

Dec 6th, 2015
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  1. Welcome to the chat room!
  2. realVileman: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp
  3. Roxer1234: doubles > singles
  4. Roxer1234: duh
  5. ChoiceScarfEbola: im gay lol
  6. Silent_Cookie: qsns :D
  7. TheVGCWalrein: boo qsns
  8. GradeAGarchomp: qsns n_n
  9. IAmTheGoomy: qnsn marry me bby
  10. deoxysspeedlool refrains from jerkin it to qsns' voice
  11. TheVGCWalrein: garbage player
  12. vert8484: Doubles>singles
  13. Xneon_furx : blissey
  14. TheVGCWalrein: get him outta here
  15. realVileman: who is the PeoplesChamp for doubles!?
  16. Ranger_mike: QSNS gachiGASM
  17. PiplupBish: ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つpraise ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
  18. Roxer1234: qsns is my waifu ***
  19. ksh13: stratos to win itcall
  20. ksh13: *all
  21. merv1618: hi all
  22. PiplupBish: why live when miuna isn't real
  23. Thegreninjawarrior21: :]
  24. merv1618: tfw stratos still somehow mad
  25. Noeunoeuf: calm down keith
  26. Ranger_mike: frankerZ
  27. Mizaru83: Choke?? PogChamp
  28. Ranger_mike: FrankerZ
  29. boltsandbombers1: ★Stratos: there was no plan, i am just a retard.
  30. pokemonvortex: how do you get in this room
  31. Mizaru83: Chat's on screen bruv.
  32. pokemonvortex: i can tell
  33. Ranger_mike:
  34. pokemonvortex: but its annoying
  35. Noeunoeuf: smogtours
  36. Mizaru83: You gotta kill a few people, vortex.
  37. GradeAGarchomp: LOL
  38. Ranger_mike: PogChamp
  39. Noeunoeuf: ROFL
  40. GradeAGarchomp: omk
  41. PiplupBish: we needa link this replay as well whenever stratos yells at us
  42. GradeAGarchomp: pls
  43. Mizaru83: Skill. Kreygasm
  44. PiplupBish: oLo
  45. vert8484: Doubles>God>singles
  46. merv1618: heh
  47. PiplupBish: he's the one who used TR again
  48. PiplupBish: rofl
  49. Your message was not sent because you are sending messages too quickly.
  50. Doctorphanan: PJSalt
  51. TripleFactorial: That's worthy of a penalty match loss, really
  52. Mizaru83: PJSalt
  53. Ranger_mike: I remember one time i had my aegi frozen for literally frozen for 15 turns
  54. Ranger_mike: in a tournament game
  55. boltsandbombers1: (sun)
  56. Ranger_mike: GRILL Kreygasm
  57. Soitssdonnie: Stratos is such a troll lol
  58. Ranger_mike: stratos as a hearthstone card= PJSalt FrankerZ R)
  59. realVileman: PJSalt = Stra Tos (no space)
  60. Soitssdonnie: LOLOLOL
  61. Doctorphanan: PJSalt
  62. realVileman: PJSalt
  63. realVileman: wait is it broken i cant see it
  64. Mizaru83: PJSalt it works PogChamp
  65. realVileman: BibleThump
  66. Ranger_mike: reynadW = stratos W no space sucks to be a pleb ***
  67. Mizaru83: Thanks for streaming!
  68. Lolbro22:
  69. Aksissilva: that was a bloodbath
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