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Feb 3rd, 2016
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  1. ! function() {
  2. var SelectParser;
  3. SelectParser = function() {
  4. function SelectParser() {
  5. this.options_index = 0, this.parsed = []
  6. }
  7. return SelectParser.prototype.add_node = function(a) {
  8. return "OPTGROUP" === a.nodeName.toUpperCase() ? this.add_group(a) : this.add_option(a)
  9. }, SelectParser.prototype.add_group = function(a) {
  10. var b, c, d, e, f, g;
  11. for (b = this.parsed.length, this.parsed.push({
  12. array_index: b,
  13. group: !0,
  14. label: this.escapeExpression(a.label),
  15. children: 0,
  16. disabled: a.disabled
  17. }), f = a.childNodes, g = [], d = 0, e = f.length; e > d; d++) c = f[d], g.push(this.add_option(c, b, a.disabled));
  18. return g
  19. }, SelectParser.prototype.add_option = function(a, b, c) {
  20. return "OPTION" === a.nodeName.toUpperCase() ? ("" !== a.text ? (null != b && (this.parsed[b].children += 1), this.parsed.push({
  21. array_index: this.parsed.length,
  22. options_index: this.options_index,
  23. value: a.value,
  24. text: a.text,
  25. html: a.innerHTML,
  26. selected: a.selected,
  27. disabled: c === !0 ? c : a.disabled,
  28. group_array_index: b,
  29. classes: a.className,
  30. style:
  31. })) : this.parsed.push({
  32. array_index: this.parsed.length,
  33. options_index: this.options_index,
  34. empty: !0
  35. }), this.options_index += 1) : void 0
  36. }, SelectParser.prototype.escapeExpression = function(a) {
  37. var b, c;
  38. return null == a || a === !1 ? "" : /[\&\<\>\"\'\`]/.test(a) ? (b = {
  39. "<": "&lt;",
  40. ">": "&gt;",
  41. '"': "&quot;",
  42. "'": "&#x27;",
  43. "`": "&#x60;"
  44. }, c = /&(?!\w+;)|[\<\>\"\'\`]/g, a.replace(c, function(a) {
  45. return b[a] || "&amp;"
  46. })) : a
  47. }, SelectParser
  48. }(), SelectParser.select_to_array = function(a) {
  49. var b, c, d, e, f;
  50. for (c = new SelectParser, f = a.childNodes, d = 0, e = f.length; e > d; d++) b = f[d], c.add_node(b);
  51. return c.parsed
  52. }, this.SelectParser = SelectParser
  53. }.call(this),
  54. function() {
  55. var AbstractChosen, a;
  56. a = this, AbstractChosen = function() {
  57. function AbstractChosen(a, b) {
  58. this.form_field = a, this.options = null != b ? b : {}, AbstractChosen.browser_is_supported() && (this.is_multiple = this.form_field.multiple, this.set_default_text(), this.set_default_values(), this.setup(), this.set_up_html(), this.register_observers(), this.finish_setup())
  59. }
  60. return AbstractChosen.prototype.set_default_values = function() {
  61. var a = this;
  62. return this.click_test_action = function(b) {
  63. return a.test_active_click(b)
  64. }, this.activate_action = function(b) {
  65. return a.activate_field(b)
  66. }, this.active_field = !1, this.mouse_on_container = !1, this.results_showing = !1, this.result_highlighted = null, this.result_single_selected = null, this.allow_single_deselect = null != this.options.allow_single_deselect && null != this.form_field.options[0] && "" === this.form_field.options[0].text ? this.options.allow_single_deselect : !1, this.disable_search_threshold = this.options.disable_search_threshold || 0, this.disable_search = this.options.disable_search || !1, this.enable_split_word_search = null != this.options.enable_split_word_search ? this.options.enable_split_word_search : !0, this.group_search = null != this.options.group_search ? this.options.group_search : !0, this.search_contains = this.options.search_contains || !1, this.single_backstroke_delete = this.options.single_backstroke_delete || !1, this.max_selected_options = this.options.max_selected_options || 1 / 0, this.inherit_select_classes = this.options.inherit_select_classes || !1
  67. }, AbstractChosen.prototype.set_default_text = function() {
