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Mar 26th, 2013
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  1. It was a warm, quiet evening, the ending of August always managing to be utterly beautiful both in its warm yet temperate climate and in the fiery glow the setting sun cast across the horizon. It was a time when the seasons were about to change, where nature would give up its scorching, long days and almost painfully humid weather for the dark, cold snowy cloak of winter, and thus it was also the perfect time to get a last bit of outdoor training in with your Pokemon before the ice set in and it became a challenge to just walk straight.
  3. On this particular evening, me and my Charizard were literally in the middle of nowhere. It was part of our training in a way: flying out as far as we could go, finding a desolate, warm spot so that I could put him through his paces. He was an amazing specimen after all, not just because he was raised from an abandoned Egg I had found as a young girl. Seven feet tall, a light orange color with a lighter-colored stomach, able to fly for hundreds of miles without a single pause, crush boulders larger than he was, and shoot gouts of flame that could incinerate Water types in a single attack.
  5. At the moment, however, we were simply resting. Him on his back, staring up at me with a lazy half-smile on his muzzle, and I on my stomach, looking down into that smirk. His large, wide chest and stomach raised and lowered slowly as we looked at each other, completely content. It was that sort of time where you felt too anxious to sleep, yet too tired to really do anything, and I could see just by his demeanor that he felt the same way.
  7. His lizard-like tongue flicked out for a single heartbeat's span, brushing my cheek as I continued to look down at him, feeling the cool breeze draw across my back, forcing my shirt to billow like a flag for a few moments. The half-smirk on my prize Pokemon's face was already threatening to become a full-on insolent, smug grin as he effortlessly pushed me downwards a little, so that my bare feet bumped against his thighs.
  9. Such a pervert he was... though I couldn't blame him, to be honest. All he wanted from me in exchange for rendering his immense power in winning me battles was relief when we were alone, and truth be told I was more then happy to give him it. Even so, even considering that he'd seen me nude plenty of times before, I still felt a little nervous as I tugged down my shorts and undergarments. Before I'd even finished, the dragon was already trying to get my shirt off, pulling it up to my neck with a single claw. Obliging him, I finished my undressing, pulling my shirt off and unhooking my bra so that I could resume laying across his warm belly entirely in the nude.
  11. Charizard wasn't having any of that, though. He nudged me to the left slightly, aiming my face down carefully with the same claw. I admit it was hard to avoid licking my lips as my eyes roamed what my feet and legs were already looking at: a quickly growing dragonic erection, sprouting from a sheath hidden just in front of a pair of grapefruit-sized orange balls.
  13. Now, remember when I said my Charizard was seven feet tall? I wasn't lying in the least... Both his body and his cock were very nearly the same size. No arcane trickery or magic was involved, he simply had the biggest equipment I'd ever seen, which presently was dripping warm precum across my forehead as it threatened to force me off of his belly.
  15. I instinctively wrapped myself around it, hugging it to me as I ground my entire form against the hot, tapered organ, the tip fitting just between my fairly unimpressive breasts to be licked insistantly by my crimson face. God, he tasted good... He felt amazing too, his cock twitching just enough for me to hold it down with my weight and comparatively pathetic strength.
  17. His tongue licked at my neck and bare shoulders... busy as I was, it was impossible to look back at him, but I was sure his face was as red as mine. Even if he couldn't show it with his features, the amount of pre leaking out of him and his heavy orbs certainly proved I was doing a good job... just as he'd trained me to do over the years.
  19. The wind blew again, cool air counteracting the heated fleshy member I was currently attending to. Another lick between my shoulderblades, the Charizard's cock twitching hard now, making me hold it down as if it were a human being. He was close already, and judging by his reaction, he wanted me to finish him off.
  21. Like a good girl I obeyed his unspoken yet evident wish, mouth wrapping around his leaking tip as I ground my own dripping, aching slit against his throbbing, massive member, bare feet pressing against his huge orbs. My tongue worked the underside of his shaft fiercely, knowing that he couldn't take THAT kind of pleasure for long~
  23. Of course, I was quite right... a sudden roar momentarily deafening and confusing me as if a concussion grenade had exploded inches from my head, a gigantic burst of boiling hot Charizard cum gushing out of his massive member as it twitched like mad, taking all my strength just to hang on. It was everywhere, replacing my dulled senses with its presence: in my hair, in my eyes, in my mouth, seeping down to coat my entire body, heavily pungent, tasting lightly of spice.
  25. I rolled onto my back, letting his cock slowly shrink back into its hiding place, licking at his lightly blushing face as the wind blew across us yet again. Darkness was threatening to consume the sky as I wrapped my hands around his head, lips pressed against his face as I slowly drifted off to sleep against him, the scent of the hot cream that still coated me like a blanket ensuring I would have dreams just as delicious~
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