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EG Trixie/Anon prom

a guest
May 15th, 2013
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  1. >"Go to the dance with Trixie? Haha! Well, it's only to be expected that you would be taken by Trixie's natural charm and beauty~"
  2. >she tosses her hair as if to emphasize the point
  3. >"Trixie supposes she could add you to her ever-growing list of applicants. Trixie has received so many propositions for the dance that she is having difficulty choosing one!"
  4. >pulling out her notebook, she writes something down
  5. >"Perhaps she could take them all, and have herself a harem of dates! Ahaha~!"
  6. >unseen by you, the page has only a single line written in it
  7. >it reads, "Anon wants to go with me!"
  8. >with little hearts drawn all around it
  9. >the next day Trixie approaches you at your locker
  10. >"The Great and Powerful Trixie has an announcement to make!"
  11. >"You'll be happy to know that after MUCH deliberation, Trixie has closely examined her LENGTHLY list of prospective dates, and has chosen YOU to accompany her to the dance!"
  12. >"You should feel quite Fortunate to have been deemed worthy of such an exclusive opportunity! But please, there is no need to thank Trixie; she will consider your picking her up at 7 o'clock on the appointed evening to be thanks enough!"
  13. >"...'kay."
  14. >"Excellent! Trixie will see you then!"
  15. >with a tip of her hat, she turns on her heels and saunters away
  16. >as soon as she's rounded a corner, she giddily dances in place, hugging her hat tightly against her chest
  17. >"He's going with me he's going with me he's GOING with me~!"
  18. >the sound of loud nasal breathing behind her snaps Trixie out of her reverie
  19. >looking over her shoulder, she sees Snails standing behind her, breathing loudly
  20. >"Hhhuhuhuh...hi Trixie."
  21. >back in the hallway, you finish getting out your books and close your locker
  22. >a loud crash booms through the hallway the moment your locker shuts
  23. >"..."
  24. >opening it back up again, you examine the metal door with unease
  26. >down the hall, Trixie storms off to her classroom, leaving Snails' legs poking out from a trash bin
  28. >but what would she wear?
  30. >She better keep the hat and cape. Maybe some long arm gloves.
  32. >sure enough, she still has on her signature hat and cape. honestly you're not sure if she EVER takes those off. even to sleep.
  33. >she wears a form-fitting royal blue dress that clings to the contours of her body, with a low-cut top that shows off as much of her cleavage as she would be able to get away with
  34. >the sides of the dress are slitted, showing off her shapely legs clad in thigh-high violet stockings to match the long arm gloves she's wearing
  35. >seeing your flushed, entranced reaction, Trixie chuckles and strikes a bold pose
  36. >"Now now, Anon. There is no shame in being captivated by the ever-lovely Trixie. Awe is the appropriate response~"
  37. >"And I must say, you did a fine job yourself of making yourself presentable for such an occasion. A fitting companion for one of such radiant beauty as Trixie~"
  40. >at the prom
  41. >"Hey Trixie, wanna dance?"
  42. >"D-Dance?"
  43. >"Yeah. Dance. Y'know, that thing you do at a dance."
  44. >"Erk..."
  45. >"You...DO know how to dance, right?"
  46. >"W-What?! What manner of question is that?! Of COURSE Trixie knows how to dance! There are no words fit to describe Trixie's grace on the dance floor!"
  47. >"...Well then? Let's go!"
  48. >"...V-Very well."
  49. >as you take Trixie's hand and lead her to the dance floor, you catch her swallowing nervously
  51. >...Well, she was right about one thing.
  52. >There are no words fit to describe Trixie's grace on the dance floor...or lack thereof.
  53. >After ten minutes or so of enduring her hodgepodge of bodily gyrations and the dozenth or so time she's bowled into another dancer, or you, you tap her on the shoulder and lead her to the outer rim of the crowd of dancers
  54. >Trixie's cheeks are burning red, tears welled up in the corners of her eyes
  55. >"Don't say it...Trixie knows she was no good..."
  56. >"You weren't that b-"
  57. >"Do not waste Trixie's time with such platitudes! Do you think me a fool?! I lost count of how many people I collided with! How many toes I stepped on!"
  58. >caught off-guard by her abrupt transition to the first-person, you find yourself at a loss
  59. >pulling her hat down over her eyes, Trixie sits down and sulks in a nearby folding chair
  60. >"Trixie hasn't felt so humiliated since the bear incident..."
  61. >"Hey...hey, c'mon..."