  68. return this.default_text = this.form_field.getAttribute("data-placeholder") ? this.form_field.getAttribute("data-placeholder") : this.is_multiple ? this.options.placeholder_text_multiple || this.options.placeholder_text || AbstractChosen.default_multiple_text : this.options.placeholder_text_single || this.options.placeholder_text || AbstractChosen.default_single_text, this.results_none_found = this.form_field.getAttribute("data-no_results_text") || this.options.no_results_text || AbstractChosen.default_no_result_text
  69. }, AbstractChosen.prototype.mouse_enter = function() {
  70. return this.mouse_on_container = !0
  71. }, AbstractChosen.prototype.mouse_leave = function() {
  72. return this.mouse_on_container = !1
  73. }, AbstractChosen.prototype.input_focus = function() {
  74. var a = this;
  75. if (this.is_multiple) {
  76. if (!this.active_field) return setTimeout(function() {
  77. return a.container_mousedown()
  78. }, 50)
  79. } else if (!this.active_field) return this.activate_field()
  80. }, AbstractChosen.prototype.input_blur = function() {
  81. var a = this;
  82. return this.mouse_on_container ? void 0 : (this.active_field = !1, setTimeout(function() {
  83. return a.blur_test()
  84. }, 100))
  85. }, AbstractChosen.prototype.results_option_build = function(a) {
  86. var b, c, d, e, f;
  87. for (b = "", f = this.results_data, d = 0, e = f.length; e > d; d++) c = f[d], && (c.search_match || c.group_match) ? b += this.result_add_group(c) : !c.empty && c.search_match && (b += this.result_add_option(c)), (null != a ? a.first : void 0) && (c.selected && this.is_multiple ? this.choice_build(c) : c.selected && !this.is_multiple && this.single_set_selected_text(c.text));
  88. return b
  89. }, AbstractChosen.prototype.result_add_option = function(a) {
  90. var b, c;
  91. return b = [], a.disabled || a.selected && this.is_multiple || b.push("active-result"), !a.disabled || a.selected && this.is_multiple || b.push("disabled-result"), a.selected && b.push("result-selected"), null != a.group_array_index && b.push("group-option"), "" !== a.classes && b.push(a.classes), c = "" !== ? ' style="' + + '"' : "", '<li class="' + b.join(" ") + '"' + c + ' data-option-array-index="' + a.array_index + '">' + a.search_text + "</li>"
  92. }, AbstractChosen.prototype.result_add_group = function(a) {
  93. return '<li class="group-result">' + a.search_text + "</li>"
  94. }, AbstractChosen.prototype.results_update_field = function() {
  95. return this.set_default_text(), this.is_multiple || this.results_reset_cleanup(), this.result_clear_highlight(), this.result_single_selected = null, this.results_build(), this.results_showing ? this.winnow_results() : void 0
  96. }, AbstractChosen.prototype.results_toggle = function() {
  97. return this.results_showing ? this.results_hide() : this.results_show()
  98. }, AbstractChosen.prototype.results_search = function() {
  99. return this.results_showing ? this.winnow_results() : this.results_show()
  100. }, AbstractChosen.prototype.winnow_results = function() {
  101. var a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k;
  102. for (this.no_results_clear(), d = 0, e = this.get_search_text(), c = this.search_contains ? "" : "^", b = new RegExp(c + e.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, "\\$&"), "i"), h = new RegExp(e.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, "\\$&"), "i"), k = this.results_data, i = 0, j = k.length; j > i; i++) a = k[i], a.empty || ( && (a.group_match = !1), (! || this.group_search) && (a.search_match = !1, a.search_text = ? a.label : a.html, a.search_match = this.search_string_match(a.search_text, b), a.search_match && (d += 1), a.search_match ? (e.length && (f =, g = a.search_text.substr(0, f + e.length) + "</em>" + a.search_text.substr(f + e.length), a.search_text = g.substr(0, f) + "<em>" + g.substr(f)), null != a.group_array_index && (this.results_data[a.group_array_index].group_match = !0)) : null != a.group_array_index && this.results_data[a.group_array_index].search_match && (a.search_match = !0)));
  103. return 1 > d && e.length ? (this.update_results_content(""), this.result_clear_highlight(), this.no_results(e)) : (this.update_results_content(this.results_option_build()), this.winnow_results_set_highlight())
