Guest User


a guest
Aug 30th, 2015
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  1. {
  2. "token": {
  3. "Main": "Acasa",
  4. "Forum": "Forum",
  5. "Server list": "Lista de servere",
  6. "Dll fix": "Dll fix",
  7. "Client download": "Descarca client",
  8. "Client FAQ": "FAQ Client",
  9. "Server download": "Descarca server",
  10. "Server FAQ": "FAQ Server",
  11. "ZloLog": "ZloLog",
  12. "Launcher.dll": "Launcher.dll",
  13. "Launchers": "Launchers",
  14. "Language": "Limbaº",
  15. "Sign in": "Autentificare",
  16. "Register": "Inregistrare",
  17. "BFBC2 Status": "Status BFBC2",
  18. "Players in last 24h": "Jucatori in ultimele 24h",
  19. "Connections": "Conexiuni",
  20. "Players online": "Jucatori online",
  21. "Personas in top": "Caractere in top",
  22. "Total personas": "Total caractere",
  23. "Servers online": "Servere online",
  24. "Used ram": "Memorie folosita",
  25. "BF3 Status": "Status BF3",
  26. "Players in-game": "Jucatori in joc",
  27. "Version": "Versiunie",
  28. "News": "Noutati",
  29. "Uptime": "Timp Online",
  30. "Dead": "Inchis",
  31. "Offline": "Offline",
  32. "Share": "Distribuie",
  33. "Wrong email or password": "Email sau parola gresite",
  34. "Authorization": "Autentificare",
  35. "Authorize": "Autentifica",
  36. "Logout": "Iesire",
  37. "Wrong captcha": "Captcha gresit",
  38. "Wrong name": "Nume gresit",
  39. "Wrong email": "Email gresit",
  40. "Wrong password": "Parola gresita",
  41. "Name already used": "Numele este folosit",
  42. "Registration": "Inregistrare",
  43. "Name": "nume",
  44. "Use a-zA-Z0-9_- only.": "Doar a-zA-Z0-9_-",
  45. "Email address": "Adresa Email",
  46. "Mail MUST be real.": "Emailul TREBUIE sa fie real.",
  47. "Password": "Parola",
  48. "Length 4-16.": "Lungime 4-16 caractere",
  49. "Cancel": "Anuleaza",
  50. "Account has been activated successfully": "Contul a fost activat cu succes",
  51. "Wrong activation code or account already activated": "Cod de activare gresit, sau contul este activat deja",
  52. "Enter name": "Introdu nume",
  53. "Enter email": "Introdu email",
  54. "Enter password": "Introdu parola",
  55. "FAQ": "FAQ",
  56. "DRM Status": "Status DRM",
  57. "Select section": "Selecteaza sectiunea",
  58. "Nothing found in your language": "Nu a fost gasit nimic in limba ta.",
  59. "Find": "Cauta",
  60. "Find player": "Cauta jucator",
  61. "Memcache Status": "Status Memcache",
  62. "Players": "Jucatori",
  63. "Map": "Harta",
  64. "Mode": "Mod",
  65. "My BF3 servers": "Serverele mele BF3",
  66. "Add server": "Adauga server",
  67. "Use a-zA-Z0-9_-@. only.": "Doar a-zA-Z0-9_-@.",
  68. "Empty email or password": "Campurile email sau parola sunt goale.",
  69. "Email length must be 4-20 symbols": "Lungimea emailului trebuie sa fie 4-20 caractere",
  70. "Password length must be 4-16 symbols": "Lungimea parolei trebuie sa fie 4-16 caractere",
  71. "Server with same email already registered": "Exista deja un server cu acelasi email",
  72. "Value": "Valoare",
  73. "Description": "Descriere",
  74. "Clan tag": "Tag clan",
  75. "Save": "Salveza",
  76. "Use a-zA-Z0-9 only or empty field.": "Doar a-zA-Z0-9 sau campul este gol.",
  77. "Dog Tags": "DogTag-uri",
  78. "Inapoi": "Назад",
  79. "Basic dog tags": "DogTag-uri simple",
  80. "Advanced dog tags": "DogTag-uri avansate",
  81. "DRM": "DRM",
  82. "Feedback": "Sugestii",
  83. "Title": "Titlu",
  84. "Message": "Mesaj",
  85. "Send": "Trimite",
  86. "Login": "Autentificare",
  87. "From ServerPassBF3": "De la ServerPassBF3",
  88. "Lost password": "Parola pierduta",
  89. "Next": "Inainte",
  90. "Wrong email or user not found": "Parola gresita sau utilizator inexistent",
  91. "Wrong or expired code": "Cod gresit sau expirat",
  92. "Bans": "Banari",
  93. "Last 100 bans": "Ultimele 100 de banuri",
  94. "Date": "Data",
  95. "Reason": "Cauza",
  96. "Change password": "Schimba parola",
  97. "Old password": "Parola veche",
  98. "New password": "Parola noua",
  99. "New password again": "Parola noua (din nou)",
  100. "Password changed successfully": "Parola schimbata cu succes",
  101. "New passwords didn't match": "Parolele noi nu se potrivesc",
  102. "New name": "Nume nou",
  103. "Change name": "Schimba nume",
  104. "Name changed successfully": "Nume schimbat cu succes",
  105. "Name change allowed only once in 7 days": "Numele poate fi schimbat odata la 7 zile",
  106. "You must wait": "Trebuie sa astepti",
  107. "You are banned.": "Esti banat",
  108. "RULES:": "Reguli:",
  109. "1. English\/russian ONLY.": "1. Doar engleza si rusa.",
  110. "2. No unban requests.": "2. Fara cereri de unban.",
  111. "3. No ban requests.": "3. Fara cereri de ban.",
  112. "4. READ FAQ.": "4. Citeste FAQ.",
  113. "5. READ FAQ AGAIN.": "5. Citeste FAQ de doua ori.",
  114. "6. No stupid questions.": "6. Fara intrebari stupide.",
  115. "You are banned": "Esti banat",
  116. "reason": "Cauza",
  117. "GOS Status": "Status GOS",
  118. "Crack Status": "Status Crack",
  119. "This account not authed in DRM, you cant add servers": "Acest cont nu este autorizat in DRM. Nu poti adauga servere.",
  120. "You are banned, you cant add servers": "Esti banat, nu poti adauga servere."
  121. },
  122. "regex": [
  123. [
  124. "Server list\\(Total (\\d+)\\)",
  125. "Lista servere\\(Total (\\d+)\\)"
  126. ],
  127. [
  128. "(\\d+)d (\\d+)h (\\d+)m (\\d+)s",
  129. "(\\d+)d (\\d+)h (\\d+)m (\\d+)s"
  130. ],
  131. [
  132. "(\\d+)d (\\d+)m (\\d+)s",
  133. "(\\d+)d (\\d+)m (\\d+)s"
  134. ],
  135. [
  136. "(\\d+)h (\\d+)m (\\d+)s",
  137. "(\\d+)h (\\d+)m (\\d+)s"
  138. ],
  139. [
  140. "(\\d+)m (\\d+)s",
  141. "(\\d+)m (\\d+)s"
  142. ],
  143. [
  144. "(\\d+)s",
  145. "(\\d+)s"
  146. ]
  147. ]
  148. }
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