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Jun 30th, 2015
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  1. Version: 17
  2. Language:
  3. Console:
  4. Enabled: Marriage Master has been enabled!
  5. Disabled: Marriage Master has been disabled.
  6. LangUpdated: Language File has been updated.
  7. NoPermPL: No Permission Plugin found, using default permissions.
  8. NoEcoPL: No Economy Plugin found disable Economy.
  9. MetricsOffline: Metrics offline.
  10. NotSupportedNet: Not supported MC version. Heart effect disabled.
  11. UpdateUUIDs: Start updating database to UUIDs ...
  12. UpdatedUUIDs: 'Updated %s accounts to UUIDs.'
  13. Description:
  14. Commands: commands
  15. ListAll: Lists all Married Players.
  16. Marry: 'Marry two Persons in a range of %s blocks.'
  17. Divorce: 'Divorces two Persons in a range of %s blocks.'
  18. Priest: Sets a priest.
  19. TP: Teleport to Married Player.
  20. PvPOn: Enables PvP with Partner.
  21. PvPOff: Disables PvP with Partner.
  22. SetHome: Sets your homepoint.
  23. TPHome: Teleports to your homepoint.
  24. Chat: Private chat with your partner.
  25. ChatToggle: Toggles your chat to be private with your partner.
  26. Reload: Reloads the config of the plugin.
  27. ListenChat: Shows all chatmessages sent from a married player to his partner.
  28. Gift: Gifts the item in your hand to your partner.
  29. Kiss: Kisses your partner.
  30. Update: Checks if there is an update available and downloads it.
  31. SelfMarry: Sends a marry request to a other player.
  32. SelfDivorce: To leave your partner.
  33. Surname: Changes the surname of a couple.
  34. Backpack: Opens the backpack of your partner.
  35. BackpackOn: Allows your partner to use your backpack.
  36. BackpackOff: Disallows your partner to use your backpack.
  37. DelHome: Deletes your homepoint.
  38. TPHomeOther: Teleports you to a married players home.
  39. DelHomeOther: Deletes the home of a married player.
  40. Ingame:
  41. NotMarried: You are not Married.
  42. NoMarriedPlayers: There are no Married Players.
  43. NotAPriest: You are not a Priest.
  44. NoPermission: "You don't have the Permission to do that."
  45. PartnerOnline: Your Partner is online.
  46. PartnerOffline: Your Partner is offline.
  47. PartnerNowOnline: Your Partner is now online.
  48. PartnerNowOffline: Your Partner is now offline.
  49. PvPOn: You have now enabled PvP with your Partner.
  50. PvPOff: You have now disabled PvP with your Partner.
  51. PlayerNoHome: "The player doesn't have a home yet."
  52. NoHome: You have no home yet.
  53. HomeTP: You have been teleported to your home.
  54. HomeSet: Your home has been saved.
  55. PlayerNotOn: '%s is not Online.'
  56. NoTPInVanish: You cant use teleport if your Partner is Vanished.
  57. TP: Teleporting to Partner...
  58. TPto: Your Partner is teleporting to you...
  59. ListHL: Married Player List
  60. ListHLMP: 'Showing page %1$d/%2$d - /marry list <page>'
  61. PvPIsOff: You can't hurt your Partner if you have PvP disabled.
  62. ListeningStarted: You are now listening to the marry chat.
  63. ListeningStoped: You are no longer listening to the marry chat.
  64. PriestMarryOff: 'Priest (%s) is now offline, wedding called off.'
  65. PlayerMarryOff: '%s is now offline, wedding called off.'
  66. PlayerCalledOff: '%s called the wedding off.'
  67. YouCalledOff: You have called the wedding off.
  68. NoItemInHand: You are not holding an item.
  69. PartnerInvFull: Your partner have no empty space in his inventory.
  70. ItemSent: 'You have sent your partner %1$s %2$s.'
  71. ItemReceived: 'Your partner have sent you %1$s %2$s.'
  72. GiftsOnlyInSurvival: You can only gift items to your partner when you are in survival mode.
  73. YouKissed: You have kissed your partner!
  74. YouGotKissed: Your partner has kissed you!
  75. TooFarToKiss: You are too far away to kiss your partner. (Max 2 Blocks)
  76. KissWait: 'You have to wait %s seconds to kiss your partner again.'
  77. WorldNotAllowed: Your partner is in a world where tp is not allowed.
  78. CheckingForUpdates: 'Checking for updates ...'
  79. Updated: 'Plugin updated, will be loaded on next restart/reload.'