  104. }, AbstractChosen.prototype.search_string_match = function(a, b) {
  105. var c, d, e, f;
  106. if (b.test(a)) return !0;
  107. if (this.enable_split_word_search && (a.indexOf(" ") >= 0 || 0 === a.indexOf("[")) && (d = a.replace(/\[|\]/g, "").split(" "), d.length))
  108. for (e = 0, f = d.length; f > e; e++)
  109. if (c = d[e], b.test(c)) return !0
  110. }, AbstractChosen.prototype.choices_count = function() {
  111. var a, b, c, d;
  112. if (null != this.selected_option_count) return this.selected_option_count;
  113. for (this.selected_option_count = 0, d = this.form_field.options, b = 0, c = d.length; c > b; b++) a = d[b], a.selected && (this.selected_option_count += 1);
  114. return this.selected_option_count
  115. }, AbstractChosen.prototype.choices_click = function(a) {
  116. return a.preventDefault(), this.results_showing || this.is_disabled ? void 0 : this.results_show()
  117. }, AbstractChosen.prototype.keyup_checker = function(a) {
  118. var b, c;
  119. switch (b = null != (c = a.which) ? c : a.keyCode, this.search_field_scale(), b) {
  120. case 8:
  121. if (this.is_multiple && this.backstroke_length < 1 && this.choices_count() > 0) return this.keydown_backstroke();
  122. if (!this.pending_backstroke) return this.result_clear_highlight(), this.results_search();
  123. break;
  124. case 13:
  125. if (a.preventDefault(), this.results_showing) return this.result_select(a);
  126. break;
  127. case 27:
  128. return this.results_showing && this.results_hide(), !0;
  129. case 9:
  130. case 38:
  131. case 40:
  132. case 16:
  133. case 91:
  134. case 17:
  135. break;
  136. default:
  137. return this.results_search()
  138. }
  139. }, AbstractChosen.prototype.container_width = function() {
  140. return null != this.options.width ? this.options.width : "" + this.form_field.offsetWidth + "px"
  141. }, AbstractChosen.browser_is_supported = function() {
  142. var a;
  143. return "Microsoft Internet Explorer" === window.navigator.appName ? null !== (a = document.documentMode) && a >= 8 : !0
  144. }, AbstractChosen.default_multiple_text = "Select Some Options", AbstractChosen.default_single_text = "Select an Option", AbstractChosen.default_no_result_text = "No results match", AbstractChosen
  145. }(), a.AbstractChosen = AbstractChosen
  146. }.call(this),
  147. function() {
  148. var a, Chosen, b, c, d = {}.hasOwnProperty,
  149. e = function(a, b) {
  150. function c() {
  151. this.constructor = a
  152. }
  153. for (var e in b), e) && (a[e] = b[e]);
  154. return c.prototype = b.prototype, a.prototype = new c, a.__super__ = b.prototype, a
  155. };
  156. b = this, a = jQuery, a.fn.extend({
  157. chosen: function(b) {
  158. return AbstractChosen.browser_is_supported() ? this.each(function() {
  159. var c;
  160. return c = a(this), c.hasClass("chzn-done") ? void 0 :"chosen", new Chosen(this, b))
  161. }) : this
  162. }
  163. }), Chosen = function(d) {
  164. function Chosen() {
  165. return c = Chosen.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments)
  166. }
  167. return e(Chosen, d), Chosen.prototype.setup = function() {
  168. return this.form_field_jq = a(this.form_field), this.current_selectedIndex = this.form_field.selectedIndex, this.is_rtl = this.form_field_jq.hasClass("chzn-rtl")
  169. }, Chosen.prototype.finish_setup = function() {
  170. return this.form_field_jq.addClass("chzn-done")
  171. }, Chosen.prototype.set_up_html = function() {
  172. var b, c;
  173. return b = ["chzn-container"], b.push("chzn-container-" + (this.is_multiple ? "multi" : "single")), this.inherit_select_classes && this.form_field.className && b.push(this.form_field.className), this.is_rtl && b.push("chzn-rtl"), c = {
  174. "class": b.join(" "),
  175. style: "width: " + this.container_width() + ";",
  176. title: this.form_field.title
