
Good God Vanilla as Fuck!

Jul 3rd, 2013
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  1. [17:56] * Lucyne follows Rain home
  2. [17:56] <Lucyne> "Wonder if Mr Crab is home?"
  3. [17:56] <Rain_Drop> "He might be looking for food i think."
  4. [17:57] <Lucyne> "Still hasn't come to demand his strawberries?"
  5. [18:57] <Lucyne> "How are the plants doing anyways?"
  6. [18:58] <Rain_Drop> "I might have forgotten to tell Mr. Crab that the grapes will take three years to actually bear fruit..."
  7. [18:58] * Lucyne laughs
  8. [18:58] <Lucyne> "Oh right, there was something there."
  9. [18:58] * Lucyne trots across the River with Rain
  10. [18:59] * Rain_Drop giggles "But the strawberries will be done by the time we get to month 2 I bet."
  11. [18:59] * Rain_Drop keeps up with Lucy still chatting
  12. [18:59] <Lucyne> "Strange how we have only been here for what...2 weeks?"
  13. [18:59] * Lucyne gestures around her
  14. [18:59] <Lucyne> "And all THIS has already happened."
  15. [18:59] <Rain_Drop> "Corn is up to our bellies its kinda fun to run though actually."
  16. [19:00] <Rain_Drop> "Time flies if your having fun or thats what i was told.:
  17. [19:00] <Lucyne> "It sure does..."
  18. [19:00] * Lucyne contemplates the floor as the two continue along to the house
  19. [19:01] * Rain_Drop looks up at the door way.
  20. [19:01] <Rain_Drop> "Really need to talk to Strong and Green about how to make a door soon..."
  21. [19:01] * Lucyne seems distracted
  22. [19:01] <Rain_Drop> "And get some furniture too.."
  23. [19:01] <Lucyne> "Huh? Oh yea, we should."
  24. [19:01] * Rain_Drop looks over at Lucy head tilted in confusion
  25. [19:01] <Lucyne> "The house needs to be a little larger anyways.."
  26. [19:02] <Rain_Drop> "Lucy?"
  27. [19:02] <Lucyne> "Rain...I've been thinking."
  28. [19:02] * Lucyne walks inside
  29. [19:02] <Rain_Drop> "Yeah?"
  30. [19:02] * Rain_Drop follows behind
  31. [19:02] * Lucyne surveys the room until her eyes rest on the rusted sword laying in the corner
  32. [19:02] <Lucyne> "Yesterday, when we were down there..."
  33. [19:03] <Rain_Drop> "In the caves?"
  34. [19:03] * Lucyne walks over to the sword
  35. [19:03] <Lucyne> "Yes."
  36. [19:03] * Rain_Drop shivers at the memory
  37. [19:03] <Lucyne> "When we helped that shade..."
  38. [19:03] <Rain_Drop> "Yeah thought it was game over for a bit there..."
  39. [19:03] <Lucyne> "And that slime hit you...
  40. [19:04] * Lucyne looks to Rain, face somewhat pained
  41. [19:04] <Lucyne> "I was really scared...It got me thinking."
  42. [19:04] * Lucyne sighs and shakes her head, eyeing the ground
  43. [19:04] * Rain_Drop trots up to you looking concerned
  44. [19:04] <Rain_Drop> "Hey, hey hey..."
  45. [19:04] <Lucyne> "When...when I first got here..."
  46. [19:05] * Lucyne begins
  47. [19:05] <Lucyne> "I thought long and hard about what was happening."
  48. [19:05] <Rain_Drop> "go on..."
  49. [19:05] <Lucyne> "And came to an...odd conclusion."
  50. [19:05] * Rain_Drop rests a hoof on your shoulder waiting
  51. [19:05] * Lucyne searches for the right words
  52. [19:05] <Lucyne> "I was sure this was all, well, a joke."
  53. [19:06] <Lucyne> "A dream."
  54. [19:06] <Lucyne> "That I would wake up from some day."
  55. [19:06] <Lucyne> " that logic."
  56. [19:06] <Lucyne> "I said: 'Fuck everything'."
  57. [19:06] * Lucyne trots around in circles
  58. [19:06] * Rain_Drop slowly nods her head in thought
  59. [19:06] <Lucyne> "I said: 'This world isn't real, I can do what I want!'"
