
Anonpencil Writes Drunk: Party Favor (Oneshit)

Oct 25th, 2018
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  1. >You stand at the Sugarcube Corners front door in the cool early evening, almost afraid to knock. It’s not that you dislike Pinkie Pie, quite the opposite! She’s kind to just about everyone, and her whole goal in life seems to be to please others… in every way imaginable. To be more blunt about it, that pink pony is a blowjob machine, one you’ve used the services of more than once. And each time is beautifully different. Like a snowflake. Just… one made of semen or something.
  2. >There’s no denying it, the girl’s got skills. But it’s worth noting that she’s also… weird. Blowjobs from her are like extreme sports where you’re not sure if you’re going to break something or nut so hard you open a portal to another dimension. And while that’s wonderful, it’s something you seek her out for only when you’re up for something intense. Now, for the first time in knowing her, she’s the one who’s contacted you.
  3. >You look down at the bright pink piece of paper in your hand, with ribbons hanging off one end like mini streamers. It looks like a party invitation, and that fact doesn’t surprise you a bit. The whole thing smells like vanilla frosting, even the light blue ink that reads:
  5. Anon,
  6. Would you pretty please come to my place to help me with a special little something? I’d be super duper grateful for this one eensie-weensie favor, and it’s blowjob related. I swear, it’ll be a magical experience!
  7. Hugs and snuggles,
  8. Pinkie
  10. >None of that would be all too concerning, but the last time everyone told you that her something was magical, your dick ended up as a splooge-spraying balloon animal. Enjoyable, but deeply disconcerting. This vague letter has left you with a feeling of slight excitement, but also creeping concern.
  11. >Nevertheless, you muster up all your courage, take a deep breath, and knock on your door. Once more, the blood rushing to your lower head takes precedence over your upper one.
  12. >Your fist hardly brushes the door before it springs open with a sound like a bike horn. There, is a widely smiling Pinkie Pie, looking ecstatic to even be alive. You try to put on a confident smile and give her a little wave in greeting. Even though getting a dick sucking from her is a sure thing, there’s some part of your brain that still expects you to try to put on some bravado, a good show, impress her. You know, without just whipping out your cock.
  13. “Hiya Anon!” she practically squeaks. “I’m so so glad you made it! I was worried that you might not show, and I can’t exactly do this alone, well I could, or I could ask Twilight for help, but she’s busy with some sort of princess stuff and probably licking Celestias panties or something—”
  14. “Pinkie,” you cut her off gently. You’ve got to, otherwise these kind of rants can go on for an hour. “What… exactly did you need me for?”
  15. >She brightens considerably.
  16. “Just a tiny itty bitty favor, that’ all! Come on, I’ll show you!”
  17. >Without you saying another word, she grabs you by the wrist and hauls you inside. Then, before you can wonder if you should probably protest, you’re being yanked up the stairs at seemingly supernatural speeds. In a snap of the fingers, you’re inside Pinkie’s room and she’s shutting the door tightly behind you. It’s almost ominous, except… you’re not alone.
  18. >There before you, stands a very uneasy looking Fluttershy. She glances up at you, then away, and blushes deeply. You’re not sure exactly what to think here. Is she going to watch? Are you here to take her virginity like some sort of male whore? A Mhore? A Whale? … okay that second one doesn’t work too well.
  19. “Uh…” you say, turning to again look at Pinkie. “So… what’s this favor exactly?”
  20. >Pinkie rushes to Fluttershy’s side, and squeezes her close, gesturing to her uneasy looking face like it’s some sort of prize showcase item.
  21. “Well, ya see,” Pinkie begins, giving her yellow friend a wink. “Fluttershy here found out that I’m the absolute bestie best blowjob pro around, and she’s not exactly…”
  22. “Experienced?”
  23. “I was gonna say slutty, but yeah! That’s a word that makes sense!” Pinkie says brightly. “So she asked me to teach her because she wants more company than just rabbits and birds and other things she can’t legally have sex with, and I walked her through the mechanics of it with instructions and all that, but she’s more of a kinesthetic learner.”
  24. “You mean she’s more hands on?” you say.
  25. >You stare at both now silent ponies, then down at your own hands, then at their hooves, then back to their faces.
