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Dec 9th, 2016
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  1. Note to Thor: My friend sent you a photo of my passport three times to your gmail. If you did not receive, provide another email because China has been at war with Google for 5 years already.
  3. PART 1: Please do not ask me questions, since I cannot provide details that would cause serious problems for Julian. I will tell you the following which are all facts that can be confirmed through public court records. Even though my family and I have been threatened, I was moved to comment here because of the situation of Kurt Soonefeld brought up in another Reddit thread. My ex wife is from Guayaquil, Ecuador Her name is MP and my daughter's name is Nicki. My current wife of 16 years is a Canadian citizen. I tell you this only so people will know I am the real Bruce_Gorcyca. In the past other people trying to smear me have posted crap on the internet using my name and even my photo as an avatar!
  5. I am forcibly exiled in China due to a possible double cross in which a Canadian government official told me too much heat was being exerted on them by Uncle Sam when I returned to Canada after Senior Federal Judge Weinstein dismissed my phony stock fraud charges on December 17th, 2007 in a Brooklyn federal court hearing where I defended myself that lasted 2 hours. At that hearing the prosecutor told me that "If you plead guilty to something, you can go home tomorrow". The last time I plead guilty to a crime I did not commit, I got fucked. So I said "No thank you and explained my situation and my 20 year whistle blowing history to Judge Weinstein. After he dismissed my charges he told me I was free to rejoin my family in Canada and I did so.
  7. But Uncle Sam was not happy with me being out of their control and pressured Canada to lean on me. The Canadian official I trusted admitted that the pressure was intense to deport me for any reason. But there was no legal reason to deport me since my wife and kids are Canadian citizens and I entered Canada legally. Still I was told that even if the deportation was illegal it would take me years to fight it in court, and If I wanted to stay in Canada he suggested a solution that my immigration lawyer Marshal Drukarsh said would work... They said that if I made a "voluntary departure" I could return after 3 or 6 months "when the heat was off" and everything would be fine. I believed Marshal's judgement on this which was also confirmed by MP Omar Alghabra who wrote me a letter to this effect. At the time MP Alghabra was the Head of Immigration Commission Committee in Parliament, so I had no reason to doubt him.
  9. However, after I arrived to Beijing and worked for a few months I waited 90 days and went to buy a plane ticket home to Toronto. At this point I git the shock of my life when a manager at Air Canada told me they were not allowed to sellme a ticket. When I asked "why" they hesitated and then told me that I was on the "no fly list". Uncles Sam arranged for this ruse no doubt. I tried again after another 3 months and got the same result. I have not seen my wife and kids since they visited me in China in 2011. My youngest son is six years old and autistic. My eldest son is 16 and a musical prodigy with staright As in school. My entire situation is explained at hhtp:// I have have concluded that the government criminals I have knowledge about in North America (Jeb Bush, Dick Cheney, Hillary Clinton, Hugh Rodham, Stephen Harper, and almost 80 U.S. officials with Panama bank accounts, are determined to keep me in China until I die so I cannot testify in any North American court or before Congress about massive money laundering on Wall Street, Enron insider trading, the murders of FBI informant Al Chalem, Cliff Baxter, Ken Lay, John Wheeler, 911 insider trading, etc.
  11. When I was jailed in 2007 (pre-trial detention they call it) in Brooklyn awaiting a trial on the phony stock fraud charges, I met a young Indian man who became friends with me. We played chess together everyday and after two weeks he confided that he worked for the City of New York as did his girlfriend. He swore to me that three weeks before 911, Rudy Guiliani personally told him to find an arrange ships to haul away roughly 500,000 tons of steal for recycling in India and the ships would only be allowed 10 days in port. The ship would have to arrive on or about September 10 and leave as soon as possible. He was not given more details but he made the arrangements not only for the ships but for the recycler in India. In the process he realized there were recycling companies right next door in New Jersey that would pay a higher price per ton, and by eliminating the transportation cost the city would make a bigger profit by alsmost 40%. He said when he told this to Guiliani, the Mayor was angry instead of pleased, and told this Indian "Just do as you are told". So he did. About a week after 911 some reporter from Nightline got a hold of the Indian and wasasking details about the shipping arrangements. Two days later the Indian guy and his girlfreind were both arrested by the FBI on fake "accounting fraud" charges!!! They made him a deal that if he plead guilty he would get a 10 year sentence and charges against his girlfreind would be dropped. If he did not take the deal he and his grilfriend would both get 15 year sentences. I told him about my IRS episode and urged him to fight it with a good lawyer and go tell that Nightline reporter the full story. I never saw him again because the next day, Judge Weinstein released me from custody. I kept this guys name along with other sensitive material back in Canada buried in a PCV pipe in a very large wooded area.
