
Anonymous the Wise Dragon (Unfinished)

Nov 19th, 2014
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  1. >In ages long since past, when the world was yet to be forged...
  2. >There were titans of primordial might, and divine, celestial gods.
  3. >These primordials, beings of fire, earth, water and air, created the world.
  4. >The gods, in their desire to be worshipped, gave it life in their image.
  5. >They created mortal beings of all shapes and sizes, giving them emotions, dreams and fears.
  6. >From one god came the ponies, and from another came changelings.
  7. >From another god came the dragons, and so on, until the world was rich with life of many forms.
  8. >But the primordials had other plans, for they weren't pleased with the unchanging world the gods desired.
  9. >They sought to destroy their creation and make it again, and planned to do so endlessly, as was their way.
  10. >The gods, seeking the protection of their young mortal races, warred with the primordials.
  11. >Though they themselves often fought amongst each other, they stood as one against these elemental titans.
  12. >It was not a battle without cost.
  13. >The great dragon god, Io, was rendered in twain by the axe of a primordial before it was killed.
  14. >The two halves of Io took form in the great dragon gods Bahamut and Tiamat, each inheriting parts of Io.
  16. >To Bahamut went ideals of justice, goodness, bravery and nobility, and all other associated traits.
  17. >To Tiamat went ideals of greed, malice, power and tyranny, and all other associated traits.
  18. >It is from these two dragon deities that all modern dragons are descended from.
  19. >From Tiamat come the chromatic dragons; red, blue, black, green and white and more.
  20. >From Bahamut come the metallic dragons; gold, silver, bronze, copper, brass and more.
  21. >In each of these dragons are reflected the traits of their patron gods, including their rivalry.
  22. >In times past, great fleets of dragons fought amongst themselves.
  23. >Their struggles were physical manifestations of the war between Bahamut and Tiamat.
  24. >The two halves of Io battled each other for ultimate power, but neither could defeat the other.
  25. >Eventually, the dragons were only a fraction in number of what they once were.
  26. >Now, they live alone, in caverns and other far places, guarding hordes of treasure from ages undreamed.
  27. >Waiting.
  29. >"Waiting for what?" a sleepy Spike asks.
  30. >Twilight closes the book and levitates it back onto the shelf.
  31. >"It doesn't say. But it's a fun legend, isn't it?"
  32. >Spike nods, softly yawning in his little bed as he snuggles under the covers.
  33. >"I wish we knew a real dragon, one who wouldn't ignore us or roast us right away, so he could tell us..."
  34. >Twilight sits back and thinks.
  35. >She notices that Spike has drifted off to sleep, and smiles.
  36. >She tucks him in some more and blows out the candle.
  37. >She walks downstairs, overcome with a curiosity she can't quite ignore.
  38. >A book levitates off the shelf, encased in a magical purple aura.
  39. >She takes it over to a nearby study table, where another candle is lit.
  40. >"Dragons of the Current Age: Volume III"
  41. >She flips through the book. Unfortunately, they are not categorized alphabetically, but by age.
  42. >Sudontoros... Physcorcia... Ahd-Jun-Ta... Zerrotunonduntarr...
  43. >And then, near the end, the entry you are seeking.
  44. >The dragon Anonymous.
  45. >Born to a strange, never-before seen union of a red and blue dragon, two species that are separated not only by geography, but by fierce hatred of one another.
  46. >Noted for being one of the few non-Unicorn beings who has studied and harnessed magic, and for being rather hospitable to pony visiters.
  47. >He is described as a strange, otherwordly figure, shunned by dragonkind for both the circumstances of his birth and his radical (by dragon standards) philosophy of not having a hoard of gems and gold.
  48. >Twilight looks up at Spike's sleeping form and smiles.
  49. >This Anonymous is perfect.
  51. >Twilight studies as much as she can, to learn his location.
  52. >Strangely enough, he resides not in a cave atop a mountain, but in the ruins of an ancient civilization that pre-dates ponies.
  53. >At the heart of these ruins is a grand temple, ancient and once abandoned, where he studies.
  54. >Twilight steps outside, and focuses every bit of her alicorn magic.
  55. >And with a bright purple flash, she is gone.
  56. >She re-materializes atop a stone platform from which extends a great staircase.
  57. >She is in some kind of stone city, surrounded by massive structures that look ages old.
  58. >The building she is before now is equally impressive. A massive archway is its opening.
  59. >She trots carefully inside, using her magic to light up the area from her horn with purple light.
  60. >She nearly screams when great pits of fire ignite alongside the room, giving it light and depth.
  61. >At the heart of the room is a raised altar, upon which rests a dragon whose size dwarfs her own several times over.
