
Tears of a Tuna Chapter 2: I Believe There's Meaning

Jul 5th, 2012
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  1. >You awoke the next day feeling pretty chipper
  2. >The sun was shining through your window and giving you a light kiss on the cheek
  3. >You won the daily race to the bathroom, so you got to shower first this time
  4. >You had some a nice bowl of cereal for breakfast and even finished your half of the daily chores before work
  5. >You waved Lyra goodbye and walked out the door
  6. >Your walking down the dirt path, waving to everyp0ny you see on the way
  7. >Everything's going your way today, you even have a little extra time before your needed at Sweet Apple Achers
  8. >You decide to look for Scootaloo and help her look for Rainbow Dash
  9. >You find Scoots walking around staring at the sky so you prop her on your shoulders to give her a better look
  10. >She's surprised at first, but notices you instantly
  11. "See her yet?"
  12. >"Nope, but I'm not giving up"
  13. >Scootaloo looks up and down and left and right and northeast and southwest but just can't seem to find her
  14. >An idea then sparks in your head
  15. "Hey Rainbow Dash!" you yell towards the sky, in no real direction
  16. >Almost instantly Scootaloo spots her zooming towards you
  17. >"Look there she is!" she exclaims, pointing to your left
  18. >Works every time
  19. >She lands in front of you ears propped up and smiling widely
  20. >"What's up Anon?"
  21. "Scoot here has a question for you"
  22. >You lift her off your shoulders and place her on the ground
  23. >"Wow it's really you!" she says excitedly
  24. >"THE one and only," Rainbow says with a confident smile and a flap of her wings, "so what do ya need?"
  25. >"I was just kinda wondering," she looks downwards digging her hoof into the ground, "if maybe you would possibly..."
  26. >"Spit it out kid, I don't have all day" Rainbow Dash blurts out rudely
  27. >That outburst causes you to raise an eyebrow and stare daggers at her
  28. >She get's the hint and waits patiently annoyed
  29. >"Well uhm...y-you wanna h-hang out sometime?" she gives Rainbow and awkwardly wide smile and starts sweating
  30. >She rolls her eyes and opens her mouth to say no until she sees you still staring daggers at her
  31. >"F-f...Okay...champ" she rustles Scoots mane with her hoof playfully and looks at you with an awkward smile
  32. >Your not pleased but it will have to do for now
  33. "Well I see you two are busy, I'll just head to work now"
  34. >"Wait uhm...Anon?" Rainbow Dash says
  35. "Hmm?" you turn to listen to Rainbow
  36. >"Uh...tell...Applejack I said...hey" she looks down disappointed that she couldn't ask you out again
  37. "Will do" you turn back around and start walking to work
  39. ---
  41. >"Well ya gotta give 'er an A for effort ah suppose" Big Mac insists while lifting a crate of apples
  42. "Yeah I guess, but I never thought Rainbow Dash was the type to get cold feet" you say checking off another crate in your notepad
  43. >"Eeeyup" He set's another crate in the pile while you check it off
  44. >"Whutchu two talkin about?" Applejack says walking into the barn's cellar
  45. >"Sis, turn's out yore friend Rainbow has chicken feet"
  46. >"Rainbow?! now that's horse radish"
  47. "It's true every time she tries to ask me out, she either changes the subject or just freezes," you take account the next crate of apples, "by the way today's excuse was to tell you hey"
  48. >Big Mac laughs and almost would have fell over if it weren't the pile of crates of apples in front of him
  49. >"If ya know Rainbow wants ta date ya why don't you ask her out?"
  50. >You drop your pen and notepad and blush like there's no tomorrow
  51. "Well...uhm...I...uh..."
  52. >Big Mac falls on the floor and laughs to his hearts content
  53. >"Heh heh, no so tough a NOW are ya?!" she taps you on the shoulder and laughs
  54. "Shut up Applejack"
  55. >Sun set rolls around in no time and that mean quitin time
  56. >"Welp see ya tomorrow Anon," Big Mac says with a wave, "good luck with ya lady problems heh heh heh"
  57. "And when was the last time you asked a mare out?" you say smugly
  58. >He blushes a shade of red even visible on his coat
  59. >"Heh heh he gotcha Mac" Applejack adds
  60. >You walk away from from the farm laughing victoriously
  61. >You take notice of the amount of ponies in the market square of Ponyville
  62. >Their all staring at something but what could it be?
