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Oct 27th, 2016
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  1. from collections import OrderedDict
  2. import os
  3. import subprocess
  4. import sys
  5. import multiprocessing
  6. import itertools
  9. def split_seq(iterable, size):
  10. it = iter(iterable)
  11. item = list(itertools.islice(it, size))
  12. while item:
  13. yield item
  14. item = list(itertools.islice(it, size))
  17. class buffered_subprocess_handler(object):
  18. def __init__(self):
  19. self.bu = []
  21. def write(self, s):
  22. self.bu.append(s)
  24. def close(self):
  25. pass
  27. def get_stdout(self):
  28. self.proc = subprocess.Popen(['./cryptominisat5_simple'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
  29. return self.proc.communicate(''.join(self.bu))[0]
  32. class subprocess_handler(object):
  33. def __init__(self):
  34. self.proc = subprocess.Popen(['./cryptominisat5_simple'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
  35. self.r = self.proc.stdin
  37. def write(self, s):
  38. try:
  39. for i in range(0, len(s), 128):
  40. self.r.write(s[i:i+128])
  41. # self.r.write(s)
  42. except:
  43. print s
  44. raise
  46. def close(self):
  47. pass
  49. def get_stdout(self):
  50. return self.proc.communicate()[0]
  53. class SATGenerator(object):
  54. def __init__(self, traces, maxx, maxy, maxz):
  56. all_coords = [traces[t][io] for t in traces for io in traces[t]]
  57. duped_coords = list(all_coords) ; [duped_coords.remove(t) for t in set(all_coords)]
  58. assert len(set(all_coords)) == len(all_coords), 'coords duplicated: {}'.format(duped_coords)
  60. self.maxx = maxx
  61. self.maxy = maxy
  62. self.maxz = maxz
  63. self.xrange = range(self.maxx)
  64. self.yrange = range(self.maxy)
  65. self.zrange = range(self.maxz)
  67. self.vars_per_plane = maxx * maxy
  69. self.output_path = 'output.cnf'
  70. self.vars = []
  71. self.traces = traces
  72. self.traces_keys = self.traces.keys()
  73. self.toti = (len(self.traces) * self.maxx * self.maxy * self.maxz)
  74. self.tot = float(len(self.traces) * self.maxx * self.maxy * self.maxz)
  77. self.setup_output()
  78. print('setup output done')
  79. print('creating vars')
  80. self.create_vars()
  81. print('creating clauses')
  82. self.create_clauses()
  83. print('solving')
  84. self.solve()
  86. def setup_output(self):
  87. # self.output = open(self.output_path, 'w')
  88. #self.output = buffered_subprocess_handler()
  89. self.output = subprocess_handler()
  90. self.output.write('p cnf 0 0{}'.format(os.linesep))
  92. def solve(self):
  93. self.output.close()
  94. # proc = subprocess.Popen(['./cryptominisat5', self.output_path], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
  95. # stdout, stderr = self.proc.communicate()
  96. stdout = self.output.get_stdout()
  97. stdout = stdout.strip()
  98. with open('solver_out', 'w') as so:
  99. so.write(stdout)
  100. if stdout.endswith('UNSATISFIABLE'):
  101. print 'FAILED'
  102. sys.exit(1)
  103. else:
  104. print('solved')
  105. sol = []
  106. for line in stdout.split('\n'):
  107. if not line.startswith('v'):
  108. continue
  109. # print 'line is: {}'.format(line)
  110. for chunk in line[1:].split():
  111. # print chunk
  112. if not chunk.startswith('-') and not chunk.strip() == '0':
  113. m, x, y, z, trace = self.vars[int(chunk)-1]
  114. sol.append((trace, x, y, z))
  115. print m
  116. o = open('sol_out', 'w')
  117. l = ''
  118. for trace in list(self.traces) + ['SE']:
  119. if len(trace) > len(l):
  120. l = trace
  121. l = len(l)
  123. for trace in self.traces:
  124. o.write('\n trace OUT\n')
  125. for z in range(self.maxz):
  126. o.write('Z {}\n'.format(z))
  127. for x in range(self.maxx):
  128. for y in range(self.maxy):
  129. #for x in self.locations_traces[trace]:
  130. # for y in self.locations_traces[trace][x]:
  131. if (trace, x, y, z) in self.start_end:
  132. o.write('SE{} '.format(' ' * (l - 2)))
  133. elif (trace, x, y, z) in sol:
  134. o.write('{}{} '.format(trace, ' ' * (l - len(trace))))
  135. else:
  136. o.write('0{} '.format(' ' * (l - 1)))
  137. o.write('\n')
  138. o.write('\n')
  139. o.close()
  141. def var(self, name):
  142. self.vars.append(name)
  143. return self.num_vars
  145. @property
  146. def num_vars(self):
  147. return len(self.vars)
  149. def locations_traces(self, trace, x, y, z):
  150. traces_offset = (self.vars_per_plane * self.maxz * self.traces_keys.index(trace))
  151. z_offset = z
  152. per_plane_offsett = (y ) + ((self.maxz-1)*y) + z + (x * self.maxy * self.maxz)
  154. ret = traces_offset + per_plane_offsett + 1
  155. #self.locations_traces_check(trace, x, y, z, ret,traces_offset,z_offset,per_plane_offsett)
  156. return ret
  158. def locations_traces_check(self, trace, x, y, z, other,traces_offset, z_offset, per_plane_offsett):
  159. i=0
  160. for _trace in self.traces_keys:
  161. # print('{} '.format(_trace))
  162. # trace_xyz = OrderedDict()
  163. for _x in range(self.maxx):
  164. # ys = OrderedDict()
  165. for _y in range(self.maxy):
  166. # zs = OrderedDict()
  167. for _z in range(self.maxz):
  168. # print('{} {} {} {} {}'.format(_trace, _x, _y, _z, i))
  169. i+=1
  170. if (trace, x, y, z) == (_trace, _x, _y, _z):
  171. assert i == other, '\nx {} y {} z {}\ni {} - other {} - traces_offset {} - z_offset {} - per_plane_offsett {}\n _trace {} trace {}'.format(_x, _y, _z, i, other,traces_offset, z_offset, per_plane_offsett, _trace, trace)
  172. break
  174. # break
  175. # print('done check')
  176. # sys.exit(1)
  178. def create_vars(self):
  179. # setup location grid
  180. # self.locations_traces = OrderedDict()
  181. for trace in self.traces:
  182. # trace_xyz = OrderedDict()
  183. for x in self.xrange:
  184. # ys = OrderedDict()
  185. for y in self.yrange:
  186. # zs = OrderedDict()
  187. for z in self.zrange:
  188. v = self.var(('x {} y {} z {} was utilized by trace {}'.format(x, y, z, trace),x, y, z, trace))
  189. print('{}%'.format(self.locations_traces(trace, x, y, z)/self.tot))
  191. # zs[z] = v
  192. # ys[y] = zs
  193. # trace_xyz[x] = ys
  194. # self.locations_traces[trace] = trace_xyz
  196. def create_clauses(self):
  197. # for every space
  198. print(' * one trace per voxel')
  199. #q = multiprocessing.Queue()
  200. #p = multiprocessing.Pool(4)
  201. def mp_worker(xs, qq):
  202. for x in xs:
  203. for y in self.yrange:
  204. for z in self.zrange:
  205. locs = []
  206. # for every trace
  207. for trace in self.traces:
  208. _loc = self.locations_traces(trace, x, y, z)
  209. locs.append(_loc)
  210. # allow only one trace in this space
  211. #self._naive_mutex_q(locs, qq)
  212. self._naive_mutex(locs)
  213. #print('{}%'.format(self.locations_traces(self.traces_keys[0], x, y, z)/self.tot))
  214. mp_worker(self.xrange, None)
  215., [(seq,q) for seq in split_seq(self.xrange, 4)])
  216. #while True:
  217. # item = q.get()
  218. # if item is None:
  219. # break
  220. # self.output.write(item)
  222. # for every start and end, require at least one neighbor
  223. print(' * start/end')
  224. self.start_end = []
  225. for trace in self.traces:
  226. for io in ['input', 'output']:
  227. x,y,z = self.traces[trace][io]
  228. v = self.locations_traces(trace, x, y, z)
  229. self.comment('{} at x {} y {} z {}'.format(io, x, y, z))
  230. self.clause([v])
  231. self._neighbor_constraint(trace, x, y, z)
  232. self.start_end.append((trace, x, y, z))
  233. #self.output.ttt= True
  234. print(' * neighbor per trace per voxel')
  235. for trace in self.traces:
  236. for x in self.xrange:
  237. for y in self.yrange:
  238. for z in self.zrange:
  239. if (trace, x, y, z) in self.start_end:
  240. continue
  241. self._two_neighbor_constraint(trace, x, y, z)
  242. print('{}%'.format(self.locations_traces(trace, x, y, z)/self.tot))
  245. def clause(self, v_list):
  246. svs = [str(v) for v in v_list]
  247. self.output.write('{} 0{}'.format(' '.join(svs), os.linesep))
  249. def comment(self, comment):
  250. self.output.write('c {}{}'.format(comment, os.linesep))
  252. def _kleiber_kwon(self, vs):
  253. pass
  255. def _naive_mutex_q(self, vs, q, cmdr_list=None):
  256. self.output.w = self.output.write
