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Aug 26th, 2016
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  1. # _..._ .-'''-.
  2. # .---. .-'_..._''. ' _ \ _______
  3. # __ __ ___ .--. _..._ __.....__ _________ _...._ | | __.....__ .' .' '.\/ /` '. \ __ __ ___ __ __ ___ _..._ \ ___ `'.
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  13. # '--' '--' '----' '----' `--' `" '--' '--'
  14. #PollexMC Commands Remake
  15. #by iSaltyLeeky
  16. #Enjoy!
  17. script options:
  18. $ use permissions
  20. options:
  21. prefix: &6[&9PollexMC&6]
  22. maincolour: &6
  23. secondcolour: &7
  24. command: /permission
  25. aliases: /perm, /mpperm, /perms, /isaltyleeky
  26. permission: PollexMC.admin
  28. #CMD protection is basically extra security for your server. Only players inside of a list variable can use SkPerms
  29. CMDprotection: false
  30. CMDprotectionMsg: Unknown command. Type ""/help"" for help
  31. #The player list is the list variable that contains players that can use SkPerms if CMDprotection is enabled
  32. PlayerList: {example::players::*}
  34. UseChat: true #use prefix and suffix in the chat
  35. #Chat types:
  36. #Display - Changes the player's display name (Vault will hook if installed)
  37. #Override - !COMING SOON
  38. ChatType: "Display"
  40. version: 1.0.3
  42. function mcs(p: player , m: text) :: number:
  43. if {PollexMC.overidechat} is true:
  44. if {PollexMC.rank.%{_p}%} is not set:
  45. set {PollexMC.rank.%{_p}%} to ""
  46. broadcast "%{PollexMC.rank.%{_p}%}%&e%{_p}% &f%{_m}%"
  47. return -1
  48. else:
  49. broadcast "%{PollexMC.rank.%{_p}%}%&e%{_p}% &f%{_m}%"
  50. return -1
  51. else:
  52. stop
  54. on connect:
  55. if {banned::%player%} is true:
  56. if {banned::%player%::type} is "perm":
  57. kick player due to "&c&lYou are banned for Permanent%nl%&f%{banned::%player%::reason}%%nl%&2Unfairly banned? Appeal on forums."
  58. stop
  59. if {banned::%player%::type} is "temp":
  60. set {_waited} to difference between {banned::%player%::when} and now
  61. if {_waited} is less than {banned::%player%::time}:
  62. kick player due to "&c&lYou are banned for %{banned::%player%::time}%%nl%&f%{banned::%player%::reason}%%nl%&2Unfairly banned? Appeal on forums."
  64. on join:
  65. delete {PollexMC.lastm.%player%}
  66. wait 2.5 seconds
  67. if {PollexMC.rank.%player%} is not set:
  68. set {PollexMC.rank.%player%} to ""
  69. execute console command "/__mp__dp__ %player%"
  70. if {PollexMC.vanish.%player%} is not set:
  71. set {PollexMC.vanish.%player%} to false
  72. if {PollexMC.overidechat} is not set:
  73. set {PollexMC.overidechat} to true
  74. if {indev} is not set:
  75. set {indev} to true
  76. if {PollexMC.vanish.%player%} is true:
  77. send ""
  78. send ""
  79. send "&6&lYou are currently invisable"
  80. send "&eThis means you are invisible to all excepet for those who are"
  81. send "&4Admin&6+"
  82. send ""
  83. send ""
  85. on chat:
  86. if {muted::%player%} is true:
  87. if {muted::%player%::type} is "perm":
  88. send "&9Punish> &7Shh, you're muted because %{muted::%player%::reason}% by %{muted::%player%::by}% for Permanent."
  89. cancel event
  90. stop
  91. if {muted::%player%::type} is "temp":
  92. set {_waited} to difference between {muted::%player%::when} and now
  93. if {_waited} is less than {muted::%player%::time}:
  94. send "&9Punish> &7Shh, you're muted because %{muted::%player%::reason}% by %{muted::%player%::by}% for &a%{muted::%player%::time}%."
  95. cancel event
  96. stop
  98. if {PollexMC.vanish.%player%} is false:
  99. if {PollexMC.chatslow} is set:
  100. if player has permission "PollexMC.mod":
  101. set {_check} to mcs((player), (message))
  102. if {_check} is less than 0:
  103. cancel event
  104. delete {_check}
  105. else:
  106. if difference between {lastChat::%player%} and now < {PollexMC.chatslow}:
  107. cancel event
  108. send "&9Chat> &7Chat slow enabled. Please wait."
  109. else:
  110. set {lastChat::%player%} to now
  111. set {_check} to mcs((player), (message))
  112. if {_check} is less than 0:
  113. cancel event
  114. delete {_check}
  115. else if {PollexMC.chatsilence} is set:
  116. if player has permission "PollexMC.trainee":
  117. set {_check} to mcs((player), (message))
  118. if {_check} is less than 0:
  119. cancel event
  120. delete {_check}
  121. else:
  122. cancel event
  123. send "&9Chat> &7The chat is silenced."
  124. else:
  125. if {} is true:
  126. if length of message is greater than 1:
  127. if first character of message is "@":
  128. cancel event
  129. set message to "%subtext of message from characters 2 to (length of message)%"
  130. loop {party.%{party.%player%}%::*}:
  131. message "&5&lParty &f&l%player% &d%message%" to loop-value
  132. else:
  133. set {_check} to mcs((player), (message))
  134. if {_check} is less than 0:
  135. cancel event
  136. delete {_check}
  137. else:
  138. set {_check} to mcs((player), (message))
  139. if {_check} is less than 0:
  140. cancel event
  141. delete {_check}
  142. else:
  143. set {_check} to mcs((player), (message))
  144. if {_check} is less than 0:
  145. cancel event
  146. delete {_check}
  147. else if {PollexMC.vanish.%player%} is true:
  148. send "&eYou can not chat while incognito."
  149. cancel event
  150. else:
  151. set {PollexMC.vanish.%player%} to false
  152. set {_check} to mcs((player), (message))
  153. if {_check} is less than 0:
  154. cancel event
  155. delete {_check}
  158. command /PollexMC-core <string> [<string>]:
  159. usage: &9Do /PollexMC-core help
  160. permission: op
  161. permission message: &9Permissions> &7This requires Permmission Rank [&9OP&7].
  162. trigger:
  163. if argument 1 is "help":
  164. send "&9Plugin> &7PollexMC Core"
  165. send "&9Plugin> &7by iSaltyLeeky"
  166. send ""
  167. send "&9PollexMC Core> &7Listing PollexMC Core Options:"
  168. send "&f/PollexMC-core useChat (true/false): &eToggles this plugin to take overide the chat to PollexMC's format."
  169. send "&f/PollexMC-core setAdmin (Player): &eGives the selected player admin perms (For all PollexMC commands)"
  170. else if argument 1 is "useChat":
  171. if argument 2 is "true":
  172. set {PollexMC.overidechat} to true
  173. send "&9Chat> &7Now using PollexMC Chat System (MCS)."
  174. else:
  175. set {PollexMC.overidechat} to false
  176. send "&9Chat> &7Now using Default Chat System (DCS)."
  177. else if argument 1 is "setAdmin":
  178. if argument 2 is set:
  179. set {PollexMC.rank.%arg-2%} to "&4&lADMIN "
  180. set {_PollexMC.setadmin.temp} to "%arg-2%" parsed as player
  181. execute console command "/__mp__dp__ %arg-2%"
  182. add "PollexMC.trainee" to {_PollexMC.setadmin.temp}'s permissions
  183. add "PollexMC.legend" to {_PollexMC.setadmin.temp}'s permissions
  184. add "PollexMC.mod" to {_PollexMC.setadmin.temp}'s permissions
  185. add "PollexMC.builder" to {_PollexMC.setadmin.temp}'s permissions
  186. add "PollexMC.srmod" to {_PollexMC.setadmin.temp}'s permissions
  187. add "PollexMC.admin" to {_PollexMC.setadmin.temp}'s permissions
  188. send "&9Ranks> &7Set %arg-2%'s rank to Admin"
  190. on tab completer for "/PollexMC-core":
  191. add "help" to completions
  192. add "useChat" to completions
  193. add "setAdmin" to completions
  195. command /a <text>:
  196. trigger:
  197. if player has permission "PollexMC.trainee":
  198. loop all players:
  199. if loop-player has permission "PollexMC.trainee":
  200. send "&a%{PollexMC.rank.%player%}%%player% &d%arg-1%" to loop-player
  201. else:
  202. send "&a%{PollexMC.rank.%player%}% %player% &d%arg-1%"
  203. loop all players:
  204. if loop-player has permission "PollexMC.trainee":
  205. send "&a%{PollexMC.rank.%player%}%%player% &d%arg-1%" to loop-player
  207. command /ma [<player>] [<text>]:
  208. trigger:
  209. if player has permission "PollexMC.trainee":
  210. if argument 1 is set:
  211. send "&d<-&6%player% &d%arg-2%" to arg-1
  212. send "&d<-&6%player% &d%arg-2%"
  213. else:
  214. send "&9Message> &cErr...something went wrong?"
  215. else:
  216. send "&9Permissions> &7This requires Permmission Rank [&9TRAINEE&7]."
  219. command /__mp__ca__:
  220. trigger:
  221. if player has permission "PollexMC.trainee":
  222. send "%{lasta}%" to player
  223. else:
  224. stop
  226. on any movement:
  227. loop {rad::*}:
  228. loop all players in radius 5 around loop-value:
  229. if player is not "%loop-player%":
  230. player has permission "PollexMC.trainee":
  231. stop
  232. else:
  233. stop
  235. command /radius:
  236. aliases: /ra
  237. trigger:
  238. send "&9Command> &7This Command is buggy and is disabled in this Ver. of MPC"
  239. # if player has permission "PollexMC.trainee":
  240. # if {PollexMC.radius.%player%} is true:
  241. # remove player from {rad::*}
  242. # set {PollexMC.radius.%player%} to false
  243. # send "&9Radius> &7Players will no longer be repelled from you."
