
Scorching Life of Despair - Prologue Part 1

Dec 7th, 2015
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  1. [After selecting New Game, a picture appears of a brown-haired boy with short hair from behind. His attire is mostly black. He looks up at Hope's Peak Academy.]
  3. "Hope's Peak Academy. The cream of the crop, as far as schools go. It is said that whoever enrolls in here has a life of guaranteed success. Getting into this school? Well, that's the hard part, since the school doesn't accept applications. Instead, one has to be 'chosen' by the staff. How does one get chosen? Why, by being the absolute best at what one does, while still being of highschool age. Talented students like that are called 'Super High School Level' students or 'SHSL' for short. If you can think of it, there's most likely someone enrolled into it that has that talent. Examples would include the SHSL Maid, Doctor, Gardener and even things like Thief and Gangster.
  5. [The picture disappears, and now there's a front view of the boy seen from behind. He is wearing a white shirt underneath his school uniform and wears orange glasses as well. He has brown eyes. He looks sleepy.]
  7. "Me? Oh, shoot. I forgot to introduce myself, haven't I? My bad. I'm Daniel Saotome, and I'm from Germany. Oh, you're asking why I'm standing in front of the gate to success? Be patient, geez, I was getting to that part. As it turns out, I'm assigned the title of the 'SHSL Procrastinator'.
  9. [Daniel Saotome - SHSL Procrastinator Title Card appears]
  11. "Yep. In other words, they accepted me for being a talentless hack. But hey, if it gets me into Hope's Peak, I'm willing to put up with it."
  13. [Hope's Peak appears again]
  15. "Well, here we go, I suppose..."
  17. [The picture becomes darker and swirls appear]
  19. "W-wait, what's... going on...?"
  21. [Picture fades to black]
  23. ...
  25. [Picture returns. The sky isn't visible. The camera pans around to reveal a tunnel. There are lanterns lighting everything up.]
  27. Female voice: "Thank goodness you are awake! We were worried about you!"
  29. Daniel: "Ugh... What happened? Where am I? This isn't Hope's Peak anymore, is it?"
  31. [A girl with short hair styled like an owl comes into view. She wears a cape, a purple dress and some headphones. She holds a ritual baton in her hand. She motions for Daniel to follow her. She has yellow eyes.]
  33. Unknown girl: "We do not know where we are ourselves. Please follow me, you are the last one until everyone has gathered."
  35. Daniel [Puzzled.]: "Everyone? How many of us are here?"
  37. Unknown girl: "Counting you, we are sixteen."
  39. [Picture first fades into black, then fades back in. The sky is now visible. Looking down, there is bubbling lava below a see-through platform. Fourteen other students stand around on it. One of them looks happy to be here. There are sixteen hallways all leading to the same platform.]
  41. [One of the boys gave an annoyed sigh.]
  43. Black-haired boy: "Jesus, what the hell took him so long? How annoying..."
  45. [The girl who brought Daniel to platform talks to him.]
  47. Unknown girl: "Why don't you talk to everyone, here? We should get along with each other if we wish to escape this place."
  49. [Investigation Start]
  51. [Talk to Unknown girl]
  53. Daniel: "Uh... How long was I out for? I don't remember anything after I passed through the gate."
  55. Unknown girl: "It is worrisome. I was the first to awaken, and no one remembered anything either when I inquired about it. You did not respond to me for about thirty minutes after I discovered you."
  57. Daniel: "But you still remember your name, right? I'm Daniel Saotome, I was supposed to be the SHSL Procrastinator..."
  59. Unknown girl: [Looking surprised.]: "SHSL Procrastinator? How intriguing... And of course I remember my name. It is Miko Tatsumani, and I hold the esteemed title of the SHSL Empress! It is a pleasure to meet you, Daniel!
  61. [Miko Tatsumani - SHSL Empress Title Card appears]
  63. Daniel: "Likewise, Miko." [In thoughts.]: "Sometimes having way more time than acceptable can be a good thing. I read up on most of the students that were attending Hope's Peak this year. Miko apparently is a girl of many talents, but her biggest talent seems to be her leadership. She apparently inherited a small empire from some old guy and brought it to prosperity, and that's why she's here now. By the way, even though I technically know who they are, I'll still ask them their names and talents."
  65. Miko: "I mentioned it before, but it would be wise to talk to the others. We have introduced ourselves to one another already."
