
so we did another of those things

Nov 18th, 2015
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  1. [6:04:24 AM] Zora Sexbang: "Beau, dear, please help me. I had an encounter with an old nemesis and then when I went to alert the Prince, I walked in on them.... fornicating."
  2. [6:10:57 AM] Thief in the Night: BEAU: Did you get pics?
  3. [6:11:14 AM] Zora Sexbang: "!!! No I didn't get pics!"
  4. [6:13:24 AM] Thief in the Night: BEAU: Shame. Okay so what do you want me to do
  5. [6:14:22 AM] Zora Sexbang: "Help me try to forget what I saw, and help me plan against a master of lightning magic."
  6. [6:15:19 AM] Thief in the Night: BEAU: Well we can either talk through the phone or you pick me up and we talk face to hoodie
  7. [6:16:05 AM] Zora Sexbang: *A door nearby Beau's location swings open.8
  8. [6:17:18 AM] Thief in the Night: [She strolls through and takes a seat]
  9. [6:18:13 AM] Zora Sexbang: "Welcome to my haven."
  10. [6:19:07 AM] Thief in the Night: "Nice digs. So you want to forget what you saw and plan to take down Zeus"
  11. [6:19:43 AM] Zora Sexbang: "That is... about the sum of it, yes."
  12. [6:20:18 AM] Thief in the Night: "Okay." She cracks her neck a bit. "Knock knock"
  13. [6:21:09 AM] Zora Sexbang: "Who's there."
  14. [6:22:40 AM] Thief in the Night: "Barry"
  15. [6:23:18 AM] Zora Sexbang: "Barry who"
  16. [6:24:24 AM] Thief in the Night: "Barry sorry you didn't get a picture"
  17. [6:25:14 AM] Zora Sexbang: 'Gods damn it."
  18. [6:25:57 AM] Thief in the Night: "Where is the best place to take a skelliton"
  19. [6:26:12 AM] Zora Sexbang: "Where."
  20. [6:26:48 AM] Thief in the Night: "Anywhere the Giovanni's aren't"
  21. [6:27:44 AM] Zora Sexbang: *That one gets her to crack a smile*
  22. [6:28:28 AM] Thief in the Night: "Why was the wizard school called Hogwarts"
  23. [6:28:43 AM] Zora Sexbang: "Why's that?"
  24. [6:29:43 AM] Thief in the Night: "Pig Pimples doesn't have the right ring to it"
  25. [6:30:17 AM] Zora Sexbang: *okay, now she's laughing.*
  26. [6:31:15 AM] Thief in the Night: "What's one thing a kine shouldn't say to a Kindred as a comeback"
  27. [6:32:06 AM] Zora Sexbang: "What?"
  28. [6:32:16 AM] Thief in the Night: "Bite me"
  29. [6:32:36 AM] Zora Sexbang: *Aaaaand she's gone full on cackle mode* "Th-thank you"
  30. [6:33:13 AM] Thief in the Night: [She looks damn proud of herself...well, going back body language]
  31. [6:33:43 AM] Zora Sexbang: "Truly, you have found my one weakness."
  32. [6:34:30 AM] Thief in the Night: "Damn sugar. If you keep complimentig me I might think you have a thing for my fugly ass"
  33. [6:35:50 AM] Zora Sexbang: "Ohh, come now. I suppose such is the way of your curse, though, isn't it? We couldn't all end up with simple ones."
  34. [6:36:55 AM] Thief in the Night: "At least I don't end up boned by my sibling, limit my tastes or fear getting stealth blood-bonded with little trouble"
  35. [6:38:31 AM] Zora Sexbang: "...I suppose I do have to be careful, yes. But at least neither of us have to have relations with our siblings. Bloody Giovanni."
  36. [6:39:33 AM] Thief in the Night: "You got a couple in town by the by. Real greasy. Chick is a piece of work and her Brother is a walking oil rig"
  37. [6:40:09 AM] Zora Sexbang: "Ugh... I was told by the Harpy. If we leave them be, I suppose maybe they won't cause... /too/ much trouble."
  38. [6:41:05 AM] Thief in the Night: "See I'm just ugly on the outside. They are walking shitbags on the inside"
  39. [6:41:36 AM] Zora Sexbang: "They're as rotten as the corpses they have relations with."
  40. [6:42:52 AM] Thief in the Night: "Let get off the topic of corpse sex though. I doubt any of us gets stiff from stiffs."
  41. [6:44:07 AM] Zora Sexbang: 'I should hope not. For as much as what happened to Saulot was a crime inexcusable, what happened to Cappadocius was worse, for resulting in..... /that/."
  42. [6:45:12 AM] Zora Sexbang: *she visibly shudders.*
  43. [6:46:29 AM] Thief in the Night: "What can I saw. Kindred, Wolves, Kine and all under the freaky rainbow have their fucked up ancestors that we have to paw for"
  44. [6:47:00 AM] Zora Sexbang: "I suppose I can agree to that."
