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WindCubes tf2

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Jun 19th, 2016
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  1. I started playing TF2 4 months after it went F2P. I tend to only play 1 game at a time, 2 at most, the last binge game I played was WoW, but I had been waning off of it at the time. pubbed around in the server finder for months, eventually found a home on the PF2 servers.
  2. Met some good people on PF2, some really good friends I still see today. Eventually found my favorite thing to do was market garden, still have the stranges today to show for it xd. A guy named GAMOV on PF2 invited me to his mumble (which I didn't have installed at the time). There's where I met the 'Tune Squad' peeps.
  3. Held off playing comp for a long time from cold feet, even though I watched a bit if eXtv and VanillaTV. Tried one lobby on TF2Lobby and learned how steep the learning curve was from pubbing to playing a comp match. Kept pubbing around, joined a team for a season of UGC as a roamer, had a decent season considering it was my first team and first 'real' comp experience. Took a break from TF2 all together when college started. I played a lot of DOTA 2 at that time with some friends I met in the TS mumble.
  4. Re-tried comp before S21 of ESEA, got invited to TuneSquad after talking to some guys in mumble about it. I decided to try demoman because roamers are a dime a dozen and demomen are more sought after (imo). Had a lot to learn considering I hardly touched the class before then. I learned a lot, but it was obvious that SleepingLife and DavidB were massively carrying everyone else. Most guys from the team found other things to do, so TS couldn't play in S22.
  5. Randomly played ringer for some team who was playing a pug tournament a few weeks ago, they needed a demoman, so I joined the Mercanaries. That's where I am now.
  7. TF2 has been the means of which I have found and interacted with some of my closest friends today. It also serves as a place where I can compete with others in a fun and relatively small environment. I am glad I gave it a chance.
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