  62. >taking hold of the top of her witch hat, you kneel down to eye-level with her and gently lift the fabric away from her eyes
  63. >Trixie looks at you with a shamed expression on her face, a single tear creeping down her cheek
  64. >reaching over, you delicately wipe it from her cheek with your thumb
  65. >"Don't be like that, were just worrying too much. Thinking too hard about not knowing what to do. It was making you trip over yourself."
  66. >"But...what IS Trixie supposed to do...?"
  67. >you lightly tap her forehead
  68. >"Turn that off for awhile. Don't worry. Don't think. Just feel."
  69. >you can hear the incessant bass die down from the speakers as a soothing melody starts to drift through the room
  70. >"Slow song's coming on...You wanna give this another shot?"
  71. >"T-Trixie...I..."
  72. >pushing the rim of her hat up with one hand, Trixie looks into your eyes
  73. >after a long moment of silence, she leans forward and puts her arms around you, resting the crook of her neck against your shoulder
  74. >"...Okay...Trixie will try again..."
  75. >leading her back to the dance floor, you hold her hand in yours and put your free hand on the small of her back
  76. >"Just follow my lead...alright?"
  77. >Trixie's free hand hesitantly comes to rest on your shoulder as she peeks up at you
  78. >"...okay..."
  79. >and then, you begin to dance
  80. >she stumbles a bit at the start, clearly still nervous. but she's faring much better than last time, doing her best to mirror your foot-movements
  81. >as the song progresses, you feel her anxiety melting away, her royal-blue-clad hips swaying in rhythm to the music and her body leaning against yours
  82. >the entire time, she gazes up at you with eyes that shimmer in the dimmed lights, a tender smile on her face
  83. >the two of you dance in silence for what seems like an eternity, yet when at last the song reaches its end, you find yourself lamenting it being over already
  84. >"...See? Nothing to it~"
  85. >"That...Trixie enjoyed that..."
  86. >brushing her fingers down from your shoulder to your back, she pulls you in closer, nuzzling her cheek into your shoulder
  87. >"...I enjoyed that a lot..."
  88. >the night wears on, and the two of you share many more dances together.
  89. >all traces of Trixie's previous reservations have vanished. she rocks her body to the fast songs, and sways sensually to the slow songs.
  90. >at one point the two of you even get a little crowd watching you. she especially enjoyed that one.
  91. >but all things must end, and before long the last song has been played and your classmates are dispersing to go home, or to after-parties with their friends, or to spend time with their sweethearts.
  92. >you drive Trixie home and escort her up the walkway to the door.
  93. >as you escort her up the porch steps, you can't help but notice a subtle change in her behavior compared to last week when you had built up the courage to ask her to the dance.
  94. >she walks with more spring to her step. smiles wider. laughs with more sincerity.
  95. >and that flowing cape and conical hat she's always wearing are now being held in one of her hands, showing off her silky blue hair, a bit messy from a long evening of dancing.
  96. >she's almost...glowing.
  97. >standing at the doorway with you, Trixie looks up at you with a bashful smile.
  98. >"Trixie...enjoyed herself tonight and thanks you for accompanying her."
  99. >returning her smile, you take her hand in yours, a gesture she returns with a gentle squeeze.
  100. >"It was my pleasure."
  101. >Trixie's lips move as she stutters out fragmented words.
  102. >"W-Would...would you care to...accompany me again...someday...? N-Not necessarily to a dance, but...but somewhere!"
  103. >"With me..."
  105. >I'd love to.
  107. >Trixie beams as the words leave your mouth, her hand tightening its hold on yours.
  108. >a long moment passes in silence, as Trixie's eyes dart from side to side as though trying to find the right words to say.
  109. >at last she looks back up at you and inhales sharply, a determined look on her face.
  110. >and stepping forward, she closes the distance between you and rests her lips over yours.
  111. >her cape and hat crumple in a heap by her side as she puts her newly-freed hands against your back, holding herself against you.
  112. >after a moment's shock, you lean in to the kiss, putting your arms around her and hugging her tightly.
  113. >how long the two of you stand there with your lips intermingling, you can't even hazard a guess. all you know with any certainty is that it isn't nearly long enough. it could last an eternity and it wouldn't have been long enough.
  114. >but eventually, her lips are forced to seperate from yours, and Trixie takes a step back.
  115. >"Tri...I, hope to see you again soon..."
  116. >collecting her cape and hat off the ground, she opens the door to her house.
  117. >"Me too, too."
  118. >turning, Trixie takes one last, long look at you with a pair of violet eyes shimmering with moisture.
  119. >"...Thank you..."
  120. >and then, the door is slowly shut.
  122. fin
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