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May 26th, 2012
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  4. <head><title>KeepVid: Download and save any video from Youtube, Dailymotion, Metacafe, iFilm and more!</title>
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  6. <meta name="description" content="Download and save videos directly from Youtube, Google, Metacafe, Putfile and more. Simply copy and paste."><meta name="keywords" content="keepvid, keep, vid, keep vid, download, direct, help, rip, copy, save, video, stream, youtube, yuotube, toutube, uoutube, houtube, ifilm, ofilm, ufilm, kfilm, irilm, metacafe, netacafe, ketacafe, jetacafe, meracafe, putfile, putfiel, outfile, lutfile, pitfile"><meta name="robots" content="All,index,follow"><meta name="revisit-after" content="7 days">
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  58. <script type="text/javascript">var m='Enter video URL or Search here - example: \'lolcats\',';
  59. if (parent.frames.length > 0) { = location.href;};
  60. var d=document;window.$ = function(element){return document.getElementById(element);};
  61. var loc = unescape(window.location.toString().split('url=')[1]);
  62. if(loc.match("\/watch#!")){
  63. window.location = "" + escape(loc.replace("\/watch#!", "\/watch?"));
  64. }else if(loc.match("\/v\/")){
  65. window.location = "" + escape("" + loc.match("\/v\/([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)")[1]);
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  72. <body>
  73. <div class="container">
  74. <div class="header-o">
  75. <h1 class="header"><a href="" class="logo" title="KeepVid: Download and save any video from Youtube, Dailymotion, Metacafe, iFilm and more!">KeepVid: Download and save any video from Youtube, Dailymotion, Metacafe, iFilm and more!</a> <a href="javascript:(a%20=%20(b%20=%20document).createElement('script')).src%20=%20'',%20b.body.appendChild(a);void(0);" title="Keep It!" class="bookmark">Keep It!</a><div style="overflow:hidden;"><iframe frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src=";stream=false&amp;header=false&amp;width=292&amp;height=10" class="lb"></iframe></div><!--<div style="float:right;margin-top:-5px;"><IFRAME FRAMEBORDER=0 MARGINWIDTH=0 MARGINHEIGHT=0 SCROLLING=NO WIDTH=468 HEIGHT=60 SRC=""></IFRAME></div>--></h1><br clear="both" />
  76. </div>
  77. <div class="d-o"><div class="d-i">
  78. <form action="/" class="d" method="get">
  79. <span class="nm"><h2>KeepVid Youtube Video Downloader v3.0: also works with Dailymotion, Metacafe and many more.</h2><b>Download videos DIRECT from Youtube and most video sites - Simply copy the link of the page with the video on it and paste it in the text box below: eg.</b><br></span>
  80. <input type="text" name="url" size="100" value="" class="text" id="text" />
  81. <input type="submit" class="submit" value="DOWNLOAD" id="dl" />
  82. <script>
  83. d.getElementById('text').value=m;
  84. d.getElementById('text').onfocus = function(){if(this.value == m){this.value = '';}};
  85. d.getElementById('text').onblur = function(){if(this.value == ''){this.value = m;}};
  86. var sb = setInterval(function(){if(!d.getElementById('text').value.match("http://") && d.getElementById('text').value != m && d.getElementById('text').value != ''){d.getElementById('dl').value = 'SEARCH';}else{d.getElementById('dl').value = 'DOWNLOAD';}},100);
  87. </script>
  88. <span class="nm">
  89. <h2>How to use</h2>
  90. 1. Choose the site you want to <b>download</b> from: eg. Youtube.<br>
  91. 2. Copy the link of the page with the <b>video</b> on it and paste it in the textbox above.<br>
  92. 3. If you <b>download</b> an flv video file, you need an <b>FLV video player</b>.<br><br>
  93. Need help on how to <b>download videos from <a href="" rel="nofollow">Youtube</a></b> or any other <b>video sites</b>? Read the <a href="">KeepVid FAQ</a>.<br>
  94. </span>
  95. </form>
  96. </div></div>
  97. <div class="sponsors"><small class="label">Advertisement</small>
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  102. <a href="/page_out.php?block=4&url="> <a href=""><img src="/avs_tb1.gif" border="0" width="726" height="90"></a></div>
  103. </div>--><div class="l"><div class="l-h"><h2>Download links</h2><div class="l-c"><div style="float:right;"><IFRAME FRAMEBORDER=0 MARGINWIDTH=0 MARGINHEIGHT=0 SCROLLING=NO WIDTH=300 HEIGHT=250 SRC=""></IFRAME></div>
  104. Links found on <a href="" target="_blank"></a><br>Report any problems to: <script>document.write('kee'+'pv'+'id'+'.'+'c'+'om'+'@'+'gm'+'ai'+'l.c'+'om');</script><br><br><style type="text/css">
  105. {text-decoration:underline;font-weight:bold;color:#64B119;}
  106. {color:#438800;}
  107. #loader{display:inline;}
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  110. <script type="text/javascript">
  111. var keyStr = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=";
  112. function d64(input) {
  113. var output = "";
  114. var chr1, chr2, chr3 = "";
  115. var enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4 = "";
  116. var i = 0;
  117. var base64test = /[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g;
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  120. input = input.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g, "");
  121. do {
