
In Service of the Goddess 2

Dec 28th, 2014
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  1. In Service of the Goddess – Part 2.
  3. “So you're the one who's been snatching up all the easy prey about these parts,” the voice, coy and laced with menace, echoed slightly in the darkened alleyway. Alicia turned slowly to face the speaker, her hands clenching into fists. The speaker was a woman, raven haired and noble featured, yet her face was twisted into a cruel snarl.
  4. “Excuse me?” Alicia asked calmly, taking one small step backwards and shifting her weight slightly. If it came to a fight, she didn't want to be caught off-balance.
  5. “You heard me, you bitch,” the noblewoman replied, marching up to thrust a finger in Alicia's face, “All the sad, lonely souls around here have disappeared, and I know you had something to do with it. What, you thought hiding the bodies would cover up your trail?”
  6. “I don't know what you think,” Alicia replied, pushing the noblewoman's bony finger away from her face before folding her arms, “But I don't think you should throw accusations about quite so freely.”
  7. “I know what you are,” the noblewoman hissed, leaning close to Alicia, “Unless you want every city guard and cleric in the district swarming over here, you'd better come with me.”
  8. “Very well, lead the way.” Alicia stepped to the side, holding her hand out in a magnanimous gesture, “I think you should know, though, that I'm only humouring you to avoid a scene. You're obviously a very important woman here, and I wouldn't want to embarrass you.”
  9. The noblewoman coloured with anger, but held her tongue. Instead, she turned on her heel and marched off into the bustling city street. Alicia followed, keeping a careful watch on the noblewoman. Obviously, she was being led into some kind of trap, but the woman had piqued her curiosity. If she truly knew that Alicia was a succubus, she must have had her fair share of confidence to try and take her on.
  10. And yet, she was obviously unaware of what Alicia had been doing. No mere thief of life-force, Alicia had taken the lost souls in flesh and spirit, sending them to join the goddess Lilium to live in eternal rapture. Her faith was a new one, little known in most parts of the world, but she believed that one day, the whole land would be united in Lilium's blessing.
  11. As they walked, Alicia's glance kept straying down to the noblewoman's backside, swaying pleasantly beneath her finely spun dress. Even with her features twisted in a rictus of hate, she had been an attractive woman, the sort who would have many suitors, Alicia didn't doubt. Their walk, an awkward silence prevailing throughout, took them into the noble district, a long winding street lined with towering buildings.
  12. “Here. Inside,” the noblewoman said curtly, holding an anonymous door open for Alicia. Giving her escort a sweet smile, Alicia strolled into the building and took a seat on a plush armchair. The noblewoman followed her in, the click of a lock leaving Alicia with few illusions about her chances of an easy escape.
  13. “So here we are,” Alicia began, leaning forwards so her carefully folded wings weren't crushed against the back of the chair, “Maybe we should start with your name?”
  14. “My name?” the noblewoman asked, her lips peeling back to reveal a fanged mouth. As she spoke her dress squirmed against her milky flesh, the fabric retreating until it formed nothing but a series of straps. Formed from glossy black leather, the straps covered practically nothing, giving Alicia a perfect view of the woman's nipples, dark against the pale skin surrounding them. Thrusting out from her forehead, a long pair of gnarled horns added nearly half a foot to her height, while a broad pair of bat-like wings spread out from her back.
  15. “My name is Tzardana,” the other succubus hissed, “But you knew that already, didn't you sister?”
  17. “Surprised to see me, Alizana?” the succubus lifted her eyebrow in a sardonic gesture, “You're as white as a sheet.”
  18. “That's-” Alicia was indeed surprised, unnerved by the unexpected appearance of her abyssal twin. Then again, Tzardana had always liked to change her form whenever the mood took her. “That's not my name. Not any more.”
  19. “Oh really?” Tzardana began to pace the room, her glossy black nails trailing across any furniture she passed, “Since when?”
  20. “Since I accepted Lilium's blessing and was born anew,” Alicia replied, holding her nerve as her sister vanished behind her, “My name is Alicia now. I'm not the person I used to be.”