  62. >His beautiful red scales glint in the fire, and his reptilian head is framed by a crest unlike any other.
  63. >It turns to blue as the frills get further out from his neck.
  64. >His eyes, a brilliant blazing orange, are set upon her.
  65. "It has been a great while since a pony dared venture here... but it has been even longer since last I spoke to an allicorn."
  66. >His voice is deep and powerful, but reserved and well-spoken.
  67. >"Greetings," Twilight says, trying to stay calm. "I am Princess Twilight Sparkle, of Equestria and Ponyville, Element of Magic."
  68. "Your majesty," he bows his head. "The Element of Magic?" he says, craning his massive neck upwards a bit. "I have felt... strange magic coming from the land of Equestria of late. The magic of friendship."
  69. >"Yes, there have been a number of incidents that required the combined power of the Elements of Harmony."
  71. "Ah, yes, the Elements... so long since I last laid eyes upon them. But where are my manners? I am Anonymous, and this is my home."
  72. >"Your lair is rather atypical of a dragon's lair," she says.
  73. "I am rather atypical of a dragon," he says, curling red, scaled lips into a smile, revealing bright white sharp teeth.
  74. >"I have come to ask you a favor, Anonymous," she begins. "I have stewardship over a young dragon, a baby by dragon standards, but his mind yearns to learn of his kind. He followed the dragon migration last year, but did not find what he was seeking."
  75. "A dragon raised by ponies... how interesting," the red-blue dragon says. "And if you brought him to me, what would you have me do?"
  76. >"Teach him. He's growing old... and soon, I may not be able to teach him how to be a dragon, something I know nothing about. I've taught him how to live as a pony, but..."
  77. "But, he is a not a pony. He will grow large, and strong, and soon he will have needs and desires that his draconic heart will drive him towards, and he will not understand."
  78. >"Yes... he's already learnt some lessons about how dangerous giving into his dragon ancestry can be without knowing how to control it. And I fear that I cannot teach it to him. But you, Anonymous... I would pay any price for you to teach him and guide him along a path of peace. I don't want to lose my Spike... I want him to remain in pony society."
  80. "The choice will ultimately be up to him. Each being, be they pony, minotaur or dragon, is in charge of their own fate. Some are puppets, others are masters. Bring him to me and I will decide if I will teach him. Then, he will choose if he wants to be taught."
  81. >"Thank you. I will bring him tomorrow."
  82. >She bows and turns away.
  83. >Anonymous calls out in his booming voice.
  84. "I must warn you, Princess Twilight, that my training may change him. I will impart wisdom and power onto him if he becomes my student, and it will take time. When all is said and done, he will be older, wiser and possibly a different dragon from who you once knew."
  85. >She pauses, then nods. "Growing up changes everyone... but please, don't be hard on him."
  86. "Bring him to me, and we shall see."
  87. >And with a flash, she is gone.
  88. >Anonymous thinks for a great while after she is gone.
  89. 'Perhaps... he is the one that is spoken of. Hmmm...'
  91. >"REALLY? A dragon who wants to teach me!?"
  92. >Spike can hardly contain his excitement. He's bouncing off the walls.
  93. >"Now, Spike, you need to be on your best behaviour. Anonymous is a powerful dragon, and he wants to see you first before he'll make his choice. First impressions are everything!"
  94. >Spike beams. "Should I get my bow-tie?!"
  95. >Twilight remembers the gem-encrusted bowtie that Rarity gave him once.
  96. >"I don't think it would be very fashionable in front of another dragon," she says.
  97. >"What's he like? Is he cool? How big is he? Is he, like, a full-grown dragon?"
  98. >"The book speaks of him at some length. He's got magic, like a unicorn, and lives a life unlike any other dragon."
  99. >Spike's eyes go wide. "He knows MAGIC? He's like a... a DRAGON-WIZARD?"
  100. >"Yes, apparently, though we don't know how. Maybe he'll even teach you!"
  101. >Spike seems ready to burst out of his scales with excitement.
  102. >Twilight takes a moment to ready her things. "Are you ready?"
  103. >"YOU BET!" he says.
  104. >Twilight takes them both to the balcony and holds him close.
  105. >Her horn glows purple, and in a moment, they are gone in a bright flash of purple light.
  106. >Twilight and Spike find themselves in the heart of the ancient temple where she spoke to Anonymous last night.
  107. >Only now, he is gone.
  108. >"Wow, look at this place!" Spike says.
  109. >Now that it is daytime, and light bleeds in through cracks in the walls and the large windows, Twilight can see the intricate runework on the columns and walls.
