek but Pinkie has DEFINATELY gained a bit of weight on her frame.
  43. >Her cheeks are just a bit chubbier and her middle is plump and round. Her thighs show a hint of extra thickness and the way her fat rump squishes into the ground makes you envious of any chair.
  44. >”Wow, the ponies just seem to be walking by us again. Why don't they want any of my great candy?”
  45. >>
  46. Free Candy Tankris 05/28/14(Wed)15:57:04 No.17975718▶
  47. >>17975875 >>17975882 >>17976144
  48. File: large.jpg (57 KB, 1264x1024)
  50. >Her hoof makes a slow sweep over to the rock candy and she drops each piece into her mouth one by one. She makes a dramatic show of it that you can't help but watch.
  51. >“MMMM! It's so tasty. I just can't stop even though I'm trying my best to give it all away!” Pinkie grabs another hoofful and crams it all in her mouth and swallows with a giant gulp. You can see a giant lump slide down Pinkie's throat and settle in her tummy.
  52. >Her moans grow deep and throaty as she inhales piece after piece. With the whole day dedicated to nothing but eating, Pinkie finishes off the pile in record time.
  53. >Pinkie just leans back and uses both hooves to rub her stretched belly in contentment.
  54. >”I'm just a little Piggy Pie lately. I ate all the candy again!”
  55. “Maybe you should stop before its all gone, Pinkie.”
  56. >Your reply is hollow and empty, just like the candy bucket. You shift yourself to try and hide your stiff erection but Pinkie Pie just grins.
  57. >Well then we kick it into overdrive and make sure ALL the candy goes away. See ya tomorrow, Anon!” She makes a show of getting up, her belly jiggling and swaying as she picks herself up from the ground.
  58. >She takes a few steps and your dick nearly bursts out of your pants. Her wide hips pump from side to side and cause her bubble butt to jiggle and quake with each bit of movement.
  59. >Pinkie's huge gut brushes her hind legs as she walks and she soon adopts an awkward waddle in leiu of her bouncy hops. Her tail quickly flicks to the side and her marehood flashes into view, framed by her plump thighs and fat ass.
  60. >You shout as you walk away, doing your best to conceal your blush and massive erection.
  61. “Okay then, bye Pinkie!”
  62. >There was no denying it now. She knew all her candy binging was turning you on. The remaining piles of rock candy still littering her living room come to mind and you shudder.
  63. >There's no way she can eat it all...can she?
  64. >>
  65. Free Candy Tankris 05/28/14(Wed)15:58:20 No.17975736▶
  66. >>17975875 >>17975882 >>17976144
  67. File: 560515__solo_pinkie+pie_q(...).png (377 KB, 1186x1200)
  69. >Turns out Pinkie CAN eat it all.
  70. >She doesn't even try hide it anymore. Pinkie's already munching down on rock candy when you arrive and her teeth are coated in tiny flakes of it. “Hi Anon! I got a really good feeling about today, I just know it.”
  71. >She reaches up on her hind legs and gives you a hug as best she can. Her titanic belly smooshes into your legs. Her hooves can barely wrap around you
  72. >She does her best to bounce up and down, only causing the fat in her ass to wobble and jiggle before she slams her rear back onto the ground.
  73. >Pinkie returns to shoveling the candy into her mouth as you try to hide the biggest erection you've ever had. Her expanding stomach is mere inches from the ground and the bucket shows no sign of running out of treats.
  74. “Pinkie, are you okay? You've been eating a LOT of candy lately.”
  75. >Her eyes stare into yours and she gives you a very seductive grin. “Oh I think the candy is going to a good cause. Don't you agree?”
  76. >Pinkie readjusts her rear legs and lets her stomach pool in front of her. She rubs the ball of fat for a moment and bats her eyes at you. “Besides, I think I'm more attractive like this anyway. Right, Anonymous?”
  77. >You sigh as you finally accept defeat. Why keep denying what you really want?
  78. “Yes, Pinkie. I find your new shape more attractive.
  79. >”Yay! That makes me super happy to hear you say that!” With blinding speed, she jumps off the round and tackles you into a hug. Her squishy belly pins you down as she pulls you against her soft body.
  80. >”Well, it seems that YOU'RE super happy about this as well.” Pinkie Pie giggles as her body grinds against your erection, the sudden movement causing her fat to jiggle.
  81. >”Lets go inside, Anon. I think I want to finish this candy in private.”
  82. >Pinkie grunts as she picks herself off the ground. Her entire body wobbles uncontrollably as she waddles into her house.
  83. >>
  84. Free Candy Tankris 05/28/14(Wed)15:59:28 No.17975750▶
  85. >>17975875 >>17975882 >>17976144
  86. File: 24231__safe_solo_pinkie+p(...).png (91 KB, 792x593)
  88. >You follow her inside to find several cakes and pies loaded with candy sit around her living room.
  89. >A smile spreads on your face as you find a few desserts with several bite marks.
  90. >”I'm still so hungry, Anon. Could you help me fill up properly?” Pinkie rolls onto her back, thrusting her gut right into your face.
  91. >You approach Pinkie and stare at her wobbling mountain of fat. There's no way you can start without touching it first.
  92. >Giggles fill the room as you quickly rub and caress your hands against the pink belly. “Anon! That tickles!”
  93. >Pinkie kicks her hooves in the air, causing her stomach to bounce under your touch. A growl escapes her tummy and you remember just why you're here.
  94. >You turn towards a pile of candy and grab a giant handful of the sugary gems. You can hear Pinkie drooling as she spots your prize for her.
  95. >She opens her mouth and sticks out her tongue and you place a few pieces of candy on it.
  96. >Her tongue disappears into her mouth and she swallows the candy whole. “Aww c'mon Anon. I know you wanna see me eat more than that!”