  60. [19:06] <Rain_Drop> "I could see how that would work..."
  61. [19:07] <Lucyne> "I'm the king of the world! No fear shall pain me ever again!"
  62. [19:07] <Lucyne> "All just a big game..." Lucyne whispers
  63. [19:07] <Lucyne> "And I acted like it."
  64. [19:07] * Lucyne laughs and shakes her head
  65. [19:08] <Lucyne> "Going on an 'adventure', that word has no place outside of a game."
  66. [19:08] <Lucyne> "Anyway, I'm going nowhere."
  67. [19:08] <Lucyne> "I'm just confused at what I should do."
  68. [19:08] * Lucyne nuzzles Rain
  69. [19:09] * Rain_Drop sighes
  70. [19:09] <Lucyne> "I'm not afraid of something eating me, but I am afraid of something hurting you."
  71. [19:09] * Lucyne balks back and turns around
  72. [19:09] <Lucyne> "Which of course is stupid and foolish!"
  73. [19:09] * Lucyne grumbles
  74. [19:09] <Rain_Drop> "Lucy you are such a silly pony..."
  75. [19:10] * Rain_Drop grabs you holding you tight
  76. [19:10] <Rain_Drop> "I thought I told you already..."
  77. [19:10] * Lucyne sighs and holds onto Rain's hooves
  78. [19:10] <Lucyne> "How did I ever get to deserve you?" Lucyne wonders
  79. [19:10] <Rain_Drop> "Your not getting rid of me that easily."
  80. [19:10] * Lucyne holds Rain tight
  81. [19:11] <Rain_Drop> "Sides we're partners right?"
  82. [19:11] <Lucyne> "Thanks Rain, I'm sorry for being a pain again, it's just I'm not sure what to do."
  83. [19:11] <Lucyne> "We sure are!"
  84. [19:11] * Lucyne smiles brightly
  85. [19:11] * Rain_Drop smiles down at you
  86. [19:11] <Rain_Drop> "Then we take each day as it comes and keep moving eh?"
  87. [19:11] <Lucyne> "It's's all I'm good for."
  88. [19:12] <Lucyne> "I was a scientist, my job was with chemicals and XRays, not dirt and forests."
  89. [19:13] * Lucyne contemplates the thought
  90. [19:13] <Rain_Drop> "hmmm..."
  91. [19:13] <Rain_Drop> "I think.."
  92. [19:13] <Lucyne> "These potions we have recovered have saved lives."
  93. [19:13] <Rain_Drop> "That people who work with their brains like to take breaks from thinking so hard ya know?"
  94. [19:13] <Rain_Drop> "Yeah they sure did."
  95. [19:13] * Lucyne smiles
  96. [19:13] * Rain_Drop huffs in exasperation
  97. [19:14] <Lucyne> "You are too good to me..."
  98. [19:14] <Rain_Drop> "Yours too if I remember even if you shouldnt have needed it..."
  99. [19:14] <Lucyne> "But that's the point..."
  100. [19:14] * Lucyne begins pacing again
  101. [19:15] <Lucyne> "I brought you in mortal danger, but that situation brought us the way to save you!"
  102. [19:15] <Lucyne> "And Quicksilver and others."
  103. [19:15] * Lucyne paces frantically
  104. [19:15] <Lucyne> "Does that mean I HAVE to find more?"
  105. [19:15] <Rain_Drop> "So it evens out in the end huh?"
  106. [19:15] <Lucyne> "Will people die if I don't?"
  107. [19:16] <Rain_Drop> "Hey dont start with what ifs Lucy."
  108. [19:16] <Lucyne> (pacing intensifies)
  109. [19:16] * Rain_Drop stops your pacing with a hoof
  110. [19:16] * Lucyne snapps out of it
  111. [19:16] <Lucyne> "..."
  112. [19:16] <Rain_Drop> "If you do this if you do that you'll drive yourself nutty trying to figure it out."
  113. [19:17] <Lucyne> "I've saved more lives by throwing my own on the line than ever before in my life."
  114. [19:17] * Lucyne stares at the sword in the corner
  115. [19:17] <Lucyne> "Isn't it then my duty?"
