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Jun 1st, 2016
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  1. [5/13/2016 12:27:45 PM] sammie: ...
  2. [5/13/2016 12:27:53 PM] sammie: grackis and bbb had gmaes together during the round grackis was winning
  3. [5/13/2016 12:27:56 PM] sammie: are you fucking mental
  4. [5/13/2016 12:28:06 PM] sammie: he was blatantly throwing ofr his trophy winning account grackis
  5. [5/13/2016 12:28:20 PM] sammie: unless we are going to argue abc was multi-accounting just for kicks
  6. [5/13/2016 12:28:20 PM] vilden: nope
  7. [5/13/2016 12:28:22 PM] sammie: ??
  8. [5/13/2016 12:28:25 PM] sammie: are you fucking stupid
  9. [5/13/2016 12:28:26 PM] vilden: he played on both acc's to see which would do well
  10. [5/13/2016 12:28:28 PM] sammie: no
  11. [5/13/2016 12:28:30 PM] sammie: ...
  12. [5/13/2016 12:28:31 PM] vilden: when grackis came out ahead
  13. [5/13/2016 12:28:34 PM] vilden: he decided to trophy that one instead
  14. [5/13/2016 12:28:46 PM] sammie: only bigbadboy and grackis
  15. [5/13/2016 12:28:50 PM] sammie: are you fucking dumb
  16. [5/13/2016 12:28:56 PM] vilden: lol
  17. [5/13/2016 12:28:57 PM] sammie: i bet he didn't even buy them himnself
  18. [5/13/2016 12:29:00 PM] vilden: sammie, he will play numerous acc's in a round
  19. [5/13/2016 12:29:04 PM] vilden: if one goes 10-1 to start
  20. [5/13/2016 12:29:06 PM] sammie: ...
  21. [5/13/2016 12:29:06 PM] vilden: and the other 5-6
  22. [5/13/2016 12:29:12 PM] vilden: he will pick the 10-1 to trophy (i.e. grackis)
  23. [5/13/2016 12:29:13 PM] sammie: lmfao
  24. [5/13/2016 12:29:14 PM] vilden: and take over with that one
  25. [5/13/2016 12:29:15 PM] sammie: youre so dumb honestly
  26. [5/13/2016 12:29:21 PM] vilden: do you want to see my dick
  27. [5/13/2016 12:29:26 PM] sammie: ...
  28. [5/13/2016 12:29:29 PM] sammie: ??
  29. [5/13/2016 12:29:39 PM] sammie: Why is someone who doenst know abc at all
  30. [5/13/2016 12:29:41 PM] vilden: sammie is showing her superior intelligence or something
  31. [5/13/2016 12:29:47 PM] sammie: Arguing about whether abc was willing to throw a handful of games
  32. [5/13/2016 12:29:51 PM] sammie: Lmao
  33. [5/13/2016 12:29:52 PM] vilden: and her 5 years of experience knowing abc
  34. [5/13/2016 12:31:04 PM] sammie: also no vilden i don't want to fucking see your dick
  35. [5/13/2016 12:31:06 PM] sammie: where did that even come from
  36. [5/13/2016 12:34:02 PM] sammie: how would letting x or y player win a few times
  37. [5/13/2016 12:34:06 PM] sammie: affect his winrate in any meaningful way
  38. [5/13/2016 12:34:10 PM] sammie: whenever abc cheats
  39. [5/13/2016 12:34:13 PM] vilden: thats how u can tell it's not a gt acc
  40. [5/13/2016 12:34:16 PM] sammie: he uses any and all accounts that he has at his disposable
  41. [5/13/2016 12:34:20 PM] sammie: like are you fucking stupid
  42. [5/13/2016 12:34:26 PM] sammie: why are you even arguing that abxc doenst throw games
  43. [5/13/2016 12:34:31 PM] sammie: you know you can cheat to win most of the time
  44. [5/13/2016 12:34:34 PM] sammie: and still occasionally throw
  45. [5/13/2016 12:34:35 PM] sammie: right?
  46. [5/13/2016 12:34:37 PM] vilden: im not arguing that lol
  47. [5/13/2016 12:34:40 PM] Gerry: it lost a lot to bbb last round. kidneybeans
  48. [5/13/2016 12:34:43 PM] vilden: im saying BIGBADBOY
  49. [5/13/2016 12:34:49 PM] vilden: was not purposed as a gt acc
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