  244. # else:
  245. # add player to {rad::*}
  246. # set {PollexMC.radius.%player%} to true
  247. # send "&9Radius> &7Players will now repelled from you."
  248. # else:
  249. # send "&9Permissions> &7This requires Permmission Rank [&9TRAINEE&7]."
  251. command /vanish:
  252. permission: PollexMC.trainee
  253. permission message: &9Permissions> &7This requires Permmission Rank [&9TRAINEE&7].
  254. trigger:
  255. if {PollexMC.vanish.%player%} is true:
  256. reveal player from all players
  257. set {PollexMC.vanish.%player%} to false
  258. send "&9Incognito> &7You are no longer incognito. Your status will only change when you run &e/vanish &7again."
  259. else:
  260. hide player from all players
  261. set {PollexMC.vanish.%player%} to true
  262. send "&9Incognito> &7You are now incognito. Your status will only change when you run &e/vanish &7again."
  263. send ""
  264. send ""
  265. send "&6&lYou are currently incognito"
  266. send "&eThis means you are invisible to all excepet for those who are"
  267. send "&4Admin&f+"
  268. send ""
  269. send ""
  271. command /chatslow [<integer>]:
  272. aliases: /cs
  273. permission: PollexMC.srmod
  274. permission message: &9Permissions> &7This requires Permmission Rank [&9SR.MOD&7].
  275. trigger:
  276. if argument 1 is set:
  277. if {PollexMC.chatsilence} is set:
  278. send "&9Chat> &7Chat is in silence mode. Disable silence mode to activate slow chat."
  279. stop
  280. else:
  281. if {PollexMC.chatslow} is not set:
  282. set {PollexMC.chatslow} to "%arg-2% seconds" parsed as timespan
  283. send "&9Chat> &6%player% &7has set the chat dely to &6%arg-1%&7 seconds." to all players
  284. else:
  285. set {PollexMC.chatslow} to "%arg-2% seconds" parsed as timespan
  286. send "&9Chat> &6%player% &7has enabled chat slow." to all players
  287. send "&9Chat> &6%player% &7has set the chat dely to &6%arg-1%&7 seconds." to all players
  288. else:
  289. if {PollexMC.chatsilence} is set:
  290. send "&9Chat> &7Chat is in silence mode. Disable silence mode to activate slow chat."
  291. stop
  292. else:
  293. if {PollexMC.chatslow} is set:
  294. delete {PollexMC.chatslow}
  295. send "&9Chat> &6%player% &7has disabled chat slow." to all players
  296. else:
  297. send "&9Message> &cYou didn't enter a time limit! Defaulting to 10 seconds."
  298. set {PollexMC.chatslow} to "10 seconds" parsed as timespan
  299. send "&9Chat> &6%player% &7has enabled chat slow." to all players
  300. send "&9Chat> &6%player% &7has set the chat dely to &610 &7seconds." to all players
  301. command /silence:
  302. permission: PollexMC.admin
  303. permission message: &9Permissions> &7This requires Permmission Rank [&9ADMIN&7].
  304. trigger:
  305. if {PollexMC.chatslow} is set:
  306. delete {PollexMC.chatslow}
  307. send "&9Chat> &6%player% &7has disabled chat slow." to all players
  308. set {PollexMC.chatsilence} to true
  309. send "&9Chat> &7The chat has been silenced for Permanent." to all players
  310. stop
  311. if {PollexMC.chatsilence} is set:
  312. delete {PollexMC.chatsilence}
  313. send "&9Chat> &7The chat has been un-silenced." to all players
  314. else:
  315. set {PollexMC.chatsilence} to true
  316. send "&9Chat> &7The chat has been silenced for Permanent." to all players
  318. command /locate [<player>]:
  319. aliases: /find
  320. permission: PollexMC.mod
  321. permission message: &9Permissions> &7This requires Permmission Rank [&9MOD&7].
  322. trigger:
  323. if argument 1 is set:
  324. set {_PollexMC.locate.temp} to "%arg-1's world%"
  325. send "&9Locate> &6%arg-1% &7is in the &6%{_PollexMC.locate.temp}% &7Server."
  326. else:
  327. send "&9Message> &cErr...something went wrong?"
  329. command /tp [<player>] [<player>]:
  330. permission: PollexMC.mod
  331. permission message: &9Permissions> &7This requires Permmission Rank [&9MOD&7].
  332. trigger:
  333. if argument 1 is set:
  334. if argument 2 is set:
  335. if player has permission "PollexMC.admin":
  336. teleport arg-1 to arg-2
  337. send "&9Teleport> &7Teleported &6%arg-1% to &6%arg-2%&7."
  338. else:
  339. send "&9Permissions> &7This requires Permmission Rank [&9ADMIN&7]."
  340. else:
  341. teleport player to arg-1
  342. send "&9Teleport> &7Teleported you to &6%arg-1%&7."
  343. else:
  344. send "&9Message> &cErr...something went wrong?"
  346. command /tphere [<player>]:
  347. permission: PollexMC.admin
  348. permission message: &9Permissions> &7This requires Permmission Rank [&9ADMIN&7].
  349. trigger:
  350. if argument 1 is set:
  351. teleport arg-1 to player
  352. send "&9Teleport> &7Teleported &6%arg-1% &7to you."
  353. else:
  354. send "&9Message> &cErr...something went wrong?"
  356. command /updaterank [<string>] [<player>]:
  357. permission: PollexMC.admin
  358. permission message: &9Permissions> &7This requires Permmission Rank [&9ADMIN&7].
  359. trigger:
  360. if argument 1 is not set:
  361. send "&9Rank Update> &7Listing Rank Update Commands:"
  362. send "&f/rankupdate <rank name> <player>: &eupdates chosen player's rank to the chosen rank"
  363. send ""
  364. send "&9Rank Update> &7Listing Rank List:"
  365. send "&9Ranks> &7MEMBER"
  366. send "&9Ranks> &7ULTRA"
  367. send "&9Ranks> &7HERO"
  368. send "&9Ranks> &7LEGEND"
  369. send "&9Ranks> &7TITAN"
  370. send "&9Ranks> &7TRAINEE"
  371. send "&9Ranks> &7MOD"
  372. send "&9Ranks> &7SRMOD"
  373. send "&9Ranks> &7ADMIN"
  374. send "&9Ranks> &7LEADER"
  375. send "&9Ranks> &7OWNER"
  376. send "&9Ranks> &7BUILDER"
  377. send "&9Ranks> &7MAPLEAD"
  378. send "&9Ranks> &7DEV"
  379. send "&9Ranks> &7TWITCH"
  380. send "&9Ranks> &7YOUTUBE"
  381. send "&9Ranks> &7YT"
  382. else if argument 1 is "MEMBER":
  383. if argument 2 is set:
  384. set {PollexMC.rank.%arg-2%} to ""
  385. execute console command "/__mp__dp__ %arg-2%"
  386. send "&9Ranks> &7Set %arg-2%'s rank to %arg-1%"
  387. else:
  388. send "&9Message> &cErr...something went wrong?"
  389. else if argument 1 is "ULTRA":
  390. if argument 2 is set:
  391. set {PollexMC.rank.%arg-2%} to "&b&lULTRA "
  392. execute console command "/__mp__dp__ %arg-2%"
  393. send "&9Ranks> &7Set %arg-2%'s rank to %arg-1%"
  394. else:
  395. send "&9Message> &cErr...something went wrong?"
  396. else if argument 1 is "HERO":
  397. if argument 2 is set:
  398. set {PollexMC.rank.%arg-2%} to "&d&lHERO "
  399. execute console command "/__mp__dp__ %arg-2%"
  400. send "&9Ranks> &7Set %arg-2%'s rank to %arg-1%"
  401. else:
  402. send "&9Message> &cErr...something went wrong?"
  403. else if argument 1 is "LEGEND":
  404. if argument 2 is set:
  405. set {PollexMC.rank.%arg-2%} to "&a&lLEGEND "
  406. execute console command "/__mp__dp__ %arg-2%"
  407. add "PollexMC.legend" to arg-2's permissions
  408. send "&9Ranks> &7Set %arg-2%'s rank to %arg-1%"
  409. else:
  410. send "&9Message> &cErr...something went wrong?"
  411. else if argument 1 is "TITAN":
  412. if argument 2 is set:
  413. set {PollexMC.rank.%arg-2%} to "&c&lTITAN "
  414. execute console command "/__mp__dp__ %arg-2%"
  415. add "PollexMC.legend" to arg-2's permissions
  416. send "&9Ranks> &7Set %arg-2%'s rank to %arg-1%"
  417. else:
  418. send "&9Message> &cErr...something went wrong?"
  419. else if argument 1 is "TRAINEE":
  420. if argument 2 is set:
  421. set {PollexMC.rank.%arg-2%} to "&3&lTRAINEE "
  422. execute console command "/__mp__dp__ %arg-2%"
  423. add "PollexMC.trainee" to arg-2's permissions
  424. send "&9Ranks> &7Set %arg-2%'s rank to %arg-1%"
  425. else:
  426. send "&9Message> &cErr...something went wrong?"
  427. else if argument 1 is "MOD":
  428. if argument 2 is set:
  429. set {PollexMC.rank.%arg-2%} to "&6&lMOD "
  430. execute console command "/__mp__dp__ %arg-2%"
  431. add "PollexMC.trainee" to arg-2's permissions
  432. add "PollexMC.mod" to arg-2's permissions
  433. add "PollexMC.legend" to arg-2's permissions
  434. send "&9Ranks> &7Set %arg-2%'s rank to %arg-1%"
  435. else:
  436. send "&9Message> &cErr...something went wrong?"
