
Catching up with Axel

Sep 3rd, 2015
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  1. snuffshotMartyr [SM] began pestering flamingBlade [FB]
  2. SM: Hey Axel
  3. SM: How'd the thing with the Dersite go?
  4. FB: Hey Lyra!
  5. FB: So by the Dersite you mean the Derse agent, right?
  6. FB: If I didn't make it clear before, he's on my home planet.
  7. FB: I went with him to a tomb called the Seers tomb.
  8. FB: Then I got an item called the seers staff.
  9. FB: There was a symbol on the coffin, void or space, the agent said.
  10. FB: Do you think any of this is important?
  11. SM: Good to see at least *someone* is alive
  12. SM: It's almost certainly important for you, and almost certainly meaningless for me. No offense
  13. SM: The artifact sounds cool, though. What's it do?
  14. FB: No offense taken.
  15. FB: The guy said the staff helps him find more locations.
  16. FB: But I don't think that's it's full power.
  17. FB: What about you, how are you doing?
  18. SM: Well, y'know. Things kinda suck
  19. SM: Not as bad as they could have gone, but...
  20. SM: One of my teammates is probably being possessed by the devil
  21. SM: So that's fun
  22. FB: Seriously? Possessed?
  23. FB: Have you heard from anyone else?
  24. SM: Working on getting info from everyone now
  25. SM: Fingers crossed this doesn't screw us over too badly
  26. FB: Good luck
  27. FB: I haven't hear from anyone since the last memo...
  28. FB: I hope they're ok...
  29. SM: I'm sure they're fine
  30. SM: And if not, nothing you can do anyway
  31. SM: Probably just having trouble accessing computers
  32. SM: I know Alex lost his and needed to borrow one of mine, for example
  33. FB: You're probably right.
  34. FB: I hope.
  35. FB: Wait... Who's Alex?
  36. SM: He's another player
  37. SM: unmotivatedMeatshield
  38. FB: Huh.
  39. FB: Wait... You said he had to borrow a computer...
  40. FB: YOU MET HIM?!
  41. SM: Uh
  42. SM: Yeah
  43. SM: He's right here
  44. SM: Why?
  45. FB: You can meet people?!
  46. FB: I thought you could only explore your own world.
  47. FB: Is he from the same world as us?
  48. SM: I really don't know
  49. SM: I think you're in a different game instance than he and I are. You'll have your own group of co-players
  50. SM: You mostly explore your own place, unless you head through one of those gates above your house
  51. SM: Those teleport you to another player's gate, then you land on their planet. Then you can go through theirs, and teleport to the next one, on and on in a big loop
  52. SM: Just be careful
  53. SM: It's pretty high up, and if you go through without some means to fly, you'll probably just fall down onto your GM's house and shatter your legs
  54. FB: Right...
  55. FB: Is there any other news?
  56. SM: That's all I got
  57. SM: At this point, I'm just trying to keep everyone in one another's respective loops
  58. FB: Alright.
  59. FB: I guess I'll speak to you later.
  60. FB: Bye!
  61. SM: Bye
  62. snuffshotMartyr [SM] ceased pestering flamingBlade
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