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TOP500 v2

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Oct 13th, 2014
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  29. 19679 \
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  68. 5880 \hline
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  70. 5600 \hat
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  72. 5506 \eta
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  78. 4898 \end{cases}
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  227. 659 \%
  228. 657 \Pi
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  230. 645 \bigg
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  232. 619 \Longleftrightarrow
  233. 615 \oint
  234. 609 \Bigr
  235. 606 \arccos
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  238. 589 \nolimits
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  253. 514 \mathrm{d}
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  257. 491 \mathscr
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  263. 462 \longrightarrow
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  265. 455 \operatorname{Re}
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  272. 412 \circle
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  285. 349 \lceil
  286. 349 \boxed
  287. 348 \textrm
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  289. 342 \end{align}
  290. 339 \ll
  291. 335 \t
  292. 334 \mathcal{F}
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  294. 327 \operatorname{Im}
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  313. 287 \end{picture}
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  317. 277 \hspace
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  322. 268 \rVert
  323. 268 \bigvee
  324. 264 \gg
  325. 261 \scriptstyle
  326. 256 \arctan
  327. 250 \odot
  328. 249 \lVert
  329. 246 \at
  330. 243 \mathrm{e}
  331. 243 \iiint
  332. 243 \hphantom
  333. 241 \biggr
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  335. 235 \dagger
  336. 233 \mathrm{Re}
  337. 229 \biggl
  338. 228 \square
  339. 225 \nulldelimiterspace
  340. 225 \lnot
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  342. 219 \mathrm{Im}
  343. 212 \urcorner
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  348. 202 \crv
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  357. 182 \Box
  358. 181 \math
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  362. 172 \mathrm{div}
  363. 172 \mathit
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  365. 166 \begin{center}
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  369. 161 \limit
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  371. 158 \iff
  372. 156 \textstyle
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  378. 141 \mathrel
  379. 141 \fraq
  380. 141 \bigotimes
  381. 141 \bigoplus
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  387. 129 \scriptscriptstyle
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  389. 127 \ensuremath
  390. 124 \mathfrak{n}
  391. 122 \xtext
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  393. 122 \mathbb{S}
  394. 122 \engo
  395. 121 \top
  396. 121 \mathfrak{M}
  397. 120 \mathrm{id}
  398. 120 \item
  399. 119 \operatorname{diag}
  400. 118 \mathcal{G}
  401. 116 \0
  402. 114 \gets
  403. 113 \cosh
  404. 112 \1
  405. 110 \e
  406. 109 \supseteq
  407. 109 \Re
  408. 109 \n
  409. 108 \arcctg
  410. 108 \a
  411. 107 \ni
  412. 107 \abs
  413. 106 \sec
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  417. 103 \Bar
  418. 102 \large
  419. 101 \nexists
  420. 101 \mathfrak{c}
  421. 101 \begin{eqnarray}
  422. 100 \limsup
  423. 100 \end{eqnarray}
  424. 99 \toC
  425. 99 \mathrm{rot}
  426. 99 \mathcal{S}
  427. 98 \usepackage
  428. 98 \operatorname{id}
  429. 97 \ae
  430. 96 \parindent
  431. 96 \=
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  433. 95 \textsf
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  435. 95 \models
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  437. 95 \d
  438. 94 \tiny
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  440. 93 \succ
  441. 92 \operatorname{sgn}
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  443. 91 \textcyr
  444. 91 \mathscr{B}
  445. 91 \complement
  446. 90 \S
  447. 90 \mathstrut
  448. 90 \begin{Vmatrix}
  449. 89 \operatorname{sign}
  450. 89 \mathbb{H}
  451. 89 \flat
  452. 89 \end{Vmatrix}
  453. 88 \mathrm{sign}
  454. 88 \2
  455. 87 \operatorname{tr}
  456. 85 \r
  457. 85 \mathrm{P}
  458. 84 \vartriangle
  459. 84 \operatorname{d}
  460. 84 \newline
  461. 84 \mathbb{A}
  462. 84 \eps
  463. 83 \reflectbox
  464. 83 \mathrm{T}
  465. 83 \mathbb{T}
  466. 83 \cdotx
  467. 83 \b
  468. 83 \acute
  469. 81 \operatorname{Ln}
  470. 81 \mathcal{R}
  471. 80 \wd
  472. 80 \l
  473. 79 \ominus
  474. 79 \COS
  475. 77 \prec
  476. 76 \mathrm{mod}
  477. 76 \implies
  478. 76 \Huge
  479. 76 \dddot
  480. 75 \varlimsup
  481. 75 \par
  482. 75 \lamda
  483. 75 \intop
  484. 74 \cot
  485. 73 \pounds
  486. 73 \>
  487. 72 \tt
  488. 72 \mathrm{Card}
  489. 72 \liminf
  490. 72 \LARGE
  491. 71 \vrule
  492. 71 \lower
  493. 71 \diamond
  494. 70 \toB
  495. 70 \mathbb{X}
  496. 69 \A
  497. 68 \tag
  498. 68 \mathcal{H}
  499. 68 \emph
  500. 68 \clubsuit
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