  437. else if argument 1 is "SRMOD":
  438. if argument 2 is set:
  439. set {PollexMC.rank.%arg-2%} to "&6&lSR.MOD "
  440. execute console command "/__mp__dp__ %arg-2%"
  441. add "PollexMC.trainee" to arg-2's permissions
  442. add "PollexMC.mod" to arg-2's permissions
  443. add "PollexMC.srmod" to arg-2's permissions
  444. add "PollexMC.legend" to arg-2's permissions
  445. send "&9Ranks> &7Set %arg-2%'s rank to %arg-1%"
  446. else:
  447. send "&9Message> &cErr...something went wrong?"
  448. else if argument 1 is "ADMIN":
  449. if argument 2 is set:
  450. set {PollexMC.rank.%arg-2%} to "&4&lADMIN "
  451. execute console command "/__mp__dp__ %arg-2%"
  452. add "PollexMC.trainee" to arg-2's permissions
  453. add "PollexMC.legend" to arg-2's permissions
  454. add "PollexMC.mod" to arg-2's permissions
  455. add "PollexMC.builder" to arg-2's permissions
  456. add "PollexMC.srmod" to arg-2's permissions
  457. add "PollexMC.admin" to arg-2's permissions
  458. send "&9Ranks> &7Set %arg-2%'s rank to %arg-1%"
  459. else:
  460. send "&9Message> &cErr...something went wrong?"
  461. else if argument 1 is "LEADER":
  462. if argument 2 is set:
  463. set {PollexMC.rank.%arg-2%} to "&4&lLEADER "
  464. execute console command "/__mp__dp__ %arg-2%"
  465. add "PollexMC.trainee" to arg-2's permissions
  466. add "PollexMC.mod" to arg-2's permissions
  467. add "PollexMC.builder" to arg-2's permissions
  468. add "PollexMC.srmod" to arg-2's permissions
  469. add "PollexMC.admin" to arg-2's permissions
  470. add "PollexMC.leader" to arg-2's permissions
  471. send "&9Ranks> &7Set %arg-2%'s rank to %arg-1%"
  472. else:
  473. send "&9Message> &cErr...something went wrong?"
  474. else if argument 1 is "OWNER":
  475. if argument 2 is set:
  476. set {PollexMC.rank.%arg-2%} to "&4&lOWNER "
  477. execute console command "/__mp__dp__ %arg-2%"
  478. add "PollexMC.trainee" to arg-2's permissions
  479. add "PollexMC.mod" to arg-2's permissions
  480. add "PollexMC.srmod" to arg-2's permissions
  481. add "PollexMC.admin" to arg-2's permissions
  482. add "PollexMC.jrdev" to arg-2's permissions
  483. add "" to arg-2's permissions
  484. add "PollexMC.builder" to arg-2's permissions
  485. add "PollexMC.leader" to arg-2's permissions
  486. add "PollexMC.owner" to arg-2's permissions
  487. send "&9Ranks> &7Set %arg-2%'s rank to %arg-1%"
  488. else:
  489. send "&9Message> &cErr...something went wrong?"
  490. else if argument 1 is "BUILDER":
  491. if argument 2 is set:
  492. set {PollexMC.rank.%arg-2%} to "&9&lBUILDER "
  493. execute console command "/__mp__dp__ %arg-2%"
  494. add "PollexMC.builder" to arg-2's permissions
  495. send "&9Ranks> &7Set %arg-2%'s rank to %arg-1%"
  496. else:
  497. send "&9Message> &cErr...something went wrong?"
  498. else if argument 1 is "MAPLEAD":
  499. if argument 2 is set:
  500. set {PollexMC.rank.%arg-2%} to "&9&lMAPLEAD "
  501. execute console command "/__mp__dp__ %arg-2%"
  502. add "PollexMC.builder" to arg-2's permissions
  503. send "&9Ranks> &7Set %arg-2%'s rank to %arg-1%"
  504. else:
  505. send "&9Message> &cErr...something went wrong?"
  506. else if argument 1 is "DEV":
  507. if argument 2 is set:
  508. set {PollexMC.rank.%arg-2%} to "&4&lDEV "
  509. execute console command "/__mp__dp__ %arg-2%"
  510. add "PollexMC.trainee" to arg-2's permissions
  511. add "PollexMC.mod" to arg-2's permissions
  512. add "PollexMC.srmod" to arg-2's permissions
  513. add "PollexMC.admin" to arg-2's permissions
  514. add "PollexMC.leader" to arg-2's permissions
  515. add "PollexMC.owner" to arg-2's permissions
  516. add "PollexMC.builder" to arg-2's permissions
  517. add "" to arg-2's permissions
  518. add "PollexMC.admin" to arg-2's permissions
  519. send "&9Ranks> &7Set %arg-2%'s rank to %arg-1%"
  520. else:
  521. send "&9Message> &cErr...something went wrong?"
  522. else if argument 1 is "TWITCH":
  523. if argument 2 is set:
  524. set {PollexMC.rank.%arg-2%} to "&5&lTWITCH "
  525. execute console command "/__mp__dp__ %arg-2%"
  526. add "PollexMC.twitch" to arg-2's permissions
  527. send "&9Ranks> &7Set %arg-2%'s rank to %arg-1%"
  528. else:
  529. send "&9Message> &cErr...something went wrong?"
  530. else if argument 1 is "YOUTUBE":
  531. if argument 2 is set:
  532. set {PollexMC.rank.%arg-2%} to "&c&lYOUTUBE "
  533. execute console command "/__mp__dp__ %arg-2%"
  534. add "" to arg-2's permissions
  535. send "&9Ranks> &7Set %arg-2%'s rank to %arg-1%"
  536. else:
  537. send "&9Message> &cErr...something went wrong?"
  538. else if argument 1 is "YT":
  539. if argument 2 is set:
  540. set {PollexMC.rank.%arg-2%} to "&5&lYT "
  541. execute console command "/__mp__dp__ %arg-2%"
  542. add "" to arg-2's permissions
  543. send "&9Ranks> &7Set %arg-2%'s rank to %arg-1%"
  544. else:
  545. send "&9Message> &cErr...something went wrong?"
  546. else:
  547. send "&9Message> &cErr...something went wrong?"
  549. command /__mp__dp__ <player>:
  550. trigger:
  551. remove "PollexMC.trainee" from arg-1's permissions
  552. remove "PollexMC.legend" from arg-1's permissions
  553. remove "PollexMC.mod" from arg-1's permissions
  554. remove "PollexMC.srmod" from arg-1's permissions
  555. remove "PollexMC.admin" from arg-1's permissions
  556. remove "PollexMC.leader" from arg-1's permissions
  557. remove "PollexMC.owner" from arg-1's permissions
  558. remove "" from arg-1's permissions
  559. remove "PollexMC.twitch" from arg-1's permissions
  560. remove "" from arg-1's permissions
  561. remove "PollexMC.builder" from arg-1's permissions
  563. command /s [<text>]:
  564. permission: PollexMC.mod
  565. permission message: &9Permissions> &7This requires Permmission Rank [&9MOD&7].
  566. trigger:
  567. if argument 1 is set:
  568. broadcast "&f&l%player% &b&l%arg-1%"
  569. else:
  570. send "&9Broadcast> &7Corect Usage: /s <message>."
  572. command /gm [<player>]:
  573. permission: PollexMC.builder
  574. permission message: &9Permissions> &7This requires Permmission Rank [&9BUILDER&7].
  575. trigger:
  576. if argument 1 is not set:
  577. if player's gamemode is survival:
  578. set the player's gamemode to creative
  579. send "&9Game Mode> &7%player% Creative Mode: &aTrue"
  580. else:
  581. set the player's gamemode to survival
  582. send "&9Game Mode> &7%player% Creative Mode: &cFalse"
  583. else:
  584. if arg-1's gamemode is survival:
  585. set the arg-1's gamemode to creative
  586. send "&9Game Mode> &7%arg-1% Creative Mode: &aTrue"
  587. else:
  588. set the arg-1's gamemode to survival
  589. send "&9Game Mode> &7%arg-1% Creative Mode: &cFalse"
  591. command /message [<player>] [<text>]:
  592. aliases: /tell, /m, /w
  593. trigger:
  594. if argument 1 is set:
  595. if argument 2 is set:
  596. send "&6&l%player% > %arg-1% &e&l%arg-2%"
  597. send "&6&l%player% > %arg-1% &e&l%arg-2%" to arg-1
  598. set {PollexMC.lastm.%player%} to "%arg-1%" parsed as player
  599. else:
  600. send "&9Message> &cErr...something went wrong?"
  601. else:
  602. send "&9Message> &cErr...something went wrong?"
  604. command /ping:
  605. trigger:
  606. send "&9Ping> &7PONG!"
  608. command /r [<text>]:
  609. aliases: /reply
  610. trigger:
  611. if {PollexMC.lastm.%player%} is set:
  612. if argument 1 is set:
  613. send "&6&l%player% > %{PollexMC.lastm.%player%}% &e&l%arg-1%"
  614. send "&6&l%player% > %{PollexMC.lastm.%player%}% &e&l%arg-1%" to {PollexMC.lastm.%player%}
  615. else:
  616. send "&9Message> &cErr...something went wrong?"
  617. else:
  618. send "&9Message> &7You have not messaged anyone recently."
  620. command /party [<string>] [<player>]:
  621. aliases: /z
  622. trigger:
  623. if argument 1 is not set:
  624. send "&9Party> &7Listing Party Commands:"
  625. send "&f/party <Player>: &eJoin/Create/Invite Player"
  626. send "&f/party leave: &eLeave your current party"
  627. send "&f/party kick <Player>: &eKick player from your Party"
  628. send "&f/party info: &eDisplays info on the current Party."
