
Ryuu Robotic tools

Jun 23rd, 2016
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  1. Character Name: Ryuu
  2. Key: RinsSDwasEpic
  3. Application for: Robotic Tools
  5. Ryuu awoke, stuffing and cogs scattered across the cobblestone floor around him. He had no idea where he was, how he got there or why. He looked down at his abdomen as it sparked and emitted a grinding sound. He could hear the circuits within him fizzing and shorting out, he felt weak. Barely able to stand he placed his hands on to some stone behind him, using it to push himself up to a hunched over position. His right arm laid across his abdomen attempting to hold the split in it closed as he made his way over to a table to hold himself up better. It wasn't an extreme pain, in fact, if anything it was an empty feeling and his body moved in a specific manner due to fear and misunderstanding.
  7. The doll looked around from the table and then back to it, finding more cogs, wires, some sheets of metal and a book or two. The books were labelled with a silver like writing and embellished in a golden embroidery. From what he could see it said, "Cybernetics 101" something that Ryuu was unfamiliar with but at the moment was intrigued by. The other book was titled "Clockwork Dolls: Ghosts in the shells", at the moment; though interested; Ryuu didn't feel like these were things he needed right away. It was then that he saw a large sewing needle and a spoil of thread.
  9. Pulling over a chair and grabbing the large needle, Ryuu began to feed thread into it and tying it off so that it was a solid knot against the eye of the needle. He took in a breath closing his eyes for a moment as he leaned back on the chair and began to work some stitches into his body. The first one was the hardest as the mere feeling of something tugging against part of his body and connecting it to another was disturbing to him.
  11. Halfway through sewing himself up he took a break, rubbing his head finding that he had two large hard horns sticking out the back of each side of his head, they were rather long and pointy and caused him to wonder what he really looked like. In the midst of his curiosity a P.D.A. on the floor near his original resting place flickered on. He could hear a familiar voice coming from it.
  13. "Is this thing on? Ah yes, good. This is recording number seven of project Ryuu, after years of cybernetic research, studies in blood rituals, mingling with demons and even going as far as the reaches of space to find answers for this strange phenomenon, we have successfully created a synthetic living organism comprised of no more than a large stuff animal, cybernetics for movement and energy distribution annnnnd a little bit of magic to give this being life, a real life, one with its own conscience. Testing will begin shortly as soon as we make a few m-"
  15. The P.D.A. turns into a snowy static, causing a loud blare of sound to come from it just before turning off. Ryuu sat in the chair, eyes wide as he heard the message playback to him. As if it were fate that it should turn on as he was mid mend seeking answers. Was he this synthetic being? One made from cybernetics and magic? A being that came to life from science? It would certainly explain his clockwork insides spritzing electricity here and against some clearly non flammable stuffing.
  17. Ryuu picked up the book on cybernetics as if to read into how exactly it was that his body worked. How the circuitry reacted to one another, how it reacted to different sections of his body. Though Ryuu himself didn't know exactly how much of his body was cybernetic, and how much was doll. He then had to read into the second book on the table. He did this while he stitched the rest of himself up, so into the book that he didn't even give the needle a second thought. He did however wait to tie it off at the end, just in case there was some work that he needed to have done still inside of him.
  19. Ryuu -was- moving rather sluggish and he -did- have discomfort within himself, even if it wasn't pain per-say. After reading both books within the creaky, damp, old basement he got up from is chair and began searching through desks and bookcases. Later, after hours of toiling over methods and explanations he found yet another P.D.A. He placed a finger on it, causing it to turn on. There was a video to this one, at least one that he could see. Ryuu fixated his eyes on a strange person in a lab coat and behind him several different looking dolls and droids. Some of the dolls were half mechanical, cleaved in the mid section allowing oil like fluids and bluish hued drippings to fall to the floor into a vat. It looked abysmal at first, but when the Doctor began explaining what he was doing it had become clear.
  21. It was the mixing of life energy, droid fluids from batteries and reactor cores being poured into a vat in attempt to create a marvel in technology, one that failed a couple times from the look of it. The video later began to go on about how to tune up a cybernetic body using a specific tool. One that could solder, encrypt, wire, tighten and loosen anything within a robotic like body, even install or remove extra bits. The scientist went on to explain how all of his creations had room for upgrades, pieces of technology he would later develop for some of his latest models. But Ryuu was a prototype from what he remembered in the other video. One of the first of his kind made with a conscience, did this mean he was the latest model?
