
Drugs, Dicks, Best Pone (CLOP**)

May 16th, 2013
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  1. This was something I wrote for the thread on a whim. I had no preplanning, it was rushed and it was written late at night. So I apologize for how sloppy this is.
  3. >You. Great and Powerful Trixie.
  4. >You never met the bitch, but apparently she had a show bad enough for her to invite a stranger into her wagon. You're not much for walking into the home of promiscuous strangers, but you suddenly remembered a saying from back on Earth.
  5. >#yoloswag #420blazeitfaggot
  6. >Following these wise words, you joined the mare for a little private party. She gave you some foreign alcohol that you've never heard of and you didn't really care enough to hesitate.
  7. >The night passed in a blur, and next thing you know, you and this Trixie are completely nude and night got even crazier.
  8. >Trixie was quick to rub her hooves all over your already erect member. Was it amazing? For hooves, sure. And with the state you were in, it was more than enough. You quickly got so hard you boner even hurt a little.
  9. >And of course the bitch would pull away just as you were really getting into it.
  10. >She turns off a the small lantern, leaving you blind before she alights something else with her horn. Some sort of glass bauble with a bright purple light inside. She levitates it up to top shelf so it may light the small wagon in a dull magenta tone.
  11. >"The Great and Powerful Trixie is about to make entire party a whole... lot..." She reaches under her bed and pulls out a small bag filled with a powder that looks pink in this light. "Stand up."
  12. >She doesn't wait for you to do it yourself and yanks you up by your armpits. She lowers her face down to your erection and levitates the little baggie over it. Then begins to pull out a stream of the stuff to lower onto your cock.
  13. >"I've always wanted to try this."
  15. >She gently brings the stuff down onto your member in a nice, thin line, rolls up one of the tiny pieces of paper that were laying around, and promptly snorts the substance through it.
  16. >As she pulls away, she even gives you a quick flick of the tongue as a parting gift.
  17. >Realization hits you as to what she's snorting, or at least its Earth equivalency.
  18. >If that didn't confirm it, the way rolls onto her flank and starts tensing her muscles does. She sports a wide smile through clenched teeth, breathing heavily in and out through them. She leans back on her forehooves so she may open and close her thighs freely.
  19. >That's the first time you actually get to see her marehood in full view. Given her actions tonight, you expected her to be the kind of mare with a gaping, overused pussy. But it was clean. Supple. Hardly covered with a tuft of hair. Inviting.
  20. >Your dick twitches.
  21. >"Mmmph, wanna try?"
  22. >No words come, you only nod in agreement.
  23. >"Like... like I did." She rolls over onto her stomach and raises her rump high into the air and lifts her tail. Same amazing sight, different angle. You're slightly mesmerized by it, distracting you from Trixie doing all the work. Laying the power out in a perfect line on both sides of her flank. Placing the rolled up piece of paper in your hand. What a nice gal.
  24. >"You're a big guy. You can handle two rows, can't you?"
  25. >In all honesty, you've never done something like this, but you're way too far in to back out now.
  26. >With little hesitation you get on a knee and snort the stuff off her left ass cheek. The effects are almost immediate. A sudden rush of supremacy hits you and you take that next line like a fucking Olympian.
  28. >The same feeling hits you again and the whole experience intensifies.
  29. >You suddenly become pumped and ready to take on the world. You spring to your feet and give Trixie's ass a hard slap, eliciting a drawn out moan from her.
  30. >Not content with standing still, you pace back a forth in the wagon before you catch something.
  31. >Trixie's flank. Again.
  32. >Except no thoughts of beauty or caution cross your mind. The only thing that pops in there is, 'What am I waiting for?'
  33. >The answer quickly becomes 'nothing' as you take two quick strides towards Trixie and grab her by the tail, getting another moan from her.
  34. >No time to waste. You guide your member to the right spot with your free hand and let her have it. No time for romance. No need. You find your spot and give it everything you've got.
  35. >You drill into the blue mare with no regard for her wishes, but judging by her fastpaced breathing and moaning, you seem to be doing just fine. Caught up in the moment, you give her flank another hard slap before somehow increasing your speed. You dig your nails into her flank and her whole lower body seems to convulse already.
  36. >Far too soon, Trixie lets out one more moan that could almost pass off as a scream as she floods your cock with her own juices.
  37. >But you're far from done with her.
  38. >Her body finally stops quivering, giving you the moment you needed to lift her up and set her on her back, onto the bed.
  39. >She looks up at you in confusion before realizing the problem. You're still going strong.
  40. >Trixie lets out a quiet chuckle and spready her legs wide for you. The fur around her pussy has become matter with her own fluids and the prize itself looks like it... well, it looks exactly like it would after the pounding you're giving it.
  42. >You take your time in lining yourself up. Still being half-drunk, you miss once or twice before inserting yourself into her.
  43. >Starting off at a slower rhythm this time, you lean forward and work your hips into a routine.
  44. >Her vision wanders momentarily before locking with your own. Her goofy, pleasure filled expression fades as you stare into each other. She wraps her hooves around your neck and pulls you in closer. Closer until your nose is touching her snout. You gaze into each other as the fucking continues, unflinching. She takes a quick glance downwards and you move it for the strike. Your lips meet hers as you attempt to wrestle tongues with her, but she seems adamant on more innocent kissing for the time being.
  45. >You increase your pace and lower your check closer to her, getting her to arch her back and moan in response, bringing her even closer. You take the opportunity to finally invade her mouth with your tongue, and boy is she more willing than she let on. She attempts to keep up with your raping movements but you far outpace her. You're not doing anything miraculous. You're simply exploring every bit of her mouth as fast as you can. You care very little for perfect form with more than one thing hindering you.
  46. >Already Trixie begins to flex and convulse around you. This time it's perfect. Her body moving with yours and the feeling of complete superiority drove you faster to the edge.
  47. >You slow your pace but empower your thrusts. Each one causes Trixie to moan a little louder and pull you a little closer.
  49. >Her increasing volume moans become something of a countdown, except you don't know what level she'll finally cum at.
  50. >It's almost torture. You're ready to blow at any time, but you want this to be special.
  51. >Luckily, her erratic hoof movements on your neck betray her. She lets out a loud sigh of relief as she orgasms again, her body pumping your cock for any cum it will give.
  52. >And after one more good thrust, you give it all. You grab Trixie's thighs firmly as you release your seed into her womb. Even you let out a cry of pleasure as it all dumps into her.
  53. >After a quarter of a minute of the highest coitus bliss, you pull your already softening member out of Trixie and lean forward on the bed to catch your breath.
  54. >Both you and Trixie only pant for the next minute before Trixie rolls onto her stomach and gives you a sultry look.
  55. >"You'd better get ready for more." She gets a little closer to whisper into your ear. "Because it's going to be a long night."
  56. >You let your newly reacquired erection do the talking for you.
  57. >She chuckles to herself and turns away. She lifts her tail once more, inviting you 'inside'.
  58. >You lay a hand on her flank and bring yourself to her inviting lips, but she covers it up with a hoof.
  59. >"No, no. Let this one rest. You have two more to play with."
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