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Oct 1st, 2014
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  1. Steve(Typhlosion): hi, god
  2. • Laura (Arceus) giggles
  3. Laura (Arceus): Bow before me mortal
  4. • Steve(Typhlosion) bows
  5. • Steve(Typhlosion) hand you a flame plate
  6. Laura (Arceus): Oh goodie
  7. Steve(Typhlosion): courtesy of me and 24 sleepless hours
  8. • Laura (Arceus) becomes fire Arceus
  9. Laura (Arceus): Thank you
  10. Steve(Typhlosion): what is god's name?
  11. Laura (Arceus): Oh I don't know about yours but I would be Laura.
  12. Steve(Typhlosion): my name is "Steve"
  13. Steve(Typhlosion): I am a typhlosion
  14. Steve(Typhlosion): my kind is close to extinction
  15. Laura (Arceus): Oh?
  16. Steve(Typhlosion): yes.
  17. Laura (Arceus): Hmm...Well if all typhlosion are as sweet as you we can't have that.
  18. Steve(Typhlosion): my wife is a typhlosion, and she is sweet as a plum.
  19. • Laura (Arceus) smiles
  20. Steve(Typhlosion): my best friend is a typhlosion, and he has gone through much.
  21. Laura (Arceus): Well then Steve. What would you have me do?
  22. Steve(Typhlosion): I... dunno...
  23. Laura (Arceus): How about this? she snaps her fingers and 1000s of cyndaquil eggs appear
  24. Steve(Typhlosion): um...
  25. Steve(Typhlosion): i'm already a father of...
  26. Steve(Typhlosion): carry the 6
  27. Steve(Typhlosion): take down the 7...
  28. Steve(Typhlosion): im already a father of 5!
  29. Laura (Arceus): You said extinct. This was my best guess at what you wanted...
  30. Steve(Typhlosion): yay... now i'm a father of...
  31. Steve(Typhlosion): 1,005...
  32. Steve(Typhlosion): yay!
  33. Laura (Arceus): Actually it's 9005...
  34. Steve(Typhlosion): oh god...
  35. Steve(Typhlosion): yay...
  36. Laura (Arceus): I can just make em all grown if you want me too
  37. Steve(Typhlosion): really?
  38. Steve(Typhlosion): but...
  39. Laura (Arceus): Hmm?
  40. Steve(Typhlosion): they won't have a past...
  41. Steve(Typhlosion): no memories....
  42. Laura (Arceus): I can fix that as well.
  43. Steve(Typhlosion): of a sweet childhood...
  44. Laura (Arceus): You want 9000 kids?
  45. Steve(Typhlosion): as a... um... something nice... teen
  46. Steve(Typhlosion): I know i might die of stress... but...
  47. Steve(Typhlosion): I'll take it.
  48. Laura (Arceus): Ok...
  49. Laura (Arceus): You'll be back begging in a week after they hatch you know...
  50. Steve(Typhlosion): nah.
  51. Steve(Typhlosion): so... when will they all hatch?
  52. Steve(Typhlosion): 5 minutes?
  53. Steve(Typhlosion): 5 hours?
  54. Steve(Typhlosion): 5 dayz?
  55. Steve(Typhlosion): when?
  56. Steve(Typhlosion): now?
  57. Steve(Typhlosion): how about... now?
  58. Steve(Typhlosion): now?
  59. Laura (Arceus): 3.2.1....And...Go.
  60. • Laura (Arceus) all the eggs hatch at once and the baby cyndaquil all rush Steve
  61. Steve(Typhlosion): oh god.
  62. • Steve(Typhlosion) nearly suffocates
  63. Laura (Arceus): You said my name?
  64. Steve(Typhlosion): nah.
  65. Laura (Arceus): I heard an Oh God. So I just assumed.
  66. Steve(Typhlosion): ever heard of a "needle in a haystack"?
  67. Laura (Arceus): Yep.
  68. Steve(Typhlosion): well, i'm the needle
  69. Laura (Arceus): I realize that.
  70. Laura (Arceus): Now...What will your wife say when she sees all of them I wonder.
  71. Steve(Typhlosion): Uh...
  72. • Laura (Arceus) smiles
  73. • Steve(Typhlosion) slowly walks away, somehow or another
  74. • Laura (Arceus) laughs watching all the cute little baby cyndaquil follow him