  67. Daniel [Nodding.]: "Yeah, yeah. I'll get to it."
  69. [Talk to Black-haired boy wearing a jacket with pockets on the inside and black and grey pants. He has brown eyes and slightly messy hair. He looks annoyed. He has brown eyes.]
  71. Black-haired boy: "Man, you like taking your sweet time doing things, eh? You're quite a lazy ass."
  73. Daniel [Annoyed.] "It's nice to meet you, too, whoever you are. I'm Daniel, the SHSL Procrastinator.
  75. Black-haired boy [Smug.] "Ha! I knew it! I told the others before that 'hey, maybe the last guy's a lazy fuck' and guess what, I'm right! Well, I'm always right of course.
  77. [He pulls out a cleaver from the jacket and checks himself out in it. He looks proud of himself. He looks back to Daniel.]
  79. Black-haired boy [Bewildered.] "Oh, you're still here? I'm Luigi Sanguene, the SHSL Butcher, and don't you forget it!"
  81. [Luigi Sanguene - SHSL Butcher Title Card appears]
  83. Daniel [In thoughts.] "The internet said that Luigi came from Rome, as son of one of the most famous butchers in the world. Rumors say that he was able to slaughter chickens before he was able to read, but so far he comes across as a pompous douche. Maybe I shouldn't get on his bad side."
  85. Luigi: "Left you speechless, didn't I?"
  87. Daniel: "I'm just not gonna respond to that."
  89. [Talk to Blue-haired girl in a blue dress with a slit on the left side, showing some leg. She has yellow eyes and very long hair that reaches past her knees, but not quite down to the ground yet.]
  91. Daniel: "And who might you be?"
  93. Blue-haired girl: "..."
  95. Daniel: "Oh, I see."
  97. Blue-haired girl: "Edna Odori... Dancer..."
  99. [Edna Odori - SHSL Dancer Title Card appears]
  101. Daniel [In thoughts.]: "Now Edna's birthplace seems to be unknown. I've looked far and wide, but found no information. In any case, she apparently learned to mesmerize customers with her dance very early on in her life. As far as I remember, she was part of a travelling circus or something. Also, is that hair dyed? It has to be..."
  103. Edna [Looking away.] "..."
  105. Daniel: "Alright, I'm leaving."
  107. Edna: [Facing Daniel now.] "...Who are you?"
  109. Daniel [Scratching his head.] "Oh, my bad. I'm Daniel, the SHSL Procrastinator."
  111. [Edna doesn't respond.]
  113. [Talk to Silver-haired boy with a similar fashion style as Daniel, he has his back turned on him. He seems to fidget with something.]
  115. Daniel: "Uhh... What are you doing?"
  117. Silver-haired boy [Turns around. He looks angry. He wears glasses, and has grey eyes.]: "What do you want? You're ruining the surprise!"
  119. Daniel [Shrugs.]: "I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm Daniel, the SHSL Procrastinator."
  121. Silver-haired boy: "Ah, so you're the one with the worthless talent here. You can call me Vincent Couderoy. I'm the SHSL Trap Master."
  123. [Vincent Couderoy - SHSL Trap Master Title Card appears]
  125. Daniel [In thoughts.]: "Vincent comes from Australia. His talent revolves around trapping various animals in containers and killing them this way. His biggest success was killing a crocodile that terrorized the town he lived in, or so I've read. I should probably stay away from him, too."
  127. Daniel: "Well, it's not like I'm exactly proud of it, either..."
  129. Vincent [Turns back around.]: "That's great and all, but I'm busy. Go bother someone else."
  131. [Talk to Green-haired girl with her hair bound to the front. She wears a red dress with the symbol for 'curse' on it. It looks pretty elegant. She looks slightly confused. She has green eyes.]
  133. Elegant girl [Worried.]: "Don't come near me! Bad things will happen if you do!"
  135. Daniel [Puzzled.] "Why? I just wanted to say hello."
  137. Elegant girl: "I, um, I cause misfortune for everyone. I'm Hina Yakugami, the SHSL Misfortune. I just cause trouble..."
  139. [Hina Yakugami - SHSL Misfortune Title Card appears]
  141. Daniel [In thoughts.] "Hina comes from Japan. Apparently, she attracts bad luck like a magnet attracts metals. Rumors say that she was invited because she indirectly stopped a robbery from happening. It's said that her mere presence was enough for the getaway car to get flat tires, making it simple for the police to capture the robbers."
