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  100.             <li class="sub-list"><i class="ss-icon ss-star"></i> Getting Started</li>
  101.             <li class=""><a href="">Introduction</a></li>     </ul>
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  105.             <li class=""><a href="">xxx via Email</a></li>      </ul>
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  120. <div class="guides content-wrapper twelve columns">
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  122.         <h5 class="top">What does xxx do?</h5>
  124. <p>xxx is a new and smarter way to share what you want to share on Social Media.
  125. People have called it great names before, like your Social Media Assistant or the
  126. Siri of Social Media.</p>
  128. <p>What it does is simple. You add updates to your xxx queue and it will be
  129. posted for you well spaced out over the day - and at the best times.</p>
  131. <p>It’s like your magic box you can use anytime to fill with great Tweets, Facebook
  132. stories or LinkedIn updates. Just drop them in and you don’t have to ever worry about
  133. when it will be posted, it’s all taken care of by xxx for you.</p>
  136. <h5>Who is using xxx?</h5>
  138. <p>Here are a few types of people who are finding xxx useful, maybe you are one of
  139. them?</p>
  141. <ul class="users">
  142.     <li>
  143.     Mary is reading a lot of great content every day, but doesn’t want to flood her
  144.     followers and friends with too much of the good stuff at once. By using xxx, her
  145.     shares will be spaced out and posted at optimal times. She simply xxxs everything
  146.     she finds and makes anyone following her happy and herself awesome on Social Media.
  147.     </li>
  149.     <li>
  150.     Ben is using Social Media for his business and needs to save time on posting interesting
  151.     stuff. With xxx, he can spend a few minutes filling up his xxx queue and will be
  152.     sure to keep his fans and followers posted with great content day in day out.
  153.     </li>
  155.     <li>
  156.     Tanya is managing lots of different Social Media accounts and also collaborates with
  157.     others on some non-profit and agency accounts for updates. With xxx she can add to
  158.     lots of different accounts all from one place and add team members, to make consistent
  159.     sharing easy for her.
  160.     </li>
  161. </ul>
  164. <h5>Why use xxx instead of regular Social Media posting?</h5>
  166. <p>When you get into a routine of xxxing everything you find worth sharing, we found that
  167. people can become a lot more consistent and focused with their Social Media efforts.</p>
  169. <p>If you know that you have got all these goodies in your xxx, your mind is freed from
  170. having to create any other Social Media posts. You can browse on Twitter, Facebook or wherever
  171. you like to hang out. You can reply to people, make new friends and connections and still have
  172. great content be sent out from your xxx.</p>
  174. <p>In short you can focus your Social Media efforts on, well being social really. Get into
  175. xxxing and your mind will soon be freed from the urge to “just post something interesting
  176. now”. Just top up your xxx and all will be taken care of.</p>
  179. <h5>How xxxing compares to other scheduling features</h5>
  181. <p>When we first designed xxx, we wanted to make sharing on Social Media more awesome than
  182. before. So we looked at what was already out there and tried to make it a big part easier than
  183. it used to be. That’s what xxx is today.</p>
  185. <p>Instead of you picking the date and times for each post, they are pre-set already. Of course,
  186. you can still go in and adjust them. Instead of you having to go to open an app, you can add to
  187. your queue from anywhere you are reading.</p>
  189. <p>So you can team up with your new buddy xxx. You find the awesome content and xxx will
  190. be sure to put it in front of your friends and followers, so they will see it.</p>
  192. <p>It’s an awesome combo! :)</p>
  193. <p>Ready to start xxxing?</p>
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