  116. [19:17] * Lucyne laughs
  117. [19:17] <Lucyne> "I can put Able's on the line too for all I care."
  118. [19:18] <Rain_Drop> "I think Able might protest a bit at that."
  119. [19:18] * Rain_Drop chuckles dryly
  120. [19:18] <Lucyne> "You think? He doesn't seem all too attached to his health."
  121. [19:18] * Lucyne chuckles
  122. [19:18] <Lucyne> "What do you think Rain?"
  123. [19:19] <Lucyne> "Should I just...stay home for a while?"
  124. [19:19] * Rain_Drop trots up to you smiling a small half smile
  125. [19:20] <Rain_Drop> "I think you should do what you think is best Lucy."
  126. [19:20] * Lucyne stares into space in contemplation
  127. [19:20] <Rain_Drop> "If its going on adventures or just relaxing a bit here with me"
  128. [19:20] <Lucyne> "..."
  129. [19:20] <Rain_Drop> "Its your decision and you can bet that is something that cant be taken from you understand?"
  130. [19:21] <Lucyne> "How the hell did I ever get to deserve you? I wasn't THAT great of a person."
  131. [19:21] * Lucyne hugs Rain
  132. [19:21] * Rain_Drop recieves the hug while laughing
  133. [19:21] <Rain_Drop> "I never got out much in the old world..."
  134. [19:21] <Rain_Drop> "So I think I didnt get as cynical as most..."
  135. [19:21] <Lucyne> "You should've, the world needs more of your kind."
  136. [19:21] * Lucyne smiles
  137. [19:22] <Lucyne> "Not all is cynical, Nietzsche had a great quote..."
  138. [19:22] <Lucyne> "'And as I learned of the higher pleasures, I learned to neither inflict nor wish harm upon any other'"
  139. [19:22] <Lucyne> "From So Spoke Zarathustra if I recall."
  140. [19:23] * Lucyne shakes her head
  141. [19:23] <Lucyne> "Sorry, me and my books."
  142. [19:23] * Rain_Drop blinks in thought
  143. [19:23] <Rain_Drop> "I dont really get that aside from dont be mean to others..."
  144. [19:23] <Lucyne> "Yes, might not have been the best quote."
  145. [19:24] * Rain_Drop laughs a bit before nuzzling softly against you
  146. [19:24] <Lucyne> "I sometimes forget not everyone spent their teen years reading old philosophy book."
  147. [19:24] * Lucyne smiles at Rain's affection
  148. [19:24] * Lucyne breathes in and out, slowly
  149. [19:24] <Rain_Drop> "Heh you sound like Twilight as a filly..."
  150. [19:24] <Lucyne> "Oh, you should've seen my room."
  151. [19:25] <Rain_Drop> "Books everywhere?"
  152. [19:25] <Lucyne> "It was filled to your ankles with nothing but books."
  153. [19:25] <Lucyne> "Every table, every cupboard."
  154. [19:25] * Rain_Drop cracks up at her guess being right
  155. [19:25] * Lucyne laughs
  156. [19:25] <Lucyne> "And of course the computer I never turned off."
  157. [19:25] <Rain_Drop> "Well going to need to install a few shelves then if we are going to be swamped with books huh?"
  158. [19:26] <Lucyne> "Hah, I hope equestrian literature is as good as at home."
  159. [19:26] * Lucyne grimaces
  160. [19:26] <Lucyne> "I'm already missing my science books."
  161. [19:27] * Lucyne surveys the room once more
  162. [19:27] * Rain_Drop smiles at your distaste. "Well worse comes to worse we can introduce the idea to the ponies."
  163. [19:27] <Lucyne> "Exactly, I'll just say I invented all of it."
  164. [19:27] * Lucyne chuckles
  165. [19:27] <Lucyne> "Anyhow, I think I know what I must do."
  166. [19:28] * Rain_Drop perks up at your declaration
  167. [19:28] * Lucyne straightens herself
  168. [19:28] <Rain_Drop> "Whats that?"
  169. [19:28] <Lucyne> "What happened at the Inn, twice now, can't happen again."
  170. [19:28] <Rain_Drop> "I can agree to that."
  171. [19:29] <Lucyne> "We need better safekeeping for magical and other dangerous artifacts."
