
The Golden Colt (TTU Sequel) Hiatus

Aug 4th, 2016
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  1. >Be Trixie
  2. >It's been five years since 'the incident' with Twilight's Castle.
  3. >Work is hard but at least you aren't alone.
  4. >After preventing his nation from falling into civil war, Bernhard decided to join your caravan.
  5. >As he put it, he 'wanted to experience more of Equestria's fine hospitality'.
  6. >The sly stallion.
  7. >It only took a couple of months of riding together before you both wanted to get married.
  8. >It was a quaint modest wedding.
  9. >The only ponies you invited were your best friends Starlight and Sunburst.
  10. >Bernhard's brother, Ulrich, refused to show for whatever reason.
  11. >No matter, now you had what you never had before.
  12. >A special somepony.
  13. >Somepony who supported and loved everything you did.
  14. >Everything is almost perfect.
  15. >There is just one thing left on your mind.
  16. >Having a foal of your very own.
  17. >...
  18. >"You are barren Ms. Lulamoon. It would be physically impossible for you to have a foal."
  19. >Those words are a nightmare you can't wake up from.
  20. >Depression hit you like a ton of bricks.
  21. >You stopped doing shows and became distant with everypony.
  22. >It got so bad you almost cut ties with your best friends.
  23. >However being persistence is a quality the three ponies you love have, they were always there when you needed them.
  24. >With Starlight, Sunburst, and Bernhard's support and love, the burden was lightened.
  25. >But the pain still aches in your heart.
  26. >You started doing shows again but it just wasn't the same.
  27. >Bernhard saw you were in distress so he thought of a way to take a little pressure off of you.
  28. >He would sing as the opener.
  29. >And it worked.
  30. >For a stallion he had an alicornian voice.
  31. >Ponies would come from all over to see the two of you perform.
  32. >It almost seemed things were starting to get back to normal.
  33. >Then everything changed when the war started.
  35. >The Great Coastal War is what everypony called it.
  36. >Stallions all over Equestria filled in the ranks for what the Arabs did.
  37. >All of those innocent lives slaughtered.
  38. >10/12 Never forget.
  39. >For what it's worth we are winning.
  40. >The war was coming to a close.
  41. >Within the first year Equestria dominated the vital trade routes, decimating the Arab navy.
  42. >Now we are knocking at the doors of the Capitol itself.
  43. >An overwhelming victory.
  44. >You thought it would be a good idea to volunteer your services doing shows at field hospitals.
  45. >All the travelling and shows kept your mind busy.
  46. >You practically forgot about having a foal, work filled that void now.
  47. >Bernhard's songs of love, home, and national pride helped draw many soldiers in for your tricks and illusions.
  48. >However many soldiers you assume came because they haven't seen a mare in months.
  49. >It's not like your cape left little for the imagination.
  50. >You're a married mare now, but you still don't mind the extra attention.
  51. >With every turn and shake, "oohh" and "ahhh" would sound out from the crowd.
  52. >Still got it.
  53. >Both of you are making your way to the next camp.
  54. >The MP's said it is safer to travel at night.
  55. >Bandits were a threat but with a cart that big they would assume you had a large amount of ponies with you.
  56. >It was closer to the front than most camps, but it was still worth it to see joy on their faces.
  57. >The sun slowly starts to rise and the camp can be seen just over the horizon.
  58. >M*A*S*H* Camp 4077. Outskirts of Meccaspia, Saddle Arabia.
  60. >Almost there.
  61. >Just a couple more hours til...
  62. >"Daaaaaaah"
  63. >Crying?
  64. >The cart slows to a halt as you scan the area for its source.
  65. >A small colt is off the road in the desert.
  66. >You unhook yourself from the cart and walk over.
  67. >The small colt is huddled over a lump.
  68. >What is he-
  69. "Oh no."
  70. >A dead Arabian mare with a cut through her throat.
  71. >Water canteens and other various caravan articles litter the area.
  72. >"Momma. Momma wake up please. We need to go before they come back!"
  73. >You could hear Bernhard getting out of the cart.
  74. >"Hey honey, everything alrig-oh...oh dear."
  75. >"Momma, Momma please! I hid like you said. You promised everything would be okay if I hid. Wake up please!"
  76. "We need to take him."
  77. >"What?"
  78. "What do you mean 'what?'! Whoever did that could still be around here! You want him to meet the same fate as his mom?"
  79. >"Trix, I know you've wanted a foal of your own, but this is-"
  80. "This isn't about that! We need to-"
  81. >You were cut short by the screaming of the colt.
  82. >"AHHhhhhhh! Stay away!"
  83. >The tiny Caspian hurriedly tries to hide himself under his mothers khimar.
  84. >Out of pure instinct you run towards the crying colt.
  85. >Worryingly your other half follows closely.
  86. >When you get close you see him on his back crying hysterically.
  87. >So small. So fragile.
  88. >What a terrible thing to happen to a child.
  89. >"Take what you want! Leave me and my Momma alone!"
  90. >Carefully you approach closer.
  91. "Honey. Are you alright? I am here to help."
  92. >The crying turns to sobs.