  45. [6:50:29 AM] Thief in the Night: "Now on the topic of sex how is your love life these days"
  46. [6:50:46 AM] Zora Sexbang: "Lonely as ever."
  47. [6:51:08 AM | Edited 6:51:10 AM] Thief in the Night: "You should hire a hooker"
  48. [6:51:44 AM] Zora Sexbang: "I've considered, but... I suppose it still feels... dirty. The Toreador primogen, has made... offers... but, well."
  49. [6:52:19 AM] Thief in the Night: "Is that way it feels dirty" she nods her head towards the painting
  50. [6:52:39 AM] Zora Sexbang: "...Yes."
  51. [6:54:05 AM] Thief in the Night: "Serious question time then. Would they want this to hold you back from possibly finding a little something more out of this cursed unlife?"
  52. [6:55:08 AM] Zora Sexbang: "Perhaps not, but... then... I suppose maybe it's my own fault. I was never able to let her go after..."
  53. [6:55:57 AM] Thief in the Night: "Have you been able to now"
  54. [6:56:54 AM] Zora Sexbang: "...No. Sometimes, I feel like she's still... /around/. I was allowed to speak with a young Hunter, a few days ago... I swear, I felt her there."
  55. [6:58:00 AM] Thief in the Night: "" she rubs under her chin. "Hunter ya say...yer gurl was one too?"
  56. [6:58:24 AM] Zora Sexbang: "Mmhm... a Visionary, she called herself. This one called herself that, too..."
  57. [7:02:01 AM] Thief in the Night: "...maybe she is still hanging around then." He looks up at the painting. "Met one before that wasn't a /total/ asshole. Talked about these voices. Thought the fucker was Malk-bait but...well. Maybe not"
  58. [7:06:54 AM] Zora Sexbang: "Yes, I'm familiar... some truly cannot be blamed for what they become, you know. They're attacked by the Sabbat, or a frenzy, and it colors their perspectives. They call them Avengers and Martyrs, because they seek vengeance for some crime committed against them. Some are... less so. Some seek only to defend their loved ones, and do not strike unless they have to. Defenders, they call those. Some, they try to befriend people like us, and they call them Innocents. Some call themselves Judges, and act according to crime, not according to what you are. Others still want to understand us, and seek different ways to keep our kind from harming mortals. They seek to bring about a better way for everyone. Those, are the Visionaries. Every Hunter I've met has spoken of those voices, though... they call them the Messengers."
  59. [7:09:23 AM] Thief in the Night: "Maybe yer gurl became one"
  60. [7:10:15 AM] Zora Sexbang: "Mmm... maybe... I don't know. Even after years, long years of research... I never gained any headway. Not even they know what they are."
  61. [7:12:30 AM] Thief in the Night: She shrugs "Maybe its one of those things we are not supposed to know until we're long gone"
  62. [7:13:28 AM] Zora Sexbang: "Maybe, maybe... I fear for the young one, though... she's grown attached to one of my students... one who reminds me so much of me back then. I... don't want them to suffer what I did."
  63. [7:18:41 AM] Thief in the Night: "Then don't let her make the same mistakes. Not with the whole falling for a un-ghoulable kine thing, but the regret"
  64. [7:19:23 AM] Zora Sexbang: "Perhaps... I've been doing some reading. I was able to get my hands on old magic books... in particular... Time magic."
  65. [7:20:47 AM] Thief in the Night: "....just be careful, Makvala"
  66. [7:22:03 AM] Zora Sexbang: "I know... unfortunately I... am... no longer capable of becoming a Mage, and Thaumaturgy doesn't cover... this. But... here. Read this passage."
  67. [7:24:30 AM] Thief in the Night: She takes the book and reads it over "" She rubs her neck. "That...sure is a thing. If its at all possible then that could solve that little issue would come with a huge price. Whoever does this will be taking the fall for it, So be careful"
  68. [7:25:38 AM] Zora Sexbang: "I know... I would need to find someone willing. Someone who is... practiced enough to avoid the universal slap that they call Paradox."
  69. [7:26:57 AM] Thief in the Night: "....well. congrads. You found your answer" She hands it back to her. "Was it worth it"
  70. [7:27:56 AM | Edited 7:27:59 AM] Zora Sexbang: "Perhaps. I have other issues to attend to before I even consider seeking such a no doubt esteemed mage, however. Like my... old 'friend'."
  71. [7:29:23 AM] Thief in the Night: She nods,, sinking into her chair. "Does putting them into a rubber room or imprisoning Zeus in a lamp sound good?"
  72. [7:31:48 AM] Zora Sexbang: "Unfortunately, it may be a bit harder than that... they... /it/, is a master at its craft. It could easily melt rubber. At its level, the mortal body is a plaything to be detonated at its leisure... but there must, no doubt, be some way to entrap it."