  177. }, && ( =[^\w]/g, "_") + "_chzn"), this.container = a("<div />", c), this.is_multiple ? this.container.html('<ul class="chzn-choices"><li class="search-field"><input type="text" value="' + this.default_text + '" class="default" autocomplete="off" style="width:25px;" /></li></ul><div class="chzn-drop"><ul class="chzn-results"></ul></div>') : this.container.html('<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="chzn-single chzn-default" tabindex="-1"><span>' + this.default_text + '</span><div><b></b></div></a><div class="chzn-drop"><div class="chzn-search"><input type="text" autocomplete="off" /></div><ul class="chzn-results"></ul></div>'),
  178. this.form_field_jq.hide().after(this.container), this.dropdown = this.container.find("div.chzn-drop").first(), this.search_field = this.container.find("input").first(), this.search_results = this.container.find("ul.chzn-results").first(), this.search_field_scale(), this.search_no_results = this.container.find("").first(), this.is_multiple ? (this.search_choices = this.container.find("ul.chzn-choices").first(), this.search_container = this.container.find("").first()) : (this.search_container = this.container.find("div.chzn-search").first(), this.selected_item = this.container.find(".chzn-single").first()), this.results_build(), this.set_tab_index(), this.set_label_behavior(), this.form_field_jq.trigger("liszt:ready", {
  179. chosen: this
  180. })
  181. }, Chosen.prototype.register_observers = function() {
  182. var a = this;
  183. return this.container.mousedown(function(b) {
  184. a.container_mousedown(b)
  185. }), this.container.mouseup(function(b) {
  186. a.container_mouseup(b)
  187. }), this.container.mouseenter(function(b) {
  188. a.mouse_enter(b)
  189. }), this.container.mouseleave(function(b) {
  190. a.mouse_leave(b)
  191. }), this.search_results.mouseup(function(b) {
  192. a.search_results_mouseup(b)
  193. }), this.search_results.mouseover(function(b) {
  194. a.search_results_mouseover(b)
  195. }), this.search_results.mouseout(function(b) {
  196. a.search_results_mouseout(b)
  197. }), this.search_results.bind("mousewheel DOMMouseScroll", function(b) {
  198. a.search_results_mousewheel(b)
  199. }), this.form_field_jq.bind("liszt:updated", function(b) {
  200. a.results_update_field(b)
  201. }), this.form_field_jq.bind("liszt:activate", function(b) {
  202. a.activate_field(b)
  203. }), this.form_field_jq.bind("liszt:open", function(b) {
  204. a.container_mousedown(b)
  205. }), this.search_field.blur(function(b) {
  206. a.input_blur(b)
  207. }), this.search_field.keyup(function(b) {
  208. a.keyup_checker(b)
  209. }), this.search_field.keydown(function(b) {
  210. a.keydown_checker(b)
  211. }), this.search_field.focus(function(b) {
  212. a.input_focus(b)
  213. }), this.is_multiple ? {
  214. a.choices_click(b)
  215. }) : {
  216. a.preventDefault()
  217. })
  218. }, Chosen.prototype.search_field_disabled = function() {
  219. return this.is_disabled = this.form_field_jq[0].disabled, this.is_disabled ? (this.container.addClass("chzn-disabled"), this.search_field[0].disabled = !0, this.is_multiple || this.selected_item.unbind("focus", this.activate_action), this.close_field()) : (this.container.removeClass("chzn-disabled"), this.search_field[0].disabled = !1, this.is_multiple ? void 0 : this.selected_item.bind("focus", this.activate_action))
  220. }, Chosen.prototype.container_mousedown = function(b) {
  221. return this.is_disabled || (b && "mousedown" === b.type && !this.results_showing && b.preventDefault(), null != b && a("search-choice-close")) ? void 0 : (this.active_field ? this.is_multiple || !b || a([0] !== this.selected_item[0] && !a("a.chzn-single").length || (b.preventDefault(), this.results_toggle()) : (this.is_multiple && this.search_field.val(""), a(document).click(this.click_test_action), this.results_show()), this.activate_field())
  222. }, Chosen.prototype.container_mouseup = function(a) {
  223. return "ABBR" !== || this.is_disabled ? void 0 : this.results_reset(a)
  224. }, Chosen.prototype.search_results_mousewheel = function(a) {
  225. var b, c, d;