  97. >Pinkie's eyes widen as you collect as much candy as you can in both hands and shove every bit into her mouth at once.
  98. >Her cheeks pull out like a hamster as she munches down greedily on it all.
  99. >Pinkie's throat expands as a sizable lump travels down to her tummy. She sighs and pats her stomach in delight. “Keep it coming!”
  100. >The process continues with Pinkie begging for more candy. Each handful is stuffed into the infinite maw of her mouth and sent right to her growing belly.
  101. >Several piles sitting around the room dwindle down to nothing under Pinkie's constant chewing. Her pink tummy swells as more and more candy is gulped down.
  102. >”Anon, pass me a pie or some cake...and could you rub my belly again?”
  103. >You gently place a hand right over Pinkie's belly button and slowly swirl your palm in little circles. Pinkie giggles as your fingers drag across her vast belly and your palm presses into her soft form.
  104. >>
  105. Free candy Tankris 05/28/14(Wed)16:00:48 No.17975763▶
  106. >>17975875 >>17975882 >>17976144
  107. File: 301713__pinkie+pie_solo+f(...).jpg (91 KB, 1120x1200)
  109. >Your hand scoops up a slice of cake and you offer it to Pinkie Pie. She grins and thrusts her muzzle into the cake, causing the pastry to spread it all over her face.
  110. >”It's so much better eating all this stuff with you here, Anon. Eating alone is no fun at all.” She moans in pleasure as you press into her fat stomach with your free hand.
  111. >A few more bites and the cake is completely gone. Pinkie's belly is stuffed full, crumbs adorning her face and her upper stomach.
  112. >”I'm so super stuffed, Anon. Look at how full I am!”
  113. >even with her generous coating of fat, Pinkie's stomach is rock hard. She presses her hooves into her stomach and forces out a loud, satisfied belch.
  114. >”Although I might have room somewhere else...”
  115. >Pinkie grins as she does her best to widen her hind legs. Her huge belly almost completely hides her wet, dripping slit as you continue to rub her stomach.
  116. >You lean down and stretch out her plump pussy. Her small whimpers explode into moans as you drag your tongue from the bottom of her snatch to the underside of her tummy.
  117. >Her fat jiggles as she moans. Her thighs wrap around your head and press you closer to her chubby body. With nowhere else to go, you press forward and insert your tongue into her pussy.
  118. >”Ohhh! Right there!” Pinkie yelps. Her fat thighs squish against your head as you bring her closer and closer to orgasm. Your tongue swirls around her clit and Pinkie screams in pleasure.
  119. >The pressure of her thighs clenching on your head is becoming painful as she rides down on her explosive orgasm.
  120. >Her thighs finally go limp and you pull away for a desperate gulp of fresh air.
  121. >Pinkie finally recovers and manages to lift up her head. She throws you a lust glare and her hoof points at your crotch. “Pants. Off.”
  122. >You waste no time, eagerly stripping down and finally freeing your rock hard erection. >Pinkie holds out a hoof as you begin to position yourself.
  123. >>
  124. Free Candy Tankris 05/28/14(Wed)16:01:59 No.17975783▶
  125. >>17975875 >>17975882 >>17976144
  126. File: 349998__solo_pinkie+pie_s(...).jpg (206 KB, 1280x1467)
  128. >”Anon, could you get me that pie over there? It just looks too good to pass up.”>You stall for a moment and press your hands into Pinkie's stomach. While not at hard as before, Pinkie still feels like she's carrying a whole bakery inside her.
  129. >You dismiss your thoughts and lean over the pink mass under you. With a bit of desperate reaching, you grab two pies and gently place them on her swollen tummy.
  130. >She scoops up a giant chunk of pie and and holds it in her hoof. She teasingly licks a bit of the filling and winks at you. “The faster you pump, the quicker these pies disappear.”
  131. >Pushing her stomach out of the way, you finally line yourself up with the final prize. You thrust yourself in, grabbing onto her wide, pudgy hips for leverage.
  132. >Pinkie's moans are drowned out by her voracious eating of pie. Her plump pussy squeezes your dick tight as you thrust. Your eyes are locked onto Pinkie to watch every little bit of flab jiggle and bounce in time with your thrusts.
  133. >Her face and hooves are smeared with pie and crumbs as she finishes the first pie. Her eyes roll into the back of her skull with each powerful thrust.
  134. >You lean over as best you can and shove the second pie into her face. She stretches her mouth impossibly wide and swallows the pie whole.
  135. >Her stomach swells under your fingertips and you can't hold back any longer. You fire your load right into her fat pussy. Pinkie Pie screams out as her second orgasm follows shortly after yours.
  136. >Pinkie just lies in bliss, her belly rising and falling with each heavy breath.
  137. >>
  138. Free Candy Tankris 05/28/14(Wed)16:03:44 No.17975808▶
  139. >>17975875 >>17975882 >>17975951 >>17976144 >>17976995 >>17978365
  140. File: 525291__solo_pinkie+pie_s(...).png (565 KB, 1200x776)
  142. >Reluctantly, you pull out of the glorious marehood and lay yourself on top of Pinkie's belly.
  143. >”That was amazing...I should have done this sooner.” Pinkie Pie sleepily blurts out.
  144. “Me too, Pinkie. Me too.”
  145. >You both giggle and Pinkie Pie does her best to roll onto her hooves. “Can you help me get into bed, Anon? I'm feeling a bit sleepy.”
  146. >With considerable effort, you roll Pinkie Pie over and help her upstairs to bed. She pats the mattress and you slide in next to her, wrapping your arms around her plush belly.
  147. >The two of you nap together until a loud rumble from Pinkie's gut wakes you both up.
  148. >”Anon...I'm hungry again...”
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