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Divequest rant

a guest
Nov 29th, 2014
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  1. I'll probably regret posting this here. FateLyre 2014/11/28(Fri)21:20 No. 606410 ID: 388ccd
  3. This probably does not belong here, but the Quest Discussion thread for DiveQuest seems rather dead at the moment. I discovered DiveQuest not long after watching the CoLab reading of RubyQuest on YT. After reading through all of this, I was left quite somber. I mean I definately enjoyed reading through the archives and such, but after 2010~11 it seems you were running out of ideas. I mean, I think you've said before that alot of what happens in the story was due to or inspired by the replies of the 'chaners here (much like Ruby/Nan Quest), but it just seemed as if the quest would never quite reach a satisfying end. There weren't many plot-points to begin with, but...I dunno...I'm going to admit that my favorite part of all this was Knight Blades, but even that didn't quite end favorably in my perspective. With the possiblity of Muschio having to fight his best friend out the window, I was hoping that perhaps the plot would go somewhere else interesting, but it just looked like you ran out of ideas. I kind of feel like a jerk for posting this, I mean, how should I have the right to criticize you for that in the first place? I've never even tried writing a story or drawing, both of which require some talent (I was actually fine with your art btw), but I really thought that this story could have gone far. I mean, if the lore was better defined and the plot was a bit more defined (I do know the quest plot is generally driven by the 'chaners here), I really do think that it would have been greater....which is not to say it wasn't good but I dunno. I guess I should blame myself for expecting way too much out of a generally less popular thing? Ah...I do feel like a jerk posting this, but I just feel that perhaps I should express my feelings a bit. If I could do something for DiveQuest in the future, I would but I just don't have the talent to do so or even the self-esteem to become talented in the first place. I'm a selfish person who expects everything from other people. I want people to just pop out these interesting stories, despite never looking for such stories in the first place....a lot of the things I'm interested in I found by coincidence. I don't really ever try persueing any of these interests unless it's just down-right easy for me to do so. It does not take much effort to FIND something interesting, yet I can't quite bring myself to actively do even that. I have no initiative, not even to entertain myself. I seem to only be capable of doing simple, mundane things that I already know how to do. Anything I do like is something that was either introduced to me or something I stumbled upon. I guess perhaps I do desire to be an oaf who only happens upon his expierences by chance. Even if I ever desired something, I doubt that I would even have the drive to persue it. I just don't know what to do anymore. Perhaps if I didn't trust others so much I would be able to be my own man, one capable of grasping achievement or at LEAST reaching for it...but I digress. I started this post talking about Dive Quest, did I not? I guess I wanted to say that I greedily desired this simple thing to become something bigger so that I could continue to senselessly indulge in it for a really long time. It's understandable that any author would run into a few walls here and there, but I now realize that you were not the problem...I was. I just wanted something so unlikely that I just felt dissappointed. I usually do end up feeling dissappointed anyways, moreso over myself; in which case the obvious contradiction here is my lack of effort to even overcome this and my other flaws. Heh, y'know what? I just realized that I somehow ended up writing a post full of self-loathing rather than any real meaning. I don't even know what I was trying to do in the first place anymore. I am just so selfish that I am of course compelled to tell you something completely prepostorous in the first place. It could possibly be such that my entire point here was to tell you that I'm dissappointed that you either lost interest or quite simply just ran out of ideas; or perhaps it could be that I just never wanted it to end. I'm reading your NanQuest too, but I just felt drawn into this quest after starting it. I don't know, I just don't know. In the end this post was utterly purposeless such as everything is. I'll continue reading NanQuest now that you started it back up, and I'll continue looking out for this too. Good luck Weaver.
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