  110. >They depict places and creatures she has never seen before. Strange, tall beings that walk on two limbs and have two arms.
  111. >It shows many of them, as workers, soldiers and worshippers.
  112. >And above them is a massive carving of dragons.
  114. >Beyond the temple lies the ancient city, and beyond it, a thick and foreboding jungle. How deep in the Everfree Forest is this place?
  115. >Suddenly, a shadow flies over the temple. Spike's eyes widen and his jaw drops as Anonymous, the red-blue dragon, soars into the temple from a massive opening in the ceiling.
  116. >His enormous wingspan stretches across the room as he sets down upon the stone altar where Twilight spoke to him last night.
  117. >He turns his orange eyes upon the two.
  118. "And so we meet once more, your majesty," Anonymous says, bowing his massive head in respect.
  119. >Twilight, taken aback by the sheer presence of the dragon, can only nervously nod in return.
  120. >Anon's eyes narrow at the small creature hiding behind her leg.
  121. "And what do we have here? Come forth, small one."
  122. >Slowly, and with a little prodding from Twilight, Spike edges forward, his small head bowed but his eyes locked upon the great dragon before him.
  123. >Anonymous lowers his head to nearly ground level, staring at Spike.
  124. "I am Anonymous. And your name?"
  125. >"Sp-Sp-Spike, uh, sir," he says, shaking.
  126. >Anonymous raises his head back and lets out a laugh that feels like it shakes the temple.
  127. "Sir? How quaint."
  128. >Spike looks ready to die, as if he had done something wrong.
  129. >Anonymous looks back down upon him.
  130. "There are old ways, traditions rarely indulged in this modern age, when two of our kind meet. Traditionally, the elder speaks first, and the youth listens in full before reply."
  131. >He aims his mouth upwards and lets loose a torrent of blue fire from his mouth, aimed up at the ceiling.
  132. >Spike and Twilight both watch in amazement as his chest and the spikes upon his back glow a bright blue as he releases his fire, burning away vines and scorching the stone.
  134. >He looks down upon Spike when he is finished.
  135. "Now, show me your breath, small one. Fear no judgment."
  136. >Spike is still shaking. Twilight urges him to shoot flame.
  137. >He takes in a sharp breath and manages a small tuft of green fire.
  138. >Anonymous nods, and smiles a wide, toothy grin.
  139. "Worry not, Spike. In time, you will grow, as will your breath. Now, what would you ask of me? Go on."
  140. >He swallows his fear. "I... I want to learn how to be a dragon. I... I met some other dragons once, but they were cruel, and wanted me to do something terrible to earn their respect..."
  141. Anonymous nods. "They say that cruelty is part of being a dragon, and this is because many dragons are cruel. But it is not so. Cruelty comes from ignorance, which unfortunately, most dragons are mired in. Too proud, too greedy, too territorial. I am not."
  142. >"Then, can you teach me? Please?" Spike asks. "I want to learn how to be a dragon, what it means and everything about it."
  143. "First, permit me to ask a question of my own," Anonymous says.
  144. >"Anything!" Spike quickly replies.
  145. "You have spent the earliest years of your life among the ponies. I have known some of them--explorers, wizards, princesses--but you have known far more than I. Tell me of your time amongst the ponies."
  146. >Spike thinks for a moment.
  147. >"It's been fun, and amazing," he says. "I've seen things and done things I never dreamed of. The ponies are such fun, and they're so nice to me. But..."
  148. "But?"
  149. >"But... I feel this strange, kind of... sadness in me, sometimes..."
  150. >Twilight raises a hoof to her mouth. "Spike?"
  151. >Spike can't look back at her.
  153. >"It's just... everywhere I go, I'm the only one of my kind. I'm young, so I don't fit in with the adults, and I don't go to school with the fillies and colts, so... Have you ever been in a room, full of others, and just felt... alone?"
  154. >Anonymous listens intently.
  155. "You are a dragon, Spike. At your core, you are fundamentally different from all ponies. Before you stretches a long life, longer than most mortal creatures. You are fire, and rage, and ruin. But within you beats a heart like any other, and in that heart can grow compassion, kindness and love, if you so choose. Most of our kind do not, and harbor only love for themselves and their piles of treasure."
  156. >"I don't want that," Spike says. "I want to live with the ponies--I love them, I do! They're my friends! But I don't want to hurt them, either..."
  157. >Anonymous smiles again, and reaches out for Spike.
  158. >He places his large, clawed hand in front of him, palm facing upwards, and urges him to climb into his hand.
  159. >Twilight watches as Spike crawls past the large claws and into the palm of Anonymous and is raised upwards.
