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Feb 24th, 2017
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  1. - **Narrow your scope**
  2. - Make your goals small and doable, finish that first, then move on
  3. - **Don't Spend too much time _studying_ before you have experience _doing_**
  4. - Don't be afraid of struggling and failing, even if it feels uncomfortable
  5. - doing before studying will help you recognize what you were doing wrong or what you needed when you finally hit the books
  6. - studying after doing becomes a fine-tuning mechanism rather than an abstract concept memorization
  7. - **Never dive in without a plan**
  8. - binge learning only works until you reach a certain level
  9. - Not making a plan exposes you to too many distractions, stuff that you don't need yet or that you already know
  10. - **Never read a book cover to cover**
  11. - we only retain a fraction of what we read
  12. - Between what we already know and what's too difficult, the only things we have a chance to retain is the silver lining in-between
  13. - Decide which parts are worth your precious time and attention
  14. - Focus your attention on what you need to learn right now, ignore the rest
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