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Apr 14th, 2014
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  2. [+] AudioXP.dll
  3. PobierzPoziomGlosnosci
  4. ZapiszPolaczeniaAudio
  5. UstawWartosci
  6. UstawMute
  7. PobierzMute
  9. UnMapAndLoad
  10. MapAndLoad
  11. [+] advapi32.dll
  12. RegCreateKeyExW
  13. RegCloseKey
  14. RegDeleteKeyW
  15. AdjustTokenPrivileges
  16. LookupPrivilegeValueW
  17. RegRestoreKeyW
  18. RegQueryValueExW
  19. SetSecurityDescriptorDacl
  20. RegFlushKey
  21. OpenProcessToken
  22. RegConnectRegistryW
  23. RegOpenKeyExW
  24. RegReplaceKeyW
  25. RegQueryInfoKeyW
  26. RegEnumValueW
  27. RegEnumKeyExW
  28. RegLoadKeyW
  29. RegDeleteValueW
  30. RegSetValueExW
  31. InitializeSecurityDescriptor
  32. RegSaveKeyW
  33. RegUnLoadKeyW
  34. [+] comctl32.dll
  35. ImageList_BeginDrag
  36. ImageList_GetImageCount
  37. ImageList_SetBkColor
  38. ImageList_GetImageInfo
  39. FlatSB_SetScrollInfo
  40. InitCommonControls
  41. ImageList_SetImageCount
  42. FlatSB_GetScrollInfo
  43. ImageList_GetDragImage
  44. FlatSB_SetScrollProp
  45. ImageList_Create
  46. ImageList_DragMove
  47. ImageList_DrawEx
  48. ImageList_SetIconSize
  49. ImageList_Write
  50. ImageList_Read
  51. ImageList_Replace
  52. ImageList_SetOverlayImage
  53. ImageList_Destroy
  54. _TrackMouseEvent
  55. ImageList_Draw
  56. ImageList_GetIconSize
  57. ImageList_DragLeave
  58. ImageList_GetBkColor
  59. ImageList_GetIcon
  60. FlatSB_SetScrollPos
  61. ImageList_ReplaceIcon
  62. ImageList_DragEnter
  63. ImageList_Add
  64. InitializeFlatSB
  65. FlatSB_GetScrollPos
  66. ImageList_DragShowNolock
  67. ImageList_Remove
  68. ImageList_Copy
  69. ImageList_LoadImageW
  70. ImageList_EndDrag
  71. [+] comdlg32.dll
  72. ChooseFontW
  73. GetOpenFileNameW
  74. [+] gdi32.dll
  75. SetDIBits
  76. GetTextMetricsW
  77. SetMapMode
  78. GetWindowOrgEx
  79. StrokeAndFillPath
  80. ResizePalette
  81. SetTextAlign
  82. GetPaletteEntries
  83. PathToRegion
  84. CopyEnhMetaFileW
  85. SetPixel
  86. EndDoc
  87. DeleteObject
  88. SetPaletteEntries
  89. AngleArc
  90. GetTextExtentPointW
  91. CreatePalette
  92. CreateDIBitmap
  93. GetDIBits
  94. GetEnhMetaFileBits
  95. StretchBlt
  96. StretchDIBits
  97. ArcTo
  98. CloseFigure
  99. Pie
  100. SetWindowExtEx
  101. Arc
  102. WidenPath
  103. ExtCreatePen
  104. SetBkColor
  105. SetWinMetaFileBits
  106. GetBkColor
  107. GetDIBColorTable
  108. DeleteEnhMetaFile
  109. TextOutW
  110. GetSystemPaletteEntries
  111. GetClipBox
  112. EnumFontsW
  113. GetCurrentPositionEx
  114. LPtoDP
  115. GetPixel
  116. GetBrushOrgEx
  117. ExcludeClipRect
  118. SetBkMode
  119. BitBlt
  120. GetDeviceCaps
  121. CreateEnhMetaFileW
  122. SetAbortProc
  123. FrameRgn
  124. CreateBrushIndirect
  125. SelectPalette
  126. PtVisible
  127. ExtSelectClipRgn
  128. CloseEnhMetaFile
  129. SetROP2