  63. >You break through the crowd to try and get a good look at what everyp0ny's looking at
  64. >"Are you sure your okay sweetie?" You hear one of them say
  65. >"Don't worry I'm fine" wait a minute, you know that voice
  66. "Scootaloo?"
  67. >Everyp0ny turns to you and makes a path to a running little filly
  68. "Scootaloo what's wrong?" you shout to her
  69. >"Nothing, I'm fine!" she shouts back
  70. >You turn to the pony who asked if she was alright
  71. "What's wrong? what happened?" you ask politely
  72. >"I was just about to close up shop when that little filly walked by with a black eye"
  73. "Woah woah! come again?"
  74. >"She had a black eye and when I asked her about it she just said she was fine"
  75. "Thank you, I have to go" you said walking in the direction she ran
  76. >Once the crowd dispersed you broke into a full blown sprint to try and catch up with Scoots
  77. >I swear, if Rainbow Dash did this, she's through
  79. ---
  81. >You ran as fast as you could, looking in every direction to see where Scoot might be
  82. >...or Rainbow Dash
  83. >Thinking about her made you sick, you even questioned your friendship with her once or twice
  84. >Alright calm down, I don't have all the facts right now, maybe it was just some bully that I need to beat the shit out of or it might have been an accident
  85. >If it were an accident then why would she be running?
  86. >Maybe she just need to get home right now I mean it is sunset
  87. >Then why isn't she running to her orphanage
  88. >You stop momentarily to gather your thoughts and find some clues as to where Scoot might have gone
  89. >You see Fluttershy walking home and run to her
  90. "Fluttershy!"
  91. >She turns to see you and notices your worried look
  92. >"Hi Anon, what's wrong?"
  93. "I'm looking for Scootaloo or Rainbow Dash have you seen either of them
  94. >"Well they came to my cottage earlier, Rainbow Dash seemed to be really upset and annoyed"
  95. "Have you seen either lately?"
  96. >"I'm sorry but no"
  97. You groan for a second but give her a smile "Thanks for the help anyway"
  98. >You wave goodbye to Fluttershy and return to running
  99. >Maybe the rest of the gang will know where Rainbow is, or maybe even Scootaloo
  100. >You head to Twiight's library first since it's the closest
  101. >You gently knock on the door and Spike greets you with a brofist
  102. "I'm sorry to intrude but have you or Twilight seen Scootaloo?"
  103. >"I saw her running to the Carousel Boutique" Spike says
  104. >You rustle his spikes and give him a smile
  105. "Thanks buddy, see you guys later"
  106. >You do a full power sprint towards Rarity's store
  107. >You stop at the door and knock like a gentleman
  108. >"Oh hello Anonymous," Rarity says motioning you to come in, "I already know why you're here"
  109. "So she's here?"
  110. >"Yes you will find her in Sweetie Bell's room"
  111. "Thanks," you start to walk to the hallway she pointed to until you realized you've never explored Rarity's house, and you don't plan on it, "uhm which way is that?"
  112. >She sighs and tells you to follow her
  113. >You reach Sweetie Bell's room in no time and sure enough there was Scootaloo
  114. >She was being comforted by Sweetie Bell and crying
  115. >Every teardrop and sob felt like a shard of glass jammed into your heart as you approached her
  116. "Scootaloo"
  117. >She looks up to you and right on her face is the black eye everyp0ny was talking about
  118. "Does it still hurt?," you say gently holding her cheek in the palm of your hand
  119. >She sniffles before speaking, "Yeah"
  120. "May I ask how this happened?"
  121. >Her eye that isn't swollen begins to tear up
  122. >"Please Anon, please don't"
  123. "Then convince me not to"
  124. >She knew you knew what happened and what you were going to do next
  125. >"I'm sorry but I'm confused"
  126. You let out a sigh, "Rainbow Dash did this, didn't she?"
  127. >She averts your gaze and nods slowly
  128. >Rarity lets out a gasp, "But Rainbow would never hurt anyp0ny,"
  129. "I'm as confused as you are but that doesn't mean I'm not gonna do anything about it"
  130. >You start walking to the door
  131. >"Anon please, it wasn't her fault"
  132. >You turn to let Scoot speak
  133. >"It's just that...she was tired from us waking her up early"
  134. "Scootaloo, please forgive me for saying this, but that is complete bullshit"
  135. >She begins crying and holds on to your leg
  136. >"Please Anon, please don't hurt her, she's my most favorite pony in the world," her sobs start getting louder, "I'm begging you Anon, please let me handle this"
