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Jun 18th, 2010
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  1. [4:47:55 PM] Star Ultranova: Anyone here
  2. [4:48:10 PM] Andrew Blackburn: raaargh
  3. [4:48:12 PM] Arkinea: no
  4. [4:48:16 PM] Brando Pikoy Tiencho: yo
  5. [4:48:54 PM] Star Ultranova: Barbara: Yo but I gotta go see my other bonder soon
  6. [4:49:32 PM] Star Ultranova: So this week I learned:
  7. [4:49:35 PM] Star Ultranova: I absolutely depend and thrive on action
  8. [4:49:45 PM] Andrew Blackburn: ah
  9. [4:49:54 PM] Arkinea: *attention
  10. [4:49:55 PM] Arkinea: )
  11. [4:49:55 PM] Star Ultranova: I have paparazzi attacking my LJ
  12. [4:49:58 PM] Andrew Blackburn: then play some ACTION PACKED games to help
  13. [4:50:02 PM] Star Ultranova: Attention AND action, Ark
  14. [4:50:06 PM] Star Ultranova: Mostly action
  15. [4:50:18 PM] Star Ultranova: Anyway, stupid paparazzi idiot. I'm just gonna keep deleting his comments until he gets bored with me :\
  16. [4:50:27 PM] Kotetsu Redwood: PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
  17. [4:50:34 PM] Star Ultranova: Barbara: That is a form of harassment and you can report him to LJ Abuse for it
  18. [4:50:47 PM] Star Ultranova: ..I ban him from my journal and he just keeps making new accounts so I doubt that'll work
  19. [4:51:24 PM] Star Ultranova: How do you report people
  20. [4:51:37 PM] Brando Pikoy Tiencho: I'm sure there's a button for it
  21. [4:51:54 PM] Star Ultranova: There is none
  22. [4:52:07 PM] Star Ultranova: He says he's going to keep making accounts until I "stop being a bitch and banning him like a child"
  23. [4:52:18 PM] Star Ultranova: So let's see if the LJ Abuse team gives him the "rational, adult response" he needs
  24. [4:53:23 PM] Kotetsu Redwood: What's happening
  25. [4:54:00 PM] Star Ultranova: This kid from my Creepypasta days came around randomly and put an idiot comment on my LJ
  26. [4:54:04 PM] Star Ultranova: So I deleted+banned him
  27. [4:54:13 PM] Star Ultranova: He came around with another account all "WHY WON'T YOU LET ME HAVE ANY FUN"
  28. [4:54:14 PM] Star Ultranova: Deleted+banned
  29. [4:54:29 PM] Star Ultranova: Came around with a third account all "I'm going to keep making accounts until you respond with a rational, adult answer"
  30. [4:54:35 PM] Star Ultranova: This guy doesn't know how to be a rational adult
  31. [4:54:37 PM] Star Ultranova: So I cannot do that
  32. [4:54:43 PM] Star Ultranova: Barbara: Just keep deleting him. He'll get bored.
  33. [4:54:53 PM] Arkinea: *friends
  34. [4:55:00 PM] Arkinea: i dont know how you typoed bored like that
  35. [4:55:03 PM] Arkinea: that is sily
  36. [4:55:07 PM] Brando Pikoy Tiencho: You can't get rid of idiots
  37. [4:55:23 PM] Star Ultranova: Already am
  38. [4:55:28 PM] Star Ultranova: If he brings "friends" I'll delete+ban them all too
  39. [4:55:31 PM] Kotetsu Redwood: What was the idiot comment?
  40. [4:56:01 PM] Star Ultranova: "Get a fucking JOB and get off your lazy ass." If it wasn't this guy I woulda given a rebuttal, but I already know this guy's a known idiot from my Creepypasta days. :\
  41. [4:56:26 PM] Star Ultranova: I don't feel the need to explain to this guy
  42. [4:56:31 PM] Kotetsu Redwood: And what was this comment about?
  43. [4:56:38 PM] Star Ultranova: How my vacation's getting expensive
  44. [4:56:39 PM] Kotetsu Redwood: I mean
  45. [4:56:52 PM] Kotetsu Redwood: Well, yeah, getting a job would probably help with money
  46. [4:56:55 PM] Arkinea: the indoor rainforest?
