
Awesome Games Done Quick 2017 Recap

Jan 15th, 2017
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  1. The short: it was fuckin lit fam lmao
  3. The long: AGDQ 2017 was one of, if not THE, greatest experience(s) of my life. Couching for TTYD was awesome, even if there was a total of four words spoken during the entire run. I was finally put faces to familiar names/voices, as well as branching out and meeting some really awesome new friends. I got to room with, and finally meet, the Paper Mario squad, some of my closest friends out of both IRL and the internet. Shoutouts to those guys for taking me into their group when I first began learning the game. Part of me sincerely believes that had I not run that game and met those people, I probably wouldn't have gone to AGDQ. This was a huge step outside of my comfort zone. I'm a bit of an awkward person, so I get nervous about meeting people. It wasn't as bad as I thought though, it was an excited kind of nervous. The trip itself was also awesome. I had never been on a big vacation anywhere, nor had I been so far from home at any point in my life, and certainly not that far from my family. I live in Arkansas, and prior to this, the farthest east I had ever been was Jonesboro, AR, which isn't that much farther east than where I live. It's nice to be able to add North Carolina and Virginia to the list of states I've visited.
  5. This is getting a little long and ramble-ish, so I'm gonna just give shoutouts to people I met at the event that I thought were cool, or people that I was excited to finally meet.
  7. Giga ATZ ScottProgan Gabri VB Spacier Linkus (and Drinkus, what a lord)
  8. N1 Trev Sjorec Kasper BenStephens Miror_A Aly
  9. Juicy Sample Phantessma Hoth Pie SpikeVegeta
  10. Bass Qweczol P4ntz Blake RedFalconGames Fig
  11. Quipo Almo Malleo Smurphy WooferZFG Shasta
  12. Ish Kirch Stryder NGBurns Handreww Flagalstan
  14. If I forgot to mention your name, don't worry I still love you too. I'm just trying to go through a solid week of people in my head, and I am very bad at thinking.
  16. (okay i'm done riding everyone's dick now, see you all at agdq 2018)
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