  130. EndPage
  131. AbortDoc
  132. GetNearestPaletteIndex
  133. SetDIBColorTable
  134. StrokePath
  135. BeginPath
  136. SetViewportExtEx
  137. CreatePenIndirect
  138. SetGraphicsMode
  139. PatBlt
  140. SetStretchBltMode
  141. Rectangle
  142. PolylineTo
  143. GetObjectA
  144. LineTo
  145. DeleteDC
  146. GetMapMode
  147. CreateFontIndirectW
  148. StartPage
  149. GetObjectW
  150. CreateDCW
  151. RealizePalette
  152. SetEnhMetaFileBits
  153. IntersectClipRect
  154. SelectClipPath
  155. RectVisible
  156. GetStockObject
  157. GetRgnBox
  158. UnrealizeObject
  159. GdiFlush
  160. SelectClipRgn
  161. RoundRect
  162. GetTextAlign
  163. CreateCompatibleDC
  164. GetWinMetaFileBits
  165. GetEnhMetaFileDescriptionW
  166. GetEnhMetaFileHeader
  167. SetWindowOrgEx
  168. SelectObject
  169. SetTextCharacterExtra
  170. GetTextExtentPoint32W
  171. EndPath
  172. CreatePolygonRgn
  173. Polygon
  174. CreateHalftonePalette
  175. GetBkMode
  176. SaveDC
  177. CreateICW
  178. MaskBlt
  179. GetEnhMetaFilePaletteEntries
  180. RestoreDC
  181. GetBitmapBits
  182. FillPath
  183. CreateBitmap
  184. CreateDIBSection
  185. CreateCompatibleBitmap
  186. SetTextColor
  187. ExtFloodFill
  188. MoveToEx
  189. EnumFontFamiliesExW
  190. SetViewportOrgEx
  191. SetArcDirection
  192. ExtTextOutW
  193. CreateRoundRectRgn
  194. PlayEnhMetaFile
  195. PolyBezierTo
  196. PolyBezier
  197. Chord
  198. SetBrushOrgEx
  199. CreateRectRgn
  200. GetClipRgn
  201. Ellipse
  202. CreateSolidBrush
  203. Polyline
  204. CreateEllipticRgnIndirect
  205. StartDocW
  206. GetTextCharacterExtra
  207. [+] kernel32
  208. QueryDepthSList
  209. InterlockedPushEntrySList
  210. InterlockedFlushSList
  211. InterlockedPopEntrySList
  212. InitializeSListHead
  213. [+] kernel32.dll
  214. SetThreadLocale
  215. GetStdHandle
  216. FileTimeToDosDateTime
  217. WaitForSingleObject
  218. HeapDestroy
  219. GetFileAttributesW
  220. GetLocalTime
  221. DeleteCriticalSection
  222. GetCurrentProcess
  223. LocalAlloc
  224. EnumSystemLocalesW
  225. SetErrorMode
  226. GetLocaleInfoW
  227. WideCharToMultiByte
  228. FileTimeToLocalFileTime
  229. GetDiskFreeSpaceW
  230. InterlockedExchange
  231. WriteFile
  232. GetThreadPriority
  233. SetEvent
  234. LocalFree
  235. FormatMessageW
  236. ResumeThread
  237. GetExitCodeProcess
  238. InitializeCriticalSection
  239. LoadResource
  240. GlobalHandle
  241. FindClose
  242. TlsGetValue
  243. MoveFileW
  244. GetFullPathNameW
  245. GetEnvironmentVariableW
  246. SetLastError
  247. ConnectNamedPipe
  248. GetUserDefaultUILanguage
  249. PeekNamedPipe
  250. GlobalFindAtomW
  251. WriteProcessMemory
  252. GetModuleFileNameW
  253. TryEnterCriticalSection
  254. IsDebuggerPresent
  255. ExitProcess
  256. lstrcmpiW
  257. SetThreadPriority
  258. GetUserDefaultLCID
  259. UnhandledExceptionFilter
  260. LoadLibraryExW