  93. >"M-my mother won't get up. Please do something!"
  94. >You look sorrily look at the now orphaned colt.
  95. >How can you tell a practically newborn colt his parent is dead?
  97. "I...I can..."
  98. >Bernhard steps forward with the most solemn expression on his face.
  99. >"What little understanding the pure know about how the world works."
  100. >He bends down wipes the tears away from the child's face.
  101. "Little one. Your mother is dead. There is nothing we can do."
  102. >Almost instantaneously the colt burst into tears.
  103. "What in the name of Celestia WAS THAT!?"
  104. >"Accepting she is gone will help the healing process."
  105. "Yeah but could you at least have dropped it a little softer? He is just a colt!"
  106. >"That's just how I was told when...I didn't think th-"
  107. "Exactly you don't THINK! Not everypony was raised in whatever war-torn land you came from. Now what are we-"
  108. >You are interrupted by more sobbing.
  109. "D-don't worry honey, w-we will take care of you."
  110. >"For now at least."
  111. >You shoot him a glare.
  112. >He moves closer for a whisper.
  113. >"We can't just take him along. What if they were heading to a refugee camp where the rest of his family is at?"
  114. "I know that, but we just can't abandon him."
  115. >"I'm not suggesting that. Maybe the field hospital has an idea about neighboring refugee areas. We will get more information their and then hopefully reunite him with the rest of his family."
  116. >He turns to the sobbing colt.
  117. >"Don't worry son, things will get better. Trust me, I know exactly how you are feeling now."
  118. >He picks him up and places him on your back.
  119. >"W-what about my mom, we can't leave her here!"
  120. >"Don't worry, she will be alright."
  121. >He leads you both back to the cart.
  122. >"Both of you get some rest. I'll pull the cart."
  123. >Before entering you watch him grab a shovel and walk back to the mare.
  125. "Things will be better once we get to the camp."
  126. >The colt was napping in your arms while you lay on the queen sized cot you and Bernhard shared.
  127. >You just held him in your arms keeping him warm.
  128. "Why would anyone want to hurt a little guy like you? Don't worry, Trixie is here now."
  129. >You feel the cart begin to move.
  130. >Looking out you see a small mound of dirt where you both were standing.
  131. "Get some rest sweetie. You definitely deserve it."
  132. >For the rest of the ride you stay cradling the colt.
  133. >While you held him it felt as if time slowed down.
  134. >His flowing little white mane was so soft.
  135. >His tiny body was a darker shade of white with small spots of fur that shined like gold.
  136. >A beautiful little bundle of joy.
  137. >As you sat their admiring him the cart comes to a sudden halt.
  138. >The door opens.
  139. >Bernhard looks exhausted. He was covered in dust and dirt.
  140. >Strains were dug into his shoulders from the harness for pulling too hard.
  141. >"We're here now. I'll go tell the Commanding Officer our situation. Are you two okay?"
  142. "He's sleeping as soundly as he can. I can't imagine what it must be like to..."
  143. >You stop and look up to see Bernhard with his head down.
  144. >"Y-yeah..."
  145. "I-I'm sorry. I had no idea, you never really talked about your past and I just assumed-"
  146. >"It's fine, it's my fault for not being so open. With Ulrich I never really had to be, we were always on the move. Always doing some task between the royals. We never got the chance to get close to anypony..."
  147. >He puts up a weak smile.
  148. >"...until we came to Equestria."
  149. >You stare at each other for a moment.
  150. "C'mon let's get things settled so you can rest up."
  152. >"What do you mean there are no refugees around here!?"
  153. >"Like I said, we are a Military Hospital. We care for soldiers not displaced civilians.
  154. "What my husband is trying to say is that, don't you have any records to where they might be?"
  155. >"The closest camp would be way back at Damascolt on the coast."
  156. >"Well is there anyway to ship him out that way?"
  157. "We are not just leaving him on a cart!"
  158. >"You won't be able to anyway, the next supply carts to come won't be here for-"
  160. >Before the Colonel could finish he was cut off by a loud explosion.
  161. >You awake covered in sand and debris.
  162. "Bernhard? Colonel? What-"
  163. >A symphony of explosions follow up.
  164. >Looking through a newfound hole in the wall you watch as the camp get shelled mercilessly.
  165. >A young looking pegasus storms through the door.
  166. >"Colonel! The Saddle Arabians have broken through the lines and are pushing towards-"
  167. >He stares in shock to see only you standing in the room.
  168. >"Where is Colonel Mustang?"
  169. >Before you could answer a groan can be heard behind the desk.
  170. >The explosions stop.
  171. >"I'm *cough* fine. We need to leave, it won't take long for them to reload."
  172. >Wait...where is Bernhard?
  173. >You look at the fallen wall and see him pinned under a large wooden frame.
  174. "Berrny! Berrny are you okay!? Say something!"
  175. >He doesn't move, but you could still feel him breathing.
  176. >With all your might you try to lift the heavy frame but your magic just isn't strong enough.
  177. "Colonel please help!"
  178. >With a heave he lifts it just barely high enough for you to pull him out from under it.