  80. NoUpdate: 'No plugin update available.'
  81. MarryConfirm: '%s want to marry you. Accept the marriage with /marry accept or deny it with /marry deny'
  82. HasMarried: 'You have married %s.'
  83. BroadcastMarriage: '%1$s has married %2$s.'
  84. BroadcastDivorce: '%1$s has left %2$s.'
  85. Divorced: 'You left %s. You are free now.'
  86. DivorcedPlayer: '%s has left you. You are free now.'
  87. AlreadyMarried: You are already married!
  88. OtherAlreadyMarried: '%s is already married.'
  89. AlreadyOpenRequest: You have already one not answered marry request.
  90. MarryRequestSent: Marriage request sent.
  91. TPMoved: Teleport canceled! You have moved!
  92. TPDontMove: "Teleport in %s sec! Don't Move!"
  93. NotYourself: You cannot marry yourself.
  94. ChatJoined: You have set your chat to the private marry chat.
  95. ChatLeft: You have set your chat to public chat.
  96. NaN: Entered value is not a number!
  97. NotInRange: Your partner is to far away.
  98. BackpackOnlyInSurvival: You can only access your partners backpack when you are in survival mode.
  99. BackpackShareOn: You now share your backpack with your partner.
  100. BackpackShareOff: You now don't share your backpack with your partner.
  101. BackpackOpend: Your partner has opend your backpack.
  102. BackpackShareDenied: Your partner doesn't give you access to his backpack.
  103. HomeDeleted: Homepoint deleted.
  104. Economy:
  105. NotEnough: "You don't have enough money! You need %1$s."
  106. PartnerNotEnough: Your partner doesn't have enough money!
  107. NotEnoughPriestInfo: The players you are trying to marry don't have enough money.
  108. HomeTPPaid: 'You paid %1$s for your home teleport. (%2$s left)'
  109. SetHomePaid: 'You paid %1$s to set your Home (%2$s left)'
  110. TPPaid: 'You paid %1$s for the Teleport (%1$s left)'
  111. DivorcePaid: 'You paid %1$s for the annul of your marriage (%2$s left)'
  112. DivNotEnoPriestI: The players you are trying to divorce don't have enough money.
  113. MarriagePaid: 'You paid %1$s for your marriage (%2$s left)'
  114. GiftPaid: 'You have paid %1$s for gifting an item to your partner (%2$s left)'
  115. Priest:
  116. NotWithHimself: "You can't marry %s with himself."
  117. NotInRange: The players are not in range.
  118. AlreadyMarried: You can't marry people that are already married.
  119. BroadcastMarriage: '%1$s has married %2$s with %3$s.'
  120. BroadcastDivorce: '%1$s has divorced %2$s from %3$s.'
  121. Married: 'You have married %1$s with %2$s.'
  122. HasMarried: '%1$s has married you with %2$s.'
  123. MadeYouAPriest: '%s has made you a priest.'
  124. MadeAPriest: 'You have made %s a priest.'
  125. UnMadeYouAPriest: '%s has fired you as a priest.'
  126. UnMadeAPriest: 'You have fired %s as a priest.'
  127. PlayerNotMarried: The players is not married.
  128. PartnerOffline: "%1$s's partner (%2$s) is not Online."
  129. DivorcedPlayer: '%1$s has divorced your marriage with %2$s.'
  130. Divorced: 'You have divorced %1$s and %2$s.'
  131. Confirm: 'Accept the marriage with /marry accept or deny it with /marry deny'
  132. AlreadyAccepted: 'You have already accepted the marriage.'
  133. NoRequest: 'There is no open marriage request.'
  134. NotYourSelf: 'You are not allowed to marry yourself.'
  135. AlreadyOpenRequest: '%s has already one not answered marry request.'
  136. DivPlayerOff: '%s is now offline, divorce canceled.'
  137. DivPriestOff: 'Priest (%s) is now offline, divorce canceled.'
  138. PlayerCanceled: '%s has denied the divorce.'
  139. DivorceCanceled: You have denied the divorce.
  140. DivorceConfirm: 'Accept the divorce with /marry accept or deny it with /marry deny'
  141. SurnameSet: Surname changed.
  142. DivorceRequestSent: 'Divorce request sent.'
  143. Dialog:
  144. DoYouWant: 'Do you %1$s, want to marry %2$s on this server?'
  145. AndDoYouWant: 'And do you %1$s, want to marry %2$s on this server?'
  146. Married: 'I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss .'
  147. YesIWant: 'Yes, I will!'
  148. NoIDontWant: 'No, I will not!'
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