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  124. enc3 = keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
  125. enc4 = keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
  126. chr1 = (enc1 << 2) | (enc2 >> 4);
  127. chr2 = ((enc2 & 15) << 4) | (enc3 >> 2);
  128. chr3 = ((enc3 & 3) << 6) | enc4;
  129. output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr1);
  130. if (enc3 != 64) {
  131. output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr2);
  132. }
  133. if (enc4 != 64) {
  134. output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr3);
  135. }
  136. chr1 = chr2 = chr3 = "";
  137. enc1 = enc2 = enc3 = enc4 = "";
  138. } while (i < input.length);
  139. return unescape(output);
  140. }
  141. function jloaded(){
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  144. $('loader').innerHTML = '<b style="color:#222;"> Processing links, please wait...</b>';
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  149. }
  150. function kv_error(er){
  151. $('loader').style.display = 'none';
  152. $('loaderimg').style.display = 'none';
  153. $('errormsg').innerHTML = '<b style="color:#222;">Error: ' + er + '</b>';
  154. }
  155. function kv_ds(a_id, kv_type, kv_res, kv_url, kv_title){
  156. var kv_dri='';var kv_more='';
  157. if(kv_url.match("") || kv_url.match("")) kv_more=' (Drag download link to a new tab, then press <b>Ctrl+S</b> if it starts playing in the browser)';
  158. if(kv_url.match("") == null && (kv_type == "MP3" || kv_type == "MP4")){
  159. kv_dri='javascript:alert(\'Right-Click the download link and choose \\\'Save Link As...\\\'\');return false;';
  160. //kv_more=' (<b>Right-Click</b> the download link and choose <b>Save Link As...</b>)';
  161. }
  162. if($('linkse1').innerHTML=='' && (loc.match("") || loc.match(""))) $('linkse1').innerHTML = '<span style="color:#8B0000;"><b>*NEW*</b></span> <a href="'+unescape(window.location.href.toString().replace("", ""))+'" class="link" target="_blank">&rsaquo;&rsaquo; Download MP3 &lsaquo;&lsaquo;</a> - Standard Quality (<a href="" target="_blank"></a>)';
  163. $('loader').style.display='none';
  164. $('loaderimg').style.display = 'none';
  165. var kv_color='';
  166. if(kv_type=='3GP') kv_color='color:#2EADC9;';
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  171. if(a_id.match("^"+"dl_")=="dl_" || a_id.match("^"+"gv_")=="gv_") { kv_url = kv_url+'&title='+kv_title; }
  172. nd.innerHTML='<a href="'+kv_url+'" class="link" onclick="'+kv_dri+'" style="'+kv_color+'">&rsaquo;&rsaquo; Download '+kv_type+' &lsaquo;&lsaquo;</a> - '+kv_res+kv_more;
  173. e.appendChild(nd);
  174. }
  175. setTimeout("if($('loader').innerHTML == '<b style=\"color:#222;\"> Processing links, please wait...</b>'){$('loaderimg').style.display = 'none';$('loader').innerHTML='<b style=\"color:#222;\">Error: Sorry, took too long (Try Refresh?).</b><br />';}else if($('loader').style.display != 'none'){$('loaderimg').style.display = 'none';$('loader').innerHTML='<b style=\"color:#222;\">Error: Please restart your browser and remember to click 'Run' when prompted.</b><br>';}", 30000);
  176. </script>
  178. <div id="kv_info"></div>
  179. <img src="" id="loaderimg" height="11" width="16" border="0" />
  180. <div id="loader"><b style="color:#222;" id="timeoutprocess"> Loading Java applet...</b>
  181. </div>
  182. <span id="instructs" style="color:#C33;"><br /><br />To download videos, please click '<b>Run</b>' when prompted.<br>
  183. Tick the box '<b>Always trust content from this publisher</b>' to download seamlessly in the future.</span>
  184. <div id="errormsg"></div>
  185. <div id="javadisabled">
  186. It appears you do not have Java installed or it is disabled on your system.<br>
  187. You can get Java <a href="" class="link" target="_blank">here</a>.
  188. </div>
  189. <div id="linkse"></div><div id="linkse1"></div>
  190. <div id="app">
  191. <applet code="KeepVidDownloader.class" archive="/java/keepvid.213.jar" height="1" width="1" align="center" MAYSCRIPT>
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  195. </applet>
  196. </div>
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  198. function javi(){if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE')>-1){try{var a=new ActiveXObject('JavaWebStart.isInstalled');return true}catch(e){return false}}var b=navigator.mimeTypes&&navigator.mimeTypes.length&&(navigator.mimeTypes['application/x-java-jnlp-file']!=null||navigator.mimeTypes['application/x-java-vm']!=null);var c=navigator.javaEnabled();if(c==false)return c;else return b}
  199. if(javi() == false){
  200. $('app').style.display = 'none';
  201. $('loader').style.display = 'none';
  202. $('loaderimg').style.display = 'none';
  203. $('instructs').style.display = 'none';
  204. $('javadisabled').style.display = 'block';
  205. }
  206. </script>
  207. <br clear="right">
  208. For an ad-free version of Keepvid, please support us by using the <a href="" target="_top" class="link">KeepVid program</a> to download videos.</div></div></div><!--<div class="sponsors">
  210. </div>-->
  211. <!--<div style="float:right;margin-top:20px;">
  213. </div>-->
  214. <div>
  215. <!--<div class="content"><div class="content-i">
  216. <h2>KeepVid Program</h2>
  217. Please support us by purchasing the <a href="" target="_top" class="link">KeepVid program</a> to download online videos.