  261. MultiByteToWideChar
  262. EnumCalendarInfoW
  263. FlushInstructionCache
  264. CreateRemoteThread
  265. CreateEventW
  266. GlobalAddAtomW
  267. CreateThread
  268. GetSystemDefaultUILanguage
  269. DisconnectNamedPipe
  270. GetExitCodeThread
  271. MulDiv
  272. GetSystemTimes
  273. ExitThread
  274. SetPriorityClass
  275. WaitForMultipleObjectsEx
  276. TerminateProcess
  277. GetVersion
  278. SetCurrentDirectoryW
  279. VirtualQuery
  280. VirtualQueryEx
  281. SetEndOfFile
  282. GetCurrentThreadId
  283. InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount
  284. HeapFree
  285. EnterCriticalSection
  286. TerminateThread
  287. LoadLibraryW
  288. GetVersionExW
  289. FreeLibrary
  290. QueryPerformanceCounter
  291. GetTickCount
  292. VirtualProtect
  293. FlushFileBuffers
  294. LoadLibraryA
  295. RtlUnwind
  296. CopyFileW
  297. GlobalSize
  298. GetFileSize
  299. OpenProcess
  300. GetDateFormatW
  301. GetStartupInfoW
  302. ReadProcessMemory
  303. CreateDirectoryW
  304. DeleteFileW
  305. GetProcAddress
  306. CreateNamedPipeW
  307. GetComputerNameW
  308. EnumResourceNamesW
  309. CompareStringW
  310. WaitNamedPipeW
  311. FindNextFileW
  312. ResetEvent
  313. FindFirstFileW
  314. IsValidLocale
  315. lstrcmpW
  316. WaitForMultipleObjects
  317. SetCommTimeouts
  318. GetTimeZoneInformation
  319. CreateFileW
  320. TlsSetValue
  321. HeapAlloc
  322. LeaveCriticalSection
  323. GetLastError
  324. GlobalDeleteAtom
  325. VirtualAllocEx
  326. GetSystemInfo
  327. GlobalFree
  328. FindResourceW
  329. GetThreadLocale
  330. GlobalUnlock
  331. GlobalAlloc
  332. lstrlenW
  333. WinExec
  334. CreateProcessW
  335. GetCommTimeouts
  336. SwitchToThread
  337. SizeofResource
  338. VirtualFreeEx
  339. GetCurrentProcessId
  340. LockResource
  341. GetCommandLineW
  342. GetCPInfo
  343. HeapSize
  344. InterlockedCompareExchange
  345. GetCurrentThread
  346. SuspendThread
  347. RaiseException
  348. SetFilePointer
  349. ReadFile
  350. CloseHandle
  351. GetACP
  352. GlobalLock
  353. GetModuleHandleW
  354. FreeResource
  355. GetCPInfoExW
  356. GetFileAttributesExW
  357. CreatePipe
  358. HeapCreate
  359. GetTempPathW
  360. VirtualFree
  361. Sleep
  362. VirtualAlloc
  363. [+] msvcrt.dll
  364. memset
  365. memcpy
  366. [+] ntdll.dll
  367. NtQuerySystemInformation
  368. [+] ole32.dll
  369. CreateStreamOnHGlobal
  370. OleUninitialize
  371. OleDraw
  372. CoInitialize
  373. OleInitialize
  374. ProgIDFromCLSID
  375. IsAccelerator
  376. CLSIDFromString
  377. CoCreateInstance
  378. CLSIDFromProgID
  379. OleRegEnumVerbs
  380. CoUninitialize
  381. StringFromCLSID
  382. CoGetClassObject
  383. OleSetMenuDescriptor
  384. IsEqualGUID
  385. CoTaskMemFree
  386. CoTaskMemAlloc
  387. [+] oleaut32.dll
  388. CreateErrorInfo
  389. VariantChangeType
  390. SafeArrayAccessData
  391. SafeArrayGetLBound