  143. Daniel [Raised his eyebrow]: "Misfortune? So, are you like the anti-SHSL Good Luck?"
  145. Hina [Nods.]: "Yes. By the way, remind me who you are again? You look familiar..."
  147. Daniel [Shrugs.] "I'm Daniel, the SHSL Procrastinator. I'd be legitimately surprised if you heard of me before."
  149. Hina [Curtseys.] "Ah. It's nice to meet you, then. Please be wary of me in the future."
  151. [Talk to Brown-haired boy wearing a poncho. He has long, straight hair that goes down his back. He seems ordinary. He has brown eyes as well.]
  153. Long-haired boy [Smiling, and raising a hand to greet.]: "Fellow classmate! I am quite certain that all of the current events are just folly, and that we will return to the school of greatness with nary a scratch!"
  155. Daniel [Raises arm also.]: "I hope so... By the way, are you a Poet? You sound quite, what's the word again? Eloquent? Yeah, eloquent."
  157. Long-haired boy [Shakes his head.]: "Alas, that is wrong, friend! I am Sasuke Sukiyami, proud holder of the Super High School Level title of Motivational Speaker!"
  159. [Sasuke Sukiyami - SHSL Motivational Speaker Title Card appears]
  161. Daniel [In thoughts.]: "Sasuke, like many so far, comes from Japan. He only lived two hours away from Hope's Peak, if he took the train. His talent revolves around motivating people to try their hardest. To be honest, just hearing his voice makes me feel better. Try as he might, he won't be able to make me give up the ways of the Procrastinator, though."
  163. Daniel [Stretches out hand.]: "It's nice to meet you, Sasuke! I'm Daniel, the SHSL Procrastinator."
  165. Sasuke [Accepts handshake.]: "Indeed, friend Daniel! But do not think for a second that I will give up on you! I will motivate you to work hard, so that we all may enjoy a successful future!"
  167. [They laugh.]
  169. [Talk to Blonde-haired girl wearing a black dress with a red tabard and black headwear depicting several crescent moons. She's holding a calculator in her hand and looks at it. Her hair is long and reaches down around where her navel would be.]
  171. Daniel: "Um, hello?"
  173. Blonde girl [Glares at Daniel. She has red eyes and looks intimidating.]: "Damn it! You! It's your fault I miscounted!"
  175. Daniel [Sweats. Takes a step back.]: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! But what's here to count? We're just sixteen people, and I doubt you need a calculator for that."
  177. Blonde girl [Smiles. Turns pleasant all of a sudden.] "Oh, I need to apologize, my dear. I just had a small... mishap. I was trying to calculate my profits from last week."
  179. Daniel [Looks at the girl's face with a puzzled expression.] "Profits? Are you saying you're the SHSL Shopkeeper?"
  181. Blonde girl [Nods.] "Yes. You got that right. My name is Kaneko Nejibisu. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
  183. [Kaneko Nejibisu - SHSL Shopkeeper Title Card appears]
  185. Daniel [In thoughts:] "If you have an anagram of 'business' as your surname, then it kinda tells you that you're a great businessman or woman, right? Hailing from Japan too, she opened her first business at the ripe old age of eight years. I feel strange when I'm around her. I don't know if it's her charisma or just her fearsomeness doing the work. Nevertheless, she knows how to buy low and sell high. She never had a single year where she went into the negatives."
  187. Daniel [Nods himself.] "Likewise. My name is Daniel Saotome, and I'm the SHSL Procrastinator."
  189. Kaneko [Shrugs.] "It doesn't really matter to me what talent you are. All that matters is that you're a paying customer if you're in my shop."
  191. Daniel [Nods again.] "Got it."
  193. [Talk to Blonde-haired boy clad entirely in green. He wears a green hat and has two blue earrings. He also has blue eyes. He seems to fidget with an orb of some kind. He also wears fingerless gloves.]
  195. Blonde boy [Mumbling. Doesn't notice Daniel.] "Just do this here... And that there... Add fuse... Done!"
  197. Daniel [Scratching his face.]: "Uhh, what were you doing just now? Something about a fuse?"
  199. Blonde boy [Notices Daniel finally. Is startled.]: "Ohmygod! I, um, was building a bomb. But I swear! There's no gunpowder in it!"
