
2019-07-11 TOEFL: writing practice

Jul 11th, 2019
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  1. Greg Malivuk
  3. - notes from all classes
  4. ---
  6. ---
  7. Homework: finish the listening mini-test, and do exercises 4L6 (231) and 4L8 (233) in your book
  8. 10 A - If it’s true only in some cases, then it’s not always valid.
  9. 11 A - “We may be dissatisfied, but we’re very optimistic problem solvers.” - She doesn’t want to suggest that they’re unhappy or pessimistic.
  10. 12 A - The speaker uses the example of the aspirin bottle to demonstrate that one invention often brings about another invention created to correct a fault of the first one.
  11. 13 A
  12. 14 D - “Let’s toss some ideas around.” She wants to get ideas from the audience.
  13. hint = a small piece of information to help someone struggling with a question
  14. open the floor = let audience members speak
  15. 15 D - Sifting through garbage is one way to find information about a culture. (Use a sieve to sift.)
  16. 16 A
  17. 17 B - The other things wouldn’t last thousands of years until today.
  18. 18 C
  19. Oxford 4L6
  20. 1 c
  21. 2 a - In British academia, a “faculty” is a major division of a university (in the US it would often be a “school” or “college”). One faculty has many departments. (In the US, the faculty is the teaching staff.)
  22. 3 a d
  23. 4 b c d
  24. 5 c d
  25. 6 c - The end of February “doesn’t give us much time”, so the conversation is in January or February.
  26. Note: “arts” in an academic context usually means general academic subjects, not fine arts like painting and sculpture
  27. (Traditionally, the seven “liberal arts” were grammar, logic, rhetoric, arithmetic, geometry, music theory, and astronomy.)
  28. exercise 4L8
  29. 1 c
  30. 2 d - “a process that begins every time you move a muscle”
  31. 3 b - “IFG-1 begins its work in increasing the production of a critical brain chemical called BDNF”
  32. 4 a c - It facilitates connections inside the brain, but connections between the brain and muscles aren’t mentioned.
  33. 5 a - He suggests ending class early because he doesn’t want to present a summary of a research study.
  34. ---
  35. BREAK
  36. ---
  37. Writing Practice - ETS 2.2
  38. Send your responses to me when you finish.
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