
Blast from the past - AKA First Draft of RiE Chapter One

Oct 4th, 2013
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  1. I'd like to think that writing this little yarn has helped me grow as a writer. It's something I strongly believe. I'd had some fun experiences up to now, and I've come to make some new friends within AiE. That being said, I'd like to dig up something deep within the depths of my hard drive.
  3. This is blast from the past. aka, first version of RiE.
  5. >War has besieged your country.
  6. >The enemy has started a full scale invasion into your lands.
  7. >They have always been allies, but the recent energy crisis has driven them to the breaking point.
  8. >The world has always been dependent on fossil fuels
  9. >And your home nation sits on top of a virtually untapped pocket of fossil fuel.
  10. >Since they have exhausted their own supply, their economy has since failed, and their people grow impatient.
  11. >It’s been about 2 months since they have first set foot on your lands.
  12. >Little by little they have been pushing forward into the country.
  13. >Taking city by city and placing them under their command.
  14. >They moved as a whole.
  15. >In all honesty, your puny country didn’t stand much of a chance against this super power.
  16. >IT was only a matter of time before shit would hit the fan.
  18. >You are anonymous.
  19. >You’ve always been that quite, level headed guy everyone knew.
  20. >You were above average intellectually, but you always were a lazy shit throughout your school years.
  22. >You were just an average university student with a shelf full of football trophies and a rent bill that arrives every month.
  23. >You were working on getting a degree in engineering.
  24. >You had several hobbies: Music, Video Games, Electronics, Computers, and Cartoons.
  25. >You have always lived in a neighborhood where running wasn’t something that was done for exercise. And
  26. >You can’t really complain though.
  27. >To you, it was home.
  29. >You had been reading in the papers how the enemy war machine had been inching closer to your city.
  30. >There weren’t many reports and they weren’t very detailed.
  31. >Most of them seemed to contradict each other.
  32. >You didn’t pay much attention to it.
  36. >In the back of your mind you hope that if you ignore it they will go away.
  37. >But a few weeks ago everything changed.
  38. >You were chilling in your apartment lazing around on the computer.
  39. >Just as you had begun to reassure yourself that there was no danger of an invasion a huge explosion goes off somewhere outside.
  40. >The sound so loud that your ears where ringing.
  41. “Huu..what?” You mumble to yourself.
  42. >Scared shitless you huddle in the corner of your loving room.
  43. “....No….This can’t be possible….no….they wouldn’t bother with this shit hole. The capital is just 40 miles from here…no….” You mumble to yourself in disbelief.
  44. >As you finally regain your hearing you can only hear muffled gunshots and the sound people screaming.
  45. >You finally muster up the courage to look out your window.
  46. >You lived on the 6th floor of an old apartment building.
  47. >As you looked down, your expression changed from one of doubt, to one of pure horror.
  48. >The streets were overrun with enemy invaders and their engines of war.
  49. >People were running from every direction.
  50. >That explosion you heard?
  51. >That was the sound of a tank blowing up friendly police blockades on the street.
  52. >Their flags were rising up all over the city
  53. >The city street were filled with gunfire and chaos.
  54. >Tanks were rolling in from every direction and soldiers were barking orders at civilians in a language you did not understand.
  55. >Those who did not comply with their orders were killed on the spot.
  56. >Those that stood in their way were shot.
  57. >The soldiers of the enemy forces showed no remorse for their actions.
  58. >As if everything they were doing was justified.
  59. >Up above in the skies you hear the distinct sound of jet engines.
  60. >3 MIG Fighters zoomed over head in a perfect “V” formation
  61. >They were headed for downtown.
  62. >You watched in horror as one of them launched rockets at several public buildings.
  63. >Churches, hospitals and police stations…
  64. >In a matter of moments, they were completely leveled.
  65. “…shit..”
  67. >The slaughter in the street continued for days.
  68. >Mass rioting and looting had taken place.
  69. >Fortunately for you, you had been able to hunker down in your apartment.
  70. >The soldiers were raiding every building.
  71. >Looking for anything of interest or value.
  72. >Should there be a raid in your apartment you knew this perfect hiding spot.
  73. >Your building had a HVAC system.