  201. Daniel [Smiles.] "Could it be that you're---"
  203. Blonde boy [Cuts him off.] "Yep! I'm Bob Ombus! The SHSL Explosives Expert! Straight from Novoselic to Hope's Peak!"
  205. [Bob Ombus - SHSL Explosives Expert Title Card appears]
  207. Daniel [In thoughts.] "Looks like our Novoselician friend is as cheery as fireworks on New Year's Eve. Right now he didn't act that way, but that was because I surprised him. Didn't he see me coming? In any case, if it's loud and it destroys things, then Bob is probably responsible for it. He supposedly had a tiny bomb leave a gigantic crater in the school grounds where he grew up. That's impressive, considering that Novoselic is known to have quite a lot of military equipment."
  209. Daniel: "You're from Novoselic? The SHSL Princess came from there too, right?"
  211. Bob [Nods.] "You mean Sonia Nevermind? Yep, she is. I've only seen her a few times before, but I heard she was a nice girl."
  213. Daniel: "I see. I never went there myself. By the way, I'm Daniel, the SHSL Procrastinator."
  215. Bob [Laughs, then fidgets around again.] "Procrastinator? Haha, that's hilarious! If you'll please excuse me, though, I'll try to build something that gets us out of here."
  217. [Talk to White-haired girl wearing red and white. Her pants have several ofudas on them. She has long hair with bows tying up the ends and a big bow on top of her head, that's also red and white. She's the one who was looking happy earlier. She has red eyes.]
  219. Happy girl [Grins.]: "This is fucking amazing! I've always wanted to see a volcano up close!"
  221. Daniel [Raising eyebrow.] "Aren't seeing a volcano up close and actually being in a volcano two different things?"
  223. Happy girl: "True, but I don't care. I love fire and hot things in general! How it sizzles and burns, how everything is reduced to ashes!"
  225. Daniel [Shaking head.] "Huh. I can see that."
  227. Happy girl [Puts one hand in pocket.] "Oh, yeah. I'm Ignia Brand, the SHSL Arsonist. It's nice to meet you, latecomer."
  229. [Ignia Brand - SHSL Arsonist Title Card appears]
  231. Daniel [In thoughts.]: "Ignia hails from Germany, just like me. It's speculated that the reason she joined Hope's Peak is that she actually burned down a whole village. I'm sure she was in the news at some point, but I must have forgotten about her. She also seems pretty content about our situation."
  233. Daniel [Nods.]: "Arsonist? That explains your love of fire, then. You're not too far off with calling me a latecomer as well. I'm Daniel, and I'm the SHSL Procrastinator."
  235. Ignia [Laughs.]: "Hahaha, I think I already like you, Dan. Everyone's so in uproar about all of this, and you're so chill."
  237. Daniel [Shrugs.]: "Well, you know, as a Procrastinator... worrying is too troublesome for me, so I don't do it."
  239. Ignia [Laughs again.] "Man, you really had to prove that, eh? But there are a few more people left. We can talk later."
  241. [Talk to small, tan boy wearing a turban with red gems on it, a blue vest, white baggy pants and brown shoes. He has black eyes. He looks scared.]
  243. Small boy [Falls over.]: "W-wah! Please don't hurt me!"
  245. Daniel [Helps him up.]: "Don't worry, man. Here, I'll help you."
  247. Small boy [Bows.]: "Thanks, mister. I'm Kasima Mubande, the, umm, SHSL Snake Charmer, they told me..."
  249. [Kasima Mubande - SHSL Snake Charmer Title Card appears]
  251. Daniel [In thoughts.]: "Kasima hails from Egypt. He is a bit shy around people, but he can understand snakes. As a Snake Charmer, he can control any amount of snakes to do his bidding, that's how Hope's Peak Academy discovered him. Unlike Ignia, he used his snake charming talents to save a village from a snake infestation."
  253. Daniel [Pats him on the back]: "No prob, Kasima. No one's gonna hurt you."
  255. Kasima: "H-how kind of you, but what's y-your name?"
  257. Daniel: "I'm Daniel, and I'm the SHSL Procrastinator."
  259. Kasima [Puzzled.] "What's a 'Procrastinator?"
  261. Daniel: "Don't worry about it."
  263. [Ignia overheard the conversation and butts in.]