  160. >Spike sits, looking so small and fragile next to this massive dragon, who looks upon him with fondness.
  161. "I will teach you, Spike. All that I know, and more. And when we are done, you may choose your path. Would you accept my mentorship?"
  162. >Spike eagerly nods. "Yes, yes! Definitely!"
  163. "Then we shall begin immediately."
  165. >Anonymous looks over at Twilight after setting Spike down on the ground.
  166. “Princess Twilight, you are this dragon’s caregiver. As such, you are welcome to come visit him at any time during his training.”
  167. >She nods. “May I speak with Spike?”
  168. “Of course.”
  169. >She approaches him and pulls him into a hug.
  170. >”I’ll visit every day, Spike,” she says. The small green dragon returns the hug.
  171. >”I’ll learn everything Anonymous can teach me, Twilight, and I’ll be just as smart as you are, maybe!”
  172. >Twilight giggles. She opens her eyes and sees Anonymous watching them with an amused expression on his reptilian face.
  173. >She parts from her dragon assistant and smiles as she heads for the exit.
  174. >With a final look back and a wave, she vanishes in a flash of purple magic.
  175. >Spike looks back up at Anonymous.
  176. >”So, uh… where do we begin?”
  177. “Where would you like to begin, young one?”
  178. >He approaches Anonymous and sits down in front of the altar. “Twilight said your mom and dad were a blue and red dragon, right?”
  179. >Anonymous tilts his head a bit.
  180. “Yes, that is correct. My father, Zutharrowthidrax the Red, and my mother, Tzincara the Blue. They were an odd couple, as they fell in love during a time when the red dragons and the blue dragons were at great odds with each other, and remain so to this day.”
  181. >”What were they like?”
  182. “My father was passionate, and my mother was wise. Both were strong and knew what they wanted of life, but their races did not agree. I was born of this union, and as such, many carry a fierce hatred of me.”
  183. >”But why? I don’t understand why the dragons would do that to each other.”
  184. “Not just dragons. Once, long ago, the races of ponies fought amongst themselves as well.”
  185. >”Oh, oh! I know about this!” Spike interjects. “They fought over territory and couldn’t agree with each other until they saw the magic of friendship!”
  186. “That is correct, Spike. But what you may not know is that dragons have lived much longer than the ponies, and while they once knew the unity of one common goal, they now fear and shun each other.”
  187. >”What about the dragon migration? I saw a lot of dragons there… of all kinds…”
  188. “The dragon migration is something followed more out of necessity than it is out of a desire to unite the dragons. The dragons meet, mingle, mate and move on after it is done. This is how the dragons have continued their species.”
  189. >Spike nods. “But, you also once said that the dragons were united? Twilight read me a legend… about the creator of the dragons, a god named Io.”
  190. >Anonymous seems surprised.
  191. “This is true. Once, Io lorded over all dragons, but when Io was rendered into two halves, Tiamat and Bahamut, dragonnkind became divided. In time, even dragons that adhered to Bahamut became lost to their own passions of pride, anger and vanity. You see, Spike, dragons are proud creatures, but they easily become lost in themselves.”
  192. >”Will… Will I end up like that?”
  193. “With time and training, you will not, Spike. Just as I have not. What many dragons have forgotten is the magic that runs through their veins. Everything about us, from our wings to our breaths, is guided by magic. Tell me, Spike, have you ever performed any magic?”
  194. >”Well… I can kind of do this one trick, where I can breathe my fire onto a letter and send it to Princess Celestia, and she can send letters back to me…”
  195. “And did she teach you this trick?”
  196. >”Yeah, she did, why?”
  197. “It’s magic, Spike. Like unicorns, dragons have inherent magic within them, but it takes time and training to harness it. With your breathe, you can perform far more feats than simply sending and receiving letters.”
  198. >”Really? Like what?” he asks, excited at the prospect of becoming more powerful.
  199. “Patience. Before you learn how to use magic, you must first be taught and learn when not to use it. A dragon is power; it is strength and fire given physical form. If you wish to live a life of peace, you must have control over that power.”
  200. >”I don’t feel very strong or powerful…”
  201. “You are young. In time, you will know strength beyond any that you have ever known. I will guide you along this path, but first there is much else to teach you. History, traditions and philosophy.”
  202. >Spike looks down and thinks for a moment. “How long will it take to learn all of this?”
  203. “Years, Spike.”
  204. >”Oh…”
  205. >Anonymous looks at the young dragon and lowers his head to his own.
  206. “What troubles you, small one?”
  207. >“I’m going to miss my friends… It’s going to hurt to not get to see them.”
  208. >Anonymous’ eyes narrow.
  209. “There’s something more, isn’t there?”
