
The Fluffy Factory: Cherry

Apr 22nd, 2012
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  1. >You think your name is Cherry.
  2. >That's what the purple-fluffed monster lady calls you.
  3. >You live in cages and get nummies that don't taste good, but you have to eat them.
  4. >Otherwise, your tummy makes the owwie feeling and you don't like that.
  5. >Today, purple-fluffed monster lady was very mean to you.
  6. >You don't understand why.
  7. >You had just made more babies like she wanted, but they didn't love you.
  8. >You don't know why your babies stopped loving you when they came out.
  9. >One of the Misters got them and threw them in the goodbye can.
  10. >Then the purple-fluffed monster lady got you out!
  11. >You thought you were going to go with your babies.
  12. >She put her rainbow paws around your head holder and squeezed.
  13. >She was very mad.
  14. >You tried to say sorry, but your talkie part didn't work.
  15. >You just made a funny noise.
  16. >Your eyes started to hurt, but then she smiled at you.
  17. >It wasn't a happy smile. It was scary.
  18. >She took you over to the Mister.
  19. >She told him to start the 'treatment'.
  20. >What does that mean? Are you going to get better nummies now?
  21. >She took you over to the shiny flat and put the silver sticky around your mouth.
  22. >You don't like the silver sticky.
  23. >It makes it hard to get the invisible stuff that makes your chest thingies not burn.
  24. >They burned.
  25. >You tried to get it off, but your leggies wouldn't work.
  26. >Then, Mister came over.
  27. >Mister never looks happy or sad.
  28. >He is not mean to you if you're a good fluffy, though.
  29. >You want him to get the silver sticky off, but he reached down and got a pointy thing.
  30. >Pointy things make owwies. You don't like them.
  31. >He stabbed you with the pointy thing!
  32. >You cried because of the owwies.
  33. >Mister said something, but you didn't understand him.
  34. >He didn't take away the silver sticky.
  35. >He put you back in your cage and walked away.
  36. >One of the new friends you can never reach made the big noise!
  37. >You know the big noise, you make it sometimes when the babies want out.
  38. >Mister took her over to the shiny flat and babies came out of her.
  39. >She loved them very much and they loved her too.
  40. >You were happy and sad at the same time and you didn't know why.
  41. >Mister took them away and put them into one of the baby holes.
  42. >New friend cried a lot.
  43. >New friend wanted her babies.
  44. >Mister came over to you and took off the silver sticky!
  45. >Owwies. Silver sticky stole your fluff.
  46. >Now you're alone in your cage, listening to the friends you can never reach talk.
  47. >The new friend is still screaming about her babies.
  48. >You can barely remember when your babies would get put in the baby hole and not the goodbye can.
  49. >Your head holder hurts. Your sniffy thing is cold.
  50. >You want nummies.
  51. >Leggies work, though! You walk around.
  52. >You still feel the happy sad.
  53. >Suddenly, you decide you're going to be a good fluffy again.
  54. >Then the purple-fluffed monster lady will be nice to you like before!
  55. >You're going to ask for special huggies tomorrow.
  56. >You will make babies that love you.
  57. >They will get taken away, but at least you can see them in the baby hole.
  58. >You miss all your babies.
  59. >Even the ones that didn't love you back.
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