  265. Ignia [Throws shoulder around Daniel.]: "A Procrastinator's a slacker, a lazy bum, someone who does nothing at all." [She grins at Daniel.] "Ain't that right, buddy?"
  267. Daniel [Completely deadpan.]: "Yep. What she said."
  269. Kasima: "Ooooh, I look forward to seeing you in action then, Mr. Daniel!"
  271. [Ignia returns to the place she stood at, allowing Daniel to continue.]
  273. [Talk to girl with pink and long hair, which reaches to her waist. She has a brown apron around her with a belt holding it in place. Beneath the apron she wears a blue school uniform. She has green eyes and holds a hammer in her hand. She looks determined.]
  275. Determined girl [Steps forward.]: "You don't look well equipped enough to survive in this scenario! Let me assist you in living longer!"
  277. Daniel [Sweatdrop appears on his head.] "I don't really think equipment will be of any use here. I appreciate it, though."
  279. Determined girl [Looks Daniel straight in the eye.] "Nonsense! Good equipment is useful in ANY situation, no matter how dire!"
  281. Daniel [Laughs.]: "If you say so. I'm Daniel the SHSL Procrastinator. Who're you?"
  283. Determined girl [Touches Daniel's forehead with the hammer.] "Then you're the most vulnerable person here, if you're too lazy to defend yourself! My name is Nana Kajiya, the SHSL Blacksmith! Call me anytime you need me!"
  285. [Nana Kajiya - SHSL Blacksmith Title Card appears]
  287. Daniel [In thoughts.] "Nana was born in Japan, but actually moved to Novoselic around three years ago. Funnily enough, she's a blacksmith and her surname means 'Blacksmith', too. What are the odds? Her talent revolves around smithing weapons and armor. She wouldn't feel out of place in a fantasy RPG kinda game, would she? She was supposedly able to make a key from scratch after she locked herself out by mistake. News got out, and before she got accepted, she spent her time recreating various legendary weapons from various myths. Basically, if it's made out of any steel of any kind, she can make it. As far as I know, she hasn't done any original works, yet."
  289. Daniel [Smiles.]: "Okay, Nana. I'll be sure to get back to you. Someday."
  291. Nana [Steps back.]: "Don't forget! Being lazy doesn't excuse being forgetful!"
  293. [Talk to Brown-haired boy with blue streaks in his hair. He has brown eyes and wears a shoulderplate on his right arm and a blue military uniform. There's a shortsword on his left side. He looks wary.]
  295. Wary boy [Shouts.] "Halt! Do not come closer!"
  297. Daniel [Points to Hina.] "Hina over there told me not to come closer as well, but here I am."
  299. Wary boy [Unsheathes sword, it shines in the sunlight] "I repeat, do not come closer, or else you forfeit your life right here and now!"
  301. Daniel [Steps back.] "Okay, okay, geez. Can I at least ask you your name?"
  303. Wary boy: [Points sword towards Daniel.] "It's Mamoru Kanzuko, and I'm the SHSL Guard! Remember them well, or else..."
  305. Daniel [In thoughts.] "Oof, Mamoru's a tough one. He's the youngest member of a family where all the members protect various important people. You know, chancellors, emperors, presidents, and the like. As a Guard, he knows all the tricks a person can use to kill another person and figured out the best way to avoid each and every one. His claim to fame is that he managed to escort the emperor of Japan around the world, foiling around 44 confirmed assassination attempts on him. The true number was never revealed, but it's speculated that it's somewhere in the low three digit range. Quite impressive, but so is everyone else here."
  307. Daniel [Sweats.]: "And I'm Daniel, the SHSL Procrastinator. Don't worry, I will, since we're going to be spending quite some time down here."
  309. Mamoru [Sheathes sword.] "So you're not going to be dangerous. But don't think for a second that I'll let my guard down around you!"
  311. [Talk to Red-haired girl with red eyes. She wears a white jacket, a black shirt with red cross-hatching and a white skirt. She's tapping her foot in an unheard rhythm.]
  313. Rhythmic girl: "Ah, it's the long sleeper. How are you feeling?"
  315. Daniel [Scratches head.] "How am I supposed to feel? I blacked out, most likely hit my head somewhere and then woke up in a strange place. I've got a headache..."
  317. Rhythmic girl: "I see. I sometimes get headaches too, but that must come from the music I play..."
  319. Daniel [Deadpan.] "So you're saying that blacking out and hitting your head is similar to hearing or making loud music. Got it."