  47. [4:56:58 PM] Star Ultranova: Yeah
  48. [4:57:05 PM] Star Ultranova: The indoor rainforest and other additional stuff
  49. [4:57:05 PM] Arkinea: man they got rainforests outside
  50. [4:57:22 PM] Kotetsu Redwood: So yeah, he's got a point. Although his wording may not be the most civil...
  51. [4:57:23 PM] Star Ultranova: Yuna: The indoor rainforest is the pool of the hotel
  52. [4:57:27 PM] Kotetsu Redwood: Getting a job would probably be a really good idea!
  53. [4:57:30 PM] Star Ultranova: Yuna: Thing is, Kotetsu, she is working on getting a job
  54. [4:57:38 PM] Star Ultranova: Yuna: She's working on starting her OWN business.
  55. [4:57:47 PM] Star Ultranova: Yuna: Things like that take time though. :\
  56. [4:57:56 PM] Andrew Blackburn: And money.
  57. [4:58:09 PM] Star Ultranova: Yuna: And that
  58. [4:58:09 PM] Kotetsu Redwood: Well, for now, could always get a part time temp job.
  59. [4:58:16 PM] Arkinea: your 17 with no education or money and your tryibg to start ur own businesS?
  60. [4:58:24 PM] Arkinea: :|||||||||
  61. [4:58:26 PM] Star Ultranova: I have money
  62. [4:58:39 PM] Star Ultranova: I still get my 800 dollars a month from the government until I'm 19
  63. [4:58:45 PM] Kotetsu Redwood: ... wait what
  64. [4:58:46 PM] Arkinea: ghhaggarbala;arrr
  65. [4:58:50 PM] Arkinea: punch u
  66. [4:58:53 PM] Brando Pikoy Tiencho: You have no buisness experience though
  67. [4:58:55 PM] Star Ultranova: So I will need to have the business before I am nineteen obviously
  68. [4:58:57 PM] Kotetsu Redwood: what do you get 800 dollars though!?
  69. [4:58:59 PM] Star Ultranova: SSD
  70. [4:59:05 PM] Star Ultranova: Dad's a retired senior
  71. [4:59:10 PM] Star Ultranova: He applied for SSI for himself, SSD for my mom and myself
  72. [4:59:16 PM] Kotetsu Redwood: SSD?
  73. [4:59:17 PM] Star Ultranova: I get it as long as I am enrolled in school, until I am 19
  74. [4:59:24 PM] Star Ultranova: Social Security Dependent, I think it's called
  75. [4:59:33 PM] Arkinea: u scholl til u `9?
  76. [4:59:35 PM] Kotetsu Redwood: fpfpspffpssaarrggrrgargarg
  77. [4:59:39 PM] Arkinea: 19
  78. [4:59:46 PM] Star Ultranova: Yuna: She graduates when she is 18, Ark
  79. [4:59:47 PM] Kotetsu Redwood: I only get $400 a month and that's because I literally cannot sustain myself at home
  80. [4:59:50 PM] Star Ultranova: Yuna: And turns 19 that October
  81. [5:00:00 PM] Andrew Blackburn: Social Security Disability
  82. [5:00:07 PM] Andrew Blackburn: that's what SSD stands for
  83. [5:00:13 PM] Andrew Blackburn: add the I for Income
  84. [5:00:20 PM] Brando Pikoy Tiencho: I'm missing out then
  85. [5:00:20 PM] Arkinea: star yore the reason the economys gone down the drain
  86. [5:00:21 PM] Andrew Blackburn: brb though
  87. [5:00:25 PM] Brando Pikoy Tiencho: I need to sign up for that
  88. [5:00:26 PM] Arkinea: you dont even fucking work
  89. [5:00:37 PM] Star Ultranova: Yuna: Ark, her DAD applied for the SSD
  90. [5:00:43 PM] Star Ultranova: Yuna: She had no part in it
  91. [5:00:53 PM] Star Ultranova: Yuna: And social security is fine. :\
  92. [5:00:53 PM] Arkinea: meanwhile that is everybody who actually DOES work has to pay to feed your massive fleshbody
  93. [5:01:01 PM] Star Ultranova: Yuna: You're being an idiot, you know that
  94. [5:01:02 PM] Arkinea: :|||||||||||||||
  95. [5:01:04 PM] Kotetsu Redwood: :I
  96. [5:01:05 PM] Star Ultranova: Maxine: SHUT UP!