  179. >Just as you pull him out the symphony continued their song of destruction.
  181. >You gallop straight to your cart and burst into the room dropping Bernhard on the bed.
  182. >Time to get the heck out of...wait.
  183. >You look in horror to see the colt is missing.
  184. >Frantically you tear apart every little crevice in the home to try and find him.
  185. >Another hiatus starts for the 'explosive' band.
  186. >Through the crying of soldiers and nurses one of the cries stands out.
  187. >You run outside and see nearly half the camp is gone.
  188. "Baby, honey where are you?!"
  189. >Turning back to your cart you see him hiding behind one of the wheels.
  190. "Thank Celestia you are alright. We need to go now!"
  191. >"NO!"
  192. >You try to pull him out but to no avail.
  193. "Please honey, if we stay here we-"
  194. >He starts to cry.
  195. >"I-I'm scared! I want my mommy."
  196. >You kneel down to the wheel.
  197. "I know you're scared. Trixie is scared too. But for now Trixie needs you to be brave."
  198. >His crying drops to sobs and he pops his head out to look at you.
  199. >It's been years since you referred to yourself in third-person.
  200. >"Can't we just try and hide?"
  201. "We won't be able to, they'll search every bit of this place until they find us."
  202. "Tri-My friend is very hurt inside. I know this is scary and it may be hard, but can I trust you to watch over him while I get us to safety?"
  203. >"I-I think so.
  204. "Thank you darling. I know things may seem bleak, but everything is going to be alright."
  205. >He comes out more from under your cart.
  206. >"Are you my new mommy?"
  207. "I could never replace your mother. But I will love and protect you as best as I can."
  208. >He hugs your front legs.
  209. >"Then I can try to be brave."
  210. >You pick him up with a hub of your own.
  211. >A barrage of explosions interrupt you two.
  212. "We need to hurry!"
  213. >He rushes inside the cart and you hook yourself into the harness.
  214. >With all your might you pull as hard and as fast you can leaving the camp.
  216. >The heat is intense.
  217. >The only way to Damascolt is back the same road you came here on.
  218. >The sounds of shelling stops but is replaced by screams and yells for help.
  219. >"Hey...HEY! It's you!"
  220. >A pegasus swoops from the sky.
  221. >It was the same one who barged into the Colonels office.
  222. "What are you doing here? What's going on back at the camp? Where's the colonel?"
  223. >Catching his breath you could tell he was still shaken from the artillery.
  224. >"C-col Mustang is m-making a last stand. He gave me orders to secure a safe passage for you to Baghdadam."
  225. "Baghdadam? Why there?"
  226. >"There's a strong Equestrian military presence just outside that city. We also got word that the road to Damascolt is compromised. We need to move before-"
  227. [Embed]
  228. >A torrent of sand and dust hits you both.
  229. >Back where the camp stood all that remains was an ominous cloud of black smoke.
  230. >"W-we need to move before they reorganize."
  231. >You stare back in horror seeing a place that was once a hospital is now just a crater in the ground.
  232. >"You have an extra saddle for that thing?"
  233. "T-trixie has a second saddle."
  234. >The only time you ever mention yourself in third-person is if you are either terrified or flustered.
  235. >"Hook me up because we need to move. This cart sticks out like a sore thumb in the dessert."
  236. "L-let Trixie get it."
  237. >For being so young and he had a really hard time pulling.
  238. >Pfft pegasus.
  239. >Great flyers, but when they have to do some ground work their true colors show.
  240. >That's a bonus about being Trixie.
  241. >Worked all your life to get where you are.
  242. >It's not much, but joy has always found you in one way or another.
  243. >Now you have the magic of a unicorn AND the strength of an Earth pony.
  244. >Well...some strength.
  245. >"*Cough* *Cough*"
  246. "Erm...maybe you should rest. I can pull alone so you can catch your breath."
  247. >"No. *cough* Colonel is counting on me. And I won't let him down."
  248. "Well if you keep at Trixie's pace you'll end up killing yourself. Go inside and rest with Bernhard and the colt."
  249. >"If you don't want me to pull the cart that'll be fine. But I won't rest until I see you and your family safe and sound with our troops."
  250. >He unshackles himself and sets the harness back in the carts underground compartment.
  251. >"I'll keep a lookout atop your cart. Hopefully we aren't being followed."
  252. "Do what you need to, just get some water first, also take off that helmet. No wonder you're so tired. Wearing all that heavy armor in this heat."
  253. >"Alright alright."
  254. >His voice had the tone of an annoyed teenager responding to a scolding.
  255. >"It is kinda hard to see with this thing over my head."
  256. >...
  257. >Things started going well.
  258. >Bernhard woke up, his back and front left legs still in pain from being crushed. Thankfully they weren't broken.
  259. >The colt was awake too and a little more calm now.
  260. >Bernhard sat with him on the front steps while you continued to pull.
  261. >Overhearing, Bernhard is telling the colt stories from when he was with Ulrich.
  262. >Thankfully he cuts many of the gory scenes.
  263. >You couldn't sleep for a week after he described how him and his brother gutted a dragon raider.
