

Feb 21st, 2016
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  1. Hello, I'd like to start a petition to unmute the player Yarrick on Lightbringer. Currently he has been penalized for telling the truth about the subhuman Polish menace. Nobody should be punished for contributing to the betterment of humanity as a whole, all he was doing was telling it like it is, but Polish scum will have you believe he is the worst person to ever live. Yarrick is a great man for standing up for what's right and just, the Jewish agenda is being pushed hard on this server and it makes me sick. We all know third world "countries" like Poland have a far lower average IQ than the average American IQ. Even our niggers are smarter than Poles.
  3. This server administration makes me want to puke, GMs in god mode killing guards in Orgrimmar, spamming people and asking them to duel, unable to help with any game issues whatsoever. Honestly if you're too stupid to run a server like this, you shouldn't, because you'll end up with a steaming pile of garbage like we have here. This server is running on stock trinitycore, and it has more bugs than far superior servers like Gamer-District™, Warmane™, and Kronos™. Even Nostalrius is better than this server, and it's run by the French and overrun with chinks. Mobs clipping through walls, charge flying through the ground, broken quests left and right, unscripted dungeons, horrible GMs (Nolmac I'm looking at you, cunt), and lazy developers looking to make a quick buck from donations is all you will find on this poor excuse for a server. This is why nobody respects Poles. I suppose you can't help it though considering your race is composed of retards and subhumans.
  5. Hitler was right.
  6. Yarrick was right.
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