  97. [5:01:09 PM] Kotetsu Redwood: Ark's got a point.
  99. [5:01:27 PM] Star Ultranova: Maxine: SO CHOKE ON A METAL ROD.
  100. [5:01:32 PM] Star Ultranova: ....Well thanks Maxine
  101. [5:01:45 PM] Arkinea: wowwww u sure showed me the erroer of my ways u_u
  102. [5:01:58 PM] Brando Pikoy Tiencho: Try to find a job
  103. [5:02:00 PM] Kotetsu Redwood: So basically using other people's money for final fantasy and comics without giving anything back to the world until said money stops
  104. [5:02:01 PM] Star Ultranova: Maxine: Not trying to. Just trying to get you to stfu and worry about your own life before you worry about other people's.
  105. [5:02:09 PM] Star Ultranova: Kotetsu, I'm working on it
  106. [5:02:10 PM] Kotetsu Redwood: Ark, do you have a job?
  107. [5:02:12 PM] Arkinea: So basically using other people's money for final fantasy and comics without giving anything back to the world until said money stops
  108. [5:02:17 PM] Arkinea: my parents work
  109. [5:02:18 PM] Star Ultranova: I can't just magically have a business poof out of thin air
  110. [5:02:20 PM] Star Ultranova: I have to WORK on this stuff.
  111. [5:02:23 PM] Arkinea: i cant drive
  112. [5:02:26 PM] Arkinea: yet
  113. [5:02:28 PM] Star Ultranova: I can't drive either
  114. [5:02:29 PM] Kotetsu Redwood: ohhh okay
  115. [5:02:37 PM] Star Ultranova: Too little of an attention span
  116. [5:02:38 PM] Arkinea: i can take the test in august tho
  117. [5:02:51 PM] Brando Pikoy Tiencho: I'm not even allowed to drive
  118. [5:03:06 PM] Arkinea: Too little of an attention spanno this isnt a reason you arent SUPPOSED to focus on one thing too long when youre driving
  119. [5:03:14 PM] Star Ultranova: Maxine: Uh
  120. [5:03:16 PM] Star Ultranova: Maxine: She has to focus on the road
  121. [5:03:21 PM] Star Ultranova: Maxine: Her eyes tend to dart around so yeah
  122. [5:03:29 PM] Star Ultranova: Maxine: It's better that she waits a few years
  123. [5:03:32 PM] Arkinea: Maxine: Her eyes tend to dart around so yeah so you see where the cars are
  124. [5:03:36 PM] Arkinea: duh
  125. [5:03:49 PM] Arkinea: road sides mirrors road
  126. [5:03:52 PM] Star Ultranova: Yuna: Ark, Star is a talented woman and can do a lot of things. But she cannot drive.
  127. [5:03:54 PM] Arkinea: dashboard
  128. [5:03:57 PM] Star Ultranova: Yuna: Even we say she cannot drive o_o
  129. [5:04:09 PM] Arkinea: Yuna: Ark, Star is a talented woman and can do a lot of things. But she cannot has NO skills
  130. [5:04:10 PM] Star Ultranova: Yuna: Will she in a few years? Most likely. Can she now? Oh god no
  131. [5:04:11 PM] Arkinea: she DOESNT work
  132. [5:04:16 PM] Star Ultranova: Yuna: Work=/=skills
  133. [5:04:17 PM] Brando Pikoy Tiencho: So what can you do
  134. [5:04:19 PM] Arkinea: she doesnt LEARN at school
  135. [5:04:30 PM] Arkinea: she plays on the internet all day
  136. [5:04:34 PM] Star Ultranova: Yuna: She's the right-brain type and most of her skills lie in creating things
  137. [5:04:37 PM] Arkinea: reading wikipedia and tctropes
  138. [5:04:39 PM] Star Ultranova: Ark you're totally in my life, right?
  139. [5:04:43 PM] Arkinea: no
  140. [5:04:45 PM] Arkinea: god no
  141. [5:04:46 PM] Star Ultranova: I didn't know you lived in New Jersey
  142. [5:04:48 PM] Star Ultranova: I thought you lived in Florida
  143. [5:04:56 PM] Star Ultranova: So until you actually move into my house, you don't get to judge.