  21. Tzardana burst out laughing, great lusty gales of laughter filling the room as she cackled to herself. “Wait, are you serious?” she asked suddenly, her humour dying abruptly, “We're succubi, you and I. Creatures born of evil. You think you can just wash that away by begging some pretender for a pat on the back?”
  22. “Lilium is truly divine!” Alicia snapped, turning round to slap Tzardana across the face. The blow was blocked by the other succubus' forearm, before Tzardana lunged into an attack of her own. The succubi traded blows for a moment before leaping back, giving each other vicious glares.
  23. “Your goddess is a whore,” Tzardana hissed, flexing her clawed fingers with murderous glee, “And you're nothing but a coward who won't accept her true nature.”
  24. “It doesn't have to be this way,” Alicia warned, casting off her robe to stand naked. Compared with her sister's bondage gear, her nudity seemed somehow pure – a thing of beauty, rather than lust. “We can both just walk away, no harm done,” she offered, though she knew that her sister would rather die than back down.
  25. “Walk away? You're an insult!” Tzardana spat, her eyes narrowed into vicious slits, “An insult to yourself, and an insult to our kind. Killing you would be a pleasure!” With that final curse, the black haired succubus pounced, lunging at Alicia with her hands grasping for her sister's throat.
  26. An open fight between two succubi was a rare thing, and not a particularly elegant sight. They tore at each other, flailing fists grabbing at handfuls of hair or jabbing at any opening left undefended. Yet, despite the furious violence, the sisters soon grew aroused, their bodies coaxed into action by the aura of supernatural attraction they were both cloaked in. At first, the arousal only spurred them on, bringing them to a new frenzy of scratching and clawing but, slowly, their blows turned into lingering caresses, their shouts of pain turning into gasps and moans.
  27. Seizing the initiative, Alicia threw her sister to the ground, forcing her legs apart as she reached out to grab her breast, squeezing it until Tzardana cried out. Alicia's other hand slipped down between her sister's legs, two fingers extended to probe the succubus' sex. The wet opening was warm, hot even, and seemed to suck the fingers in. This was the second stage of a succubus duel, a contest based on sexual endurance that would only end with one of them succumbing to orgasmic fatigue.
  28. Despite herself, Tzardana pressed her hips down against Alicia's fingers, driving them deeper into the throbbing passage of her sex as her own hands jumped to her sister's chest. Alicia gasped in surprise as Tzardana tugged forcefully at her nipples, filling her with a mingled feeling of pleasure and pain. Recovering quickly, she lunged down and clamped her mouth around Tzardana's nipple, her nimble tongue rolling over the nub of flesh.
  29. With their bodies burning with lust, it was nearly impossible for them to pry their bodies away from each other, even if it brought them closer to defeat. Indeed, any thoughts of fighting seemed distant and unimportant, a trivial matter compared with slaking their lustful hunger. Limbs entwined, the sisters rolled across the floor, both trying to climb on top of the other in the search for an advantage.
  30. Tzardana hadn't fed in a while, Alicia realised as she felt her sister grow weaker, whereas she was still endowed with the lingering remains of Barton's life-force. That proved to be the deciding factor, as she pushed her sister down and slid between her legs, pressing the slick warmth of her sex against Tzardana's slit.
  31. Gritting her teeth against the blissful pressure washing through her body, Alicia began to rub her sex against her sister's, teasing Tzardana's swollen clit with long, forceful strokes. Their legs parted like shears, the sisters thrust into each other, each trying to force her rival into an orgasm first. Sweat had started to gather on their bodies, glistening like oil in the flickering candlelight and running in lazy rivulets as their bodies thrashed. Slowly but surely, Alicia overpowered her sister, forcing the starved succubus to the ground and grinding her slit down against Tzardana's trembling body.
  32. “Please!” Tzardana cried out, her confidence evaporating as she realised that Alicia was gaining the upper hand. Wise to her sister's trickery, Alicia refused to let up. As soon as she showed the wily succubus a hint of mercy, Tzardana would strike back with a strength born of desperation. Her face set in a grim mask, Alicia pressed the attack, pushing Tzardana's legs further apart and tugging harder at her nipples. Her own pleasure was ruthlessly suppressed, with the devout succubus repeating a silent mantra to herself as she pulled Tzardana into a tight embrace.