  392. SafeArrayPtrOfIndex
  393. SysAllocStringLen
  394. SafeArrayUnaccessData
  395. VariantClear
  396. GetActiveObject
  397. SafeArrayCreate
  398. SysReAllocStringLen
  399. SafeArrayGetUBound
  400. SetErrorInfo
  401. VariantCopy
  402. GetErrorInfo
  403. SysFreeString
  404. SafeArrayPutElement
  405. VariantInit
  406. [+] olepro32.dll
  407. OleCreatePropertyFrame
  408. [+] shell32.dll
  409. Shell_NotifyIconW
  410. ShellExecuteW
  411. ShellExecuteExW
  412. [+] user32.dll
  413. MapWindowPoints
  414. GetMessagePos
  415. SetWindowRgn
  416. RedrawWindow
  417. UnregisterHotKey
  418. LoadBitmapW
  419. EnableScrollBar
  420. DestroyMenu
  421. PostQuitMessage
  422. GetForegroundWindow
  423. SetWindowPos
  424. IsWindow
  425. CountClipboardFormats
  426. DispatchMessageA
  427. EndPaint
  428. WindowFromPoint
  429. DrawIcon
  430. GetMessageTime
  431. SetMenuItemInfoW
  432. SetActiveWindow
  433. GetMenuItemID
  434. GetCursorPos
  435. ReleaseDC
  436. GetMenuStringW
  437. SendMessageW
  438. EndMenu
  439. SendMessageA
  440. UnregisterClassW
  441. GetClientRect
  442. GetMenuItemInfoW
  443. DefMDIChildProcW
  444. DrawTextW
  445. SetScrollPos
  446. CallNextHookEx
  447. IsClipboardFormatAvailable
  448. GetSysColor
  449. GetKeyboardState
  450. GetKeyboardLayoutNameW
  451. ClientToScreen
  452. GetTopWindow
  453. RegisterHotKey
  454. GetWindowTextW
  455. EnumClipboardFormats
  456. MsgWaitForMultipleObjects
  457. ScrollWindow
  458. CopyImage
  459. PtInRect
  460. DrawEdge
  461. GetParent
  462. UpdateWindow
  463. GetPropW
  464. SetClassLongW
  465. EnumWindows
  466. ShowWindow
  467. DrawFrameControl
  468. SetPropW
  469. GetDesktopWindow
  470. IsCharAlphaW
  471. PeekMessageW
  472. TranslateMDISysAccel
  473. InsertMenuItemW
  474. SetWindowPlacement
  475. CharUpperW
  476. PeekMessageA
  477. ChildWindowFromPoint
  478. TranslateMessage
  479. IsWindowEnabled
  480. GetWindow
  481. ActivateKeyboardLayout
  482. RegisterClassW
  483. GetIconInfo
  484. SetParent
  485. SetClipboardData
  486. IsZoomed
  487. GetWindowPlacement
  488. LoadStringW
  489. GetKeyboardLayoutList
  490. DrawMenuBar
  491. IsIconic
  492. GetSubMenu
  493. SetTimer
  494. OemToCharA
  495. GetActiveWindow
  496. IsDialogMessageW
  497. FillRect
  498. EnumThreadWindows
  499. MonitorFromPoint
  500. CreateAcceleratorTableW
  501. GetSysColorBrush
  502. IsWindowUnicode
  503. CreateWindowExW
  504. GetWindowLongW
  505. GetUpdateRect
  506. CharNextW
  507. IsChild
  508. IsDialogMessageA
  509. SetFocus
  510. RegisterWindowMessageW
  511. GetMonitorInfoW
  512. IsCharAlphaNumericW
  513. DefWindowProcW
  514. GetScrollPos
  515. CopyIcon
  516. keybd_event
  517. KillTimer
  518. MapVirtualKeyW
  519. GetClipboardData
  520. GetClassInfoExW
  521. GetSystemMetrics
  522. SetWindowLongW
  523. SetScrollRange
  524. GetWindowRect
