

Jan 26th, 2015
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  1. Jet Set Radio Future Jump
  2. By Six Strings
  3. Yo, what’s happening Jumper? This is the DJ, the man, the myth, the legend, funky fresh Professor K. Here, you’re gonna be taking it to the streets, grinding the rails of Tokyo-To and splitting the mundane white walls with the sexy art of your soul. And to help you do that, here’s 1000 CP to get started. Keep your soul strong.
  5. Backgrounds
  6. Drop In
  7. - You know this by now. You’re a fresh face on the street, with no rep or cred, for good or ill.
  8. Rudie (50)
  9. - Tearing up the pavement and grinding the rails is nothing new to you. You start off as the latest member to the crew of one of the many gangs tagging the streets of Tokyo-To.
  10. Copper (50)
  11. - Shit man, really? Alright. You start off as an average Rokkaku street cop, just another of the corrupt drones that work to suppress the freedoms of the individual citizens. Maybe you have a touch of soul left in ya?
  12. Pirate Radio (100)
  13. - Well hot damn! Looks like I’ve finally got myself a cohost. Or more than likely, some competition. You start out with your own set up just as good as mine, enjoy freeing the airwaves of the mindless corporate spiel.
  14. Locations
  15. Roll a 1d8 to determine where you’ll start off, or cash in 100 CP to choose it yourself.
  16. 1. Dogenzaka Hill
  17. - Home to the GG’s, the best crew in all of Tokyo-to. Their garage is around here somewhere, and if you’re riding around in Shibuya-cho, you might want to drop in and say hi; they’re accepting new members.
  18. 2. Shibuya Terminal
  19. - Ah, Shibuya Terminal, located in the center of Shibuya-cho. Bustling heart of the city, where all the suits and wage slaves go to earn a living. Also a great place to make your start, but hey, go with whatever. Currently contested between the crews of the GG’s, Poison Jam, and some kid with slick headphones who’s been spreading rumors.
  20. 3. 99th Street
  21. - Welcome to 99th Street, the sexy nightlife capital of the city, up in Benten-cho. Tons of crime here and it’s where all the mafia types make their money. Whole place’s got a Chinatown vibe. Queens in charge here are a group of dames called Rapid 99, and they hate Poison Jam with a passion. Oddly enough, their style seems similar to a Rudie I’ve seen, but her name escapes me…
  22. 4. Rokkaku-dai Heights
  23. - This place is one of the oldest spots in town, an abandoned hill that time forgot. It’s mainly residential like the rest of Kogane-cho, and sits in the middle of an artificial lake. Poison Jam patrols here frequently, so watch your back. Some babe in blue’s been busting up Gouji Statues around here, and a prankster with fly-eye shades has been pranking suckers in the sewers.
  24. 5. Chuo Street
  25. - The city’s entertainment district, located in Shibuya-cho. Think Times Square back in NYC, for those who know it. Place is owned by Poison Jam, and heavily watched by the Rokkaku Police, so watch your step.
  26. 6. The Skyscraper District and Pharaoh Park
  27. - This place is a huge ass open air garden, built on the top of the entire city by a wealthy Egyptian businessman with cash to burn, so he bought himself a little slice of home. Place used to be run by the Immortals, but ever since the Noise Tanks came up on the scene, they’ve been muscled out of their turf, and into Pharaoh Park.
  28. 7. Higake Street
  29. - Welcome to the projects. This place is a labyrinth of mazes and apartment complexes that even pros have trouble navigating. Now, normally this place would be controlled by the Immortals, but ever since the Noise Tanks whipped their asses, one of the oldest Rudie gangs, the Love Shockers have moved in to take it for themselves. Make enough of a name for yourself, and you might just see a dame in dreadlocks who’s looking for a crew.
  30. 8. Free Pick
  31. - Well, lucky you. Pick your patch of land and start tagging.
  32. Perks
  33. Now, each one of these are gonna be discounted for a certain Origin, so pick wisely. Everything is half price for its Origin, barring some exceptions, but feel free to pick whatever from wherever.
  34. Free
  35. Stepping To The Beat
  36. - You get a sweet hip hop soundtrack, the perfect thing to kick some Rokkaku ass to.
  37. Victory Boogie
  38. - Your victory dance? Impeccable. It’s stylish, slick, and perfectly you.
  39. Drop In
  40. 100 – Motorized Xzhibition
  41. - Everyone needs their ride pimped every once in a while. This isn’t even a challenge to an artist like you. No matter what you ride, a car, a plane, or some skates, it always looks good.
  42. 200 – Can de Combat
  43. - The first weapon in every Rudie’s arsenal: The Spray Can. Every member of the GG’s is a master of fighting with one of these, and now, you are too. And while not every enemy can be defeated by spraying some paint on them, there’s a surprisingly high amount of things that can.
  44. 400 – Fumble Recovery
  45. - You’ve mastered the art of the fall, which is to say, you rarely do it. Keeping your balance is easy as cake, and even if you do fall, you can probably turn it into a trick of some sort. Fall damage still applies if you don’t stick the landing well, so watch out.