  629. else:
  630. if argument 1 is "kick":
  631. if {party.%player%} is not set:
  632. message "&9Party> &7You don't have a party"
  633. else:
  634. if {party.%player%} is not player:
  635. message "&9Party> &7You have to be a party leader to do this"
  636. stop
  637. if player arg is not set:
  638. message "&9Party> &7Player needed. /party kick <player>"
  639. else:
  640. if {party.%player%::*} doesn't contain player arg:
  641. message "&9Party> &7The player needs to be in your party"
  642. stop
  643. message "&9Party> &7You kicked %player arg% from the party"
  644. message "&9Party> &7You've been kicked by %player% from his party" to player arg
  645. loop {party.%player%::*}:
  646. if loop-value = player arg:
  647. delete {party.%player%::%loop-index%}
  648. delete {party.%player arg%}
  649. delete {party.%player}
  650. else if arg 1 is "leave":
  651. if {party.%player%} is not set:
  652. message "&9Party> &7You don't have a party"
  653. else:
  654. if {party.%player%} is player:
  655. message "&9Party> &7You can't leave if you are the leader. Do /party disband"
  656. stop
  657. message "&9Party> &7You left your party"
  658. message "&9Party> &7%player% left your party" to {party.%player%}
  659. set {} to false
  660. loop {party.%{party.%player%}%::*}:
  661. if loop-value = player:
  662. delete {party.%{party.%player%}%::%loop-index%}
  663. delete {party.%player%}
  664. delete {}
  665. else if arg 1 is "disband":
  666. if {party.%player%} is not set:
  667. message "&9Party> &cYou don't have a party"
  668. else:
  669. if {party.%player%} is not player:
  670. message "&9Party> &7You have to be a party leader to do this"
  671. stop
  672. message "&9Party> &7You disband your party"
  673. loop {party.%player%::*}:
  674. loop-value is not player:
  675. message "&9Party> &7Your party has been disbanded" to loop-value
  676. delete {}
  677. delete {party.%loop-value%}
  678. delete {party.%player%}
  679. delete {}
  680. delete {party.%player%::*}
  681. else if arg 1 is "info":
  682. if {party.%player%} is not set:
  683. message "&9Party> &7You don't have a party"
  684. else:
  685. message "&9Party> &7Party Details:"
  686. message "Party Leader: &7%{party.%player%}%"
  687. set {_partyMember} to ""
  688. loop {party.%{party.%player%}%::*}:
  689. set {_partyMember} to "%{_partyMember}% %loop-value%"
  690. message "Your Party: &7%{_partyMember}%"
  691. else:
  692. set {} to "%arg-1%" parsed as player
  693. if {} is online:
  694. if {party.%player%} is set:
  695. add {} to {party.%player%::*}
  696. set {} to true
  697. set {} to true
  698. set {party.%{}%} to player
  699. message "&9Party> &7You invited %{}% to the party."
  700. else:
  701. set {party.%player%} to player
  702. message "&9Party> &7Created a party."
  703. add player to {party.%player%::*}
  704. make player execute command "/party %arg-1%"
  705. else:
  706. send "&9Party> &7That player is not online."
  708. command /announce [<text>]:
  709. permission: PollexMC.admin
  710. permission message: &9Permissions> &7This requires Permmission Rank [&9ADMIN&7].
  711. trigger:
  712. if argument 1 is set:
  713. send all players title "&eAnnouncement" with subtitle "&b%arg-1%" for 10 seconds
  714. broadcast "&9Announcement> &b%arg-1%"
  715. else:
  716. send "&9Message> &cErr...something went wrong?"
  718. command /punish [<offline player>] [<text>]:
  719. aliases: /p
  720. permission: PollexMC.trainee
  721. permission message: &9Permissions> &7This requires Permmission Rank [&9TRAINEE&7].
  722. trigger:
  723. if args 1 is not set:
  724. message "&9Punish> &7Please specifiy a user and a reason to punish!"
  725. stop
  726. if args 1 is set:
  727. if args 2 is not set:
  728. message "&9Punish> &7Please specifiy a reason to punish!"
  729. stop
  730. if args 2 is set:
  731. if player has permission "PollexMC.admin":
  732. open chest with 6 rows named " Punish" to player
  733. wait 2 ticks
  734. format slot 4 of player with arg-1's skull named "&a&l%arg-1%" with lore "&7&lReason: &7%arg-2%" to be unstealable
  735. format slot 10 of player with book and quill named "&a&lChat Offense" with lore "&7Verbal Abuse, Spam, Harrassment, Trolling, etc" to be unstealable
  736. format slot 19 of player with cactus green named "&a&lSeverity 1" with lore "&fMute Duration: &e10.0 Hours||||&7Light Spam||&f Sending the same message 2-5 times||||&7Light Advertising||&f 'anyone want to play on minecade?'||||&7Light Abuse/Harassment||&f 'you suck at this game'||||&7Hackusations||&f 'you're such a hacker!'||||&7Trolling||||&2Give Warning if 0 Past Offences and 0 Warnings." to close then run [make player execute command "tempmute %arg-1% 10 hour %arg-2%"]
  737. format slot 28 of player with dandelion yellow named "&a&lSeverity 2" with lore "&fMute Duration: &e1.0 Days||||&7Medium Spam|| &fSending the same message 6-20 times||||&7Medium Advertising:|| &f'join' - posted once||||&7Medium Abuse/Harassment|| &f'piss off you stupid newb'|| &f'SHIT ADMINS ARE SHIT!!!'|| &f'you're terrible, learn to play'||||&7Avoiding Chat Filter|| &f'F|_|<K YOU'" to close then run [do [execute console command "/__mp__tempmute__ %arg-1% 1 %player% %arg-2%"]->[execute console command "/__mp__imm__ %player% %arg-1% 1 day"]]
  738. format slot 37 of player with rose red named "&a&lSeverity 3" with lore "&fMute Duration: &e30.0 Days||||&7Severe Spam|| &fSending the same message 20+ times|| &fOnly really used for a spam bot||||&7Severe Abuse/Harassment|| &f'go fucking die in a fire you fucking sack of shit'" to close then run [do [execute console command "/__mp__tempmute__ %arg-1% 30 %player% %arg-2%"]->[execute console command "/__mp__imm__ %player% %arg-1% 30 days"]]
  739. format slot 12 of player with hopper named "&a&lGeneral Offense" with lore "&7Command/Map/Class/Skill exploits, etc" to be unstealable
  740. format slot 21 of player with cactus green named "&a&lSeverity 1" with lore "&fBan Duration: &e4.0 Hours||||&7Team Killing||&f Intentionally killing your team mates||||&7Trolling (Gameplay)||&f Using abilities to trap players in spawn||||&7Map/Bug Exploiting||&f Abusing an exploit to gain an advantage" to close then run [do [execute console command "/__mp__htempban__ %arg-1% 4 %arg-2%"]->[execute console command "/__mp__ibm__ %player% %arg-1% 4 hours"]]
  741. format slot 14 of player with iron sword named "&a&lClient Mod" with lore "&7X-ray, Forcefield, Speed, Fly, Inventory Hacks, etc" to be unstealable
  742. format slot 23 of player with cactus green named "&a&lSeverity 1" with lore "&fBan Duration: &e1.0 Days||||&7Examples:||&f Damage Indicators||&f Player Radar" to close then run [do [execute console command "/__mp__tempban__ %arg-1% 1 %arg-2%"]->[execute console command "/__mp__ibm__ %player% %arg-1% 1 day"]]
  743. format slot 32 of player with dandelion yellow named "&a&lSeverity 2" with lore "&fBan Duration: &e30.0 Days||||&7Hacks:|| &fForcefield|| &fSpeed Hack|| &fReach Hack|| &fSpeed Hack|| &fOther Hack||||&7Hack Reports (SR & FR):|| &fForcefield|| &fSpeed Hack|| &fReach Hack|| &fSpeed Hack|| &fOther Hack|| &fFly Hack" to close then run [do [execute console command "/__mp__tempban__ %arg-1% 30 %arg-2%"]->[execute console command "/__mp__ibm__ %player% %arg-1% 30 days"]]
  744. format slot 41 of player with rose red named "&a&lSeverity 3" with lore "&fBan Duration: &e30.0 Days||||&7Hacks:|| &fFly Hack||||&c&lWARNING:||&cUse Severity 2 for Forum/Staff Reports" to close then run [do [execute console command "/__mp__tempban__ %arg-1% 30 %arg-2%"]->[execute console command "/__mp__ibm__ %player% %arg-1% 30 days"]]
  745. format slot 25 of player with paper named "&a&lWarning" with lore "||&7Example Warning Input:||&f Spam - Repeatedly writing MEOW||&f Swearing - Saying 'fuck' and 'shit'||&f Hack Accusation - Accused Tomp13 of hacking||&f Trolling - was trying to make bob angry in chat" to close then run [make player execute command "warn %arg-1% %arg-2%"]
  746. format slot 34 of player with redstone block named "&a&lPermanent Ban" with lore "&fBan Duration: &ePermanent||||&2Must supply a detailed reason for Ban." to close then run [do [execute console command "/__mp__ban__ %arg-1% %arg-2%"]->[execute console command "/__mp__ibm__ %player% %arg-1% Permanent"]]
  747. format slot 43 of player with book and quill named "&a&lPermanent Mute" with lore "&fMute Duration: &ePermanent||||&7Severe Advertising:||&f 'JOIN MINECADE! THIS SUCKS!||&f 'join! FREE ADMIN!||||&2Must supply a detailed reason for Mute." to close then run [do [execute console command "/__mp__mute__ %arg-1% %player% %arg-2%"]->[execute console command "/__mp__imm__ %player% %arg-1% Permanent"]]