  137. >You stand there confused and feel your anger rising
  138. You take a deep breath "Okay Scootaloo, but if she slips up again..."
  139. >"Then I promise not to stop you, but trust me I can handle this"
  140. >You kneel down and wipe the tears from her face
  141. "Heh at least I kept one promise"
  142. >Scootaloo smiles and you both exit the Carousel Boutique
  143. "Sorry for cause all that drama in there" you say to Rarity
  144. >"...Anonymous, this is just my opinion, but I think Scootaloo has bitten off more than she can chew"
  145. "Don't worry if she can't handle it then I will"
  146. >You wave goodbye to Rarity and walk home
  147. >On your walk you punch a light post to let out some of your anger
  148. >How could Rainbow do something like this
  149. >This is just unforgivable
  150. >Fuck that this is beyond unforgivable
  151. >You punch another light post before entering your house
  152. >"Hey Anon, you're later than usual," she can tell from your hung head something was wrong, "somethin on your mind" Lyra asked
  153. "I'll tell ya in the morning Ly' right now I'm really tired"
  154. >"Okay"
  155. >You walk upstairs and enter your room
  156. >You look into your mirror and sit on your bed
  157. >You stare and the carpet and then at the moon in your window
  158. >You can feel a tear fall down your cheek
  159. "I'm sorry"
  161. ---
  163. (Scootaloo POV)
  164. >You toss and turn in your sleep, your eye was still swollen which made things even more difficult
  165. >You just couldn't sleep; your mind kept racing back and forth due to the events of today
  166. >Buck! It just feels like this day just won't end, I just want to forget, you thought to yourself
  167. >Everything that happened today has been on repeat for, you guess, 20 minutes
  168. >Every detail played in your head as you tried desperately to rationalize it
  169. >The day started normally with you and Anon searching for Rainbow Dash
  170. >Anon called to Rainbow and she just appeared like that
  171. >She agreed to spend some time with me and then...
  172. >You swallowed a lump that formed in your throat
  173. >She started getting really mad, but why?
  174. >Wait a minute...she was going to ask Anon something but she couldn't
  175. >Could she have a crush on him?
  176. >Maybe she was mad that Anon didn't like her or maybe she was disappointed that she couldn't get the courage to ask him out
  177. >Maybe I was just in the line of fire and she was really taking her anger out on Anon
  178. >The more you thought about it the more Anon seemed to come up in every scenario
  179. >You place a hoof on your eye, it still stings but the swelling went down a bit
  180. >You reapply the ice pack given to you by the fosterfoal caretaker
  181. >She's so nice, you say with a smile
  182. >You sit up and stare out your window
  183. >Your thoughts played out more scenarios and Anon was in all of them
  184. >Maybe…This is Anon's fault, one thought said
  185. >You shook your head
  186. >No, Anon's too nice, he's done nothing but protect me, and he even got me away from those bucking parents of mine
  187. >But, Rainbow wouldn't hurt me for no reason and she seemed pretty upset when Anon walked away
  188. >You didn't want to believe those thoughts, Anon was your friend; hell your best friend, you couldn't just blame it all on him even when he wasn't there
  189. >You didn't want to think anymore, you just decided to ask Rainbow about it tomorrow and sort it out then
  190. >You place the ice pack on your bedside table and lay on your side
  191. >Now if only I could get some sleep, you said with a yawn
  193. ---
  195. (Anon & Scootaloo POV)
  196. >You groggily shuffle out of bed
  197. >You got no sleep last night, thinking about the events that happened yesterday
  198. >You slowly but surely walk to the bathroom
  199. >It's already occupied by Lyra/some other fosterfoal
  200. >When she/he exits you immediately rush into the bathroom
  201. >While Anon brushed his teeth Lyra bombarded him with questions
  202. >While Scootaloo brushed her mane some other foal yelled hurry up. Dick, you thought
  203. >You exit the bathroom clean but still tired and lifeless
  204. >You walk to the kitchen for some breakfast
  205. >Anon ate eggs and pancakes as a bribe from Lyra, to try and get him to talk
  206. >Scootaloo had the same but her's was more of a get well gesture from the caretaker. Everp0ny else had cereal, and she couldn't help but feel all kinds of badass as she got looks of jealousy from the others
  207. >Anon ignored Lyra and walked outside
  208. >Scootaloo ignored her haters and walked outside
  209. >You were on a mission to find Rainbow Dash and get some answers
  210. >"Rainbow Dash!" you called...