  75. Laura (Arceus): See you in a week Steve!
  76. Steve(Typhlosion): maybe.
  77. • Steve(Typhlosion) A WEEK LATAH
  78. Steve(Typhlosion): I've lost all my remaining sanity...
  79. • Laura (Arceus) sits smiling
  80. Laura (Arceus): Knew it.
  81. Steve(Typhlosion): but i haven't given up!
  82. Laura (Arceus): Oh?
  83. Steve(Typhlosion): Even though i was kicked out of the house, i haven't given up!
  84. Laura (Arceus): She kicked you out?
  85. Laura (Arceus): Damn that's a harsh one.
  86. Steve(Typhlosion): If you had suddenly 9000 kids, what do you think your spouse would do?
  87. Laura (Arceus): Welp. I have no spouse so no idea.
  88. Steve(Typhlosion): but they learned how to hunt
  89. Steve(Typhlosion): you should've seen that raticate.
  90. • Laura (Arceus) winces
  91. Steve(Typhlosion): what?
  92. Laura (Arceus): Yeah...I did.
  93. Laura (Arceus): He was none too pleased in the afterlife either...
  94. Steve(Typhlosion): really?
  95. Laura (Arceus): Well if you were killed by a horde of cute would you be happy?
  96. Steve(Typhlosion): horde of cute. yes. horde of anything but cute. no.
  97. Laura (Arceus): He sure as hell was not happy.
  98. Laura (Arceus): Ironically that's where he ended up.
  99. • Steve(Typhlosion) snickers
  100. • Laura (Arceus) smiles
  101. Laura (Arceus): Didn't expect a sense of humor from me did you?
  102. Steve(Typhlosion): even gods laugh
  103. Laura (Arceus): Yep. Mine just leads to weird stuff. Ever heard of the platypus?
  104. Steve(Typhlosion): only egg laying-mammel?
  105. Steve(Typhlosion): no, i haven't.
  106. • Laura (Arceus) giggles
  107. • Laura (Arceus) suddenly a platypus appears between them
  108. Steve(Typhlosion): Duck bill
  109. Steve(Typhlosion): beaver tail
  110. Steve(Typhlosion): otter fur.
  111. Steve(Typhlosion): IT'S A FUSION OF LIFE!!!!!
  112. Laura (Arceus): Yep. she snaps her fingers and it's gone
  113. Steve(Typhlosion): kewl
  114. Laura (Arceus): That happens a lot for some reason...
  115. • Steve(Typhlosion) all the cyndaquils start to evolve, and steve is now blind from such light
  116. Steve(Typhlosion): i can't see!
  117. • Laura (Arceus) sighs
  118. Laura (Arceus): damn fragile...
  119. • Laura (Arceus) snaps her fingers and his eyes are fixed
  120. Laura (Arceus): Better?
  121. Steve(Typhlosion): I can see!
  122. Steve(Typhlosion): YAY!!!
  123. Steve(Typhlosion): so many quilavas
  124. Steve(Typhlosion): well, see ya.
  125. • Steve(Typhlosion) A MENTH LATAH
  126. • Laura (Arceus) waits
  127. • Steve(Typhlosion) walks up to GOD, followed by none
  128. Laura (Arceus): Hello Steve
  129. Steve(Typhlosion): they all grew up... they all went their separate ways...
  130. Laura (Arceus): Please tell me you aren't asking for more...
  131. Steve(Typhlosion): nope
  132. Steve(Typhlosion): well, see ya.
  133. • Steve(Typhlosion) trips and falls down the stairs of heaven
  134. Laura (Arceus): Bye
  135. Steve(Typhlosion): ow.
  136. Steve(Typhlosion): ouch.
  137. Steve(Typhlosion): owie.
  138. • Laura (Arceus) laughs
  139. Steve(Typhlosion): rainbows.
  140. Steve(Typhlosion): whee!
  141. Laura (Arceus): I have an elevator you know...
  142. Steve(Typhlosion): guud to kniw.
  143. • Steve(Typhlosion) passes out
  144. • Laura (Arceus) laughs and sends him home with magic
  145. Steve(Typhlosion): magic! yay!
  146. • Steve(Typhlosion) ARPEH END
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