  748. format slot 8 of player with shiny book and quill named "&a&lUnmute" with lore "&fUnmute Reason: &e%arg-2%" to close then run [do [execute console command "/__mp__iumm__ %player% %arg-1%"]->[execute console command "/__mp__unmute__ %arg-1%"]]
  749. format slot 7 of player with shiny redstone block named "&a&lUnban" with lore "&fUnban Reason: &e%arg-2%" to close then run [do [execute console command "/__mp__unban__ %arg-1%"]->[execute console command "/__mp__iubm__ %player% %arg-1%"]]
  750. format slot 6 of player with shiny paper named "&a&lUnwarn" with lore "&fUnwarn Reason: &e%arg-2%" to close then run [make player execute command "unwarn %arg-1%"]
  751. else if player has permission "PollexMC.mod":
  752. open chest with 6 rows named " Punish" to player
  753. wait 2 ticks
  754. format slot 4 of player with arg-1's skull named "&a&l%arg-1%" with lore "&7&lReason: &7%arg-2%" to be unstealable
  755. format slot 10 of player with book and quill named "&a&lChat Offense" with lore "&7Verbal Abuse, Spam, Harrassment, Trolling, etc" to be unstealable
  756. format slot 19 of player with cactus green named "&a&lSeverity 1" with lore "&fMute Duration: &e10.0 Hours||||&7Light Spam||&f Sending the same message 2-5 times||||&7Light Advertising||&f 'anyone want to play on minecade?'||||&7Light Abuse/Harassment||&f 'you suck at this game'||||&7Hackusations||&f 'you're such a hacker!'||||&7Trolling||||&2Give Warning if 0 Past Offences and 0 Warnings." to close then run [make player execute command "tempmute %arg-1% 10 hour %arg-2%"]
  757. format slot 28 of player with dandelion yellow named "&a&lSeverity 2" with lore "&fMute Duration: &e1.0 Days||||&7Medium Spam|| &fSending the same message 6-20 times||||&7Medium Advertising:|| &f'join' - posted once||||&7Medium Abuse/Harassment|| &f'piss off you stupid newb'|| &f'SHIT ADMINS ARE SHIT!!!'|| &f'you're terrible, learn to play'||||&7Avoiding Chat Filter|| &f'F|_|<K YOU'" to close then run [do [execute console command "/__mp__tempmute__ %arg-1% 1 %player% %arg-2%"]->[execute console command "/__mp__imm__ %player% %arg-1% 1 day"]]
  758. format slot 37 of player with rose red named "&a&lSeverity 3" with lore "&fMute Duration: &e30.0 Days||||&7Severe Spam|| &fSending the same message 20+ times|| &fOnly really used for a spam bot||||&7Severe Abuse/Harassment|| &f'go fucking die in a fire you fucking sack of shit'" to close then run [do [execute console command "/__mp__tempmute__ %arg-1% 30 %player% %arg-2%"]->[execute console command "/__mp__imm__ %player% %arg-1% 30 days"]]
  759. format slot 12 of player with hopper named "&a&lGeneral Offense" with lore "&7Command/Map/Class/Skill exploits, etc" to be unstealable
  760. format slot 21 of player with cactus green named "&a&lSeverity 1" with lore "&fBan Duration: &e4.0 Hours||||&7Team Killing||&f Intentionally killing your team mates||||&7Trolling (Gameplay)||&f Using abilities to trap players in spawn||||&7Map/Bug Exploiting||&f Abusing an exploit to gain an advantage" to close then run [do [execute console command "/__mp__htempban__ %arg-1% 4 %arg-2%"]->[execute console command "/__mp__ibm__ %player% %arg-1% 4 hours"]]
  761. format slot 14 of player with iron sword named "&a&lClient Mod" with lore "&7X-ray, Forcefield, Speed, Fly, Inventory Hacks, etc" to be unstealable
  762. format slot 23 of player with cactus green named "&a&lSeverity 1" with lore "&fBan Duration: &e1.0 Days||||&7Examples:||&f Damage Indicators||&f Player Radar" to close then run [do [execute console command "/__mp__tempban__ %arg-1% 1 %arg-2%"]->[execute console command "/__mp__ibm__ %player% %arg-1% 1 day"]]
  763. format slot 32 of player with dandelion yellow named "&a&lSeverity 2" with lore "&fBan Duration: &e30.0 Days||||&7Hacks:|| &fForcefield|| &fSpeed Hack|| &fReach Hack|| &fSpeed Hack|| &fOther Hack||||&7Hack Reports (SR & FR):|| &fForcefield|| &fSpeed Hack|| &fReach Hack|| &fSpeed Hack|| &fOther Hack|| &fFly Hack" to close then run [do [execute console command "/__mp__tempban__ %arg-1% 30 %arg-2%"]->[execute console command "/__mp__ibm__ %player% %arg-1% 30 days"]]
  764. format slot 41 of player with rose red named "&a&lSeverity 3" with lore "&fBan Duration: &e30.0 Days||||&7Hacks:|| &fFly Hack||||&c&lWARNING:||&cUse Severity 2 for Forum/Staff Reports" to close then run [do [execute console command "/__mp__tempban__ %arg-1% 30 %arg-2%"]->[execute console command "/__mp__ibm__ %player% %arg-1% 30 days"]]
  765. format slot 25 of player with paper named "&a&lWarning" with lore "||&7Example Warning Input:||&f Spam - Repeatedly writing MEOW||&f Swearing - Saying 'fuck' and 'shit'||&f Hack Accusation - Accused Tomp13 of hacking||&f Trolling - was trying to make bob angry in chat" to close then run [make player execute command "warn %arg-1% %arg-2%"]
  766. format slot 34 of player with redstone block named "&a&lPermanent Ban" with lore "&fBan Duration: &ePermanent||||&2Must supply a detailed reason for Ban." to close then run [make player execute command "ban %arg-1% %arg-2%"]
  767. format slot 43 of player with book and quill named "&a&lPermanent Mute" with lore "&fMute Duration: &ePermanent||||&7Severe Advertising:||&f 'JOIN MINECADE! THIS SUCKS!||&f 'join! FREE ADMIN!||||&2Must supply a detailed reason for Mute." to close then run [do [execute console command "/__mp__mute__ %arg-1% %player% %arg-2%"]->[execute console command "/__mp__imm__ %player% %arg-1% Permanent"]]
  768. else:
  769. open chest with 6 rows named " Punish" to player
  770. wait 2 ticks
  771. format slot 4 of player with arg-1's skull named "&a&l%arg-1%" with lore "&7&lReason: &7%arg-2%" to be unstealable
  772. format slot 10 of player with book and quill named "&a&lChat Offense" with lore "&7Verbal Abuse, Spam, Harrassment, Trolling, etc" to be unstealable
  773. format slot 19 of player with cactus green named "&a&lSeverity 1" with lore "&fMute Duration: &e10.0 Hours||||&7Light Spam||&f Sending the same message 2-5 times||||&7Light Advertising||&f 'anyone want to play on minecade?'||||&7Light Abuse/Harassment||&f 'you suck at this game'||||&7Hackusations||&f 'you're such a hacker!'||||&7Trolling||||&2Give Warning if 0 Past Offences and 0 Warnings." to close then run [make player execute command "tempmute %arg-1% 10 hour %arg-2%"]
  774. format slot 12 of player with hopper named "&a&lGeneral Offense" with lore "&7Command/Map/Class/Skill exploits, etc" to be unstealable
  775. format slot 21 of player with cactus green named "&a&lSeverity 1" with lore "&fBan Duration: &e4.0 Hours||||&7Team Killing||&f Intentionally killing your team mates||||&7Trolling (Gameplay)||&f Using abilities to trap players in spawn||||&7Map/Bug Exploiting||&f Abusing an exploit to gain an advantage" to close then run [do [execute console command "/__mp__htempban__ %arg-1% 4 %arg-2%"]->[execute console command "/__mp__ibm__ %player% %arg-1% 4 hours"]]
  776. format slot 14 of player with iron sword named "&a&lClient Mod" with lore "&7X-ray, Forcefield, Speed, Fly, Inventory Hacks, etc" to be unstealable
  777. format slot 23 of player with cactus green named "&a&lSeverity 1" with lore "&fBan Duration: &e1.0 Days||||&7Examples:||&f Damage Indicators||&f Player Radar" to close then run [do [execute console command "/__mp__tempban__ %arg-1% 1 %arg-2%"]->[execute console command "/__mp__ibm__ %player% %arg-1% 1 day"]]
  778. format slot 25 of player with paper named "&a&lWarning" with lore "||&7Example Warning Input:||&f Spam - Repeatedly writing MEOW||&f Swearing - Saying 'fuck' and 'shit'||&f Hack Accusation - Accused Tomp13 of hacking||&f Trolling - was trying to make bob angry in chat" to close then run [make player execute command "warn %arg-1% %arg-2%"]
  781. command /__mp__ibm__ <text> <text> <text>:
  782. trigger:
  783. if executor is player:
  784. send "Unknown command. Type ""help"" for help."
  785. stop
  786. loop all players:
  787. if loop-player has permission "PollexMC.trainee":
  788. send "&9Punish> &7%arg-1% banned %arg-2% for %arg-3%." to loop-player
  790. command /__mp__imm__ <text> <text> <text>:
  791. trigger:
  792. if executor is player:
  793. send "Unknown command. Type ""help"" for help."
  794. stop
  795. loop all players:
  796. if loop-player has permission "PollexMC.trainee":
  797. send "&9Punish> &7%arg-1% muted %arg-2% for %arg-3%." to loop-player
  799. command /__mp__iubm__ <text> <text>:
  800. trigger:
  801. if executor is player:
  802. send "Unknown command. Type ""help"" for help."
  803. stop
  804. loop all players:
  805. if loop-player has permission "PollexMC.trainee":
  806. send "&9Punish> &7%arg-1% unbanned %arg-2%." to loop-player
  808. command /__mp__iumm__ <text> <text>:
  809. trigger:
  810. if executor is player:
  811. send "Unknown command. Type ""help"" for help."