  226. return b = -(null != (c = a.originalEvent) ? c.wheelDelta : void 0) || (null != (d = a.originialEvent) ? d.detail : void 0), null != b ? (a.preventDefault(), "DOMMouseScroll" === a.type && (b = 40 * b), this.search_results.scrollTop(b + this.search_results.scrollTop())) : void 0
  227. }, Chosen.prototype.blur_test = function() {
  228. return !this.active_field && this.container.hasClass("chzn-container-active") ? this.close_field() : void 0
  229. }, Chosen.prototype.close_field = function() {
  230. return a(document).unbind("click", this.click_test_action), this.active_field = !1, this.results_hide(), this.container.removeClass("chzn-container-active"), this.clear_backstroke(), this.show_search_field_default(), this.search_field_scale()
  231. }, Chosen.prototype.activate_field = function() {
  232. return this.container.addClass("chzn-container-active"), this.active_field = !0, this.search_field.val(this.search_field.val()), this.search_field.focus()
  233. }, Chosen.prototype.test_active_click = function(b) {
  234. return".chzn-container")) ? this.active_field = !0 : this.close_field()
  235. }, Chosen.prototype.results_build = function() {
  236. return this.parsing = !0, this.selected_option_count = null, this.results_data = b.SelectParser.select_to_array(this.form_field), this.is_multiple ? this.search_choices.find("").remove() : this.is_multiple || (this.single_set_selected_text(), this.disable_search || this.form_field.options.length <= this.disable_search_threshold ? (this.search_field[0].readOnly = !0, this.container.addClass("chzn-container-single-nosearch")) : (this.search_field[0].readOnly = !1, this.container.removeClass("chzn-container-single-nosearch"))), this.update_results_content(this.results_option_build({
  237. first: !0
  238. })), this.search_field_disabled(), this.show_search_field_default(), this.search_field_scale(), this.parsing = !1
  239. }, Chosen.prototype.result_do_highlight = function(a) {
  240. var b, c, d, e, f;
  241. if (a.length) {
  242. if (this.result_clear_highlight(), this.result_highlight = a, this.result_highlight.addClass("highlighted"), d = parseInt(this.search_results.css("maxHeight"), 10), f = this.search_results.scrollTop(), e = d + f, c = this.result_highlight.position().top + this.search_results.scrollTop(), b = c + this.result_highlight.outerHeight(), b >= e) return this.search_results.scrollTop(b - d > 0 ? b - d : 0);
  243. if (f > c) return this.search_results.scrollTop(c)
  244. }
  245. }, Chosen.prototype.result_clear_highlight = function() {
  246. return this.result_highlight && this.result_highlight.removeClass("highlighted"), this.result_highlight = null
  247. }, Chosen.prototype.results_show = function() {
  248. return this.is_multiple && this.max_selected_options <= this.choices_count() ? (this.form_field_jq.trigger("liszt:maxselected", {
  249. chosen: this
  250. }), !1) : (this.container.addClass("chzn-with-drop"), this.form_field_jq.trigger("liszt:showing_dropdown", {
  251. chosen: this
  252. }), this.results_showing = !0, this.search_field.focus(), this.search_field.val(this.search_field.val()), this.winnow_results())
  253. }, Chosen.prototype.update_results_content = function(a) {
  254. return this.search_results.html(a)
  255. }, Chosen.prototype.results_hide = function() {
  256. return this.results_showing && (this.result_clear_highlight(), this.container.removeClass("chzn-with-drop"), this.form_field_jq.trigger("liszt:hiding_dropdown", {
  257. chosen: this
  258. })), this.results_showing = !1
  259. }, Chosen.prototype.set_tab_index = function() {
  260. var a;
  261. return this.form_field_jq.attr("tabindex") ? (a = this.form_field_jq.attr("tabindex"), this.form_field_jq.attr("tabindex", -1), this.search_field.attr("tabindex", a)) : void 0
  262. }, Chosen.prototype.set_label_behavior = function() {
  263. var b = this;
  264. return this.form_field_label = this.form_field_jq.parents("label"), !this.form_field_label.length && && (this.form_field_label = a("label[for='" + + "']")), this.form_field_label.length > 0 ? {
