
Sexual Considerations

May 30th, 2017 (edited)
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  1. [12:22 PM] Lyveriana: "But should I dare say it."
  2. [12:22 PM] MochaKimono: "...Well now I'm morbidly curious."
  3. [12:22 PM] Lyveriana: "Should I dare say what I found out in last night's game."
  4. [12:22 PM] Dendarra: "... I missed a game?"
  5. [12:22 PM] MochaKimono: "... which... thing... do you mean?"
  6. [12:22 PM] TheOriginalPigeon: "Castration tends to solve child epidemics."
  7. [12:22 PM] MochaKimono: "Oh. OH. UM."
  8. [12:22 PM] Lyveriana: "The kissing thing."
  9. [12:22 PM] MochaKimono: "UM..."
  10. [12:22 PM] Lyveriana: "Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee heeeee."
  11. [12:22 PM] TheOriginalPigeon: "Kissing's mild."
  12. [12:22 PM] Tofflesby: "Do tell"
  13. [12:22 PM] Dendarra: "And an embarrassing one to boot apparently. Deary me."
  14. [12:22 PM] MochaKimono: "Oh no."
  15. [12:23 PM] Lyveriana: "Shouuuld IiIII..."
  16. [12:23 PM] MochaKimono: "I'm going to probably pay dearly for it but I can't exactly stop you."
  17. [12:23 PM] Lyveriana: "Unless you really don't want me to I"ll just leave it out there."
  18. [12:23 PM] Lyveriana: "But, yes."
  19. [12:24 PM] Tofflesby: "Don't just dangle this over us"
  20. [12:24 PM] Lyveriana: "Imean there might've been dangling involved."
  21. [12:24 PM] MochaKimono: The actual flushing Sully's doing is almost palpable
  22. [12:24 PM] Dendarra: "Now I'm curious!"
  23. [12:24 PM] Tofflesby: "Just say it"
  24. [12:25 PM] Lyveriana: "So, kissing Burmice, huh? And she didn't seem embarressed by it, either."
  25. [12:25 PM] Dendarra: "..."
  26. [12:25 PM] Dendarra: "The shit, Sullivan."
  27. [12:25 PM] Dendarra: "I thought you at least had a remote semblance of standard."
  28. [12:25 PM] Tofflesby: "I would have put you above necrophilia"
  29. [12:26 PM] MochaKimono: "Necro-?! She's not undead!"
  30. [12:26 PM] TheOriginalPigeon: Laughing can be heard from Elkanzyn's stone.
  31. [12:26 PM] Dendarra: Barravel seems audibly disgusted.
  32. [12:26 PM] Dendarra: "Urgh. I dearly hope that's nothing contageous."
  33. [12:26 PM] Lyveriana: "I mean you know."
  34. [12:26 PM] Lyveriana: "There has to be a reason for it! So."
  35. [12:27 PM] Tofflesby: "She's still a necromancer. I'm sure she'll get there one day"
  36. [12:27 PM] Lyveriana: "It'll be her aspiring goal."
  37. [12:27 PM] Tofflesby: "Those cracked, dry lips"
  38. [12:27 PM] Tofflesby: "Rotting skin"
  39. [12:27 PM] Dendarra: Mental dry heaving.
  40. [12:27 PM] MochaKimono: "Yeah, yeah."
  41. [12:28 PM] MochaKimono: "I'm a completely senseless paragon of promiscuity."
  42. [12:29 PM] Dendarra: "In this case? yes."
  43. [12:29 PM] Tofflesby: "I'm surprised you could tolerate kissing her. Wouldn't have thought you'd enjoy the taste of ben's ass"
  44. [12:29 PM] Dendarra: More mental heaving.
  45. [12:29 PM] MochaKimono: "I'm sorry I don't cater my private life around the social dynamics and personal feelings of everyone else I know. I'll be more thoughtful next time."
  46. [12:30 PM] Tofflesby: "Please, I'd do this no matter who it was"
  47. [12:30 PM] Dendarra: "Well. You do you. it's not lkike you don't have a mganitude of choices. More than the average person."
  48. [12:30 PM] Tofflesby: "Which reminds me, I need to figure out how to rib you for the sea elf"
  49. [12:30 PM] MochaKimono: "I... What?"
  50. [12:31 PM] Dendarra: "I'm.. just going to zone out."
  51. [12:31 PM] MochaKimono: "Magnitude?..."
  52. [12:32 PM] Lyveriana: "Wait what in the what now."
  53. [12:32 PM] Tofflesby: "We found a sea elf and Sully slept with her. I mean, some other things happened too, but.."
  54. [12:32 PM] Dendarra: "..."
  55. [12:32 PM] MochaKimono: "I think the sea elf would've jumped anyone who talked to her honestly..."
  56. [12:33 PM] Lyveriana: Alex "I was too busy being traumatized by a bloody kraken."
  57. [12:33 PM] Dendarra: "There's only one person I know around whom I'm pretty sure has slept with more people than you have, Sullivan."
  58. [12:33 PM] Tofflesby: "I'm sure they get bigger than that"
  59. [12:33 PM] Lyveriana: Alex "And it's not liek I don't have someone already."
  60. [12:33 PM] TheOriginalPigeon: "I never poked my head in to see what he was doing."
  61. [12:34 PM] MochaKimono: "I mean, I went to talk to her because I wanted to ask what her story was, and she made the first move. And - ugh, why am I defending myself over this?"
  62. [12:34 PM] Tofflesby: "You hold on to some vain hope that it'll help?"
  63. [12:35 PM] TheOriginalPigeon: "I bet she needed that necklace after you were done with her."
  64. [12:36 PM] MochaKimono: "Help what? Is there something I actually need to defend against?"
  65. [12:36 PM] Lyveriana: "O-oh."