  13. Now about Julian... I never thought about going to Julian based only with what I knew because there were two many loose ends. What I had alone could connect about 80% but not 100% of the dots, except in the Jeb Bush/Terry Nelson drug smuggling ring where 99% of the jigsaw puzzle fit perfectly. Yes I was an executive at American Financial Group, and yes I was an FBI informant at AFG. (my handler MB is identified in many court documents and in the famous PDC letter found at this link: Yes, I still have the AFG phone records with calls made to 202-456-33445, Kennebunkport, Silver Springs and Falls Church (personal residences of government officials) and client files, and over 3 dozen recordings of my calls with government officials. I started taping them after I realized all of their verbal promises were never put into writing, not in a proffer, not in a plea agreement, not even a email. My lawyers even mention this on the court record in Canada (Case no. C-37836 in Ontario Court of Appeals). I even submitted some of the recordings to the court as "fresh evidence" but they were ordered removed by Justice Goudge without any explanation.
  15. But after I had a lucky meeting with a Vietnam war buddy of John Wheeler on The Great Wall of China, I discovered that Wheeler also knew a great deal about Enron, 911, Wall Street frauds, and even about a missing nuclear warhead. At first I though this guy was whacko but he offered to put me in touch with Wheeler. We arranged the call to be received by Wheeler at a hotel room at prearanged time and date. Since my mobile phone and email in China has been blocked from international calls (compliments of NSA) we had to get creative. Our first call was awkward but enlightening and I knew immediately John was the real deal after I confirmed he worked for the SEC for 8 years as their top gun investigator for insider trading and he even knew about the bank accounts at Morgan & Morgan. In total we talked on several calls for maybe 6-8 hours and John agreed to come visit me in China the first half of January for a few days and bring me an encrypted satellite phone and a reporter friend of his named "MH" who he had been cinfiding in about 911 and the missing warhead, the latter of which I know absolutely nothing about.
  17. When John did not show up for the Beijing meeting and I could not reach our mutual friend. I grew alarmed and realized something was wrong. When I learned of his grizzly murder and recalled the threats that both John and I had received. I decided to lie low and watch my back. Not long after someone burglarized my Beijing apartment and stole only my laptop, no cash or jewelry. Since my book manuscripts were seized by the FBI frommy mother's house, I learned to keep everything backed up on USBs secreted far away from my residence and work loactions, and safeguarded with multiple friends in different countries.
  19. One of these friends in Italy had his Skype mysteriously blocked (as is my own to North America) and when we could not communicate he freaked out assumed I met the same fate as Wheeler and he started leaking chapters of my old book on a website called under the user name of "Nico" When I realized he was doing this a few week later I sent him a PM to stop and assured him I was okay, but he did not believe I was the real Bruce Gorcyca and leaked the three chapters about the Clintons (I had brief dealings with both Hillary and Bill in 2001 and 1997 respectively). That is when hackers were turned loose on the website, and as quick as the posts were corrupted or deleted, Nico would replace them! Finally a fake law suit was filed against the website and a judge ordered that the web site be shut down in August of 2016. But some hackers from Anonymous restored the site sometime in the first half of October but by the end of the month it was down again. They reopened the site with a .eu domain but they removed the forum where Nico had posted the chapters of my book.