  264. >A shudder goes down your back just remembering it.
  265. >A call atop the cart thankfully takes your mind away from the memory.
  266. >"Hey Ma'am...something is coming!"
  267. >Looking out past the dunes you see it.
  268. >A small but fast moving cloud of sand moving down the road for Damascolt.
  269. >"That's the strangest looking sandstorm I've ever seen. It's so small."
  270. >Right as Bernhard said that the small cloud changed it's course.
  271. >It was now making a B line straight towards your group.
  272. >As the cloud gets closer you can tell that something is inside of it.
  273. >A shape bursts through the front of it but falls back inside.
  274. >It looked like a-
  275. >"Take the kid and get inside Ma'am! Hurry before they see you!"
  276. >Just as you get settled in the cloud hits the cart.
  277. >Trinkets and clothing fly off their respected shelves.
  278. >It felt as if it was being rammed by a Yak.
  279. >The shaking stops.
  280. >Peeking outside you can spot two large ponies.
  281. >Faces hidden by hijabs.
  282. >Large swords hang from their thawbs.
  283. >A voice comes from the other side of the cart.
  284. >There must be more outside surrounding you.
  285. >"What a peculiar cart. Doesn't seem like a military transport."
  286. >That accent.
  287. >He sounds as if he's an Equestrian.
  288. >Bernhard speaks up.
  289. >"It's my cart! I'm a singer. I do shows for the troops."
  290. >"A singer? It's been a while since me and my friends heard a good song. Why don't you sing for us?"
  291. >"Maybe another time, me and my companion really must be going."
  292. >"Listen, we are just looking for somepony important to our boss. A small colt actually."
  293. >"A c-colt? W-why?"
  294. >"You sound as if you have seen him? Maybe even...have him."
  295. >You can't see it but you know by the tone he has a grin on his face.
  296. >A young yet assertive voice rings out.
  297. >"These ponies are under the protection of the Equestrian Civil Service Detail! Leave now and charges won't be raiAKKK!"
  298. >You almost jump at the loud thud of something hitting the roof.
  299. >The pegasus body falls past your window leaving a small blood stain obscuring your vision.
  300. >"Leave him. The vultures deserve a meal. *Ahem* Now that your 'pet' is gone we can talk more...comfortably."
  301. >All around the cart you hear swords being drawn.
  302. >The sound of them rummaging through the side chests scream through the thin wooden walls.
  303. >A loud smack comes from the side of the cart making the colt yelp in fear.
  304. >"What was that?"
  305. >"It was. It was nothing. Maybe a toy."
  306. >Bernhard was always a terrible liar.
  307. >"You two, check inside to find that 'toy'."
  308. >"NO! Just leave me and my stuff alone!"
  309. >Wrestling sounds come from outside.
  310. >"Aiqtalh! Not like this world *needs* singers."
  311. >The colt in your hooves shook from the terrified situation.
  312. >You hold him tighter letting him bury his face in your light blue coat.
  313. >You lower your voice to just a whisper.
  314. "Don't worry, Trixie is here. Whatever happens. Hide."
  315. >"We hide together. Pleease. I don't want to lose another Momma."
  316. "No baby don't worry about me. Just promise me that no matter what happens you stay quiet and hidden."
  317. >He lets out a whimper which you do your best to try to muzzle the sound.
  318. >A pounding comes from the front door.
  319. >There's a trap door that acts as a makeshift safe for your life savings and other valuables under the cot.
  320. >Taking out all the saved bits you gently put him inside.
  321. >It's a tight fit, but he will be alright.
  322. >He will be alright.
  323. >You think that over and over to reassure yourself that what you are about to do would be worth it.
  324. >Baghdadam was only two days away from the Hospital Camp.
  325. >With word of the lines broken they would have to send reinforcements on this road.
  326. >Hopefully they...No. They WILL save this poor kid.
  327. >Situating yourself in the back of your cart you levitate to sharp knives.
  328. >One in front of you while the other is right above the door frame.
  329. >With only one window on the cart you are hiding in a perfect dark spot.
  330. >A tear rolls down your cheek.
  331. >He will be alright.
  332. >He will be alright.
  333. >Oh Celestia please let him be al-
  334. [Embed]
  335. >"STAY OUT OF MY HOME!"
  336. >Bernhard tackles one of the two figures standing outside the door frame.
  337. >Through the doorway the figure Bernhard tackled was now on top of him slamming his hoof into Bernhard's face.
  338. >The other figure who was still standing gives a small chuckle and steps through the door.
  339. >With tears rolling down your cheek you drop the knife into the back of his neck.
  340. >"GAA-"
  341. >He drops to the floor still in shock and gurgles out unknown words.
  342. >"Hassan? Hassan madha kan 'ann dajij?"
  343. >The figure outside drops a bloody looking silhouette of Bernhard and peaks inside.
  344. >You gasp from shock.
  345. >Through his hijab he didn't look much older than the pegasus who...
  346. >The pegasus.
  347. >Who died trying to protect you.
  348. >You never even got to learn his name before they...
  349. >I can avenge him.
