
War Story Anon

Sep 27th, 2013
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  1. ===================================================================================================================
  2. Anons were discussing a Zaeed and Mattias (Mass Effect 2/ Mercenaries 2) Anon.
  3. Gave it a shot, ultimately was not happy with it (Too grim derp).
  5. Summary: Anon resides in the Gray (Black) Market bar and listening to Anon's war stories has become a test of strength and will.
  7. Posted in Thread ???
  8. ===================================================================================================================
  10. >Deep underground along the Diamond Dog tunnels is a secluded passage few know of.
  11. >Whispers speak of the Malevolent Market, where all kinds of not so nice things can be found.
  12. >Tales of bubble gum that instantly loses its flavor and waffle cones without ice cream are told to the children.
  13. >Rumors of forced cuddles and drinks of unhealthy nature circulate around the guard of all races as they try to track the place down.
  14. >There’s even a suspected love trade, and it wasn’t the changelings buying.
  15. >Frustration in the guard remains high; it is as if they are chasing ghosts when trying to locate this den of not niceness.
  16. >A tunnel behind nothing, an empty room with a stocked shelf.
  17. >That’s the only clues they have to go on.
  19. >The smoke hangs in the nefarious bar, dimming the already faded glow of the torches.
  20. >Despite the low visibility many shapes can be made out of the different patrons.
  21. >A large number of k9s of various heights and girths, several large minotaurs, a few griffons, and even an adolescent dragon here and there.
  22. >Yet it isn’t any of them that has caused the smoke that now fills the room.
  23. >It all came from the glowing embers by the bar.
  24. >A bobbing red speck that would last about an hour filling the room with a dreadful odor.
  25. >Then as that last ember died another would be lit and take its place.
  26. >Followed by rambunctious laughter.
  29. “So I say to the guy ‘I told you if you didn’t have my money by today I’d break your legs’. He’s askin’ for another few days in whatever bastardized language he was speaking, but his time’s due right?”
  30. >The beady red glare swings around as the creature chews on the part in its mouth.
  31. “After I broke both of his legs I tell him he’s got 3 days to pay me back, and to get out of my face. Now get this. As he goes to leave HE TRIES TO RUN AWAY! Run away. With broken legs. I never saw something so ridiculous, it was like The Three Stooges or somethin’.”
  32. >That burning dot dances again as the creature laughs.
  33. >Except it’s the only one laughing.
  34. >No one’s making eye contact with each other. A few grimaces can be seen at the mere thought.
  35. >This vile thing has been sitting here telling stories since it first showed up.
  37. >A few moments after it stopped laughing the room slowly returned to the normal clang and clatter.
  38. >Deals were being made, jobs were being planned, and bragging was happening in abundance.
  39. >The dragons were here to prove they were tough.
  40. >The local minotaurs too violent for even their own kind.
  41. >The few gryphons were here playing politics to get whatever edge they could back home.
  42. >And the dogs would make a deal with anyone if the price was right.
  43. >IT didn’t seem to be here for any particular reason though.
  44. >It just told stories, drank, and smoked.
  47. >One of the Diamond Dog gangs actually put that to use.
  48. >A sort of initiation test if you will.
  49. >And right on time here comes the newest recruit.
  50. >The mangy little mutt walking up to the long time patron.
  51. “Oi Sparky, what you want?”
  52. >This ‘Sparky’ takes a seat at the bar next to the stranger.
  53. >Probably not even weaned off its mother’s milk.
  54. >Kids these days.
  55. >“I’d like to hear a story.”
  56. >The banter in the bar begins to hush.
  57. “Another FNG? You better know the drill, it’s a drink or a smoke for a story.”
  58. >Deals are still being made, plans are still being set, but in the corner of everyone’s eye is the little dog fishing out a few gems and putting them on the bar.
  59. “Alright, I’ll give you your story.”
  60. >Everything else stops, the entire bar goes quiet.
  62. “Let’s see…you familiar with fire? Of course you are, if you’re not you’re dumb as shit. Have you ever heard of a flame thrower? Guess what it does?”
  63. >“Is that like what those unicorns do?”
  64. >It ponders over those words as it takes a heavy drag from the cigar, another drink brought by the bar tender as he collects the gems from the table.
  65. “Explain what the unicorns do with it.”
  66. >“They shoot fire into the sky and make it all sparkley.”
  67. >That horrible laughter returns, deep and demeaning. It speaks again through pained breathes.
  68. “Fuck no. Listen here Fido, this isn’t like any of your little fireworks.”
  71. >It’s laughter subsides, and the story continues.
  72. “No, these are completely different. You have this huge canister on your back filled with fuel and a hose in the front. Point and shoot, and a stream of fire goes out 30 or so meters. Kinda like one of them older dragons. Not like the ones here though.”
  73. >The few dragons around flare with rage, but quickly slink back down in their seats.
  74. “Just after the big World War 2 I’m out in the Pacific clearing out remainin’ Japs too stupid to acknowledge they lost. Of course I’m armed with one of those, and we come up to a cave. They’ve been spotted coming out around here and trying to take pot shots, and we’re there to put an end to it. The one translator we got shouts something in whatever gobblty-gook they speak , and after some words are exchanged gives me a nod.”
  75. >The boy looks on awaiting the results.
  76. “So I step into the cave mouth and give a nice big burst of Grade A liquid flame. Instantly 3 of them rush out the caves all on fire, screaming and what not. They try to make it to the water, but it takes but a second for them to all keel over.”
  77. >“K-k-keel over?”
  78. “You know, fall over onto the ground. So they just lay there and burn for a few more seconds. They got pretty charred too. You ever roast marshmellows? It was like that one you left in the fire too long.”
  79. >The kid doesn’t even respond. Just gets up and quickly leaves the bar.
  80. “Huh, guess he wasn’t cut out for it.”
  81. >The creature turns its attention to the new drink placed in front of it.
  82. >All of the other patrons with a cooked meal push their plates away.
  83. >Eventually the commotion of the market once again picks up.
  84. >Just another day at the Malevolent Market.
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