  74. >You figured, should shit ever hit the fan, you’d hide out in one of those vents.
  75. >If it worked for the spies in the movies, it should work for you
  77. >You were able to hide from the raids that took place in the buildings.
  78. >You watched from your windows at those who were found in the raids.
  79. >They were executed in the parking lots.
  80. >After a while the main fronts of the war machine moved to the opposite side of the city.
  81. >The soldiers soon stopped coming into your building, probably assuming it was vacant.
  82. >By now, friendly military forces have arrived to counter attack.
  83. >The southern side of the city had become a warzone, almost every building was leveled.
  84. >A constant barrage of gun fire could be heard there from any given moment.
  85. >You would later learn that your city housed several small airports and train stations.
  86. >Something the enemy would be using to their advantage.
  88. >The enemy had taken the liberty to establish a new government.
  89. >All communications to the outside had been blocked.
  90. >The TV was dead, phone lines were killed and cell towers destroyed.
  91. >Your ISP was shut down after the CEO of the company refused to follow new censorship procedure.
  92. >In order to calm the citizens, they had set up several “support stations” around the city.
  93. >Most of them gave out food rations and gave “news updates” on their crusade for justice.
  94. >Propaganda at its finest.
  96. >After telling your some of your friends it was safe in your building, some of them came to you looking for a place to stay.
  97. >You did not deny them, especially now in your times of need.
  98. >Most of their homes were destroyed in the firefights.
  99. >Some of them came armed, mostly with small guns and such.
  100. >When you asked what the weaponry was for, you were told
  101. >”Just in case shit gets real.”
  102. Okay.jpeg.
  103. >Word got out that you had some sort of safe haven in the midst of this living hell.
  104. >Before you knew it, you had at least a dozen people coming and going from your apartment.
  105. >Some of them were familiar faces, but most were people you had never met.
  106. >As time gradually passed more and more people came into the building taking up the emptied out apartments.
  107. >More of them came armed with more weapons.
  108. >Assault Rifles, Side arms, Explosives among other goodies stolen from enemy troops.
  110. >it didn’t take long for you to realize you were harboring the resistance movement in your building.
  111. >It didn’t take long for you to join them.
  112. >Stubborn misfits.
  113. > Ragtag ne’er do wells.
  114. >Sore losers who can’t accept defeat.
  115. >These are the people who made up the resistance movement.
  116. >Their goals unrealistic.
  117. >Their supplies pathetic.
  118. >But their resolve was absolute.
  119. >In other words, they are heroes.
  120. >You joined the resistance on various “missions” taking on the roles of a freedom fighter
  121. >However, you mostly took on the small jobs being the pussy you were.
  122. >Burning down enemy occupied buildings.
  123. >Beating down enemy patrols.
  124. >Sabotaging enemy vehicles.
  125. >And scavenging for supplies.
  126. >You worked under the cover of the night.
  127. >This took course for a few weeks.
  128. >By now, you had learned your way around a rifle.
  129. >Supplies were scarce, so you didn’t get to use it much.
  130. >The first time you had shot someone else, you had broken down in hysterics.
  131. >The idea that you had taken the life of someone else was too much for you.
  132. >Eventually with time, you had desensitized yourself.
  134. > And you very well knew the consequences of victory and defeat.
  135. >Should you be successful in your rag tag, you would slow down the enemy war machine.
  136. >You didn’t take on the enemy full force, no. That would be suicide.
  137. >Instead you all weakened it.
  138. >Essentially slowing down their progress.
  139. >Giving other cities and the rest of your country a bit more time to prepare.
  140. >You’d be giving their citizens just a few more days of peace.
  141. >However, should you fail or become compromised….
  142. >There is no doubt you would be executed on the spot.
  143. >By day you all hid from sight, blending in with the other refugees looking to get rations from the support stations.
  144. >By night, you took place in a rag tag team hindering the enemy forces.
  146. >Eventually you became audacious enough to take on more high risk operations.
  147. >You weren’t much of a fighter.
  148. >And you would probably shit yourself if you came face to face with an enemy soldier.
  149. >But you were good at something.
  151. >Electronic Engineering…
  152. >To the eyes of the Resistance, that meant only one thing.
  153. >…Explosives and demolitions.
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