  172. [19:29] <Lucyne> "And for that, I suggest..."
  173. [19:29] * Lucyne points downwards
  174. [19:29] <Lucyne> "Right under us."
  175. [19:29] <Rain_Drop> "The caves under town?"
  176. [19:29] <Lucyne> "Exactly."
  177. [19:29] * Rain_Drop sits back in thought idly rubbing a hoof against her chin
  178. [19:30] <Lucyne> "I'm going to gather a group tomorrow to clean the lower tunnels."
  179. [19:30] <Rain_Drop> "We'll need to clear it out, reinforce the tunnels and clean god knows what else has been cluttered down there..."
  180. [19:30] * Lucyne looks to Rain
  181. [19:30] <Lucyne> "It will probably be dangerous..."
  182. [19:30] <Lucyne> "You can of course come, if you want."
  183. [19:31] * Rain_Drop looks up at you
  184. [19:31] <Rain_Drop> "Course Im coming with ya!"
  185. [19:31] * Lucyne smiles weakly
  186. [19:31] <Rain_Drop> "Cant let you go off by yourself now can I?"
  187. [19:31] <Lucyne> "If that's what you want."
  188. [19:31] * Lucyne laughs
  189. [19:32] <Lucyne> "I guess not, someone's got to drag me home."
  190. [19:32] * Rain_Drop gently brushes her nose and winces
  191. [19:32] <Rain_Drop> "Oh the other way round too..."
  192. [19:32] <Rain_Drop> *or
  193. [19:32] * Lucyne looks over Rain's wounds
  194. [19:32] <Lucyne> "You're sure you're up to it?"
  195. [19:33] * Rain_Drop flexes her wings before proudly trotting in place.
  196. [19:33] <Rain_Drop> "Course I ma
  197. [19:33] * Lucyne smiles
  198. [19:33] <Lucyne> "Just promise to be careful."
  199. [19:34] * Rain_Drop looks into your eyes for a long moment
  200. [19:34] <Rain_Drop> "I promise."
  201. [19:34] <Rain_Drop> "Same for you?"
  202. [19:34] * Lucyne returns the gaze and smiles
  203. [19:34] <Lucyne> "Promise!"
  204. [19:34] * Rain_Drop holds out a hoof
  205. [19:35] * Lucyne takes Rain's hoof
  206. [19:35] * Rain_Drop gives you a solid shake "Deal then!"
  207. [19:35] <Rain_Drop> "Now come here you!"
  208. [19:35] * Rain_Drop sharply tugs you into a embrace
  209. [19:36] * Lucyne hugs Rain too
  210. [19:37] <Rain_Drop> whispers "Was there anything else you needed to talk about Lucy?"
  211. [19:37] * Lucyne thinks for a second
  212. [19:37] <Lucyne> "Let's not do, you know what, you wouldn't believe how much my horn hurt yesterday." Lucyne giggles
  213. [19:38] * Rain_Drop starts to blush "Uh, you mean from the magic backfire or the um....other thing?
  214. [19:38] * Lucyne giggles
  215. [19:38] <Lucyne> "You know what."
  216. [19:39] * Rain_Drop blushes a deeper maroon. "Oh that what..."
  217. [19:39] <Rain_Drop> "I didnt hurt you did I?"
  218. [19:39] * Lucyne laughs and heads to the hammock
  219. [19:40] <Lucyne> "It was quite allright Rain, I enjoyed it a lot I just...wouldn't recommend it before a day of adventuring."
  220. [19:40] * Lucyne giggles
  221. [19:40] * Rain_Drop recognition dawns on her face "That would explain why your magic wonky."
  222. [19:41] * Rain_Drop follows after Lucy wings slowly raising
  223. [19:41] <Lucyne> "You might say that"
  224. [19:41] <Lucyne> "You wanna get in first?"
  225. [19:41] <Lucyne> "Wings and all..."
  226. [19:41] <Rain_Drop> "Sure."
  227. [19:42] * Rain_Drop climbs into the hammock tail brushing at your face with a quick flick
  228. [19:42] * Lucyne 's nose tickles from Rain's touch
  229. [19:43] * Rain_Drop peers over her shoulder. "You coming in?"
  230. [19:43] * Lucyne smiles and climbs after Rain
  231. [19:43] <Lucyne> "One moment, hooves are still a pain."
