
Bimbo Dave/Kanaya

Mar 2nd, 2013
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  1. “Yo Rose are you sure this is apple juice?” Turning over the slightly warm bottle in his hand, Dave gave his sister a doubtful look over the rim of his shades. She’d been practicing her alchemy and she seemed more than confident she had finally found a way to make him some apple juice, but the coloring seemed a little odd…and when he opened up the cap the smell was a lot sweeter than usual. Still, the coy smile on her face and the way she covered her mouth as she assured him it was a simple, normal bottle of Mott’s Apple Juice. This was so obviously a trap to trick him into drinking some of her foul meteor booze but hell they’d been on the meteor for two and a half years maybe it was about time he tasted a little. Shrugging his shoulders, Dave downed the entire bottle at once, eyes widening in surprise at the overly sugary but otherwise delicious taste of freshly juiced apples.
  3. By the time he had put down the bottle, he was already starting to feel light-headed, frowning at how itchy and uncomfortable his own body was feeling. Stumbling backwards, he had to lean against the wall behind him for support. His heart was pounding a thousand beats a minute, his face turning beetroot red and forehead breaking out in a sweat; it felt almost as painful and uncomfortable as when he’d gone god tier. It wasn’t until he’d grit his teeth, tossing his head back that he’d noticed the first change; he would have shrieked if it didn’t feel like someone was strangling him. Managing out a wheeze, he brought his hands up to his head, feeling the now shoulder length hair sprouting from his scalp. There was hardly time to dwell on that before he could feel his mind starting to go hazy, mouth slowly going agape as pressure began to mount in his chest and behind. Untangling his hands from his hair, he worriedly grabbed at his widening hips, sliding them down to clutch at his backside.
  5. "Like...whoa Rosey what did you do to me?" Coughing at the way his voice awkwardly cracked when he spoke his sister's name, Dave pointed at his growing bust, momentarily distracting both blonds as they watched the gear pattern on his shirt stretch. The process was mostly painless, only becoming noticeable as they reached a full DD-cup, causing the bottom of his shirt to rise up and show off his midriff. Watching Rose try to explain that her brewing skills must have made an error, Dave found himself staring at both his own chest and his sister’s, imaging through the haze the juice created in his mind what it would be like to splatter them in baby oil and mash them together.
  7. "You know brother, I think until we get this fixed you should visit with Kanaya." There was that peculiar smirk again, wasted now that Dave was too busy trying to keep her now baggy pants from falling to the ground." She can alter your clothes for you, which will keep you from accidentally flashing your boxers at people." She seemed much more concerned with giving Rose a kiss than going anywhere, puckering her full lips and planting multiple kisses on her sister’s cheek. She had to playfully pap him on the nose before escorting him down the hall to Kanaya’s room. The other female was, predictably, working on a new design featuring Rose’s Seer outfit and was more than a little surprised to see the ditzy blond Rose was pulling by the arm. Ushering the guest off to the side, Rose briefly explained Dave was going through some problems and required new clothing, and then she was gone, shutting the door quietly and returning to her studies.
  9. Confused but happy to help, Kanaya called Dave over to her, unable to help but take note on how her hips swayed as she walked, breasts bouncing and causing the already short shirt to rise up even higher. Forcing herself to keep an impassive face, Kanaya nervously had Dave strip out of the god tier clothes and boxers, which she seemed all too happy to do. Tossing the garments to the floor, she happily jumped in place, clapping her hands and forcing her breasts to follow her movements, dusty nipples hardening from the air. Letting out a breath, Kanaya grabbed a few items off her desk before returning, handing a pair of floral print panties to Dave and waiting for her to put them on before getting to work unraveling her measuring tape. Stooping down to start at her legs, Kanaya did not say anything about the way Dave had pulled his sister’s panties tight, forcing the fabric that would cover her ass to slip between her cheeks and making the crotch uncomfortably tight over her pussy. What she could not ignore, however, was the constant movement Dave did, shifting her weight from foot to foot, toying with her hair, and periodically arching her back so it pushed out her breasts and ass.