  812. stop
  813. loop all players:
  814. if loop-player has permission "PollexMC.trainee":
  815. send "&9Punish> &7%arg-1% ummuted %arg-2%." to loop-player
  817. command /__mp__unban__ [<text>]:
  818. trigger:
  819. if executor is player:
  820. send "Unknown command. Type ""help"" for help."
  821. stop
  822. if arg 1 is not set:
  823. stop
  824. set {_player} to arg 1 parsed as offlineplayer
  825. delete {banned::%{_player}%}
  826. delete {banned::%{_player}%::*}
  827. message "&4* &cYou have unbanned %{_player}%"
  829. command /__mp__ban__ [<text>] [<text>]:
  830. trigger:
  831. if executor is player:
  832. send "Unknown command. Type ""help"" for help."
  833. stop
  834. if player does not have permission "ban.people":
  835. message "&4* &cYou do not have permission to ban people."
  836. stop
  837. if arg 1 is not set:
  838. message "&4* &cUnspecified player. &7Try &f/ban [player] [reason]&7."
  839. stop
  840. if arg 2 is not set:
  841. message "&4* &cUnspecified time. &7Try &f/ban %arg 1% [reason]&7."
  842. stop
  844. set {_player} to arg 1 parsed as offlineplayer
  846. set {banned::%{_player}%} to true
  847. set {banned::%{_player}%::type} to "perm"
  848. set {banned::%{_player}%::reason} to arg 2
  850. kick {_player} due to "&c&lYou are banned for Permanent%nl%&f%{banned::%{_player}%::reason}%%nl%&2Unfairly banned? Appeal at &"
  853. command /__mp__tempban__ [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
  854. trigger:
  855. if executor is player:
  856. send "Unknown command. Type ""help"" for help."
  857. stop
  858. if player does not have permission "ban.people":
  859. message "&4* &cYou do not have permission to ban people."
  860. stop
  861. if arg 1 is not set:
  862. message "&4* &cUnspecified player. &7Try &f/tempban [player] [time] [reason]&7."
  863. stop
  864. if arg 2 is not set:
  865. message "&4* &cUnspecified time. &7Try &f/tempban %arg 1% [time] [reason]&7."
  866. stop
  867. if arg 3 is not set:
  868. message "&4* &cUnspecified reason. &7Try &f/tempban %arg 1% %arg 2% [reason]&7."
  869. stop
  871. set {_player} to arg 1 parsed as offlineplayer
  872. set {_duration} to "%arg 2% days" parsed as timespan
  876. set {banned::%{_player}%} to true
  877. set {banned::%{_player}%::type} to "temp"
  878. set {banned::%{_player}%::reason} to arg 3
  879. set {banned::%{_player}%::time} to {_duration}
  880. set {banned::%{_player}%::when} to now
  882. kick {_player} due to "&c&lYou are banned for %{banned::%{_player}%::time}%%nl%&f%{banned::%{_player}%::reason}%%nl%&2Unfairly banned? Appeal at &"
  884. command /__mp__htempban__ [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
  885. trigger:
  886. if executor is player:
  887. send "Unknown command. Type ""help"" for help."
  888. stop
  889. if player does not have permission "ban.people":
  890. message "&4* &cYou do not have permission to ban people."
  891. stop
  892. if arg 1 is not set:
  893. message "&4* &cUnspecified player. &7Try &f/tempban [player] [time] [reason]&7."
  894. stop
  895. if arg 2 is not set:
  896. message "&4* &cUnspecified time. &7Try &f/tempban %arg 1% [time] [reason]&7."
  897. stop
  898. if arg 3 is not set:
  899. message "&4* &cUnspecified reason. &7Try &f/tempban %arg 1% %arg 2% [reason]&7."
  900. stop
  902. set {_player} to arg 1 parsed as offlineplayer
  903. set {_duration} to "%arg 2% hours" parsed as timespan
  907. set {banned::%{_player}%} to true
  908. set {banned::%{_player}%::type} to "temp"
  909. set {banned::%{_player}%::reason} to arg 3
  910. set {banned::%{_player}%::time} to {_duration}
  911. set {banned::%{_player}%::when} to now
  913. kick {_player} due to "&c&lYou are banned for %{banned::%{_player}%::time}%%nl%&f%{banned::%{_player}%::reason}%%nl%&2Unfairly banned? Appeal at &"
  915. command /__mp__tempmute__ [<text>] [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
  916. trigger:
  917. if executor is player:
  918. send "Unknown command. Type ""help"" for help."
  919. stop
  920. if player does not have permission "mute.people":
  921. stop
  922. if arg 1 is not set:
  923. stop
  924. if arg 2 is not set:
  925. stop
  926. if arg 3 is not set:
  927. stop
  929. set {_player} to arg 1 parsed as offlineplayer
  930. set {_duration} to "%arg 2% days" parsed as timespan
  934. set {muted::%{_player}%} to true
  935. set {muted::%{_player}%::type} to "temp"
  936. set {muted::%{_player}%::reason} to arg 4
  937. set {muted::%{_player}%::time} to {_duration}
  938. set {muted::%{_player}%::when} to now
  939. set {muted::%{_player}%::by} to arg 3
  941. send "&9Punish> &7&lReason: &r&7%arg-4%" to {_player}
  942. send "&9Punish> &7%{muted::%{_player}%::by}% muted %arg-1% for %{muted::%{_player}%::time}%." to {_player}
  944. command /__mp__mute__ [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
  945. trigger:
  946. if executor is player:
  947. send "Unknown command. Type ""help"" for help."
  948. stop
  949. if player does not have permission "mute.people":
  950. stop
  951. if arg 1 is not set:
  952. stop
  953. if arg 2 is not set:
  954. stop
  956. set {_player} to arg 1 parsed as offlineplayer
  958. set {muted::%{_player}%} to true
  959. set {muted::%{_player}%::type} to "perm"
  960. set {muted::%{_player}%::reason} to arg 3
  961. set {muted::%{_player}%::by} to arg 2
  963. send "&9Punish> &7&lReason: &r&7%arg-3%" to {_player}
  964. send "&9Punish> &7%{muted::%{_player}%::by}% muted %arg-1% for Permanent." to {_player}
  966. command /__mp__unmute__ [<text>]:
  967. trigger:
  968. if executor is player:
  969. send "Unknown command. Type ""help"" for help."
  970. stop
  971. if arg 1 is not set:
  972. stop
  973. set {_player} to arg 1 parsed as offlineplayer
  974. delete {muted::%{_player}%}
  975. delete {muted::%{_player}%::*}
  976. message "&4* &cYou have unbanned %{_player}%"
  978. command /prefs:
  979. trigger:
  980. if player has permission "PollexMC.trainne":
  981. open chest with 6 rows named "My Preferences" to player
  982. format slot 0 of player with 1 of fire charge named "&aHub Player Stacker" with lore "%{PollexMC.stacker.%player%}%" to close then run [execute player command "/__mc__pt__ 1"]
  983. format slot 2 of player with 1 of eye of ender named "&aHub Player Visibility" with lore "%{PollexMC.vis.%player%}%" to close then run [execute player command "/__mc__pt__ 2"]
  984. format slot 4 of player with 1 of paper named "&aPlayer Chat" with lore "%{PollexMC.pchat.%player%}%" to close then run [execute player command "/__mc__pt__ 3"]
  985. format slot 6 of player with 1 of map named "&aPrivite Messaging" with lore "%{PollexMC.pmesg.%player%}%" to close then run [execute player command "/__mc__pt__ 4"]
  986. format slot 8 of player with 1 of paper named "&aHub Party Reqests" with lore "%{PollexMC.hpreq.%player%}%" to close then run [execute player command "/__mc__pt__ 5"]
  987. format slot 9 of player with 1 of dye:10 named "&aHub Player Stacker" with lore "%{PollexMC.stacker.%player%}%" to close then run [execute player command "/__mc__pt__ 1"]
  988. format slot 11 of player with 1 of dye:10 named "&aHub Player Visibility" with lore "%{PollexMC.vis.%player%}%" to close then run [execute player command "/__mc__pt__ 2"]
  989. format slot 13 of player with 1 of dye:10 named "&aPlayer Chat" with lore "%{PollexMC.pchat.%player%}%" to close then run [execute player command "/__mc__pt__ 3"]
  990. format slot 15 of player with 1 of dye:10 named "&aPrivite Messaging" with lore "%{PollexMC.pmesg.%player%}%" to close then run [execute player command "/__mc__pt__ 4"]
  991. format slot 17 of player with 1 of dye:10 named "&aHub Party Reqests" with lore "%{PollexMC.hpreq.%player%}%" to close then run [execute player command "/__mc__pt__ 5"]
  992. format slot 28 of player with 1 of red flower named "&aShow Pending Friend Requests" with lore "%{PollexMC.pfreq.%player%}%" to close then run [execute player command "/__mc__pt__ 6"]
  993. format slot 37 of player with 1 of dye:10 named "&aShow Pending Friend Requests" with lore "%{PollexMC.pfreq.%player%}%" to close then run [execute player command "/__mc__pt__ 6"]
  994. else:
  995. open chest with 6 rows named "My Preferences" to player
  996. format slot 0 of player with 1 of fire charge named "&aHub Player Stacker" with lore "%{PollexMC.stacker.%player%}%" to close then run [execute player command "/__mc__pt__ 1"]
  997. format slot 2 of player with 1 of eye of ender named "&aHub Player Visibility" with lore "%{PollexMC.vis.%player%}%" to close then run [execute player command "/__mc__pt__ 2"]
  998. format slot 4 of player with 1 of paper named "&aPlayer Chat" with lore "%{PollexMC.pchat.%player%}%" to close then run [execute player command "/__mc__pt__ 3"]
  999. format slot 6 of player with 1 of map named "&aPrivite Messaging" with lore "%{PollexMC.pmesg.%player%}%" to close then run [execute player command "/__mc__pt__ 4"]
  1000. format slot 8 of player with 1 of paper named "&aHub Party Reqests" with lore "%{PollexMC.hpreq.%player%}%" to close then run [execute player command "/__mc__pt__ 5"]
  1001. format slot 9 of player with 1 of dye:10 named "&aHub Player Stacker" with lore "%{PollexMC.stacker.%player%}%" to close then run [execute player command "/__mc__pt__ 1"]
  1002. format slot 11 of player with 1 of dye:10 named "&aHub Player Visibility" with lore "%{PollexMC.vis.%player%}%" to close then run [execute player command "/__mc__pt__ 2"]
  1003. format slot 13 of player with 1 of dye:10 named "&aPlayer Chat" with lore "%{PollexMC.pchat.%player%}%" to close then run [execute player command "/__mc__pt__ 3"]
  1004. format slot 15 of player with 1 of dye:10 named "&aPrivite Messaging" with lore "%{PollexMC.pmesg.%player%}%" to close then run [execute player command "/__mc__pt__ 4"]
  1005. format slot 17 of player with 1 of dye:10 named "&aHub Party Reqests" with lore "%{PollexMC.hpreq.%player%}%" to close then run [execute player command "/__mc__pt__ 5"]
  1006. format slot 28 of player with 1 of red flower named "&aShow Pending Friend Requests" with lore "%{PollexMC.pfreq.%player%}%" to close then run [execute player command "/__mc__pt__ 6"]
  1007. format slot 37 of player with 1 of dye:10 named "&aShow Pending Friend Requests" with lore "%{PollexMC.pfreq.%player%}%" to close then run [execute player command "/__mc__pt__ 6"]
  1009. command /tabname <player> <string>:
  1010. trigger:
  1011. set arg-1 tab name to "&4&l%arg-2% &f%arg-1%"
  1013. #skPerms by LimeGlass
  1014. #Thanks for Letting Me Bake This In!