  46. 800 – No Sole, No Problem
  47. - Who needs skates anyway? All the wheels do is restrict you, right? Now all you need to skate with the best of them is your own two feet. Sliding down rails or up half pipes, even if you’re a giant spider, it doesn’t matter in the least. Somehow, you can do it, and you do it well.
  48. Rudie
  49. 100 – Clutch from the Streets
  50. - Look around, you see those paint cans? Normally, they won’t stick around in other worlds, but now? They’ll be wherever you are. Go ahead and tag away.
  51. 200 – Artistic Rhyth
  52. - Stencils are for rookies, and you are no rookie. Your paint? Comes straight outta the can and into the image you want, just like that. No matter your orientation, no matter the conditions, so long as that can’s facing a wall you can paint, you can paint it, and do it well.
  53. 400 – Gum on the Rails
  54. - Your skates, those rails. A match made in heaven. Once you latch on, you won’t ever let go until you want to, and your grind doesn’t end until you say so. Hell, ride vertically up lampposts if you want, no one can stop your style.
  55. 800 – Endless Combo
  56. - The laws of physics say that moving things eventually slow down. Fortunately, you’ve never been much for laws. Momentum? You can gain it by doing a handstand off a half pipe. Speed? You can increase it by doing a backflip. The more tricks you do, the faster you go. Don’t stop now! Sadly, it caps out at about the speed of sound, though I doubt a normal human would even have to worry about reaching that speed.
  57. Copper
  58. 100 – Obfuscating Incompetence
  59. - People underestimate you a lot. Maybe it’s your face, maybe it’s the way you act, but no one you need to fight thinks you’re a threat. Which is good, because, you are.
  60. 200 – Nonlethal Rounds
  61. - Somehow, you’ve gotten the power to make almost all of your weapons non-lethal. Kick a kid’s ass by shooting rubber bullets, or beat him unconscious with the back of your blade, nearly anything you have you can reduce its effectiveness by 10 times what it is. Perfect for when murder isn’t the best option, ya sociopath.
  62. 400 – Get Back Here!
  63. - You are the law, goddammit, so it’s high time you put those long arms of yours to use. You can run as fast as an Olympic sprinter, and your grip is impeccable. When you grab on to someone, it will take a miracle of nature for you to let go.
  64. 800 – Ultimate Authority
  65. - All crimes are equal, and it’s high time you showed those damned loiterers who’s in charge! With this perk, anytime you are considered “the law” of an area, you will never face legal repercussions for excessive use of force. Using tanks, helicopters and assassins against spray-painting teens? Go right ahead.
  66. Pirate Radio!!
  67. 100 – Teknopathetic
  68. - Ever wondered how I know everything just as it happens? I’ve got eyes in the signal baby, and now, so do you. As far as your broadcast range is, you can take a peek at what’s going on simply by staring at the mic.
  69. 200 – Concept of Love
  70. - The oppressed people love you, or more importantly, your words. What you have to say inspires others to fight for their freedoms, and pushes them over the edge. With this, you won’t be the type to talk down a gunman; your style is more to start a riot.
  71. 400 – Funky Dealer
  72. - There’s this guy you know, who supplies you with anything you’ll need. Guns, paint, speakers, whatever. So long as you keep speaking the truth about the soul of the streets, he’ll stand by your side, and keep you well supplied.
  73. 800 – Rockin’ the Mic
  74. - The best perk of them all, for it’s the only one that has me in it! Any jump you head to will have the beautiful Jet Set Radio on the airwaves, and I’ll be telling you the lowdown on whatever’s going on I can get my hands on. Even better, any other MC’s, musicians, radio hosts or cool voiced people you’ve met? I might invite them on the air for a few weeks. If you want to hear me preach The Good Fight with my main man Three Dog, or spit hot bars with Rucks, this is the perk for you.
  75. Items
  76. Grab yourself some slick starting gear, and enjoy!
  77. 100, free Drop In – Unique Style
  78. - You obtain a unique set of clothes that would look horrible and tacky on someone else, but for you, it fits. Rock the neon shirts and antenna headphones to your hearts content.
  79. 100, free Copper – Megaphone
  80. - It’s a megaphone, you know what it does.
  81. 100, free Pirate Radio – Flawless Setup
  82. - Speakers, a radio signal jacker, a mic, and everything else you’ll need to broadcast all across the city.
  83. 100, free Rudie – Skates
  84. - The magnetically driven inline skates powered by netrium batteries. The essential part of any Rudie’s gear.
  85. Drawbacks
  86. 100 – No Style
  87. - Shit, your art is lame, your moves have no flair, and your clothes and dance moves speak to no one. In other words, you’re a pretty boring person.
  88. 200 – Hot Shit
  89. - Or at least, you think so. Your personality is insufferable, and as an added bonus, the cops won’t stop hounding you. You can hide from them, but the moment you’re out in public, they’ll be there.
  90. 300 – Wild Temper
  91. - You get pissed real easy. I mean, shit, you trashed your own car cause you got the wrong flavor bubblegum. When your temper starts rolling, no one’s safe, not even yourself.
  92. 400 – Despised
  93. - All the Rudies hate you. All of them. You have no soul, nothing that they respect, and they really don’t want you around their turf at all. And because of all the attention you’ve been getting, all of Gouji’s goons hate you too. Have fun being fought by nearly everyone.
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