  33. Her body quivering with the formidable pleasure Alicia had forced upon her, Tzardana cried out with the first spasms of her orgasm. Terror mingled with the joyous sensation of her orgasm as she lost control of her body and her mind, her defeat looming even as she gasped out in uncontrolled lust. Alicia held Tzardana's body close, stifling the convulsion that were wracking her sister as she whispered a non-stop steam of soothing words into her ear. There was no love lost between the pair of sisters, but still, Alicia had little desire to kill her wayward relative. Yet, that was what she had to do. Otherwise, Tzardana would recover, only to harry Alicia until one of the was dead. There was only one thing she could do.
  35. “Don't fight it,” Alicia whispered as she felt her divine gifts manifest, stretching her body to the size on an ogre. Tzardana looked up at her, her bleary eyes just barely focussing on Alicia's opening jaw. Taking a deep breath, Alicia grabbed Tzardana in a tight grip, closing her remorseful eyes as her jaws descended around the defeated succubus' head.
  36. This way, although it was far from an ideal solution, Tzardana's spirit might find some measure of rest, assimilated into the glorious whole that made up Lilium's divine self. Alicia would have preferred to lead her sister into the light out of a genuine desire for redemption, but life was rarely so convenient.
  37. Alicia's jaw creaked as she opened it a fraction wider, forcing Tzardana as far down as possible before her struggles became too much for her to handle. It was rare for Alicia to try and consume an unwilling convert, and the struggling was already starting to make her gag. Dropping to her knees, Alicia could feel her entire body clenching like a giant fist, rebelling against her writhing meal. Slowly, she was able to relax her throat, loosening the thick walls of muscle that would, hopefully, transport Tzardana to her final resting place.
  38. Saliva dripped from Alicia's jaws as Tzardana's struggles sent a thin spray of the glistening liquid splattering to the ground, darkening the plush carpet below. Tzardana's body – soaked in sweat from their furious sex battle – tasted of salt and carnality, awakening a deep and lustful hunger within Alicia's breast. Normally, she kept her base urges suppressed but now she welcomed the rush of energy they gifted her with.
  39. New strength rushed into her limbs as Alicia gripped Tzardana's body tighter, stilling the defeated succubus' struggles and forcing her deeper into the yawning abyss of Alicia's throat. Just a little more, she thought desperately to herself, feeling the muscles of her gullet clenching around her sister's body. Just a little more, and the goddess would take care of the rest.
  40. Pained tears began to form in Alicia's eyes as her jaws stretched achingly, just barely capable of opening wide enough for Tzardana's hips to pass the jagged barrier of her teeth. Tzardana had always prided herself on her wide, attractive hips, and now they were the one thing stopping her from entering Lilium's embrace. There was a lesson there, perhaps. Something about pride interfering with redemption. A matter for the scholars, Alicia decided, too busy to give the issue any further thought.
  41. Finally, with a wet pop and a sense of indescribable relief, Tzardana's waist slid past Alicia's lips, hungrily sucked down by the grasping muscles that lined her throat. A dull groan, heavy with the satisfaction of hard but righteous work, filled the room as Alicia let her stoic silence falter for a moment. It wasn't a sound that befitted her normally graceful self, but she didn't care. Guilt followed the satisfaction, a deep shame at the pleasure she felt from consuming her own sister.
  42. For the best, she reminded herself as Tzardana's lithe legs – still twitching slightly – disappeared down her gaping maw. Not only would she be saving Tzardana's soul, but the souls of all her victims as well. Converting – willingly or otherwise – a succubus was considered an important act in Lilium's faith, and Alicia had no doubt that she would be rewarded for her deeds. A low sigh escaped her as Tzardana's feet, the last remaining sign of her, vanished from sight and Alicia was able to let her jaw slide back into place. She would need to wait for a while, lingering in the now-deserted building until the defeated succubus was absorbed completely.