  525. SetCapture
  526. ReleaseCapture
  527. EnumChildWindows
  528. GetScrollRange
  529. GetMessageExtraInfo
  530. CharLowerW
  531. SendDlgItemMessageW
  532. SetKeyboardState
  533. GetKeyNameTextW
  534. DrawTextExW
  535. WaitMessage
  536. CreatePopupMenu
  537. ShowCaret
  538. DrawFocusRect
  539. GetClassLongW
  540. GetLastActivePopup
  541. DrawIconEx
  542. CharUpperBuffW
  543. SetWindowTextW
  544. GetDCEx
  545. GetDlgItem
  546. RemovePropW
  547. GetSystemMenu
  548. ScreenToClient
  549. PostMessageW
  550. FindWindowExA
  551. TrackPopupMenu
  552. GetMenuItemCount
  553. GetMenuState
  554. ShowOwnedPopups
  555. LoadCursorW
  556. LoadIconW
  557. FindWindowExW
  558. GetDC
  559. InsertMenuW
  560. SetForegroundWindow
  561. OpenClipboard
  562. EmptyClipboard
  563. GetScrollBarInfo
  564. CharLowerBuffW
  565. IntersectRect
  566. GetScrollInfo
  567. HideCaret
  568. GetKeyboardLayout
  569. FindWindowW
  570. GetCapture
  571. GetDlgCtrlID
  572. BeginPaint
  573. FindWindowA
  574. MessageBeep
  575. RemoveMenu
  576. GetWindowThreadProcessId
  577. ShowScrollBar
  578. MessageBoxW
  579. GetMenu
  580. MonitorFromRect
  581. DestroyIcon
  582. UnhookWindowsHookEx
  583. LoadKeyboardLayoutW
  584. MessageBoxA
  585. GetWindowDC
  586. DestroyCursor
  587. AdjustWindowRectEx
  588. GetFocus
  589. MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx
  590. RegisterClipboardFormatW
  591. SetScrollInfo
  592. GetKeyState
  593. EnableMenuItem
  594. EnumDisplayMonitors
  595. DefFrameProcW
  596. IsWindowVisible
  597. SetCursorPos
  598. SystemParametersInfoW
  599. DispatchMessageW
  600. FrameRect
  601. SetRect
  602. DeleteMenu
  603. InvalidateRect
  604. CreateIcon
  605. CallWindowProcW
  606. GetClassNameW
  607. DestroyWindow
  608. GetClassInfoW
  609. MonitorFromWindow
  610. SetWindowsHookExW
  611. GetCursor
  612. SendMessageTimeoutW
  613. CreateMenu
  614. EnableWindow
  615. CloseClipboard
  616. CheckMenuItem
  617. SetMenu
  618. SetCursor
  619. [+] version.dll
  620. VerQueryValueW
  621. GetFileVersionInfoW
  622. GetFileVersionInfoSizeW
  623. [+] wininet.dll
  624. InternetGetConnectedState
  625. [+] winmm.dll
  626. mixerGetLineControlsW
  627. waveInOpen
  628. waveOutUnprepareHeader
  629. sndPlaySoundW
  630. mixerGetNumDevs
  631. mixerOpen
  632. waveInPrepareHeader
  633. mixerGetLineInfoW
  634. waveOutClose
  635. waveInAddBuffer
  636. timeGetTime
  637. waveInClose
  638. waveOutGetErrorTextW
  639. mixerGetControlDetailsW
  640. waveOutOpen
  641. mixerSetControlDetails
  642. waveOutPrepareHeader
  643. waveInUnprepareHeader
  644. mixerGetDevCapsW
  645. waveInStart
  646. waveOutWrite
  647. waveInReset
  648. [+] winspool.drv
  649. ClosePrinter
  650. DocumentPropertiesW
  651. GetDefaultPrinterW
  652. EnumPrintersW
  653. OpenPrinterW
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