  257. self.output.write = q.put
  258. self._naive_mutex(vs, cmdr_list)
  259. self.output.write = self.output.w
  261. def _naive_mutex(self, vs, cmdr_list=None):
  262. self.comment('_naive_mutex to follow{}'.format(' with cmdrs {} and {}'.format(cmdr_list, vs) if cmdr_list is not None else ''))
  263. pre = cmdr_list if cmdr_list is not None else []
  264. for i, vi in enumerate(vs):
  265. if (i+1)>=len(vs):
  266. continue
  267. for vj in vs[i+1:]:
  268. self.clause((pre) + [-vi, -vj])
  269. self.comment('_naive_mutex finished')
  271. def _neighbor_constraint(self, trace, x, y, z):
  272. try:
  273. v = self.locations_traces(trace, x, y, z)
  274. except:
  275. print self.locations_traces.keys()
  276. raise
  277. # if v is utilized, then any of the following can be true
  278. nvs = [-v]
  279. ensure = 3+2+3
  280. # for xx in [x-1,x,x+1]:
  281. # if xx<0 or xx>=self.maxx:
  282. # ensure = None
  283. # continue
  284. # for yy in [y-1,y,y+1]:
  285. # if yy<0 or yy>=self.maxy:
  286. # ensure = None
  287. # continue
  288. # for zz in [z-1,z,z+1]:
  289. # if xx<0 or xx>=self.maxx or yy<0 or yy>=self.maxy or zz<0 or zz>=self.maxz:
  290. # ensure = None
  291. # continue
  292. # if x==xx and y==yy and z==zz:
  293. # continue
  294. # # if x==xx and y==yy and z==zz:
  295. # # continue
  296. # nvs.append(self.locations_traces[trace][xx][yy][zz])
  297. nvs += self._get_circumferential_locs(trace, x, y, z)
  298. # if ensure is not None:
  299. # assert nvs == ensure+1, 'nvs was {}'.format(nvs)
  300. self.comment('if v {} then any neighbor for trace {} xyz {} {} {}'.format(v, trace, x, y, z))
  301. self.clause(nvs)
  302. # it can only go in one direction
  303. # self._naive_mutex(nvs[1:])
  305. def _two_neighbor_constraint(self, trace, x, y, z):
  306. try:
  307. v = self.locations_traces(trace, x, y, z)
  308. except:
  309. print self.locations_traces.keys()
  310. raise
  311. # if v is utilized, then any of the following can be true
  312. nvs = [-v]
  314. circumferential_locs = self._get_circumferential_locs(trace, x, y, z)
  315. for cl in circumferential_locs:
  316. others = list(circumferential_locs); others.remove(cl)
  317. # if v and cl, then one of the others
  318. self.clause([-cl, -v] + others)
  319. self._naive_mutex(others, cmdr_list=[-cl, -v])
  320. nvs.append(cl)
  322. self.comment('if v {} then any neighbor for trace {} xyz {} {} {}'.format(v, trace, x, y, z))
  323. self.clause(nvs)
  324. # it can only go in one direction
  325. # self._naive_mutex(nvs[1:])
  327. def _get_circumferential_locs(self, trace, x,y,z):
  328. #ensure = 3+2+3
  329. nvs = []
  331. #disallow_fortyfives = True
  333. for xx in [x-1,x,x+1]:
  334. if xx<0 or xx>=self.maxx:
  335. #ensure = None
  336. continue
  337. for yy in [y-1,y,y+1]:
  338. if yy<0 or yy>=self.maxy:
  339. #ensure = None
  340. continue
  341. for zz in [z-1,z,z+1]:
  342. if xx<0 or xx>=self.maxx or yy<0 or yy>=self.maxy or zz<0 or zz>=self.maxz:
  343. #ensure = None
  344. continue
  345. if x==xx and y==yy and z==zz:
  346. continue
  347. # restrict vias to vertical Z transitions only
  348. if (xx!=x or yy!=y) and zz!=z:
  349. continue
  350. # if disallow_fortyfives:
  351. if abs(xx-x) == 1 and abs(yy-y) == 1:
  352. continue
  354. nvs.append(self.locations_traces(trace, xx ,yy ,zz))
  355. #if ensure is not None:
  356. # assert nvs == ensure, 'nvs was {}'.format(nvs)
  357. return nvs
  361. # traces = OrderedDict([('t1', {'input': (0,0,0),
  362. # 'output': (10,10,0)}),
  363. # ('t2', {'input': (0,10,0),
  364. # 'output': (10,1,0)}),
  365. # ('t3', {'input': (0,0,0),
  366. # 'output': (10,10,1)}),
  367. # ('t4', {'input': (1,3,0),
  368. # 'output': (10,4,0)})])
  369. traces = OrderedDict([('t1', {'input': (0,1,0),
  370. 'output': (10,10,0)}),
  371. ('t2', {'input': (0,10,0),
  372. 'output': (10,1,0)}),
  373. ('t3', {'input': (0,0,0),
  374. 'output': (10,10,1)}),
  375. ('t4', {'input': (1,3,0),
  376. 'output': (10,4,0)})])
  377. SATGenerator(traces, maxx = 20, maxy = 20, maxz = 2)
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