

Dec 10th, 2014
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  1. On 11/21/2014. I lost my dog... Its a sad thing. All because she was protecting her self from a little kid that thought it would be funny to crawl onto if her. She ended up bitting him in the face. The mother of the kid paniced, started asking questions and running out of the door with her child. My dad gave my the option... either take her to a shelter or have her shot in the head. Her name was Reezen Bow Jones, she was the sweetest dog that i have ever owned... I have had her since she was 6 weeks old... she was about to turn 6... She was kind, got along with other pets... She did have a few issues, one was that she hated male dogs. Reezen wasnt raised around little kids, so she didnt know how to act around them. she was my cuddle buddy, she would follow me around and only ate when i was around. My dad got rid of her so he could make his GF happy...
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