  11. "Dave please stand still, I must take your measurements." Exasperated and a little bit flustered at the way the blonde's wide hips keep swaying, seemingly on their own accord, Kanaya had to physically place her hands on the girl's scantily covered skin. Dave pouted, peering over her breasts to fix Kanaya with her pitiful look; the look of course is ruined by her hands absent-mindedly cupping her chest and bobbing her tits. Kanaya sighed, letting go of Dave’s hips and rising to her feet. Putting away the measuring tape she had been attempting to use, the jade blood glided towards her wardrobe. As she ruffled around for some spare clothing, she could hear Dave’s high pitched voice mumbling raps under her breath; awkward rhymes and absolutely no sense of flow, it sounded absolutely terrible and Kanaya couldn’t help but cringe every time she mentioned ‘cock’ and ‘suck’. Obviously this was some sort of punishment from Rose. Deciding to just give her something she had been intending for Rose to wear, Kanaya picked up a rosy colored, slinky, back-less dress and tossed it towards the ditz. Fumbling, Dave struggled to pull the dress over her head, whining more than once when her shades got caught and would fall off her face. The deep v-cut of the dress did little to cover her bosom, her hard nipples still poking through the fabric, and it fell just barely to mid-thigh on her. Sweating, Kanaya turned back to her desk, expecting Dave to leave now that she had something to cover her body with. No such luck of course.
  13. The sound of her shitty raps interspersed with low moans only grew louder and more persistent until Kanaya finally caved and asked through gritted teeth, “Dave, would you not rather see if Rose has found a way to return you to normal?” A giggle, spacey and vapid, convinced Kanaya to look back over her shoulder.
  15. “No way Kan, you’re super cool to hang with!” Though Dave was practically beaming, tittering airily as she spoke, Kanaya found herself focusing on Dave’s long legs, eyes trailing up the overly exposed pale skin and darting away when she realized she was practically boring holes in the way her ass caused the dress to rise in the back. As if suddenly aware of the way she was posing her body, or perhaps just bored with looking over the way her clothes clung to her curves, Dave excitedly rushed to Kanaya’s side, obnoxiously pressing her large breasts into the troll’s back as she peered over her shoulder. Flushing hotly, Kanaya tried her best to ignore the feeling of soft flesh mashed into her back. “Kanaya~” The sing-song tone was not quite unlike the way Rose sounded when she was drunk and in the mood and Kanaya had to suppress a shiver.
  17. And then there was a hand on her breast, fingers brushing around as if searching for her nipple. She flushed hotly, backing up and turning towards Dave. Her eyes were wide and her face felt too warm, her heart pounding so hard she thought everyone would be able to hear it. “Dave stop this at once I do not believe that your sister will appreciate you doing this.” The other girl was still leaning forward, giving Kanaya a clear look at her cleavage, and despite the dull look on her face her lips were full and pursed and the smell of arousal was starting to taint the air. Kanaya could feel herself
  19. Covering her mouth to muffle her girlish laughter, Dave ignored Kanaya’s pleas, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear as she got down on her knees. Wagging her ass from side to side like an excited puppy, she let her fingers brush against the noticeable bulge pressing against the front of Kanaya’s skirt. “Hehehe like Kanaya I was thinking it would be totes presh if you planned the next date. With Rosey?” Even as she carried on conversation, she was unbuttoning Kanaya’s skirt, eagerly fishing out her throbbing cock. The feeling of her warm hand wrapped around her dick was incredible; but it was still Dave sitting between her legs with one hand fingering herself furiously and one hand sloppily but eagerly stroking her off.
  21. “Dave no, stop.” Shoving her rudely over and ignoring the way she landed face first, ass and wet cunt exposed to the air, Kanaya stood and covered herself. “Dave I’m sorry but I have to go.” Hands shaking, she fumbled trying to button her skirt back, wincing at the loud, continued schilicking coming from the girl on the floor and the uncomfortable feeling of pre-cum smearing along the front of her once clean skirt. More than once her sight strayed, getting an eyeful of Dave rapidly thrusting two fingers in and out of her cunt, moaning and wailing like a wanton whore, dully asking Kanaya where she was going. Feeling the heat rise to her cheeks again, Kanaya hastily cleared her throat, shuffling her way towards the door.
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