  1015. on script load:
  1016. set {skperms::config::version} to yaml value "version" from file "../../SkPerms/config.yml"
  1017. if {skperms::config::version} is not set:
  1018. set {_c} to true
  1019. set yaml value "version" from file "../../SkPerms/config.yml" to "{@version}"
  1020. set {skperms::config::useYML} to yaml value "useYML" from file "../../SkPerms/config.yml"
  1021. if {skperms::config::useYML} is not set:
  1022. set {_c} to true
  1023. set yaml value "useYML" from file "../../SkPerms/config.yml" to false
  1024. else if {skperms::config::useYML} is true:
  1025. loop {skperms::players::*}:
  1026. set {skperms::player::%loop-value%::permissions::*} to yaml nodes with keys "players.%loop-value%.permissions" from file "../../SkPerms/players.yml"
  1027. if {skperms::player::%loop-value%::permissions::*} is not set:
  1028. loop {skperms::player::%loop-value%::permissions::*}:
  1029. add "%loop-value-2%" to yaml list "players.%loop-value-1%.permissions" from file "../../SkPerms/players.yml"
  1030. if {_c} is true:
  1031. execute console command "/sk reload SkPerms"
  1032. on script stop:
  1033. loop {skperms::groups::*}:
  1034. if {skperms::group::%loop-value%::*} is not set:
  1035. loop {skperms::group::%loop-value-1%::permissions::*}:
  1036. loop {skperms::players::*}:
  1037. remove "%loop-value-2%" from {skperms::player::%loop-value-3%::permissions::*}
  1038. loop {skperms::players::*}:
  1039. remove "%loop-value-1%" from {skperms::player::%loop-value-2%::groups::*}
  1040. if {skperms::player::%loop-value-2%::groups::*} is not empty:
  1041. loop {skperms::player::%loop-value-2%::groups::*}:
  1042. loop {skperms::group::%loop-value-1%::permissions::*}:
  1043. set {_p} to "%loop-value-2%" parsed as player
  1044. add "%loop-value-4%" to {_p}'s permissions
  1045. remove "%loop-value%" from {skperms::groups::*}
  1046. command {@command} [<text>] [<text>] [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
  1047. permission: {@permission}
  1048. aliases: {@aliases}
  1049. trigger:
  1050. if {@CMDprotection} is true:
  1051. if command sender is not console:
  1052. if {@PlayerList} doesn't contain player or "%player%":
  1053. message "{@CMDprotectionMsg}"
  1054. stop
  1055. if arg 1 is not set:
  1056. message ""
  1057. message "{@prefix} v{@version}:"
  1058. message "{@maincolour}{@command} deleteDefault"
  1059. message "{@secondcolour}Deletes default group setting (If set)"
  1060. message "{@maincolour}{@command} (d|default) (group)"
  1061. if {skperms::default} is set:
  1062. message "{@secondcolour}Set the default group {@maincolour}(&7%{skperms::default}%{@maincolour})"
  1063. else:
  1064. message "{@secondcolour}Set the default group"
  1065. message "{@maincolour}{@command} (p|player) (player) (add|remove|list) permission [permission]"
  1066. message "{@secondcolour}Add/remove/list a players permissions"
  1067. message "{@maincolour}{@command} (p|player) (player) (add|set|remove|list) group [group]"
  1068. message "{@secondcolour}Add/remove/set/list a players group"
  1069. message "{@maincolour}{@command} (g|group) (group) (add|remove|list) permission [permission]"
  1070. message "{@secondcolour}Add/remove/list a group permission"
  1071. message "{@maincolour}{@command} (g|group) (group) (add|remove|list) group [group]"
  1072. message "{@secondcolour}Add/remove/list a groups connected groups"
  1073. message "{@secondcolour}A group is created once it contains a permission"
  1074. message "{@maincolour}{@command} (g|group) (group) (prefix|suffix) set (text)"
  1075. message "{@secondcolour}Set a suffix or prefix to a group"
  1076. message ""
  1077. else if arg 1 is "deleteDefault":
  1078. delete {skperms::default}
  1079. message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}Removed default group (No group set)"
  1080. else if arg 1 is "d", "setdefault" or "default":
  1081. if arg 2 is set:
  1082. set {skperms::default} to "%arg 2%"
  1083. message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}Set default group to &l%arg 2%"
  1084. else:
  1085. message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}Error: Group not specified"
  1086. else if arg 1 is "p" or "player":
  1087. if arg 2 is not set:
  1088. message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}Error: Player not specified"
  1089. else if arg 2 is set:
  1090. if arg 3 is "a" or "add":
  1091. if arg 4 is "p", "permission" or "permissions":
  1092. if arg 5 is set:
  1093. if {skperms::groups::*} doesn't contain "%arg 2%":
  1094. add "%arg 2%" to {skperms::groups::*}
  1095. set {_player} to arg 2 parsed as player
  1096. add "%arg 5%" to {_player}'s permissions
  1097. set {skperms::player::%arg 2%::permissions::*} to {_player}'s permissions
  1098. message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}Added %arg 5% to %arg 2%'s permissions"
  1099. else:
  1100. message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}Error: Permission not specified"
  1101. else if arg 4 is "g", "group" or "groups":
  1102. if arg 5 is set:
  1103. if {skperms::groups::*} doesn't contain "%arg 2%":
  1104. add "%arg 2%" to {skperms::groups::*}
  1105. if {skperms::player::%arg 2%::groups::*} doesn't contain "%arg 5%":
  1106. add "%arg 5%" to {skperms::player::%arg 2%::groups::*}
  1107. else:
  1108. message "{@prefix} {@secondcolour}%arg 2% already has group %arg 5%"
  1109. stop
  1110. message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}Added %arg 2% to group %arg 5%"
  1111. if {@UseChat} is true:
  1112. if {@ChatType} is "Display" or "display":
  1113. loop all players where [{skperms::player::%player%::groups::*} contains "%arg 5%"]:
  1114. if {skperms::group::%arg 5%::prefix} is set:
  1115. if {skperms::group::%arg 5%::suffix} is set:
  1116. set loop-player's display name to coloured "%{skperms::group::%arg 5%::prefix}%%loop-player%%{skperms::group::%arg 5%::suffix}%"
  1117. else:
  1118. set loop-player's display name to coloured "%{skperms::group::%arg 5%::prefix}%%loop-player%"
  1119. else if {skperms::group::%arg 5%::suffix} is set:
  1120. set loop-player's display name to coloured "%loop-player%%{skperms::group::%arg 5%::suffix}%"
  1121. else:
  1122. set loop-player's display name to "%player%"
  1123. loop all players where [{skperms::player::%player%::groups::*} is not set]:
  1124. set loop-player's display name to "%player%"
  1125. else:
  1126. message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}Error: Group not specified"
  1127. else:
  1128. message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}Error: Type not specified"
  1129. else if arg 3 is "s" or "set":
  1130. if arg 4 is "g", "group" or "groups":
  1131. if arg 5 is set:
  1132. if {skperms::groups::*} doesn't contain "%arg 2%":
  1133. add "%arg 2%" to {skperms::groups::*}
  1134. delete {skperms::player::%arg 2%::groups::*}
  1135. add "%arg 5%" to {skperms::player::%arg 2%::groups::*}
  1136. message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}Set %arg 2% to group %arg 5%"
  1137. if {@UseChat} is true:
  1138. if {@ChatType} is "Display" or "display":
  1139. loop all players where [{skperms::player::%player%::groups::*} contains "%arg 5%"]:
  1140. if {skperms::group::%arg 5%::prefix} is set:
  1141. if {skperms::group::%arg 5%::suffix} is set:
  1142. set loop-player's display name to coloured "%{skperms::group::%arg 5%::prefix}%%loop-player%%{skperms::group::%arg 5%::suffix}%"
  1143. else:
  1144. set loop-player's display name to coloured "%{skperms::group::%arg 5%::prefix}%%loop-player%"
  1145. else if {skperms::group::%arg 5%::suffix} is set:
  1146. set loop-player's display name to coloured "%loop-player%%{skperms::group::%arg 5%::suffix}%"
  1147. else:
  1148. set loop-player's display name to "%player%"
  1149. loop all players where [{skperms::player::%player%::groups::*} is not set]:
  1150. set loop-player's display name to "%player%"
  1151. else:
  1152. message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}Error: Group not specified"
  1153. else:
  1154. message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}Error: Type not specified"
  1155. else if arg 3 is "r" or "remove":
  1156. if arg 4 is "p", "permission" or "permissions":
  1157. if arg 5 is set:
  1158. set {_player} to arg 2 parsed as player
  1159. remove "%arg 5%" from {_player}'s permissions
  1160. set {skperms::player::%arg 2%::permissions::*} to {_player}'s permissions
  1161. message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}Removed %arg 5% from %arg 2%'s permissions"
  1162. else:
  1163. message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}Error: Permission not specified"
  1164. else if arg 4 is "g", "group" or "groups":
  1165. if arg 5 is set:
  1166. if {skperms::player::%arg 2%::groups::*} contains "%arg 5%":
  1167. remove "%arg 5%" from {skperms::player::%arg 2%::groups::*}