  22. PART II:
  24. Why I decided to contact Julian... Frankly, it was out of fear. Someone had already shot up our family home and car back in Canada, see photos here,, and one night when I returned to my apartment in Beijing I smelled something strange that only pilots would recognize ...the smell of high octane aviation gas (not JP4 or JP5 jet fuel). I luckily turned on my kitchen light instead of the light in the entrance hallway. Someone had broke into my apartment and put a huge 300 watt light bulb filled with avgas in the socket of the hallway light. If I would have turned that light on I would have burned to death within a minute or two! This forced me to contact the National Security Police of China and tell them my whole story the next day. But the same night I found the bulb I went to bed with a flare gun at my side (real guns are hard and very expensive to find in China). It was then that I felt something under my pillow. I turned on the light and discovered a plastic bag with a half-kilo of low grade heroin under my pillow (I learned how to identify drugs when I was in the Coast Guard years ago on a patrol boat) So whoever tried to kill me with the light bulb figured the fire department and police would come and after finding the drugs, not even bother to investigate who killed me nor why (brilliant idea since 90% of Chinese despise drugs and people who use them).
  26. So it was at this time I was going to reach out to Wikileaks, but as luck would have it, Julian himself was arrested and having legal issue of his own. And at that time he did not have the secure drop box setup. I had many photos and recordings I want to put in his hands, but the time was horrible and totally not secure. I had no safe way to communicate with him and also assumed he was preoccupied with his own legal problems.
  28. Then after he took up his sanctuary residence at the Ecuadorian embassy and he started unloading the emails back in July/August 2016, I figured the time was right, and people might actually believe my story. Using contacts of my former Ecuadorian wife I was able to communicate with Julian but without a live dialogue. I received confirmation that Julian received the package and he was keen to know more about Wheeler, 911, and Cheney's and Hugh Rodham's bank accounts in Panama at Morgan & Morgan. Although this requested information was sent, I did not receive confirmation like I did before. So I took a chance and tried the Tor route with the securedrop method. I did not get any reply. I could not afford more airfare for my Ecuadorian friend but he put me in touch with his cousin at a Ecuadorian embassy in China. But when I went to give the package for diplomatic delivery for Julian on October 14th, 2016. I was told two things 1) They could no longer pass messanges nor documents for Assange and 2) He advised me to "hide under a rock for a few years".
  30. In my first communication with Julian it was prearranged that if he ever contacted me, he would used a password verification in the form of a natural sentence containing three key words.
  32. Yesterday, I received a call on my mobile phone that showed up as "private number". I was at work when the call came so I could not talk freely. I was told by this woman caller that "JA" asked me to call you. He has escaped and is safe. He wants to meet you In argentina and has arranged for a fake passport for you". When I demanded to know her identity she refused. She would only say she was "on Julian's legal team." When I asked for prearranged passcode she replied "Jimmy and John Wheeler send their best regards". This was not the correct passcode. She advised me to go to the Hilton Hotel at Liangmaqiao this morning and ask the concierge for my "package". This hotel is walking distance to the U.S. embassy, so clearly I was being set up and I did not go. In view of the above, I am now absolutely convinced that they kinapped Julian from the Ecuadorian embassy in London. They may have replaced him with a body double, buth this is just my theory. As a former federal agent myself, I know that keeping the facade of Wikileaks going would still manage to fool some leakers and whistle blowers and so it could easily become a honey-pot operation. As to where Julian probably is right now, I would guess either at Fort Bragg or FCI Butner in North Carolina. Having been kept in soliary confinement and tortured myself for 3 months, I can tell you he is being drugged, sleep-deprived, and water-boarded for information. They will want his sources and encryption code keys. I have no knowledge about the other members of Wikileaks other than to say they are probably isolated as well. The posts at Wikileaks simply have not been of the same calibre as they were before October 17th, 2016.
  34. I agree with Informant59 that Glenn Greenwald and a top gun lawyer and rep from Amnesty international needs to make a visit to Julian and get a DNA mouth swab sample and fingeprints ASAP. I am personally convinced that the real Julian Assange will die before Obama leaves office. If the public remains fooled by the fake Julian, his death will obviously not be reported (so the honeypot trap can continue). If you guys uncover the truth of his location, maybe with the help of an Ecuadorian insider, Snowden, Jim Stone, or President Putin, his death will be announced as a "sudden and fatal heart attack" or "Suicide".