  350. >With hate in your eyes you fly the knife across your room directly at his neck.
  351. >That gasp must've been more audible than you let it.
  352. >He sees the knife just in time and dashes outside.
  353. >"INFID-"
  354. >Bernhard smashes his hoof into the young stallions face and uses his magic to slam the door shut.
  355. >By now the others outside must've come around to the front.
  356. >Grunting and sounds of swords clashing come the other side of the door.
  357. >Bernhard was a good swords-stallion but he can't take them all on.
  358. >With a haste choice you decide to go out and help your husba-
  359. >"AHHHH!"
  360. >That was Bernhand.
  361. >He continues to scream but the sounds of fighting stopped.
  362. >"Wait *cough* cough* w-wait."
  363. >Bernhard catches his breath and leans against the busted door.
  364. >"Okay. Okay...I'll accept your surrender if the dessert-donkey who slashed my eyes will step forward and apolo-"
  365. >A large blade bursts through the door with blood covering every inch of it.
  366. >As it's pulled out the weight on the door subsides and a stream of light shines through the hole.
  367. >"Don't bother burying him either. Let this killer become dung to the scavengers."
  368. "B-berny? Berrny say something!"
  369. >You are about to charge outside before you feel a tug on your cape.
  370. >"Don't go Mommy."
  372. "Trixie told you to stay safe! What are you doing?"
  373. >"Please Mommy. Don't leave me alone."
  374. "I already told you...I'm not your Mom."
  375. >The colt just looks at you with the most depressing face you've seen in years.
  376. >The last time you saw something that sad was in a mirror in Las Pegasus years ago.
  377. >You turn away trying not to think about the colt at your side.
  379. >"Mommy. I'm scared. Please don't leave me. I hate being alone."
  380. >Buck.
  381. "It's okay. Trixie isn't going anywhere."
  382. >You pick him up and pull him close giving a very loving motherly hug.
  383. "Trixie isn't going to leave you. Shhh. Shhh. Don't cry, please don't cry baby."
  384. >You try to think of a way to distract him.
  385. "Trixie never learned your name. Can you tell me?"
  386. >"Light. Lotus Light."
  387. "That's a beautiful name. Thank you."
  388. >...EIGHT, NINE, TEN! Mahmud set the cart ablaze. If they won't come out they shall burn."
  389. >The smell of burning wood engulfs your nostrils as the door emits bright red and yellow colors of the distinguishable shape of flames.
  390. >Smoke fills the enclosed room as you struggle to keep catch your breath.
  391. >"Momma what's happening?"
  392. "Everything will be okay baby, just keep hugging Mommy."
  393. >Burning to death is a horrible way to go.
  394. >Nopony deserved it let alone a child.
  395. >You keep him pressed against your coat with magic while your hooves release their grip.
  396. >He doesn't seem to notice.
  397. >Tears water the top of the colts head as you lift your hooves.
  398. "Everything will be okay Light. Just keep hugging Mommy. Don't look anywhere else."
  399. >The entire front part of the cart is now engulfed in flames.
  400. >Carefully you put your hooves around each side of his neck.
  401. "Just keep hugging Mommy baby...everything will be okay."
  403. >You can't do it.
  404. >You won't do it.
  405. >Even if it is a mercy killing you can't convince yourself to snap his little neck.
  406. >The flames now engulfed the front section and spread to the roof.
  407. "Oh Light, I'm so sorry!"
  408. >He doesn't respond.
  409. "Light? Light!"
  410. >Looking down he lays unconscious in your hooves.
  411. >He was still breathing.
  412. >Something was different though as you inspected his body.
  413. >You're not sure if you started hallucinating due to smoke inhalation but he glowed.
  414. >The gold spots across his body grew bigger and bigger until they encompassed his entire body.
  415. >Once fully covered he started to illuminate your entire cart with golden rays.
  416. >It was as if Celestia herself raised the sun and set it right in your hooves.
  417. "L-light?"
  418. >The golden glow turns pure white, whiter than his mane.
  419. >The rays becomes too much and you are blinded.
  420. >Even with your eyes shut tight you can still feel the light.
  421. >Almost as if it's engulfing you.
  422. >Peeking through your eyelids all you can see is white and a silhouette of Light.
  423. >Shouting can be heard outside.
  424. >"Excellency! That light! It has to be him!"
  425. >"Well don't just stand their you idiots get inside and get him before he-"
  426. >Suddenly you feel Light start to levitate.
  427. >Out of instinct you grab hold of him and keep him pressed close.
  428. >A shattering can be heard. Probably your window.
  429. >Gushing wind and sand then surrounds the two of you.
  430. >The winds and sand escalate their speed.
  431. >It was as if being in the center of a tornado.
  432. >You keep your eyes tightly shut and hold onto Light for dear life.
  433. >You hear something similar to a canon shot then nothing.
  434. >As suddenly as it happens it abruptly ends.
  435. >Peeking out the white light is gone and all you see is darkness.
  436. >Exhaustion hits you as hard as a cart rolling down Main St. in The Crystal Empire.
  437. >Before passing out you try to find Light but the darkness is too thick.