  43. Alicia shuddered, the discomfort of Tzardana's faltering struggles warring with the visceral pleasure of swallowing her whole. She wasn't going down easily, fighting against the rippling motion of Alicia's throat every inch of the way, but her struggles were ultimately futile. She was no longer inside Alicia, whisked away to another place by Lilium's divine intervention. Where Tzardana was, there was nothing but muscle and flesh, delivering her to a great stomach where her body would fade away and her spirit would be claimed.
  44. The succubus covered her mouth with a dainty hand as she belched quietly, her own stomach restless with sympathetic pains. A quick search of the building turned up a carafe filled with cool water, which Alicia quickly poured into a goblet. Still naked, she sat back down on the plush armchair and drank, absent-mindedly stroking her bloated stomach as she felt the cool water caress her aching mouth. All she had left to do now, was wait.
  46. Tzardana's mind was filled with curses, every drop of spite her infernal origins could manifest rising to the surface as she cursed her sister again and again. She had been weak, foolish, and Alicia – tainted with the strange touch of some divine being – had easily beaten her. Now, trapped within the utter blackness of a fleshy tube, Tzardana could do nothing but struggle pointlessly against her eventual fate – whatever that was.
  47. Her thrashing grew weaker as she slid down the seemingly endless tunnel, pressed from all sides by the irresistible strength of her prison. Not just her body, but her mind as well seemed to calm, a strange serenity – far from anything the unrepentant succubus had ever felt – settling over her. The urge to curse her fate had faded, with nothing but a vague trepidation rising up to fill the void. Perhaps she had simply given up, Tzardana wondered to herself in a rare moment of self-reflection, or perhaps this too was some strange magic.
  48. This might have been some kind of surreal afterlife, she realised. A hell where there was nothing but the endless motions of muscles pulling her ever lower. More of a purgatory than a hell, but perhaps that was the point. An infinite tunnel with nothing to do but contemplate her sins. How long before her mind broke, and she begged for redemption just to put an end to her hideous journey?
  49. “I won't break! You hear me, Alizana? I refuse to break!” Tzardana shrieked, putting all her remaining energy into the desperate scream of defiance. Nothing, not even an echo, responded to her tantrum, until the only noise left in the blackness of the tunnel was a lonesome sobbing. Even that, in time, faded away to nothing.
  51. Alicia rubbed her groaning stomach and took another sip of water, her brow creased with disquiet. Most would have submitted before now, giving themselves up to the goddess Lilium in hope of salvation. A succubus, born of infinite spite, was made of stronger stuff than a troublesome human, but it was just a matter of time.
  52. It broke her heart that it had come to this, putting her sister through such an ordeal, but it was for the greater good. Until Tzardana allowed herself to share Lilium's glory, there would be no peace for her victims, trapped in an everlasting existence as part of the succubus' own spirit. Of course, there was a small part of everyone she had consumed living within Alicia as well, but they too would join the goddess in due time.
  53. Slowly but surely, the vague feeling of pressure- the sympathetic reflection of what was occurring in Lilium's own throat - began to shrink. Finally, Tzardana was sliding deeper towards whatever fate awaited those who had given themselves over to the goddess. Tears, born of sheer religious joy, sprang to Alicia's eyes as she clasped her hands together, offering a silent prayer of thanks. Finally unburdened by her unrepentant sister, Alicia's stomach began to flatten out until it had returned to a state of perfection, smooth and unmarked. Tzardana, her sins absolved by Lilium's grace, had joined with the goddess and achieved true greatness.
  54. In a way, Alicia was jealous. To join Lilium was to know true contentment and to live in a state of constant bliss. Here, on the material place, Alicia had a long life ahead of her, fraught with pain and hardships, and yet she wouldn't have given it up for anything. She was a gateway, the portal by which all others could be saved. In due time she too would join with the goddess, but until then, Alicia had work to do.
  55. Brushing dust from her modest robe, Alicia dressed carefully and pulled her hood up, covering up the horns that marked her out as an inhuman. She had never possessed Tzardana's skill with changing her shape and preferred mundane ways of concealing herself. If nothing else, Alicia kept her demonic shape so that she might never forget what she was. She too had been like Tzardana once, driven by carnal hunger and the desire to end lives. Never again, she thought to herself as she stepped out into the blinding midday sun. Never again.
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