  218. </div></div>-->
  219. <div class="content"><div class="content-i">
  220. <h2>KeepVid Program</h2>
  222. <b>Download the program</b><br>
  223. <a href="" class="x" rel="nofollow">Click here</a> to download latest version of the KeepVid for <b>Windows</b> (1.142). *updated 13/08/2011*<br> <br>
  225. <b>Running the program</b><br>
  226. After you download the KeepVid program, you will need to purchase a license to activate the program and start downloading videos.<br>Please note that the program works on <b>Windows only.</b><br><br>
  228. <form action="" method="post">
  229. <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick">
  230. <input type="hidden" name="hosted_button_id" value="LFQETRQFEK4JJ">
  231. <input type="image" src="" border="0" name="submit" alt="PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!">
  232. <img alt="" border="0" src="" width="1" height="1">
  233. </form>
  235. <!--
  236. <form action="" method="post">
  237. <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick">
  238. <input type="hidden" name="hosted_button_id" value="2W6ELPHWZ9MV2">
  239. <input type="image" src="" border="0" name="submit" alt="PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!">
  240. <img alt="" border="0" src="" width="1" height="1">
  241. </form>
  242. -->
  243. <br><br>
  245. <h2 style="color:#197EB1;">Re-send license key <span style="color:#C33;font-size:11px;">*updated*</span></h2>
  246. If you purchased the program and have not received your license key, please <b>check your spam/junk folders</b> for an e-mail from <b><script>document.write('no'+'re'+'p'+'ly'+'@'+'ke'+'e'+'p'+'vi'+'d.c'+'om');</script></b>. If you still can't find it, enter your <b>PayPal</b> e-mail address below:<br>
  247. <form action="" method="post" style="padding:5px 0;margin:0;">
  248. <b>PayPal E-mail:</b> <input type="text" name="email" value="" size="50" style="font-size:11px;font-family:tahoma;">
  249. <input type="submit" value="Retrieve license key" style="font-size:11px;font-family:tahoma;">
  250. </form>
  251. If you still haven't received your license key after trying the above, forward the invoice you received from paypal to: <b><script>document.write('kee'+'pv'+'id'+'.'+'c'+'o'+'m'+'@'+'gm'+'ai'+'l.c'+'om');</script></b>
  252. <br><br>
  254. <h2 style="color:#197EB1;">Frequently Asked Questions</h2>
  256. <b>Do I need anything else to make the program work?</b><br>
  257. If you are using Windows XP or lower, you may need to install <a href="/page_out.php?url=" class="x" rel="nofollow">Microsoft .NET</a> which is free, to enable the program to work with your system.<br> <br>
  258. <!--
  259. <b>How long is the license valid for?</b><br>
  260. The license is valid forever, as long as the license key is not shared with anyone else.<br>
  261. <br> -->
  263. <!--<b>Can I share the license key with other people?</b><br>
  264. Purchasing a licence will allow you to run the program from one IP address. Allowing other people to use your license key will cause your license to expire.<br>
  265. <br> -->
  266. <!--
  267. <b>How can I convert downloaded videos?</b><br>
  268. To convert videos, you can use <a href="/page_out.php?url=" class="x" rel="nofollow">Replay Converter</a>.<br><br>
  269. -->
  270. <b>What sites does the program support?</b><br>
  271. YouTube, DailyMotion, Google Video, Megavideo, Metacafe and Vimeo.<br> <br>
  273. <b>Why can't I download certain videos?</b><br>
  274. Some videos are not available for download due to some of the following reasons:<br>
  275. <ul>
  276. <li>it is blocked in your country or restricted to a country</li>
  277. <li>it has an age restriction</li>
  278. <li>you can't access the website you are downloading from</li>
  279. </ul>
  281. <b>What happens if the program stops working?</b><br>
  282. If the program does not work due to issues with downloading within the program, we will endeavor to make a fix for this as soon as possible. Failing this, we will do our best to offer any solution we can via our website.<br>
  283. <br>
  285. </div></div>
  286. </div><div class="f"><a href=""><span class="nm">KeepVid </span>Home</a> &nbsp;|&nbsp; <a href=""><span class="nm">KeepVid </span>FAQ</a> &nbsp;|&nbsp; <a href=""><span class="nm">KeepVid </span>Support</a> &nbsp;|&nbsp; <a href=""><span class="nm">KeepVid </span>Contact</a><br clear="both"><br></div>
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