  1168. message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}Removed %arg 2% from group %arg 5%"
  1169. if {@UseChat} is true:
  1170. if {@ChatType} is "Display" or "display":
  1171. loop all players where [{skperms::player::%player%::groups::*} contains "%arg 5%"]:
  1172. if {skperms::group::%arg 5%::prefix} is set:
  1173. if {skperms::group::%arg 5%::suffix} is set:
  1174. set loop-player's display name to coloured "%{skperms::group::%arg 5%::prefix}%%loop-player%%{skperms::group::%arg 5%::suffix}%"
  1175. else:
  1176. set loop-player's display name to coloured "%{skperms::group::%arg 5%::prefix}%%loop-player%"
  1177. else if {skperms::group::%arg 5%::suffix} is set:
  1178. set loop-player's display name to coloured "%loop-player%%{skperms::group::%arg 5%::suffix}%"
  1179. else:
  1180. set loop-player's display name to "%player%"
  1181. loop all players where [{skperms::player::%player%::groups::*} is not set]:
  1182. set loop-player's display name to "%player%"
  1183. else:
  1184. message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}Error: Player %arg 2% doesn't have that group"
  1185. else:
  1186. message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}Error: Group not specified"
  1187. else:
  1188. message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}Error: Type not specified"
  1189. else if arg 3 is "l" or "list":
  1190. if arg 4 is "p", "permission" or "permissions":
  1191. set {_player} to arg 2 parsed as player
  1192. message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}%{_player}'s permissions%"
  1193. else if arg 4 is "g", "group" or "groups":
  1194. message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}%{skperms::player::%arg 2%::groups::*}%"
  1195. else:
  1196. message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}Error: Type not specified"
  1197. else if arg 1 is "g", "group" or "groups":
  1198. if arg 2 is not set:
  1199. message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}Error: Group not specified"
  1200. else if arg 2 is set:
  1201. if arg 3 is "a" or "add":
  1202. if arg 4 is "p", "permission" or "permissions":
  1203. if arg 5 is set:
  1204. if {skperms::groups::*} doesn't contain "%arg 2%":
  1205. add "%arg 2%" to {skperms::groups::*}
  1206. add "%arg 5%" to {skperms::group::%arg 2%::permissions::*}
  1207. message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}Added %arg 5% to group %arg 2%'s permissions"
  1208. loop all players where [{skperms::player::%player%::groups::*} contains "%arg 2%"]:
  1209. loop {skperms::group::%arg 2%::permissions::*}:
  1210. add "%loop-value-2%" to loop-player's permissions
  1211. else:
  1212. message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}Error: Permission not specified"
  1213. else if arg 4 is "g", "group" or "groups":
  1214. if arg 5 is set:
  1215. if {skperms::groups::*} doesn't contain "%arg 2%":
  1216. add "%arg 2%" to {skperms::groups::*}
  1217. loop {skperms::group::%arg 5%::permissions::*}:
  1218. add "%loop-value%" to {skperms::group::%arg 2%::permissions::*}
  1219. message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}Added %arg 5%'s permissions to group %arg 2%"
  1220. loop all players where [{skperms::player::%player%::groups::*} contains "%arg 2%"]:
  1221. loop {skperms::group::%arg 2%::permissions::*}:
  1222. add "%loop-value-2%" to loop-player's permissions
  1223. else:
  1224. message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}Error: Group not specified"
  1225. else:
  1226. message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}Error: Type not specified"
  1227. else if arg 3 is "r" or "remove":
  1228. if arg 4 is "p", "permission" or "permissions":
  1229. if arg 5 is set:
  1230. loop all players where [{skperms::player::%player%::groups::*} contains "%arg 2%"]:
  1231. loop {skperms::group::%arg 2%::permissions::*}:
  1232. remove "%loop-value-2%" from loop-player's permissions
  1233. remove "%arg 5%" from {skperms::group::%arg 2%::permissions::*}
  1234. message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}Removed %arg 5% from group %arg 2%'s permissions"
  1235. loop all players where [{skperms::player::%player%::groups::*} contains "%arg 2%"]:
  1236. loop {skperms::group::%arg 2%::permissions::*}:
  1237. add "%loop-value-2%" to loop-player's permissions
  1238. else:
  1239. message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}Error: Permission not specified"
  1240. else if arg 4 is "g", "group" or "groups":
  1241. if arg 5 is set:
  1242. loop all players where [{skperms::player::%player%::groups::*} contains "%arg 2%"]:
  1243. loop {skperms::group::%arg 2%::permissions::*}:
  1244. remove "%loop-value-2%" from loop-player's permissions
  1245. loop {skperms::group::%arg 5%::permissions::*}:
  1246. remove "%loop-value%" from {skperms::group::%arg 2%::permissions::*}
  1247. add 1 to {_l}
  1248. message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}Removed %{_l}% of %arg 5%'s permissions from group %arg 2%"
  1249. loop all players where [{skperms::player::%player%::groups::*} contains "%arg 2%"]:
  1250. loop {skperms::group::%arg 2%::permissions::*}:
  1251. add "%loop-value-2%" to loop-player's permissions
  1252. else:
  1253. message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}Error: Group not specified"
  1254. else:
  1255. message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}Error: Type not specified"
  1256. else if arg 3 is "l" or "list":
  1257. if arg 4 is "p", "permission" or "permissions":
  1258. message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}%{skperms::group::%arg 2%::permissions::*}%"
  1259. else:
  1260. message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}Error: Type not specified"
  1261. else if arg 3 is "prefix" or "suffix":
  1262. if arg 4 is "set":
  1263. if arg 5 is set:
  1264. set {skperms::group::%arg 2%::%arg 3%} to "%arg 5%"
  1265. message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}%arg 3% set to %arg 5%"
  1266. if {@UseChat} is true:
  1267. if {@ChatType} is "Display" or "display":
  1268. loop all players where [{skperms::player::%player%::groups::*} contains "%arg 5%"]:
  1269. if {skperms::group::%arg 5%::prefix} is set:
  1270. if {skperms::group::%arg 5%::suffix} is set:
  1271. set loop-player's display name to coloured "%{skperms::group::%arg 5%::prefix}%%loop-player%%{skperms::group::%arg 5%::suffix}%"
  1272. else:
  1273. set loop-player's display name to coloured "%{skperms::group::%arg 5%::prefix}%%loop-player%"
  1274. else if {skperms::group::%arg 5%::suffix} is set:
  1275. set loop-player's display name to coloured "%loop-player%%{skperms::group::%arg 5%::suffix}%"
  1276. else:
  1277. set loop-player's display name to "%player%"
  1278. loop all players where [{skperms::player::%player%::groups::*} is not set]:
  1279. set loop-player's display name to "%player%"
  1280. else:
  1281. message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}Prefix/Suffix not specified"
  1282. else:
  1283. message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}Error: Type not specified (Type ""set"")"
  1284. on quit:
  1285. set {skperms::player::%player%::permissions::*} to player's permissions
  1286. on join:
  1287. loop 2 times:
  1288. remove "%player%" from {skperms::players::*}
  1289. add "%player%" to {skperms::players::*}
  1290. loop {skperms::groups::*}:
  1291. if player has permission "":
  1292. if {skperms::player::%player%::groups::*} doesn't contain "%loop-value%":
  1293. add "%loop-value%" to {skperms::player::%player%::groups::*}
  1294. if {skperms::default} is set:
  1295. loop {skperms::group::%{skperms::default}%::permissions::*}:
  1296. add "%loop-value%" to player's permissions
  1297. loop {skperms::player::%player%::permissions::*}:
  1298. add "%loop-value%" to player's permissions
  1299. if {skperms::player::%player%::groups::*} is not empty:
  1300. loop {skperms::player::%player%::groups::*}:
  1301. loop {skperms::group::%loop-value%::permissions::*}:
  1302. add "%loop-value-2%" to player's permissions
  1303. if {@UseChat} is true:
  1304. if {@ChatType} is "Display" or "display":
  1305. if {skperms::group::%loop-index%::prefix} is set:
  1306. if {skperms::group::%loop-index%::suffix} is set:
  1307. set player's display name to coloured "%{skperms::group::%loop-index%::prefix}%%player%%{skperms::group::%loop-index%::suffix}%"
  1308. else:
  1309. set player's display name to coloured "%{skperms::group::%loop-index%::prefix}%%player%"
  1310. else if {skperms::group::%loop-index%::suffix} is set:
  1311. set player's display name to coloured "%player%%{skperms::group::%loop-index%::suffix}%"
  1312. else:
  1313. set player's display name to "%player%"
  1314. loop all players where [{skperms::player::%player%::groups::*} is not set]:
  1315. set loop-player's display name to "%player%"
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