  73. [7:32:58 AM] Thief in the Night: "Any way to drain their power"
  74. [7:33:51 AM] Zora Sexbang: "The same way you drain any Kindred's power. Take away their vitae."
  75. [7:35:13 AM] Thief in the Night: "Then maybe set a trap. You have blood benders, now try and keep them cloaked. If he can't find them but they are in range to use their powers, they can rip the blood out of him"
  76. [7:35:47 AM] Zora Sexbang: "Perhaps... if worse came to worst... we could force it to burn it all."
  77. [7:36:25 AM] Thief in the Night: "Lead him out of the city or at least in a place marked for demolition"
  78. [7:37:53 AM] Zora Sexbang: "It would be the only way to keep the kine safe. A direct match between us, would... well. It would surely end in mutually assured destruction. I can only envision the dropping of an atomic bomb."
  79. [7:39:35 AM] Thief in the Night: "......gunna need to avoid that one. Like ya face too much to be melted off. So here's the deal. If you are gearing for a showdown, wearing something to keep you safe like those volcano suits."
  80. [7:40:36 AM] Zora Sexbang: "I'll see if I can have one prepared... I'd like to stay out of a direct duel for as long as possible."
  81. [7:41:38 AM] Thief in the Night: "Good to hear Hogwarts"
  82. [7:42:19 AM] Zora Sexbang: "Now that it knows... maybe it didn't know I was watching, but it was scared. It fears me."
  83. [7:43:03 AM] Thief in the Night: "He's someone that was supposed to be dusted, right?"
  84. [7:43:30 AM] Zora Sexbang: "Yes. Long ago."
  85. [7:46:37 AM] Thief in the Night: "This one is crafty then. Best get your ducks in a row"
  86. [7:50:44 AM] Zora Sexbang: 'I am, unfortunately... intimately aware. Once upon a time, we were... colleagues. Friends, even. Us, and her... it... wasn't just old age that took her. There's a reason all I have left are ashes... It... was an idealist. It had a strict vision in mind for what it thought the world should be... unfortunately, it had the Sabbat mindset from the start, once we were turned. It believed that the Masquerade should crash and burn, that fuck anyone who couldn't handle what it was. It believed that the marks that signify traitors are... shackles. I thought I could stop its downward spiral. I was wrong..."
  87. [7:52:13 AM] Thief in the Night: "....always hits worse when its a old pally"
  88. [7:53:09 AM] Zora Sexbang: "...It murdered her. It... said it was to free me from having to care for a kine."
  89. [7:54:57 AM] Thief in the Night: "Moses...."
  90. [7:56:29 AM] Zora Sexbang: "She was already... older, in failing health... It had lost it... I had just woken up... realized how long it had been... how little time I had left. And... before I knew it... she was naught but ash."
  91. [7:58:39 AM] Thief in the Night: "....Vala. Here is what you do. Tell your story to that student since this whole scene seems so close to you. Then you deal with your feelings about yer gurl and put her to rest as last. Then focus, long and hard, on where you go from here. Don't let emotions get in the way of what you need to do with this asshole."
  92. [8:00:23 AM] Zora Sexbang: "I... suppose that is what I need to do, yes..."
  93. [8:01:15 AM] Thief in the Night: She gets up from her seat. "Do what you need to do. Contact the Primos of this city and inform them"
  94. [8:01:49 AM] Zora Sexbang: "I will do that, yes... right away. I need to."
  95. [8:03:39 AM] Thief in the Night: "Then tell your story to your Student. After that...well." she motions to the picture. "That part you need to figure on your own, babe"
  96. [8:04:12 AM] Zora Sexbang: "I know..."
  97. [8:05:36 AM] Thief in the Night: "You got my number when you want to bitch about life"
  98. [8:05:52 AM] Zora Sexbang: "Thank you. Truly."
  99. [8:06:58 AM] Thief in the Night: "Yeah yeah. Maybe next time I'll be digging into my own scars and let ya see what this bandana and hoodie are hiding"
  100. [8:07:22 AM] Zora Sexbang: "I hope one day you can trust me with that."
  101. [8:08:06 AM] Thief in the Night: "Ya getting there, Hogwarts, ya getting there."
  102. [8:08:29 AM] Zora Sexbang: *that brings a bit of a smile to her face*
  103. [8:09:28 AM] Thief in the Night: She walks to the door and looks over her shoulder at her. "See ya around"
  104. [8:09:54 AM] Zora Sexbang: "Cheers."
  105. [8:10:34 AM] Thief in the Night: "Still connected to where I'm staying?"
  106. [8:10:59 AM] Zora Sexbang: "It should be, yes."
  107. [8:11:28 AM] Thief in the Night: She nods and heads through.
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