  232. [19:43] * Lucyne fumbles a little as usual but gets in
  233. [19:43] <Rain_Drop> "Tell me about it...tried to pick up a shovel expecting hands and only knocked it over..."
  234. [19:44] * Lucyne giggles
  235. [19:44] <Lucyne> "Oh dear."
  236. [19:44] * Rain_Drop grumbles more about unfairness of having only hooves
  237. [19:44] <Lucyne> "I always wondered..."
  238. [19:44] * Lucyne holds up one of Rain's wings
  239. [19:44] <Lucyne> "How good do these work for picking up things?"
  240. [19:45] * Rain_Drop flicks an ear to you
  241. [19:45] <Rain_Drop> "Havent tried it that often to be honest, few times that I did usaully felt like I was picking things up with my nose if that makes any sense..."
  242. [19:46] * Lucyne laughs at the image
  243. [19:46] <Rain_Drop> "I can lift and push easy, grabbing is...still a work in progress..."
  244. [19:46] <Lucyne> "That doesn't sound too easy, but easier than trying to pick it up with a Tesla Coil."
  245. [19:47] * Lucyne motions to her horn
  246. [19:47] <Rain_Drop> "But its magic how hard could it be?"
  247. [19:47] <Lucyne> "Oh let me tell you..."
  248. [19:47] * Lucyne giggles
  249. [19:47] <Lucyne> "It sure gets painful quickly."
  250. [19:48] <Rain_Drop> "Well I bet I could help with that again..."
  251. [19:48] * Lucyne giggles
  252. [19:49] <Lucyne> "Well...I was going to go to bed..."
  253. [19:49] * Rain_Drop looks nervouse biting her lip looking back at you
  254. [19:49] <Rain_Drop> "We can go to sleep too if you want I dont mind."
  255. [19:49] <Lucyne> "But I do know how much you enjoy it, and I need a clear head tomorrow..."
  256. [19:50] * Rain_Drop rolls over to face you, face flushed from...ideas
  257. [19:51] * Rain_Drop looks up to your horn before looking back at you
  258. [19:51] * Lucyne smiles "As long as you don't expect too much repayment...As I said, not really up for that..."
  259. [19:51] <Rain_Drop> "You sure?"
  260. [19:51] <Lucyne> "Sure."
  261. [19:51] * Rain_Drop takes a relaxing breathe, before gaining a look of determination "Alright...
  262. [19:52] * Rain_Drop wiggles up for easier access to your horn
  263. [19:52] * Lucyne gives Rain some room
  264. [19:52] * Rain_Drop gently starts to run a hoof over your head
  265. [19:52] * Lucyne nuzzles Rain's stomach
  266. [19:53] * Rain_Drop adds a bit of pressure to her massage focusing behind the ears
  267. [19:53] * Rain_Drop bites her lip at the nuzzling
  268. [19:53] * Lucyne enjoys the treatment, a smile widening on her face
  269. [19:53] <Lucyne> "Ooh, still surprised how good the ears feel."
  270. [19:54] * Rain_Drop slowly moves her wandering hooves towards the base of your horn keeping a firm grip upon the fur
  271. [19:54] <Rain_Drop> "Yeah, horses on my farm used to love that like you wouldnt believe..."
  272. [19:54] * Lucyne smiles her eyes closing
  273. [19:55] <Lucyne> "You sure are like Fluttershy somehow."
  274. [19:55] * Rain_Drop giggles at the mention focusing on her massage
  275. [19:55] * Lucyne enjoys it, rubbing close to Rain
  276. [19:55] * Rain_Drop after teasingly tracing circles around the horn she brushes against it gently
  277. [19:56] <Lucyne> "I wonder if the show is actually true..."
  278. [19:56] <Rain_Drop> "They also loved rubbing against you at times, I think that was because we were handy scratching posts..."
  279. [19:56] <Rain_Drop> "Bout which part?"
  280. [19:56] * Lucyne eye's flutter
  281. [19:57] <Lucyne> "Any of it, really. I wonder if we all know Spike's secret."
