
Office Assistant LEAK (Universal App?)

Feb 6th, 2015
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  4. --------------ICONS & GRAPHICS--------------------------
  7. -----------------DOCUMENTATION HTML--------------------------
  8. <!DOCTYPE html>
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  10. <head>
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  12. <title>Help</title>
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  31. <p>Thanks for trying out Work Assistant! Here's some help documentation on some of our main features. </p>
  33. <h4>Cortana Integration</h4>
  34. <p>
  35. Our app is enabled to work with Cortana.
  36. All you have to do is start your command (voice or text) with "Office" and then continue with the rest of your command.
  37. We support the same commands through Cortana as we do within our app (see below for more details).
  38. If you ever need help, we’ve also enabled "Office help" from Cortana as well.
  39. </p>
  41. <h4>Your recent files</h4>
  42. <div id="image">
  43. <img src="../Assets/Help/DocumentItem.png" />
  44. </div>
  45. <p>
  46. Your landing page shows you a list of your recent files.
  47. Tap on a file to open it in the Office app.
  48. Long-press on a file to get more details about the file or to share the file.
  49. </p>
  51. <h4>The search box</h4>
  52. <div id="image">
  53. <img src="../Assets/Help/SearchControl.png" />
  54. </div>
  55. <p>
  56. Either type in the search box or tap the microphone icon to dictate your search or command.
  57. </p>
  59. <p>We support the following metadata:</p>
  60. <ul>
  61. <li>File name - the title of the file, with or without extension. </li>
  62. <li>File location - where the file is stored. Can include OneDrive, OneDrive for Business, SharePoint, and local. </li>
  63. <li>File type - document, doc, spreadsheet, workbook, deck, presentation, slideshow, etc. </li>
  64. <li>Last accessed - today, yesterday, this week, last week. </li>
  65. </ul>
  67. <p>We also support the following commands:</p>
  68. <ul>
  69. <li>Find</li>
  70. <li>Open, view, edit, load </li>
  71. <li>Share, send, email (with a person or with your previous, current, or next meeting)</li>
  72. </ul>
  74. <p> Try stringing these pieces together. For example: </p>
  75. <ul>
  76. <li>Presentation from yesterday</li>
  77. <li>Find my budget on OneDrive</li>
  78. <li>Open the strategy document from last week</li>
  79. <li>Send my planning deck to Kat Larsson </li>
  80. <li>Share my formula bar spec with my current meeting</li>
  81. </ul>
  83. <h4>The app bar/app menu </h4>
  84. <div id="image">
  85. <img src="../Assets/Help/AppBar.png" />
  86. </div>
  87. <ul>
  88. <li>Browse - browse for files on OneDrive or on your phone</li>
  89. <li>Feedback - let us know what you think of our app! We appreciate any questions, comments, or bugs you have</li>
  90. <li>Accounts - sign in with your organizational account</li>
  91. <li>Refresh - refresh your most recently used documents list</li>
  92. <li>Help - takes you.... here!</li>
  93. </ul>
  94. <br />
  95. </body>
  96. </html>
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