  66. [12:36 PM] Tofflesby: "It might stop the teasing"
  67. [12:36 PM] Tofflesby: "It won't, but it might"
  68. [12:37 PM] Lyveriana: "Keep hoping."
  69. [12:37 PM] MochaKimono: "Hm, no, don't feel like it. I'm an inscrutable whore. Why bother tempering the facts?"
  70. [12:38 PM] Dendarra: "I'd think you're very scrutable at this point."
  71. [12:38 PM] Lyveriana: "Ohboy. This turned out way differently than I thought."
  72. [12:38 PM] MochaKimono: "I did say I was going to pay for that."
  73. [12:38 PM] Lyveriana: "I mean, yes. Dearly. For, like, abou thte rest of your life."
  74. [12:38 PM] Lyveriana: "Be glad you're human?"
  75. [12:39 PM] Dendarra: "..."
  76. [12:39 PM] Lyveriana: "...Not meant that way, Barravel."
  77. [12:39 PM] Tofflesby: ((Too soon))
  78. [12:39 PM] pandoricaopens: "I'd just like to point out that this wasn't at all my fault."
  79. [12:39 PM] Lyveriana: "Surely it was."
  80. [12:39 PM] Lyveriana: "It's always your fault."
  81. [12:39 PM] Tofflesby: "I'm betting it's entirely your fault"
  82. [12:40 PM] pandoricaopens: "For once, I managed to behave myself. Or at least keep my mouth shut."
  83. [12:40 PM] Lyveriana: "hey you kissed him too."
  84. [12:40 PM] MochaKimono: "Maybe I actually just - ugh. Nevermind. Everyone hates Burmice over irreconcilable differences, I can't change that. I'll neither apologize nor defend who I decide to sleep with."
  85. [12:41 PM] Dendarra: "She accused me of sleeping with my father."
  86. [12:41 PM] MochaKimono: "What?"
  87. [12:41 PM] pandoricaopens: "Is that all I did? Well then, evidently my memory is slipping."
  88. [12:41 PM] Tofflesby: "I'm just an ass who doesn't like her much"
  89. [12:42 PM] pandoricaopens: "Sounds like something she'd say."
  90. [12:42 PM] Lyveriana: "Okay."
  91. [12:42 PM] Lyveriana: "Now we know that too."
  92. [12:42 PM] Dendarra: "Does that sound like a 'irreconcilable difference' to you?"
  93. [12:42 PM] Tofflesby: "Yes"
  94. [12:42 PM] MochaKimono: "I mean, yes. And something I didn't even know about?"
  95. [12:44 PM] Dendarra: "I don't give a horseshite about who you fuck in the end, but don#t expect me to congratulate you for that catch."
  96. [12:44 PM] TheOriginalPigeon: "She's just a bit of an arse."
  97. [12:44 PM] MochaKimono: "Seems like you rather do care! And how can I be fishing for congratulations when I wasn't the one who brought it up? I knew people would be upset, so I kept it to myself."
  98. [12:45 PM] MochaKimono: "And well. Yes. Burmice is not a nice person."
  99. [12:45 PM] Dendarra: "Then I get even less why you-"
  100. [12:45 PM] Lyveriana: "Guuys."
  101. [12:45 PM] MochaKimono: "But as everyone knows, neither am I."
  102. [12:45 PM] Dendarra: "YOu know what, nevermind."
  103. [12:45 PM] Lyveriana: ""Guys please. Don't.. Dooo this."
  104. [12:46 PM] Tofflesby: "That's what I was trying to tell Sully"
  105. [12:47 PM] pandoricaopens: "Actually, I thought she was in a much better mood than usual."
  106. [12:47 PM] pandoricaopens: "Clearly he did us all a service."
  107. [12:49 PM] MochaKimono: Sully seems about to say something several times and ... doesn't.
  108. [12:50 PM] pandoricaopens: "Oh go on."
  109. [12:50 PM] Tofflesby: "So to be clear, you did somebody you knew or figured people would be upset about you doing, and now people are upset about you having done them"
  110. [12:51 PM] pandoricaopens: "Is it 'people'? Here I thought it was just 'person'. So far."
  111. [12:51 PM] Tofflesby: "People was his word, not mine"
  112. [12:53 PM] pandoricaopens: Sigh "I had a perfectly good joke set up but there it went."
  113. [12:54 PM] MochaKimono: "Should I submit all my future sexual considerations to the board for approval?"
  114. [12:54 PM] Tofflesby: "Definitely"
  115. [12:54 PM] MochaKimono: "Well, ..."
  116. [12:54 PM] pandoricaopens: "Absolutely not. Where's the surprise for me when I find out?"
  117. [12:55 PM] MochaKimono: "Yes. And the list is too long. Too many considerations."
  118. [12:55 PM] Arithel: Arithel's melodic thoughts filter in very quietly through the stones "This is a less deadly version of how promiscuity tends to turn out back home too."
  119. [12:55 PM] Lyveriana: Alex: "..OH boy."
  120. [12:56 PM] MochaKimono: "Considering the woman of contention in this case is a Drow..."
  121. [12:56 PM] pandoricaopens: "Well, if she does manage to squish him under her ample body she can always bring him back around."
  122. [12:58 PM] MochaKimono: Tilda: "At last. Someone else appears to have made indiscretions nearly as bad as mine. Before long you will also have a jilted ex hiring assassins after you."
  123. [12:58 PM] Tofflesby: "That doesn't sound unlikely honestly"
  124. [1:02 PM] pandoricaopens: "She didn't literally fly into a rage and bomb his house. So that's good so far."
  125. [1:02 PM] Tofflesby: "Probably doesn't know where he lives"
  126. [1:04 PM] pandoricaopens: "I'm more waiting to see what happens if she and Glass start competing for attention."
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