  282. [19:57] * Lucyne giggles quietly
  283. [19:57] <Rain_Drop> "You get Pinkie summoned here I will kiss you and strangle you. I am not explaining what we are doing to a full grown mare,"
  284. [19:58] * Lucyne smiles at the thought, her hooves tracing Rain's fur
  285. [19:58] * Rain_Drop rubs her hooves against the base of the horn wrapping her forelimb around the minty green rod
  286. [19:59] <Lucyne> "I like Pinkie, she is so legitimately kind and friendly."
  287. [19:59] * Lucyne rubs Rain's tummy
  288. [19:59] <Lucyne> "Like you."
  289. [19:59] * Rain_Drop slowly tugs on the horn in a even pace looking down at you
  290. [19:59] <Rain_Drop> "D'aww really?"
  291. [20:00] <Rain_Drop> "I thought I was being polite...heh."
  292. [20:00] * Lucyne smiles and murmurs, distracted: "You're polite, but you do it because you are a good person."
  293. [20:01] * Rain_Drop focuses her attention on the horn once more wrapping both her hooves around it using her fur to tickle at the horn.
  294. [20:02] * Lucyne 's breathing relaxes
  295. [20:03] * Rain_Drop murmers "Flatterer..."
  296. [20:03] * Lucyne smiles and traces circles on Rain's stomach
  297. [20:03] * Rain_Drop tentativly licks at the tip of the horn tasting that jolly rancher sweetness once more
  298. [20:04] <Lucyne> (Oh god Silver trying suicide AGAIN)
  299. [20:04] <Lucyne> (Sorry)
  300. [20:04] * Lucyne smiles "It taste good?"
  301. [20:05] <Rain_Drop> "Mmhm"
  302. [20:05] <Lucyne> (You are a master of subtelty)
  303. [20:05] <Rain_Drop> (Thank you)
  304. [20:05] <Lucyne> "I tastes that...way." Lucyne murmurs distracted
  305. [20:06] * Rain_Drop keeps the pace of her hooves before engulfing the tip into her mouth sucking
  306. [20:07] * Rain_Drop pulling loose from the horn with a slurp she looks down at you "Not sure but Im not gonna, *gulp* question it."
  307. [20:07] <Lucyne> (OhpleaseletSilverdieOhpleaseletSilverdie)
  308. [20:07] * Lucyne is lost in the feeling
  309. [20:08] * Rain_Drop starts to increase the gentle pace to a faster speed, the ribs of the horn tickling against her hooves
  310. [20:08] * Lucyne horn lights up, her eyes closed
  311. [20:09] * Rain_Drop licks the horn once, twice then three times before engulfing the glowing light while still rubbing the horn
  312. [20:10] * Lucyne moans softly
  313. [20:10] * Rain_Drop tasting the sour apple become even more brisk and sweeter, she starts to dive down on the horn in tune with her hooves manging to take half of it down
  314. [20:11] * Lucyne moans, her hooves weakly brushing Rain's fur
  315. [20:12] * Rain_Drop abadons the quick pace that she had settled into now passionatly diving at a insane speed stuck upon that taste!
  316. [20:13] * Lucyne last moving ceases as Rain picks up the pace
  317. [20:13] * Rain_Drop suddenly stops with the horn half buried in her gullet
  318. [20:13] * Lucyne eyes open in surprise
  319. [20:14] * Rain_Drop starts to hum a song from her childhood, tracing a hoof on your forehead around the base of the horn
  320. [20:14] * Lucyne eyes flutter again, soothed by the song
  321. [20:15] * Rain_Drop continues to hum softly while rubbing your ears tracing how the bend in response to her hooves
  322. [20:16] * Lucyne has a very hard time not falling asleep on the spot, all warm and cuddly with Rain
  323. [20:17] * Rain_Drop hums the last of her song while pulling off the horn tasting a strange fluid coating her tounge.
  324. [20:17] * Rain_Drop cheeks bulging she swallows with a gulp before smacking her lips in satisfaction.
  325. [20:18] * Lucyne falls asleep almost immediately in response
  326. [20:19] * Rain_Drop traces her hoof through your mane before snuggling closer "Sleep tight my little hero..."
  327. [20:19] * Lucyne cuddles up to Rain closer and sleeps peacefully
  328. [20:19] <Rain_Drop> (Good God I am vanilla as fuck...)
  329. [20:19] <Lucyne> (You sure are)
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