
Path of Metal, First Step

Mar 16th, 2016
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  1. Time passed and so did time over which Imeri spent working over the prototype runic golems, polishing the previous ones and slowly moving towards designing new ones, slowly moving with her focus towards implementing ideas she spoke with the pureblooded councilor, different variations designed to handle different types of opponents.
  3. Though her work would slowly halt as further developement would reuqire more obisidian for which she had to wait to be extracted and delivered. Using the time she had to slowly begin her work over something she originally once planned to use, but hesitated before, now after all of the years that have passed and with her expreience, she not only felt like she was capable of succeeding, she knew she will, learning and using metal magic, huge leap for ones that called themselves masters in earth magic.
  5. The witch as one of few has mastered earth element at age of sixteen, being one of the first types of magic she learned and the longest in terms of development and usage, will it be during the fight, sculpturing or fixing the town. Even through simplests of tasks she worked over her power, bringing herself closer to molecular level of earth control. With enough of knowledge and power she believed that her cotrol would allow her to manipulate the matter to point where she would have limited control over it, allowing it to separate from the base.
  7. With such control the witch would be able to gather and use any type of metal found within the rock, separating it from its surrounding rubble in nearly purest forms, with such power in her possesion she would have proven her superiority in terms of earth control, inreasing her own power and allowing herself to handle most of the work over golem on her own, without need to relay on others. That and metal spheres would been far more devastating than earth ones, giving Imeri another reason to remain viligant in her practice.
  9. She closed her eyes and began to focus while waving her hands and rising the soil and stone around herself, giving it different forms and shapes, constantly manipulating it while tryng to squash it in place with great force, with force so strong that vibrations caused instant explosion in temperature, heating the rocks to its melting point in matters of seconds, repeating the process until she would have runned out of most of her mana, giving her time to sit down and meditate over her overall results, focusing her mind over them, noting any mistakes she made before deciding to make her first attemp to control the smallest bits of metal within the rocks she held in her control.
  11. Despite her exhustion and lack of involvement towards the art in her life before, Imeri felt the difference in control, slowly separating the barelly visible bits of metal from the rocks, collecting them together in her hand, smirking happily as her first attempt proven succesful, giving her hope that through long practice she would achieve her goal.
  12. (Imeri Ryozo)
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