  26. “Ah, never mind. Continue.”
  27. “And I just want her to be happy and have the best shot at figuring it out! So I told her that I could call some pony to come over to be my assistant, and I could teach her in person by critiquing her technique! Sometimes, in the kitchen, it’s best to just give it a shot and learn from your mistakes, you know?”
  28. “I-if it’s okay with you,” Fluttershy practically whispers.
  29. “Okay,” you say slowly, thinking you’ve got it all straight in your head, but definitely needing confirmation. “So… you called me over so that Fluttershy could give me a blowjob.”
  30. >Pinkie nods aggressively.
  31. “And you’re going to watch her do it, and get her to do it better.”
  32. >She nods again.
  33. >Well, you’re now primed and at the ready, just thinking about that. You can feel your dick straining at the front of your pants as if it’s angry at you for even wearing clothing in the first place. Still, there’s one more question you feel compelled to ask.
  34. “Alright I think I get it. Just… why did you ask me?”
  35. >Pinkie rolls her eyes and gives a light little laugh. Fluttershy also gives a wilting little smile, as if she’s in on some special joke.
  36. “Wowie zowie Anon, way to look a gift horse in the mouth!”
  37. “Probably not the best colloquialism to use here.”
  38. “I chose you because you last longer than most of the stallions, and I need someone with a little endurance so I can give her lots and lots of new techniques!”
  39. >You’re pretty sure you can hear your cock and your ego swell enough to burst buttons. Fuck yeah, you’re here because you can go the distance, Hercules style! You don't care how far, somehow you'll be strong! You turn a beaming smile towards Fluttershy, and gradually begin to unzip your pants.
  40. “Well,” you say, unable to hide the swagger in your voice. “Shall we get started?”
  41. >Fluttershy makes a little ‘eep’ noise in the back of her throat, and her blush deepens. Oh yeah, this is gonna be fun. You love Pinkie’s enthusiasm and technique, but it’s hard to deny that shy girls are definitely more your thing.
  42. “Okie dokie loki!” Pinkie says shrilly, then leaps forward.
  43. >With one quick and practiced motion, she jerks down your pants and pushes you back hard against her bed. You try to catch your breath as you glance up from your back to see both ponies poised above your leaning tower of meatza.
  44. “Now,” Pinkie Pie says matter of factly. “I like to set a timer, just to have something to shoot for, but you’re a beginner, so just lick it for a bit first, then put your head down and start sucking on it okay? I want to see how you think it should be done.”
  45. “B-but I’ve never…” Fluttershy stutters out.
  46. >Hnnnnngh, she’s a blowjob virgin. You hope your stamina can live up to the hype.
  47. >Fluttershy looks up at Pinkie, then nods and gingerly lowers her head towards your dick. You can see her trembling as she extends her tongue and tenderly moves it from the base of the shaft all the way to the tip in one long stroke. You can tell she’s not as experienced as Pinkie, but her tongue is a warm, wet, velvety soft. And it’s never touched cock before, and that notion makes the sensation all the sweeter.
  48. >You let out a very soft moan, and Fluttershy’s head instantly jerks back as if she’s been burnt.
  49. “O-oh! I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you,” she says, voice trembling like she might cry.
  50. “Aw, don’t worry,” Pinkie pipes up. “That’s a good noise! If he moans like that, it means you did a good job.”
  51. >Pinkie seems to be blushing a little too. Like she’s enjoying watching this, which is pretty hot just in concept! Maybe she’ll join in later? Hey, a guy can dream, especially when he’s getting blown.
  52. “Oh,” Fluttershy says, seeming to calm a little. “Well… then I’m so glad I can please you.”
  53. >Before you can say you’re welcome, she again lowers her head and repeats the motion. This time, she puts a little more pressure, and you can feel an extra little flick from her tongue just as it reaches the head. You bite your lip to try to keep your moan from getting too much louder. As if urged on to do better, she licks again, faster, more eagerly. The sensation is so intense, almost to the point that it’s painful but not quite. It rides that deliciously fine line beautifully.