  23. He began searching though the basement more and more as he listened to the video play on, explaining how to open up a network of energy within a cybernetic body, but Ryuu needed the tool to go on about this. It was like a father leaving notes for his son, a way to make a better life, one where he could live happily, but darker. This was all Ryuu really had, and despite how uncomfortable he was with everything, what more could he really do? He needed to fix what was going on inside of him one way or another, the stitches were only a temporary fix to yet another, bigger but temporary problem if he could find that which he needed.
  25. "If something should happen to me" the Doctor in the video continued "The code to my laboratory is 8790082, one can find zee panel just behind my book case, I leave this here in hopes that the one who finds it can continue my research. There is much to be learned yet, and I fear I will grow too old to carry out my research. Please, whatever you do, do not allow my work to go incomplete, there is still so much left to d-"
  27. The P.D.A. died but with what he could extract from it through listening was enough. The large doll made its way to the bookcase and began to shove it slowly. A bluish fluid began pouring out from his stitches and leaking to the ground as he had saw happen in the video to the other subjects. He felt himself being drained, as if each movement brought him closer and closer to a lifeless state. With the bookcase finally shoved aside he could see the panel in which the doctor stated and input the code while saying it out loud. "879...00...8...2?" The keypad beeped a few times and the wall began to disposition itself showing that it was a faux wall. The wall snapped back and slid behind those like it revealing a massive stair case to a small elevator.
  29. Ryuu walked down the steps falling down the last few and crawling into the elevator. It looked like one that would be used for cargo, a lift that ran diagonally from the staircase into the depths of wherever he was. He laid their on its base for a bit trying to gather enough strength to get to a doubled over state only getting to one knee.Lights flickered on with a loud bang as the elevator inched closer and closer to its destination, each light illuminating the walls around it as it slowly shifted from a glossy stone to a much more advanced working of sheet metal, almost like a bunker of sorts. As the lift slammed into the floor and became flush with it Ryuu looked up and saw the magnificence that was his creators laboratory. There were robots of all sorts against the walls, machines preforming maintenance on other machines, strange blade like objects being manufactured into bins, fluids being transitioned from one vat to the next each changing colour as they entered and exited tubes.
  31. The doll picked himself up and began to walk into the area leaving behind a pool of ki in his wake. Once he reached the centre of the lab sensors began to go off and a few machines made their way over to him, picking him up surprisingly and bringing him over to a table. Ryuu was a little frightened feeling his newly sewn abdomen tear open at the hands of a robot and his inner workings being zapped at with a laser. He looked at what was in the robots hand and snatched it from him, before having it snatched right back from his hands by the droid. The robot gave a strange noise off, like an alarm as its eyes flashed with a red glow just before going back to work on the doll.
  33. Once the droid was done it sped off on wheeled like feet out of the room and down the hall. Feeling better Ryuu chased after him, watching the droid go into a room and then speed out of it off in the opposite direction. It was there that Ryuu found a room filled with blueprints, schematics, spare parts, sheet metal, wires, batteries, reactor cores, all sorts of trinkets. There was even a shelving unit filled with different chemical compounds. Ryuu knew there he would find blueprints to the tool he desired, one much like the one in the droids hand.
  35. Alas after a few more hours of looking around he finally found it and began searching for the necessary parts. A casing made from sheet metal fitted with holes to that buttons could be pressed, a wire from the bottom to upload information fitted with the appropriate socket to apply to his own body, one that as he worked seen in his hand. Several different ejectable and adjustable tools for soldering wires, crimping, installation and removal of different sets of wiring,tubing, and microchips. All that was left was the laser required to quickly make repairs to necessary areas of Ryuu's body. He looked around a little finding only a small laser like scalpel. Ryuu started to pull it apart, checking out the mechanism that caused the laser like embodiment of a knife to come out and do its handy work. With a small screwdriver he began to turn a specific screw located near the eye in which the laser emitted from tuning up the output and safely sliding it into the casing that he made. Using a small circle like magnifying glass monocle no bigger than the tip of his horn Ryuu fitted it over the eye of the laser and tested its strength, the circle making the laser go fine like he needed it to.
  37. Ryuu didn't want to test the device on himself, so instead he took the prototype out into the shop area of the laboratory and started looking for a candidate. He was nothing like his creator, and he was sure that the other droids, if they could think of it, knew this. Never the less it was like a god send to wake up and find the evidence that he did to get himself there. The dolls eyes spotted the same droid that had fixed him up prior to his little robotool project, it was still darting around on its wheels with its own tool.
  39. Ryuu scurried after it and once it stopped took from it the tool that it had and instead offered his own to it. The droid, confused took the prototype tool and wheeled off giving Ryuu what he thought to be a dirty look. Now that he had the real deal, he could study it further and figure out how it actually worked. A sort of reverse engineering. It was the only way he would know for sure just how it did what it did and why.
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