In Which Screwloose Rapes Anonymous

Jul 17th, 2013
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  1. >Visiting one of your friends in the hospital.
  2. >Dash had another breakneck speed accident and it resulted in several broken… well, everything.
  3. >The others were too busy, so you brought some treats and things for her to do that they provided.
  4. >Nearing the end of your visit as it's getting late:
  5. >"Nice of you to visit me, bro-non."
  6. "Sure thing, dude. Hurry up and stop being so squishy so we can drink again."
  7. >"I'll remember you said that! Once I'm better, you're in big trouble!" exclaims the blue pegasus.
  8. >Hoping it doesn't mean she's going to kick your ass, you get a sly grin.
  9. "The kind of trouble I was in last week?" you chuckle and she instantly blushes.
  10. >"No way! I just had a bit too much to drink and you were just…"
  11. "Just what?"
  12. >"You're just cool, all right? I don't do that kind of stuff with just anyp0ny."
  13. >Laughing, you decide to stop teasing her and share farewells.
  14. >A sigh escapes you as you shut the door to her door and you press your back against the wood.
  15. >Thinking back to the time you mentioned, you recall you were in this position as Dash was backing up her-
  16. >Amidst your wistful thoughts, you hear something sniffing at you downstairs.
  17. "What the?!"
  18. >A cool blue pony with a tousled mane and a hospital gown.
  19. "Hey!"
  20. >She backs away for a second, wincing and flattening her ears.
  21. "Were you just…"
  22. >Surely she couldn't have been.
  23. >You decide it's been a long day and your imagination is running wild and maybe she was just passing by and happened to look up at you.
  24. >Yeah, that's it.
  25. "Sorry about that. I must be grouching cause I've been up all day. I hope I didn't scare you too bad."
  26. >Towering over all the pones has led to several hilarious situations of them fleeing from you as if you're going to eat them or destroy their homes.
  27. >The face of the one in front of you goes into a goofy grin and her tongue hangs out, almost like a dog.
  28. >Even as she starts panting like a dog, you rub your eyes and dismiss the idea of it.
  29. "Come on, I'll walk you back to your room."
  30. >You spot a screw on her flank.
  31. > A construction worker?
  32. >Perhaps she suffered a heavy rap on the noggin and believes she's a dog.
  33. >You keep flip-flopping internally on what you believe, but this is Equestria so anything can be possible.
  34. >At last, she wanders into a dark room.
  35. "Hey, wait! I don't think this is it!"
  36. >The last thing you recall is tripping as you briskly walk in, hearing a snarl that almost sounds like chuckling, and a hoof cracking against your skull.
  37. >When you come to, the room is a lot colder.
  38. >It makes sense, as your clothes are stripped of you.
  39. >As you come to, you feel warm breath on your face and then a big slobbery tongue starts to lick you.
  40. "Wha- oww…"
  41. >Head still coming back from the concussion, it hurts to try anything other than lie there and ponder what is going on.
  42. >That tongue is moving down your body though, trying to appease you and stimulate you.
  43. >It licks at your neck, your nipples, over your stomach, and finally a long slow lick bathes your cock in slobber from the base to the tip.
  44. >You groan at the pleasant nature of this, but as you're still unaware of who is doing this you want to try to tell them to stop.
  45. >Words only end in more pain.
  46. >Tears form in frustration.
  47. >Now a hot mouth is drawing in your length.
  48. >It's a very wet, inexperienced blowjob.
  49. >The assailant's head goes a varied depths, sucks really hard and then doesn't suck at all, and only succeeds in soaking your genitals in drool.
  50. >Whoever is up to this is starting to pant in the darkness.
  51. >Almost like a dog.
  52. >The mare from before?
  53. "Ssstop," you whisper to the darkness.
  54. >A feminine whimper that almost sounds like it's trying to question you.
  55. "Stop!" you whisper again, harshly.
  56. >The mouth pulls from your cock and you hear loud, eager panting.
  57. >In the darkness, a form shifts and straddles you.
  58. >The panting is in your face now.
  59. >Licking starts back up, as well.
  60. >You try to show your distaste, but it comes off as moaning.
  61. >Granted, all these acts would be extremely erotic if your mind wanted it.
  62. >Instead, only your body is screaming to have this done to it.
  63. >Your member stands proud and throbbing as it begs for more attention.
  64. >The mystery mare decides to give it, as you feel a hot marehood kissing your tip and then wrapping around you.
  65. >She fits like a really tight glove, and doesn't stop until you bottom out in her.
  66. >Accentuated with a loud bark that leaves your whole cranium buzzing, you cry out in pleasure and anguish.
  67. >Hooves press into your shoulders and the horny schizophrenic begins to ride you.
  68. >You sound like a zombie as she claims your D for herself.
  69. >She doesn't care that she's moving a victim of trauma to the skull violently.
  70. >Now you feel a slobbery muzzle pressed to your mouth, an attempt to make out with you as she fucks you.
  71. >Her tongue feels large and moves around in your mouth with further disregard for you.
  72. >It feels as if she's getting more intense now, bouncing in your lap and sucking in air like she's asphyxiating.
  73. >Hooves dig into your shoulders and you cry out.
  74. >She's barking like a wild dog now, her pussy clenching around you and winking.
  75. >Your body gives out and you cum hard inside her, spilling seed deep inside that her velvety depths suck up greedily.
  76. >A long, throaty howl rings out around the room as she climaxes from being fertilized and your head finally stops pounding as you black out.
  77. >Several hours later, you're in a bed.
  78. >Still woozy from the experience, you look around the room.
  79. >Dash's eyes meet with yours and she has a slight blush on her face.
  80. >"Feeling okay?"
  81. "I… think so."
  82. >It doesn't hurt to speak now, and you rest your head into the pillow.
  83. >"That's good. So, Anon?"
  84. "Hmm?"
  85. >"I heard about what happened…"
  86. >You furrow your brow and sigh.
  87. "Going to make fun of me for it?"
  88. >"Actually, I was wondering if maybe I should… pick up a dog collar when we get out of here?"
  89. >Trying to sink further into the pillow now, you take at least a minute before responding.
  90. "Yeah, sure."
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