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TVTropes: The 2 Word Story, Pages 799-803

a guest
Feb 17th, 2014
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  1. Now this strange piece of water is the final ingredient for the magical potion to make a new gatekeeper! MUHAHA The gatekeeper has activated and sounds the alarm of !!SCIENCE!! While rambling about Z Brush he made some tea which tasted absolutely awful.
  3. When I dig under the seafloor to Atlantis, I get really awkward with guns. In fact, I shot a bear bare handed; the blood knight's oath was very sticky and red-tinted because knives somehow got in Jell-o and cinnamon buns.
  5. I'm too sexy for my cat, poor bitches don't even know how I rock this club like a rock because I love to love the baby.
  7. Now, we gonna get some dope here? No, because drugs are not supposed to strobe in psychedelic patterns, such starburst patterns like a Large Hadron Clusterfuck Generator Thingamabob Whatchamacallit whoozit dealio proceeding onwards, ad nauseum.
  9. Shortly thereafter, we're high above the Mojave Desert with no hydration or duct tape to be found anywhere which is HIGHLY DISTRESSING very bad and Pew Die Pie is surgically transplanting kidneys because he removed Bob's throbbing spleen when it was bleeding while cuddling with Dr. Pewds' little pug Mohave style in space with a gummy bear and #1's friend, BoSchitt.
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