  54. >Then, as if suddenly remembering Pinkie’s instructions, she opens her mouth and lowers it over your dick. She can’t take in very much of it, but her mouth is so warm and so soft that you can’t help but buck your hips as it envelops your shaft. She gives a little squeak around your cock as you feel her begin to suck on you. Her head moves slowly back, her tongue riding the underside of your dick all he way to the tip, then lowers it again, taking a little more of you. With every rise and fall she takes a little more of your beef thermometer. Soon, you can feel your cock reaching the back of her throat.
  55. >It’s hard to resist the urge to cram yourself into her throat, press her head down. Luckily, you don’t have to.
  56. >“Gotta get really really in there! Suck it from the back of your throat!” Pinkie says, and shoves Fluttershy’s head deeper towards your pelvis.
  57. >The sensation of your head abruptly penetrating where no dick has gone before, along with the vibration of the squeal you feel vibrate through you from Fluttershy, is enough to make you give a long, loud moan. Fluttershy seems to take this as encouragement, and begins to move her head up and down on your musky man candy. Her tongue continues to bathe the bottom and sides of your dick, now creeping surprisingly close to your balls. You glance down to find her completely impaled on you, with no bare dick skin showing.
  58. >Abruptly, you feel something inside you beginning to build. It’s barely been a minute, and she’s already getting you close? How is this possible?
  59. >You thrust your hips up and down into her mouth in time with there licking and sucking, and now you do allow your hand to find its way to the back of her mane. Your finders wind into her pink hair and and you fuck her face as she whimpers and squeaks in what you hope is joy.
  60. >Either way, you can feel your release point approaching. It won’t be long now, but you try to hold back a little longer, enjoying how tightly her throat is clenching you, how strong but subtle the flicks of her tongue are.
  61. “Alright!” you hear Pinkie call. “Remember to try to stick the surprise ending!”
  62. >In the back of your mind, you remember what Pinkie’s surprises entailed last time. You recall how shocking it was, but also how awesome, and how you’d painted these walls Jackson Pollock style. You can’t help but wonder what Fluttershy’s version of the surprise will be.
  63. >The feel Fluttershy nod, and her pace increases. The words ‘breakneck speed’ is dangerously close to having a very literal meaning. You can feel you’re at tipping point, about to go over the edge. You’re going to cum, shoot every drop down the yellow mare’s throat. You tip back your head and let loose a loud warning groan.
  64. “Okay, NOW!” Pinkie shouts.
  65. >Fluttershy pulls off of your cock which is, thankfully, still cock-shaped, and looks down at you expectantly. You’re sure that one more touch, one more lick, and you’ll be ready to pop. You’re almost about to plead with her when she shuts her eyes, takes a deep breath, and touches her tongue to the very tip of your cock. Oh fuck yes! You're going to... to...
  66. >The feeling you experience next is unlike anything you’ve ever felt before. And not in a good way.
  67. >You let out an unexpected scream as small pink butterflies begin to fly out of the tip of your penis. It should be cum, you know it’s supposed to be cum, but instead these weird girly little insects are shooting out of there like you’re a butterfly AK-47. You can feel their legs move along the inside of your urethra. You can feel their wings beat as they erupt from your nutsack like it’s a cocoon. They wriggle and crawl to freedom along the inside of your dick, then burst forth into the air. Soon, the room is full of lovely, happy pink butterflies. And your dick feels like it’s given birth to thousands of tiny winged babies.
  68. >What. The actual. Fuck.
  69. >You groan, tears leaking from your eyes, as you lie there on the bed gently cupping your much abused balls. You look up from the bed, and lock eyes with Pinkie Pie, your expression revealing feelings of betrayal not seen since the days of Brutus and Caesar. At least she too seems to be as horrified as she rightfully should be, and she slowly turns to face Fluttershy, who’s blushing and smiling proudly.
  70. “Wow, I made him scream a lot!” Fluttershy says softly, licking her lips. “I must have done a really good job!”
  71. “Fluttershy,” Pinkie says, uncharacteristically somber. “What… what did you do?”
  72. >She shrugs, and looks away coyly.
  73. “I don’t know, it was my first time,” she murmurs. “I was nervous. You might say I… had butterflies in my stomach.”
  74. >You groan, and this time it's not because of your testicles.
  77. -END-
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