  210. >Spike curls up a bit.
  211. “Be honest with your teacher, my student. I can help you understand things that you do not.”
  212. >”There’s… a pony… her name is Rarity.”
  213. “I see.”
  214. >Anonymous raises his head and looks out over the landscape of the ancient civilization he has made his lair within.
  215. “And this pony? What is she to you?”
  216. >”She’s one of Twilight’s friends, she wields the Element of Generosity… and…”
  217. “And?”
  218. >”And I… I like her, a lot…”
  219. >Anonymous is silent and closes his eyes.
  220. “And she is an adult?”
  221. >”Well, I mean, she’s older than me, yeah, but…”
  222. >Anonymous looks down at him.
  223. >”She’s… a young adult…”
  224. “I, too, once loved another outside my species.”
  225. >Spike’s head instantly shoots up. “Wh-what!? Really?”
  226. “Yes.”
  227. >Anonymous once more looks out to the horizon.
  228. “You see, Spike, dragons have always lived amongst other beings and species. This place where I make my home, once it was home to a race that built great monuments, forged great works of art and counted some of the most intelligent philosophers and scholars among their numbers.”
  229. >”Who were they? Where did they go?”
  230. “They were mankind. They built this place and lived here, worshipping the dragons as gods. They were a primitive people, but they were noble and survivors. My kind demanded tributes of them, and they paid with great feasts and celebrations, even sacrifices. It was among these people that I was born.”
  231. >”You grew up with them?”
  232. “Yes. My father and mother were outcasts, and mankind was the only place where they could find peace. I was born amongst the humans and grew up with them, learning their ways and legends. It is from them I received my name, an old human word.”
  233. >”But where are they now?”
  234. >Anonymous closes his eyes again, and lets out a long, low breath.
  235. ”They are gone,” he says, pained.
  236. >”And… what happened to the one you loved? Did she go away with them?”
  237. “No… it was something else that took her from me… Time.”
  238. >Spike didn’t seem to understand.
  239. “I learned something long ago… about being a dragon. For humans, and for ponies, life can be short. They have such little time. But for us, life is long. Centuries, even thousands of years can make up a dragon’s life, but others are measured in decades. There was a girl… I loved her as dearly as anyone ever loved another. She grew older as I stayed the same. I was with her… right up until the end.”
  240. >Spike’s eyes widen slightly as he listens to the old dragon’s tale.
  241. “It was then I learned what happens when you open your heart to the joys of love. The pain of loss will always come with it.”
  242. >”Then… then there’s no hope?” Spike asks, dejected.
  243. “No, Spike. There is always hope. Because even though my time with her was short, compared with the time I have lived, I will never forget the love I felt for her or the joy she brought me. The pain is a price to pay for that happiness, because even if I had to suffer through losing her, I would suffer it a thousand times again just to see her again, to hear her laugh or her smile, so precious were they to me. It is better to have loved, and lost, than to have never loved at all.”
  244. >Spike listens intently. “So… am I going to be alone forever?”
  245. “No, Spike. You’ll never be alone forever.”
  246. >Anonymous gently picks up the small dragon and holds him up to eye-level.
  247. “So long as you never forget the ones you love and the ones who love you, they will always be with you.”
  248. >”I… I think I understand… will I really live for a thousand years?”
  249. “You are a dragon, Spike, and many centuries await you beyond the few years you have lived.”
  250. >”Then, if I choose to stay among the ponies, I’ll keep watching them grow old and… d-die?”
  251. >Anonymous closes his eyes again and softly nods.
  252. “I’m afraid so, Spike. Do you know why our kind rarely forms attachments to others, even among themselves?”
  253. >”No… why?”
  254. “Because dragons have large hearts, and the pain of loss stings us much worse than most. We have the capacity to love and feel on such a powerful level, that most dragons refuse to face it and keep to themselves, choosing instead to love treasure or similar vices. Because deep down, we all fear pain, Spike. You do, and I do as well.”
  255. >Spike curls up again in Anonymous’ palm.
  256. >”I… I don’t want to lose my friends…”
  257. >Anonymous watches the small dragon’s eyes slowly tear up.
  258. >The old dragon feels a similar moisture build up in his eyes, but keeps it at bay.
  259. >Perhaps it wasn’t time to tell the young one about the pain he will find in his life.
  260. >But it is, perhaps, the most important lesson to learn, and from something broken down to its foundation, something new can be built upon it.
  261. >Anonymous will train this dragon, and in time, he will know how to battle the pain.
  262. >And in time, perhaps, he will learn the truth that Anonymous did not tell him in his story.
  263. >That he was once human as well.
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