  438. >You fall to your side and let sleep overtake you.
  439. >"-ake up! Wake up please! Mommy!"
  440. >You drift out of your haze and back to consciousness.
  441. >Head is spinning.
  442. >Eyes still feel heavy.
  443. >There's an ache in your neck for sleeping in that unnatural position.
  444. >Note to self, the desert sand doesn't make good bedding.
  445. >Light is tapping your side still trying to wake you up.
  446. "Good morning sunshine. What happened last-"
  447. >Yesterday's memories send a shockwave of terror through your body.
  448. >Who were those stallions?
  449. >Why do they want Light?
  450. >Where is Bernh-"
  451. "BERNHARD!"
  452. >You stagger to get up on all fours but find the willpower.
  453. "Berrny? Berrny where are you? Where-"
  454. >Nothing.
  455. >All around for miles stretches the endless dessert.
  456. >There's no trace of Bernhard, your cart, even the band of stallions.
  457. >Everything is just...
  458. "Gone."
  459. >"Momma you're okay!"
  460. >He jumps off the sand and lands atop your back in a huff.
  461. >You carefully pull him down and place him in the sand.
  462. "Light. What happened? How did you do that? Where are we?"
  463. >He tilts his little head to the side with an inquisitive smile.
  464. >"What are you talking about?"
  465. "Y-you don't remember anything from last night?"
  466. >"Mmmm I remember a giant sandstorm with ponies inside. Mr. Soldier told me and you to go inside. Then there was a fire. After that I can't remember. I woke up and found you asleep like Old Mommy was when you first found me. Where did Mr. Soldier and your friend go?"
  467. >You flashback to hearing the sickening thud of the pegasus hitting your roof.
  468. >The sound of breaking bones and wood with the head of a blood covered spear poking through your front door.
  469. >A tear leaks from one of your eyes.
  470. "T-they went home son. They had to go h-home."
  471. >Even after what Bernhard said about getting it over with, you can't bring yourself to tell Light he's dead.
  472. >"Are they going to be back? Your friend Beern-Harrd needs to finish his story. It was the best part too, he was saying how he had to rescue his brother from-"
  473. >Light's voice trails off as you do a thousand-yard stare.
  474. >What are we going to do?
  475. >No water.
  476. >No shelter.
  477. >Lost in the dessert with no signs of civilization for miles.
  478. >"-ey? Hey!"
  479. >You jolt out of your daydream to see Light with the biggest smile on his face.
  480. >"Mommy. As long as we are together we will be fine."
  481. >His little perky attitude cheers you up a little.
  482. "Yes baby, we'll be fine. Let's start moving."
  483. >You pick him up and place him on your back.
  484. >Your cape acting like a little saddle you carry him west.
  485. >There's no sign of life in any direction, but if you keep heading west eventually you will run into the Celestial Sea.
  486. >Besides any direction is better than just sitting waiting to die.
  488. >A days worth of walking and still nothing.
  489. >An endless desert devoid of all life.
  490. >How can these Arabs live in this wasteland?
  491. >Then again almost all of their cities are based by the coast or on the Giffis-Mustangy river basin.
  492. >Your wide brimmed magicians hat has provided much needed coverage from the sun.
  493. >You've try to make Light wear it, yet he refuses.
  494. >Says he wants his Mom to be as protected as possible.
  495. >Even if you did force him to wear it, the hat would probably be too big anyway.
  496. >You could tell that was true by where it was now.
  497. >A couple miles back he wanted to take a little nap on your back.
  498. >To keep him safe you set the hat over him so he could have at least some coverage.
  499. >It practically covered his entire top half.
  500. >Through the visible heat waves you see something off in the distance.
  501. >It appears to be a caravan of some sorts.
  502. >Getting closer you notice cannons and armor covered stallions.
  503. >A military caravan!
  504. >It must be the relieving force from Baghdadam.
  505. >Something seems off about the way they move though.
  506. >Nonetheless it's salvation.
  507. "Light. Light wake up!"
  508. >He doesn't move.
  509. "Light?"
  510. >Lifting the hat you see his eyes were very sunken.
  511. >He was still breathing but very rapidly and his heartbeat was just as fast.
  512. >Dehydration.
  513. >In a blind panic you make a mad dash for the column of soldiers.
  514. >Thankfully for whatever reason they stopped.
  516. >Your vision started to go blurry, but you wouldn't drop until you make sure the colt was in safe hooves.
  517. >Finally making it onto the road you show them Light draped over your back.
  518. >Out of breath you gasp out your plea.
  519. "Please! Help! Water! The colt! Water! WATER!"
  520. >Two of them quickly step forward and caught you just as you were about to fall over.
  521. >As the adrenaline wore off exhaustion started to hit.
  522. >Along with the exhaustion came an extreme thirst.
  523. >You watched as another carefully took Light to one of the carts.
  524. >Then you pass out.
  525. >Gasping awake you find yourself laying down in one of the carts.
  526. >One of the soldiers is at your side.
  527. "L-light. Light where is he?"
  528. >"Mahla! Lay back down. Just relax, he okay."
  529. >Mahla?