  144. [5:04:58 PM] Kotetsu Redwood: Well star, just get a job. You may want your own business, but believe me, that will end up costing more money than you will gain, so for now, just get a job, and if you really want to make a business then get a job then save up GUBMINT MONEY and money from the job, then buy some business studies education or somethin and then maybe in several years you may be able to afford it and then you will use all your money on a business that will become a failed investment and you'll have wasted all your money on what will most likely be a failure unless you can get a really good business idea
  145. [5:05:07 PM] Star Ultranova: No, Kotetsu
  146. [5:05:11 PM] Star Ultranova: I'm starting a business, okay
  147. [5:05:13 PM] Arkinea: you didnt even read that
  148. [5:05:14 PM] Kotetsu Redwood: DID YOU EVEN READ THAT
  149. [5:05:19 PM] Star Ultranova: Yes
  150. [5:05:23 PM] Arkinea: no you did not
  151. [5:05:24 PM] Brando Pikoy Tiencho: It makes sense
  152. [5:05:29 PM] Star Ultranova: That is my job. Starting my own business.
  153. [5:05:34 PM] Brando Pikoy Tiencho: you need buisness experience and knowledge
  154. [5:05:35 PM] Star Ultranova: I'll be working on it all summer, and all next summer
  155. [5:05:41 PM] Arkinea: that is your FIRST JPOB its going to fail
  156. [5:05:47 PM] Brando Pikoy Tiencho: I agree
  157. [5:05:49 PM] Star Ultranova: Maxine: Not necessarily
  158. [5:05:54 PM] Kotetsu Redwood: f you really want to make a business then get a job then save up GUBMINT MONEY and money from the job, then buy some business studies education or somethin and then maybe in several years you may be able to afford it
  159. [5:05:54 PM] Star Ultranova: Maxine: Jewelry is a very flexible field
  160. [5:05:55 PM] Arkinea: you are going to LOSE money
  161. [5:06:02 PM] Brando Pikoy Tiencho: What experience do you have?
  162. [5:06:09 PM] Star Ultranova: I don't have any right now.
  163. [5:06:11 PM] Arkinea: people still have to buy things from you
  164. [5:06:16 PM] Arkinea: hghbbbllll
  165. [5:06:18 PM] Star Ultranova: Maxine: And what makes you think they won't?
  166. [5:06:30 PM] Star Ultranova: Maxine: Art is always subjective
  167. [5:06:34 PM] Brando Pikoy Tiencho: What knowledge of buisness do you have?
  168. [5:06:39 PM] Arkinea: and what does she know about arty
  169. [5:06:40 PM] Star Ultranova: Maxine: And as long as she prices them reasonably I don't see why they wouldn't buy things from her.
  170. [5:06:49 PM] Kotetsu Redwood: well
  171. [5:06:50 PM] Brando Pikoy Tiencho: Ah
  172. [5:06:51 PM] Arkinea: b/c they dont look good???
  173. [5:06:52 PM] Star Ultranova: Maxine: ...Ark, art is her damn FIELD.
  174. [5:06:58 PM] Arkinea: ok..........................sure
  175. [5:06:59 PM] Star Ultranova: Maxine: "Look good" is subjective, though
  176. [5:07:06 PM] Star Ultranova: Maxine: She may think stuff you wear doesn't look good
  177. [5:07:20 PM] Star Ultranova: Maxine: But you bought it, so you obviously thought it looked good. :\
  178. [5:07:24 PM] Brando Pikoy Tiencho: If you lack knowledge and experience you'll fail
  179. [5:07:29 PM] Arkinea: i wear t shirts i got for free
  180. [5:07:33 PM] Star Ultranova: Maxine: She's working on it, Brando
  181. [5:07:40 PM] Arkinea: :|
  182. [5:07:42 PM] Star Ultranova: Maxine: Now can we please not poke our noses into somebody else's life?