  36. As for me, I am moving out of Beijing today and will take the advice of the Ecuadorian and "hide under a rock". You guys are the only hope to get the truth out to the world, so DO NOT GIVE UP! Best holiday wishes to all of you. BG.
  38. P.S. Based upon my own personal experience, the Seth Rich murder and how the Indian guy was also criminalized for a fake crime. I agree with the President of Argentina - Kurt Soonefeld is innocent of any crime but must be discredited from sharing his 911 evidence and knowledge. I hope the ACLU and Amnesty International can help him get the charges dismissed. Judges like Jack Weinstein are a dying breed in America.
  40. IMPORTANT INFO FOR ALL: I learned the hard way that anything sent by FEDEX, UPS, or PUROLATOR (Not sure about DHL) must come through the United States for "security clearance" even if the Sender is in Nairobi and the recepient is in Finland!!!!! My Christmas gifts to my kids were not delivered in 2013 because I included a USB of my book manuscripts inside the box of toys and clothing. You also need to know about Skype and Windows 7 and any internet product owned by Microsoft:
  42. For anyone who wants to suggest tinfoil or Bellvue for me. please read this first: I have not seen my wife and kids since 2011. These people rely on intimidation, false criminal charges, smearing, and ultimately - murder.
  45. FROM
  47. Julian Assange & Wikileaks was about expose truth of 911 inside Job when Internet Cut - Hillary, Saudis, Bush all complicit with mass murder - FBI well aware too!
  49. Subject: Julian Assange & Wikileaks was about expose truth of 911 inside Job when Internet Cut - Hillary, Saudis, Bush all complicit with mass murder - FBI well aware too!
  50. From: A Vehement Enemy of Censorhip.
  51. Date: 18 Oct 2016
  53. Roughly two weeks ago this open letter was published:
  55. It received immediate attention at Reddit, 4chan, and, but when Reddit User Informant59 made the below comment, not only was it deleted, but an entire web site that had leaked book manuscripts of exiled whistle blower Bruce Gorcyca ( was blocked and then all 43 chapters deleted.
  57. Deleted Post of Infromant59: (DIRECT QUOTE)
  59. An entire web site was blocked ( when a user named "Nico" started leaking actual chapters from that book in their forum. (three chapters were about Hillary & Bill Clinton)
  61. The author also corroborated with top SEC insder trading investigator John Wheeler (later became a presidential aide) whose body was found in a garbage dump wearing over $20K of gold jewelry. Together they had planned to expose the inside job of 911, (Saudi/Bush/Clinton collusion) and the Wall Street Panama connection) Wheeler's hit man was arrested in Europe - a guy named Robert Andrew Levene. Levene was "aggressively interrogated" and finally agreed to cooperate with a sworn deposition of five different "wet work jobs" he did for U.S. Army. But a few days before his depo, he was visited by a "Colonel James Steele" and within a week Levene "committed suicide" Here is his photo while in custody - while he was still alive: Wheeler is just one of three government sponsored assassinations connected to Clinton and Bush families who earned millions from 911, Enron insider trading, and short sells on United and American airlines following 911. Another murder victim was FBI Wall Street informant Al Chalem.
  63. Those who investigate will discover these facts to be 100% true
  65. 1) Wall Street launders $50 million of drug monies every week (only HSBC got caught so far)
  67. 2) Jeb Bush, Hugh Rodham, Marc Rich, The Clinton Foundation, Jeff Epstein, Jack Goldberg etc. all have Panama Bank Accounts and the FBI were give all the account info back in 1996 to FBI agent Maury Berthon in Miami. Berthon opened a case and was rewarded by getting transferred and the investigation of American Financial Group came to a quick end on DoJ orders. (The President of AFG was a 25 year DoJ executive named Edward Chism)
  69. 3) 911 was an inside job arranged by Bush/Cheney and paid for by the Saudis. The Clintons were paid over $100 million over the next 15 years to the Clinton Foundation to cooperate with their silence (see the letters in this link dated September 15, 2001 and read every word of both letters - notice the people named in these letters - all witnesses to the cover-up)
  71. 4) A corrupt FBI agent named Terry Nelson (now retired with over $75 million of known assets) smuggled drugs with and for Jeb Bush following the murder George Bush Sr. arranged of Barry Seal. Investigators found the personal mobile number of George H. Bush in Seal's posession at the Louisiana murder scene.