  530. >Taking a closer look at the soldier you realize it's an Arab.
  531. >He must've noticed your shocked look.
  532. >"Ah, don't worry, we do not wish to contest with you Equestrian's anymore. The war is lost. You ponies win."
  533. >He has a defeated look on his face and looked away.
  534. >"Once we get to Meccaspia we will turn you over to the army. We promise not to cause any harm."
  535. >Anger sweeps over you.
  536. "Why?
  537. >"Hmm?"
  538. "Why did you cursed nags start this war? Why shed the blood of the innocent? Murderers! All of you!"
  539. >Granted getting pissed off at the stallions who just saved you and Light's life wasn't the smartest of ideas, yet your heart ached and you want an answer.
  540. "My husband. Berrny. He would still be alive if..."
  541. >Tears stream down your face.
  542. >The solemn soldier puts a hoof on your shoulder which you quickly brush off.
  543. >"He changed."
  544. "What?"
  545. >"I used to be part of the Tabardariyya."
  546. >He looks up, pride shines from his eyes as you look puzzled at him.
  547. >"Private bodyguard."
  548. >You let out a 'hmpf' but let him continue.
  549. >"Things were peaceful. The Kingdom was prosperous. Everything was so calm back then. It feels as of this is just a bad dream..."
  550. "I can relate to that."
  551. >"Everything changed one day. He just came from his chambers, but instead of having a cheerful smile he was aggravated. Through the days he became more reclusive and demanding. He started re-education programs that promoted blind obedience to him and him alone."
  552. >He stares off blankly almost as if in a trance.
  553. >"Do not hesitate. What is hesitation other than disobedience? What is disobedience other than treason. Treason will not be abided."
  554. >He comes out from his trance and calmly stares back at you.
  555. >"I cannot say I approve of the Great King's demands, but we did what was ordered. Nothing can be done to change that now."
  556. "You said dropping me off. Light is coming with me."
  557. >"What? No. That can't happen."
  558. "Why?"
  559. >"He is a Saddle Arabian citizen, you have no right or reason to take him. Due to our governments current position, adoption would be near impossible."
  560. "Please, I am all he has left. His mother is dead and his father-"
  561. >"-could be out there looking for his son."
  562. >...
  563. >"I understand that you care for him, but he isn't your to care for."
  564. "You are wrong, he's special. He loves me and i love him."
  565. >He simply sighes.
  566. >The rest of the cart ride is silent.
  567. >...
  568. >The cart stops with a halt.
  569. >Outside is still desert.
  570. >"Hey Baruuk, why are we stopping, the city is only another half day's ride?"
  571. >Silence.
  572. >"Baruuk?"
  573. >As he get's up an arrow shoots through the open window hitting him in the head.
  574. >With a crash he falls to the floor overturning a crate.
  575. >You peek out of the window.
  576. >Outside you see them.
  577. >It's the group who attacked you on the road leaving the hospital camp!
  579. >The small band quickly rushes the weary and fatigued soldiers.
  580. >As scuffles between marauder and soldier were fought out, some of them broke into the carts slaughtering all inside.
  581. >One of the raiders started heading towards your cart.
  582. >Quickly picking up the Arab you cover yourself with his dead body.
  583. >The door swings open hitting the wall with a crash.
  584. >You wait motionless hoping no blue fur is showing from under the corpse.
  585. >The door slams shut and hoofsteps can be heard outside.
  586. >You wait a second just to be sure.
  587. >Listening carefully you hear nothing other than the brawl still happening outside.
  588. *Sigh* "Safe for now."
  589. >"That's what you think."
  590. >The body is thrown from atop from you revealing one of the marauders.
  591. >With a large spear pointed at your belly.
  592. >Hastily you kick away the obviously too big a weapon forcing it out of his hooves.
  593. >It lands perpendicular to the door with a thud.
  594. >With his weapon gone he throws himself atop you wrapping his hooves around your neck.
  595. >With all your might you kick and punch trying to get the stallion off of you with no effect.
  596. >This only causes him to wraps around your neck tighter.
  597. >You are starting to feel lightheaded.
  598. >The punches you throw are starting to get lighter with each passing second.
  599. >No!
  600. >I can't die like this.
  601. >Mustering all your might you give one last throw to his head.
  602. >The punch sent his head jerking backwards releasing his grip.
  603. >You quickly take in as much air as you can while you simultaneously cough out a lung.
  604. >After catching your breath somewhat you notice the punch knocked his keffiyeh off revealing his face.
  605. >You gasp in shock seeing that he's an Equestrian unicorn!
  606. >Nursing his now crooked jaw he turns to look at you with pure fury, then charges at you.
  607. >Preparing yourself you dive to the side just in time for him to crash into the wall.
  608. >His horn lights up trying to pick up the spear.
  609. >Illuminating your own horn you take a grip of the spear also.
  610. >It's now just a tug of war to see who's magic will give out first.
  611. >Back and forth the spear goes.
  612. >With each tug you feel the spear slowly loosing your grip.
  613. >It becomes too much and he gets full control.
  614. >Bringing it to his hooves a crooked smile comes across his face.