  321. Rhythmic girl [Smiles.] "Yeah! I mean, you have heard of me before, right? Yumi Dorama of 'Yumi Times Three'?
  323. [Yumi Dorama - SHSL Percussionist Title Card appears]
  325. Daniel [In thoughts.]: "Well, Yumi's the drummer of the band Yumi Times Three. It's a rock music group consisting of Yumi Yuki on the vocals, Yumi Kumaza on the guitar and Yumi Dorama on the drums. They're a pretty hot group right now, having set the music industry on fire when they first came into being two years ago. Their very first single apparently sold one and a half million copies in the first 12 hours after release, and that's not counting the digital sales. Various critics gave glowing reviews to their music, and they always cited the drummer as the best part of each song. The other two Yumis don't seem to have any bad blood with her, but who knows what's going on behind the scenes..."
  327. Daniel [Nods.] "Yeah, I have. I even bought a few of the songs you three put out."
  329. Yumi [Excited] "Oooh! Do you like them? We worked hard to make them good!"
  331. Daniel: "Oh, yeah. They're pretty good for relaxing. My name's Daniel, by the way. I'm the SHSL Procrastinator."
  333. Yumi [Scratches head.] "You listen to our stuff while you're relaxing? That's kinda not what we had in mind, but whatever works, I suppose. Nice to meet you!"
  335. [Talk to Blonde boy with blue eyes. He wears glasses, a brown bomber jacket and a green uniform. He looks impatient.]
  337. Impatient boy [Talks fast.] "Let's get this over with, 'cause there are places to explore! I'm Theran Walker, the SHSL Explorer and I know that you're the SHSL Procrastinator Daniel Saotome. Before I got to HPA, I looked all of you up."
  339. [Theran Walker - SHSL Explorer Title Card appears]
  341. Daniel [In thoughts.] "Well, that sure was something. Regardless, Theran Walker hails from America. His bio on the internet said that he travelled across America in his youth, and always was on the lookout for caves and tunnels, so that he could explore them. He is also said to have fantastic orientational skills, preventing him from getting lost. One time, he managed to explore a cave to the fullest with only a single bottle of water and a half-eaten sandwich, a cave that not even a team of experienced adults could explore without casualties."
  343. [Theran storms off without Daniel getting a word in. He bumps off an invisible forcefield that prevents him from going into one of the sixteen hallways.]
  345. Theran [Complains.] "Ow! What the hell!"
  347. [Daniel ignores him and walks to the sixteenth student. The final student is a girl with black hair done in a ponytail and decorated it with a red bow. She wears a red kimono with long white sleeves. She also has the largest bust size, as her clothes show some cleavage. It looks like she has a decorative horn on her head. She also has red eyes. She looks uninterested.]
  349. Uninterested girl [Crosses arms.] "Meh. What d'ya want?"
  351. Daniel: "I want to introduce myself. You're the last one."
  353. Uninterested girl: "Fine, fine. Let's hear it, then."
  355. Daniel [Scratches head.] "I'm Daniel Saotome, the SHSL Procrastinator."
  357. Uninterested girl [Grins maliciously.] "So you're the personification of Sloth? Laughable. If you really need a name for me, call me Lucy Ferry. I'm the personification of all sins! The SHSL Sinner, according to this garbage school."
  359. [Lucy Ferry - SHSL Sinner Title Card appears]
  361. Daniel [In thoughts.] "Really subtle name there, Lucy. Really subtle. In any case, I'm at a loss for words here. I've looked everywhere I could on her, but found nothing. If the title's any indication, she might have knowledge of religions, and all the various sins those books speak of. Except she seems to be sinning on purpose. I'd better stay away from this one."
  363. Daniel [Sweats.] "Uh, okay, Lucy."
  365. Lucy: "Now get lost, ya bastard!"
  367. [Miko then walks towards the dead center of the platform, and speaks to everyone.]
  369. Miko: "Now that we are all acquainted with one another, let us brainstorm a plan to escape this place. Do we have any ideas yet? Please speak up if you do."
  371. [Bob excitedly presents a bomb.]
  373. Bob: "How about this? I'll just blow a side into the volcano and badabang badaboom we're free like birds!"
  375. [Luigi shakes his head dismissively.]
  377. Luigi: "And kill us because it'll cave in? God you're dumb."
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