  265. return b.is_multiple ? b.container_mousedown(a) : b.activate_field()
  266. }) : void 0
  267. }, Chosen.prototype.show_search_field_default = function() {
  268. return this.is_multiple && this.choices_count() < 1 && !this.active_field ? (this.search_field.val(this.default_text), this.search_field.addClass("default")) : (this.search_field.val(""), this.search_field.removeClass("default"))
  269. }, Chosen.prototype.search_results_mouseup = function(b) {
  270. var c;
  271. return c = a("active-result") ? a( : a(".active-result").first(), c.length ? (this.result_highlight = c, this.result_select(b), this.search_field.focus()) : void 0
  272. }, Chosen.prototype.search_results_mouseover = function(b) {
  273. var c;
  274. return c = a("active-result") ? a( : a(".active-result").first(), c ? this.result_do_highlight(c) : void 0
  275. }, Chosen.prototype.search_results_mouseout = function(b) {
  276. return a("active-result") ? this.result_clear_highlight() : void 0
  277. }, Chosen.prototype.choice_build = function(b) {
  278. var c, d, e = this;
  279. return c = a("<li />", {
  280. "class": "search-choice"
  281. }).html("<span>" + b.html + "</span>"), b.disabled ? c.addClass("search-choice-disabled") : (d = a("<a />", {
  282. href: "#",
  283. "class": "search-choice-close",
  284. rel: b.array_index
  285. }), {
  286. return e.choice_destroy_link_click(a)
  287. }), c.append(d)), this.search_container.before(c)
  288. }, Chosen.prototype.choice_destroy_link_click = function(b) {
  289. return b.preventDefault(), b.stopPropagation(), this.is_disabled ? void 0 : this.choice_destroy(a(
  290. }, Chosen.prototype.choice_destroy = function(a) {
  291. return this.result_deselect(a.attr("rel")) ? (this.show_search_field_default(), this.is_multiple && this.choices_count() > 0 && this.search_field.val().length < 1 && this.results_hide(), a.parents("li").first().remove(), this.search_field_scale()) : void 0
  292. }, Chosen.prototype.results_reset = function() {
  293. return this.form_field.options[0].selected = !0, this.selected_option_count = null, this.single_set_selected_text(), this.show_search_field_default(), this.results_reset_cleanup(), this.form_field_jq.trigger("change"), this.active_field ? this.results_hide() : void 0
  294. }, Chosen.prototype.results_reset_cleanup = function() {
  295. return this.current_selectedIndex = this.form_field.selectedIndex, this.selected_item.find("abbr").remove()
  296. }, Chosen.prototype.result_select = function(a) {
  297. var b, c;
  298. return this.result_highlight ? (b = this.result_highlight, this.result_clear_highlight(), this.is_multiple && this.max_selected_options <= this.choices_count() ? (this.form_field_jq.trigger("liszt:maxselected", {
  299. chosen: this
  300. }), !1) : (this.is_multiple ? b.removeClass("active-result") : (this.search_results.find(".result-selected").removeClass("result-selected"), this.result_single_selected = b), b.addClass("result-selected"), c = this.results_data[b[0].getAttribute("data-option-array-index")], c.selected = !0, this.form_field.options[c.options_index].selected = !0, this.selected_option_count = null, this.is_multiple ? this.choice_build(c) : this.single_set_selected_text(c.text), (a.metaKey || a.ctrlKey) && this.is_multiple || this.results_hide(), this.search_field.val(""), (this.is_multiple || this.form_field.selectedIndex !== this.current_selectedIndex) && this.form_field_jq.trigger("change", {
  301. selected: this.form_field.options[c.options_index].value
  302. }), this.current_selectedIndex = this.form_field.selectedIndex, this.search_field_scale())) : void 0
  303. }, Chosen.prototype.single_set_selected_text = function(a) {
  304. return null == a && (a = this.default_text), a === this.default_text ? this.selected_item.addClass("chzn-default") : (this.single_deselect_control_build(), this.selected_item.removeClass("chzn-default")), this.selected_item.find("span").text(a)
  305. }, Chosen.prototype.result_deselect = function(a) {