  183. [5:07:45 PM] Kotetsu Redwood: Well I gave you good advice earlier :I
  184. [5:07:47 PM] Arkinea: you told us
  185. [5:07:57 PM] Kotetsu Redwood: yet you just instantly dismissed it as NO I'M DOING IT OKAY
  186. [5:07:57 PM] Arkinea: you mentioned it
  187. [5:08:00 PM] Brando Pikoy Tiencho: We're just trying to help
  188. [5:08:10 PM] Star Ultranova: Maxine: Well, I'm mainly referring to Ark when I said that
  189. [5:08:16 PM] Kotetsu Redwood: Well star, just get a job. You may want your own business, but believe me, that will end up costing more money than you will gain, so for now, just get a job, and if you really want to make a business then get a job then save up GUBMINT MONEY and money from the job, then buy some business studies education or somethin and then maybe in several years you may be able to afford it
  190. [5:08:24 PM] Star Ultranova: I can't get a job
  191. [5:08:27 PM] Kotetsu Redwood: Here's the post in its entirety. Please read this? :<
  192. [5:08:33 PM] Star Ultranova: There's no jobs I can get right now besides working at McDonalds or a stor.e
  193. [5:08:33 PM] Arkinea: yes you can
  194. [5:08:34 PM] Star Ultranova: *store
  195. [5:08:37 PM] Star Ultranova: I am not working at anybody's store.
  196. [5:08:42 PM] Star Ultranova: Except for my own.
  197. [5:08:45 PM] Kotetsu Redwood: Well, then get a job at mcdonalds or a store
  198. [5:08:54 PM] Star Ultranova: ...And I don't even have a store it's going to be craft fair vending and Etsy
  199. [5:08:55 PM] Kotetsu Redwood: Because if you don't have money how are you going to pay for starting up said business
  200. [5:09:03 PM] Arkinea: hah etsy
  201. [5:09:11 PM] Star Ultranova: With my 33 thousand dollars I have sitting in my bank account?
  202. [5:09:22 PM] Kotetsu Redwood: oh when you said business I thought you- FAGFMOSAGPPGFEAMOPFEMPKMEF
  203. [5:09:23 PM] Kotetsu Redwood: garmgpogarmiganporg
  204. [5:09:24 PM] Kotetsu Redwood: aerngoaonernganipharthnoarthoanrth
  205. [5:09:25 PM] Arkinea: that your gubmint money?
  206. [5:09:34 PM] Star Ultranova: Basically.
  207. [5:09:47 PM] Star Ultranova: I don't think I got ALL of it via SSD though I don't know how it ended up that much
  208. [5:09:49 PM] Arkinea: thx for ruining everybody elses lives
  209. [5:09:54 PM] Star Ultranova: Maxine: Will you shut up
  210. [5:10:00 PM] Kotetsu Redwood: You first
  211. [5:10:02 PM] Star Ultranova: Maxine: Your life has nothing to do with hers.
  212. [5:10:09 PM] Star Ultranova: Maxine: Nothing. And what she does with her money is her problem.
  213. [5:10:10 PM] Arkinea: she is talking about her life
  214. [5:10:15 PM] Arkinea: so stop being a retard star
  215. [5:10:15 PM] Star Ultranova: Maxine: Yeah 'cause she mentioned jobs.
  216. [5:10:27 PM] Star Ultranova: Maxine: So stop being a retard, Arkinea
  217. [5:10:31 PM] Arkinea: well first she was moaning about her LJ
  218. [5:10:35 PM] Star Ultranova: Maxine: She wasn't moaning
  219. [5:10:41 PM] Kotetsu Redwood: It's not just "her" money
  220. [5:10:43 PM] Star Ultranova: Maxine: She was talking about banning paparazzi I didn't know she had
  221. [5:10:48 PM] Star Ultranova: Yeah it is Kotetsu
  222. [5:10:52 PM] Star Ultranova: I even asked my dad what it's used for
  223. [5:10:55 PM] Star Ultranova: And he said "luxuries"
  224. [5:11:03 PM] Star Ultranova: Dad and Mom's accounts are used for bills and stuff
  225. [5:11:09 PM] Kotetsu Redwood: people in the USA gave up taxes in money just so it can be given to some 18-year-old who has never worked a single day in her life
  226. [5:11:14 PM] Star Ultranova: When I'm older he will start making me use mine for bills though.
  227. [5:11:21 PM] Star Ultranova: Maxine: Kotetsu.
  228. [5:11:26 PM] Star Ultranova: Maxine: You're acting like she's never going to work
  229. [5:11:31 PM] Arkinea: she sint
  230. [5:11:37 PM] Star Ultranova: Maxine: Just because she is not working RIGHT THIS SECOND doesn't mean she never will
  231. [5:11:46 PM] Star Ultranova: Maxine: She obviously will have to find work someday and she is WORKING ON FINDING IT.
