
Catching up with Faerzen

Sep 3rd, 2015
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  1. -- visceralVanguard [VV] began conversing with sunffshotMartyr [SM] --
  2. VV: Greetings, Lyra. Have you managed to locate Alex's shield down there at the bottom of the canyon?
  3. VV: I would like to talk to you sometime at greater lengths, but unfortunately, now is not that time as I am in the middle of something.
  4. VV: As an aside, I talked with book Regent about Maskwraith being banished, and he said that Maskwraith is quite some distance away in a place that it will be difficult for him to leave.
  5. VV: For the time being it seems he may be preoccupied, though considering he has the capability of time traveling, the phrase "for the time being" is quite irrelevant.
  6. VV: I also want you to know that I have been wearing Reggie as mental protection, and there have been no possessions or mental attacks or any other sort of aggression from Abyss.
  7. VV: Instead, I have mostly been talking.
  8. VV: I know that you are going to write off this whole dialogue I am having with you as "of course he would say that if he were possessed", but I want to at least inform you regardless in case there is a sliver of possibility you actually believe that I did not become instantly enslaved to Abyss the moment I left the court area.
  9. VV: While it is still very difficult for me to look past all of the things that Maskwraith did with Abyss, Abyss is actually quite reasonable. The two of us have been working on some art projects as a matter of fact to take Abyss's mind off of the fact that he spend most of the past week on the faces and inside the minds of two insane individuals bent on killing.
  10. VV: On a completely different note, I have two things to ask of you. First of all, do you happen to be in possession of a mysterious box of unknown origins?
  11. VV: I have reason to believe you might, and I am curious what the box is if you do. I have some hypotheses based on patterns I have observed, but I do not want to jump to any conclusions without more data.
  12. VV: If you do have such a box, I would appreciate any information you can give me on what the box is, how (and if) you remember getting it, and what is inside.
  13. VV: As always, it is clearly a box of essentially unknown origin, so exercise caution. Not that you already don't immediately believe this box is another plot to ruin everything
  14. VV: As a final note, I have a request regarding Nick's birthday. Thankfully I was able to intercept Nick before he read your message before the trial so he still does not know it is his birthday tomorrow.
  15. VV: I would appreciate you maintaining this secret so we can still have a surprise party for him! I should have plenty of space at my house, so we can meet there in roughly 24 hours.
  16. VV: You may still have the clothes that you received from Maskwraith, but if you want to bring a different gift, that is up to you. Regardless though, I would like to have a potluck!
  17. VV: You likely have limited food access being only at a gas station, but if it is possible for you to bring any food that you particularly enjoy, I would really appreciate it, and I am sure Nick would too.
  18. VV: Again, this is all still a surprise, so please don't go spoiling it again! :)
  20. SM: I know Faerzen didn't become enslaved
  21. SM: That's not the issue I've got with this right now
  22. SM: And no, I don't have the box
  23. SM: S'gone now
  24. SM: Dunno what it was, dunno how I got it, dunno what was inside
  25. SM: Not saying more until I know it's you
  27. VV: When I am available here shortly, I can video chat you from the video communications setup in my living room.
  28. VV: Every single other person on its contact list is likely obliterated by meteors now, so it will be nice to use it for something.
  29. VV: I am curious how you have managed to lose the box, but I will save my inquiries for when you can actually see my face and we can talk.
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