  306. var b;
  307. return b = this.results_data[a], this.form_field.options[b.options_index].disabled ? !1 : (b.selected = !1, this.form_field.options[b.options_index].selected = !1, this.selected_option_count = null, this.result_clear_highlight(), this.results_showing && this.winnow_results(), this.form_field_jq.trigger("change", {
  308. deselected: this.form_field.options[b.options_index].value
  309. }), this.search_field_scale(), !0)
  310. }, Chosen.prototype.single_deselect_control_build = function() {
  311. return this.allow_single_deselect ? (this.selected_item.find("abbr").length || this.selected_item.find("span").first().after('<abbr class="search-choice-close"></abbr>'), this.selected_item.addClass("chzn-single-with-deselect")) : void 0
  312. }, Chosen.prototype.get_search_text = function() {
  313. return this.search_field.val() === this.default_text ? "" : a("<div/>").text(a.trim(this.search_field.val())).html()
  314. }, Chosen.prototype.winnow_results_set_highlight = function() {
  315. var a, b;
  316. return b = this.is_multiple ? [] : this.search_results.find(""), a = b.length ? b.first() : this.search_results.find(".active-result").first(), null != a ? this.result_do_highlight(a) : void 0
  317. }, Chosen.prototype.no_results = function(b) {
  318. var c;
  319. return c = a('<li class="no-results">' + this.results_none_found + ' "<span></span>"</li>'), c.find("span").first().html(b), this.search_results.append(c)
  320. }, Chosen.prototype.no_results_clear = function() {
  321. return this.search_results.find(".no-results").remove()
  322. }, Chosen.prototype.keydown_arrow = function() {
  323. var a;
  324. return this.results_showing && this.result_highlight ? (a = this.result_highlight.nextAll("").first()) ? this.result_do_highlight(a) : void 0 : this.results_show()
  325. }, Chosen.prototype.keyup_arrow = function() {
  326. var a;
  327. return this.results_showing || this.is_multiple ? this.result_highlight ? (a = this.result_highlight.prevAll(""), a.length ? this.result_do_highlight(a.first()) : (this.choices_count() > 0 && this.results_hide(), this.result_clear_highlight())) : void 0 : this.results_show()
  328. }, Chosen.prototype.keydown_backstroke = function() {
  329. var a;
  330. return this.pending_backstroke ? (this.choice_destroy(this.pending_backstroke.find("a").first()), this.clear_backstroke()) : (a = this.search_container.siblings("").last(), a.length && !a.hasClass("search-choice-disabled") ? (this.pending_backstroke = a, this.single_backstroke_delete ? this.keydown_backstroke() : this.pending_backstroke.addClass("search-choice-focus")) : void 0)
  331. }, Chosen.prototype.clear_backstroke = function() {
  332. return this.pending_backstroke && this.pending_backstroke.removeClass("search-choice-focus"), this.pending_backstroke = null
  333. }, Chosen.prototype.keydown_checker = function(a) {
  334. var b, c;
  335. switch (b = null != (c = a.which) ? c : a.keyCode, this.search_field_scale(), 8 !== b && this.pending_backstroke && this.clear_backstroke(), b) {
  336. case 8:
  337. this.backstroke_length = this.search_field.val().length;
  338. break;
  339. case 9:
  340. this.results_showing && !this.is_multiple && this.result_select(a), this.mouse_on_container = !1;
  341. break;
  342. case 13:
  343. a.preventDefault();
  344. break;
  345. case 38:
  346. a.preventDefault(), this.keyup_arrow();
  347. break;
  348. case 40:
  349. a.preventDefault(), this.keydown_arrow()
  350. }
  351. }, Chosen.prototype.search_field_scale = function() {
  352. var b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j;
  353. if (this.is_multiple) {
  354. for (d = 0, h = 0, f = "position:absolute; left: -1000px; top: -1000px; display:none;", g = ["font-size", "font-style", "font-weight", "font-family", "line-height", "text-transform", "letter-spacing"], i = 0, j = g.length; j > i; i++) e = g[i], f += e + ":" + this.search_field.css(e) + ";";
  355. return b = a("<div />",
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