  73. 5) That there were/are over 150 political prisoners (dissidents and whistleblowers) kept in solitary confinement an tortured to obtain false confessions or statements to protect government officials from prosecution. See: and here are the methods they use:
  77. There is evidence that Assange was investigating this story along with the 6 murders that are linked to it including Seth Rich, FBI informants John Wheeler, Al Chalem (the latter was both a presidential aide and former SEC insider trading investigator who had proof of 911 fraud and who tookd down WTC7 building and why (It contained evidence from a secret IRS/DEA task force that was investigating Wall Street money laundering, the "missing" gold, and Panama Bank accounts of Hillary's brother, Jack Goldberg, Jeff Epstein, Marc Rich, Jeb Bush, Don Gregg, and others that were given to the FBI years ago, by their own informant Bruce Gorcyca. See:
  79. This link also shows you how U.S. army assassins Robert Andrew Levene, Colonel James Steele, and Colonel George Griggs are/were used to kill Jack Wheeler, and perhaps Seth Rich as well.
  81. Reddit users also started to connect the dots here:
  83. So the crimes of Hillary Clinton go far beyond bribery and email destruction. She concealed the mass murder of 911 in exchange for an immediate payment of $10 million in Hush Money in 2001, and over the next 15 years of her continued silence, the Saudi Government paid her a total of $100 million via the Clinton Foundation.
  85. Because the FBI received the same letters and video/audio tape as Senator Hillary Clinton from the same source, she now owns them and has them by the balls. If the FBI ever tries to prosecute Hillary for ANY crime whatsoever, she has the evidence to prove that the FBI was not only criminally negligent, but obstructed justice in the fake 911 investigation.
  87. Call me a lunatic if you like, but all of the above links and evidence speaks for itself. The truthers, Jesse Ventura, Ron Paul, Dennis Kucinich, and even Alex Jones were all telling us the truth for years about 911. But we have all been programmed to believe the fabricated and spun "news" of CNN, MSNBC, etc. See: and if you are still not convinced about the massive media manipulation in America, read up on "Project Mockingbird" and read this as well:!
  89. America is at a tipping point friends. Wall Street banksters are calling the shots - not Washington. Washington is like a toilet filled to the brim with shit (corruption) at all levels. FBI Director James Comey did his very best to hide the truth and destroy evidence as leaked emails have proven at We need a clean flush and nobody else is going to do it for us. The elections are, and have been rigged to give the White House to the anointed one of the 1% elite (Hillary was endorsed by every billionaire and neocon as well - this alone should be a wake up call).
  91. Only a genuine "American Spring" can restore honor and integrity to our government. If you truly love your children you need to starting thinking and ask yourself this question; "Do I love my children enough to fight for real freedom and democracy in America so they can escape the economic slavery and oligarchy now imposed upon us all?" Do your kids deserve an equal chance to succeed in America? Do your kids deserve real and equal justice for all? Or are you willing to just let them struggle and survive in a NWO that caters to the privileged few?
  93. The American Dream is now an endangered species. Election Fraud is coming within a month. Prepare for it now and become part of the solution, or remain part of the problem. The truth will forever remain the truth no matter what YOU decide to do for your children's future. The truth may indeed be ugly, but it is the only weapon we have no to fight the billionaires who exploit us for just 5 things; 1) interest, 2) votes, 3) consumer dollars, 4) tax dollars, and 5) targets of fake terrorism to keep our fellow citizens living in fear, and passively obedient to their convenient laws.
  95. Our forefathers revolted against England for far lesser abuses friends. We need not be part of any more fabricated wars abroad, nor should we allow our government to use OUR money to create 3 million refugees a year, or kill over 400 innocent children with illegal drone strikes. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. If you agree, please support the American Spring that may be coming soon.
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