  615. >He takes it to one side and with his free hoof he punches himself knocking his jaw back into place.
  616. >"AHHHHHHHHHhhhhhh. Much better."
  617. >He now places it firmly back in both hooves.
  618. >"I always preferred to kill with my hooves, makes it more personal ya'know?"
  619. >You take a step back trying to think of a way out.
  620. >"For a mare you gave me a good run, but that ends here."
  621. >He points it down with the sharp end a few feet away.
  622. >The back end hovers above the dead Arab with the arrow still sticking out of his head.
  623. >"Don't feel bad, at least you will be remembered in the stories I'll tell."
  624. >The arrow!
  625. >Illuminating your horn again you try and pry the jammed bolt from his skull as he brings the spear back for a final blow.
  626. >The sound of wood and steel pierce flesh as fresh blood flowed on the ground.
  627. >You both stand motionless for a second.
  628. >Then finally he slumps over falling atop the Arab.
  629. >Standing triumphantly over your foe you give out a sigh of momentary relief.
  630. >Your front left arm has a little pain.
  631. >It feels wet with something.
  632. >You look solemnly at the dead stallion.
  633. >Blood oozed from his neck where the arrow stuck out.
  634. "Bucker."
  635. >Then you fall over.
  636. >Your left leg was filled with pain.
  637. >Looking down the spear punctured deep into your flesh.
  638. >It doesn't look so bad...
  639. >Applying a little bit of pressure, pain rushes through your leg.
  640. >You would still be able to walk, but it would be better to cover it up to stop the bleeding.
  641. >Searching through the cart you find a small box with a red cross.
  642. >Jackpot.
  643. >Opening it up all that's inside is a disinfectant rag and clean water.
  644. >No bandages.
  645. >Have to improvise.
  646. >The only thing that seems somewhat appropriate would be the unicorns keffiyeh.
  647. >You take it with your magic.
  648. >It looks relatively clean, it's definitely not something hospital worthy.
  649. >Carefully you scrub your arm.
  650. >The stinging from the alcohol gives a quick shock.
  651. >After the wound was cleaned you wrap your arm with the cloth.
  652. >That'll do for now.
  653. >Taking a peak outside, the marauders are finishing up fighting the Arabs.
  654. >They sat all the ones who surrendered on their bellies while they ransacked the wagon train.
  655. >"Excellency I found him!"
  656. >The familiar cries of a tiny colt sounds throughout the air.
  657. "Light."
  658. >One of them brings him out holding him by his back leg.
  659. >He flails about screaming for his mom.
  660. >Screaming for you.
  661. >Their leader comes close to inspect him.
  662. >"Hello exalted one. We have been looking all over Saddle Arabia for you. Ready to return home?"
  663. >"L-leave me alone! I want my Mother!"
  664. >"Oh don't worry, you will be seeing her soon enough. Shut him up and let's get ready to move."
  665. >Putting a gag over Lights mouth they bind his hooves and drape him over one of the backs of the raiders.
  666. >"Send word to his Grace that the thrown will be his. Remind him that it will only stay that way if he will continue to capitulate with us."
  667. >"Yes Excellency, what do you want us to do with the soldiers?"
  668. >"Kill them. Even with their tiny minds they have gleamed too much. Besides, with everlasting peace what use are soldiers?"
  669. >"Yes Excellency."
  670. [Embed]
  671. >They ride off towards Meccaspia setting the front carts ablaze.
  672. >Your hat still in Light's little hooves, sticks out like a sore thumb in the desert.
  673. >Before the fire spreads to your cart, you quietly get out. Still cautious if any marauders are still watching.
  674. >Waiting for stragglers to come out of hiding.
  675. >Creeping along the aligned carts you come across the bound prisoners.
  676. >You gag a little.
  677. >The smell itself is bad, but the sight of them made it worse.
  678. >Puddles of blood soaked the dirt road.
  679. >Their faces still had the expression of horror and fear.
  680. >Beheading is an a horrible way to go.
  681. >All deaths other than natural causes seem like a horrible way to go.
  682. >You wish you could bury them, but that would take too much time.
  683. >Plus you just don't have the energy to spare.
  684. >Meccaspia is still half a day's walk away.
  685. >With your leg as it is it might even take you twice as long.
  686. >Before heading out you try to loot some supplies.
  687. >Water, old oats, dates, a keffiyeh, a short spear, and a small curved dagger.
  688. >Before setting out you also stripped one of the soldiers of his armor.
  689. >Not the full plate or chain mail.
  690. >Those were too heavy.
  691. >Instead you got one of the few soldiers who wore leather armor.
  692. >They probably worked on the cannons.
  693. >Leather is not too protective, but light enough to block the most basic of blows and arrows.
  694. >Just so what happened to your leg downs't happen anywhere else.
  695. >After equipping everything you prepare yourself.
  696. >The fire has now almost consumed everything, illuminating the area in the now dim landscape.
  697. >It will be night soon.
  698. >Maybe they will rest before making it to the city.
  699. >Looking down the road you are suddenly filled with determination.
  700. "Momma's coming Light."
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