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a guest
Feb 24th, 2017
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  1. rp_dooradmin - Lock/Unlock/Set Ownable doors
  2. startevent (printer, vip, salary, parkour, burgertron, vape)
  3. whitelist - Whitelists/Blacklists a prop
  4. resetpassword - Resets a staff member's password
  5. sethealth - Sets a targets health
  6. setarmor - Sets a targets armor
  7. altsearch - Searches for alternate accounts
  8. lookup - Console prints targets badmin DB table
  9. setgroup - Sets a player's group
  10. slay - Slays your target
  11. unban - Unban a player from the server
  12. perma - Bans a player from the server permanently
  13. eventdoor o - Opens the map Event door
  14. eventdoor c - Closes the map Event door
  15. eventvote - Initiates a vote prompting players whether or not they would like to participate in an event. Players that chose (Yes) will be teleported to wherever the staff member was aiming upon typing the command
  16. sg - Shows you your target's screen
  17. noclip - Noclip yourself to help Administrate
  18. spectate - Spectates your target/toggles spectate
  19. forceunwant - Unwants target player if false wanted
  20. forceunwarrant - Unwarrants target player if false warranted
  21. forceunarrest - Unwarrests target player is false arrested
  22. setjob - sets the player's job
  23. kick - Don't use unless it's an emergency
  24. tellall - Send an important server-wide message
  25. freezeprops - Freezes a persons props or ALL props if no one is specified
  26. adminmode - Enables you to use noclip (admin+) and prop editing
  27. viewpocket - Enables you to see the players pocket.
  28. logs - opens up the server logs gui
  29. sit - Takes you to the admin room
  30. po - Shows the players previous offenses
  31. freeze - Freezes/Unfreezes your target
  32. tele - Teleports your target where you are looking
  33. return - Returns your target to their last known position
  34. mutevoice - Mutes your target's voice chat
  35. mutechat - Mutes your target's chat
  36. mute - Mutes your target's chat and voice
  37. ban - Bans a player from the server
  38. jail - Send's the target to jail for the time specified - Maximum 10 Minutes - Must Include Reason
  39. playerevents - Runs a log search on a specified player
  40. unown - Un-own the door you're looking at
  41. goto - Teleports you to your target
  42. help - Tells you helpful info about itself and other commands
  43. motd - Opens the rules of the server
  44. smotd - Opens the Staff Megathread
  45. rules - Brings up the Rules / MOTD
  46. who - Shows all players in console and their ranks
  47. donate - Opens up the Credit Store in a Window (to purchase credits)
  48. steam - Opens our Steam Group
  49. go - Gets the owner of said entity you're looking at
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