  232. [5:11:47 PM] Kotetsu Redwood: I'm not talking about the future.
  233. [5:11:59 PM] Star Ultranova: Maxine: Well, she doesn't need to work right now. She will work when she can have her business.
  234. [5:12:01 PM] Kotetsu Redwood: I'm talking about the present and the past; the future is irrelevant.
  235. [5:12:11 PM] Star Ultranova: Maxine: And since she's selling on the Internet, she doesn't even need a business loan
  236. [5:12:16 PM] Star Ultranova: Maxine: Until it gets huge, anyway.
  237. [5:12:26 PM] Star Ultranova: Maxine: I mean, when she's older and if she's successful, she'll want to open a store.
  238. [5:12:35 PM] Star Ultranova: Maxine: THEN you need a small business loan and all that
  239. [5:12:40 PM] Kotetsu Redwood: well it's not really a job if it's on the internet
  240. [5:12:45 PM] Kotetsu Redwood: it's just turning a hobby into profit
  241. [5:12:51 PM] Star Ultranova: Maxine: It makes money, doesn't it?
  242. [5:12:57 PM] Kotetsu Redwood: >turning a hobby into profit
  243. [5:13:03 PM] Star Ultranova: Maxine: If you are paid to do it
  244. [5:13:06 PM] Star Ultranova: Maxine: It is a job
  245. [5:13:20 PM] Kotetsu Redwood: It's a comission if you're paid to do it.
  246. [5:13:29 PM] Star Ultranova: *friend locks her thread*
  247. [5:13:40 PM] Arkinea: wat]'
  248. [5:14:01 PM] Kotetsu Redwood: Take something like a furry artist. Drawing is not their job. If they get a comission it's not a job; just turning a hobby into profit.
  249. [5:14:09 PM] Star Ultranova: I friend locked the thread being attacked by that loser paparazzi dude
  250. [5:14:19 PM] Star Ultranova: Dinah: Powned.
  251. [5:14:21 PM] Star Ultranova: Oh yeah.
  252. [5:14:32 PM] Kotetsu Redwood: The guy who had the good advice of suggesting you should probably get a job?
  253. [5:14:49 PM] Star Ultranova: Dinah: Well apparently he's kind of an enemy of hers from a while back
  254. [5:14:52 PM] Star Ultranova: Dinah: Plus he just said we were slaves.
  255. [5:15:01 PM] Kotetsu Redwood: Believe me, if you don't track it VERY carefully you will wonder where the hell half your money disappeared.
  256. [5:15:07 PM] Kotetsu Redwood: This is from experience; trust me on this.
  258. [5:15:13 PM] Star Ultranova: Dinah: So yeah.
  259. [5:15:29 PM] Star Ultranova: But Kotetsu
  260. [5:15:35 PM] Star Ultranova: If they live off making commissions
  261. [5:15:37 PM] Star Ultranova: That is a job
  262. [5:16:09 PM] Star Ultranova: I don't necessarily want jewelry design to be my life's profession
  263. [5:16:21 PM] Star Ultranova: But it'll put bread on the table until I actually find my life's profession (it's not bounty hunting! ;_;)
  264. [5:16:24 PM] Star Ultranova: What kind of emote is that
  265. [5:16:32 PM] Kotetsu Redwood: winking of course
  266. [5:16:40 PM] Star Ultranova: It was supposed to be ;_;
  267. [5:16:47 PM] Star Ultranova: Dinah: The parentheses hijacked it
  268. [5:16:53 PM] Star Ultranova: Dinah: Can we stop arguing about jobs now
  269. [5:17:12 PM] Star Ultranova: Dinah: I know you wanna help, Kotetsu, and I know you wanna be a dipshit, Ark, but this is Star's life. Not yours.
  270. [5:17:17 PM] Arkinea: what so you can be like hmmmmmmmmm no ones talking i am going to babble about action figures!!! :0
  271. [5:17:18 PM] Kotetsu Redwood: Yes please i'm sick of arguing with a brick wall
  272. [5:17:35 PM] Star Ultranova: Dinah: Brick wall yourself. Let's talk about the oil spill.
  273. [5:17:40 PM] Arkinea: bullshit
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