  211. (Anon POV)
  212. >You look ahead of you and Scootaloo was doing the same thing as you did
  213. >You both walked towards each other awkwardly
  214. >As if today couldn't get any weirder
  215. >"’re looking for Rainbow Dash too?" she says avoiding your gaze
  216. "Yep" you say doing the same
  217. >"You’re not gonna hurt her right?" she says facing you
  218. "No, if you think you can handle this then I won't interfere," you face her with serious on the face, "unless I have to"
  219. >"Hey guys!" Rainbow Dash called from you side "What's up"
  220. >She looked nervous and she should be, she knew how you felt about Scootaloo and she knew what she did
  221. >You stay quiet because you didn't want Scoot to know why you called to her
  222. >You look over and Scoot is looking at you, somehow waiting for something
  223. >"Uhhh?...did you guys want something or what?" she says obviously aware of the silence
  224. >You decided to give no fucks and come right out with it
  225. "Why did you hit Scootaloo?"
  226. >"Why did you hit me"
  227. >You both managed to speak in unison and it freaked you out
  228. >"W-w-what do you mean?" she lets out an awkward chuckle
  229. "You already know what I mean" You anger was reaching it boiling point
  230. >"The black eye? Remember?" Scootaloo adds
  231. >"Oh my look at the time gotta go" she tries to zoom off but you catch her tail and stop her
  232. >She flapped her wings as hard as she could, but you weren't letting go
  233. >Luckily Scootaloo held on to your pant leg and pulled with all her might, or she might have gotten away
  234. >She eventually tires out and lands with a solid thunk from her hooves
  235. >You and Scoot look at her
  236. >Your anger rising beyond levels you even knew you had
  237. >You wanted answers and you wanted them now
  238. >You look over to Scoot and she's flapping her tiny wings in anger
  239. >Rainbow finally cracks under the combined weight of both your stares and Scoots flapping
  240. >”…Ok I know I have some explaining to do, but look it was just a fluke, I didn’t mean for it to happen it just kinda happened,” She turns to Scootaloo, “so hey why don’t I make it up to ya kiddo, and take you to the beach?”
  241. >You continually stare daggers at Rainbow Dash, but Scootaloo lights up with excitement
  242. >”Really?!” she says hovering inches off the ground
  243. >”Yeah, if Anon’ll come too” she gives you adorable puppy dog eyes
  244. >Even Scootaloo gives you puppy dog eyes
  245. >You can’t handle this level of adorable so you embrace Scoot and Rainbow in a hug filled with love and snuggles
  246. “How could I say no to those eyes?” you say with a smile
  247. >You think you even heard some kind of squee sound effect come from both of them
  248. >You let go and look at Rainbow seriously
  249. “But remember, I got my eye on you”
  250. >”Don’t worry Anon I got this,” She says with a confident smile
  251. >With that in mind, the three of you walk to Sunshine Shores, past Ponyville Park
  252. >Scootaloo rides on your shoulders as Rainbow Dash hovers beside you
  253. >The only one who was really walking was you, but you didn’t mind because it wasn’t that far
  254. >When you reached the beach Scoot hops off your shoulders and builds a sandcastle
  255. >You look over to Rainbow and she’s got that confident grin her face
  256. >You get one too and the two of you begin and sandcastle competition, Rainbow was testing for speed and you were testing for quality
  257. >So safe to say you both won and you decided to go for a swim…ok not really but you really wanted to
  258. >You sat on the beach with Rainbow watching Scootaloo accomplish what you couldn’t
  259. >You still smiled anyway; the sand was nice, warm, and incredibly soft
  260. >Plus Rainbow had behaved the entire time so you had nothing to worry about
  261. >”Sooo… uh Anon?”
  262. >You turned to Rainbow; her cheeks were a rosy red and wings flared out from side to side
  263. >”You…uhm like the beach?” she says staring down and smiling
  264. “Yeah it’s nice during the summer”
  265. >Silence
  266. >You go back to watching Scoot and you feel Rainbow kiss you on the cheek
  267. >It makes you jump and you look at Rainbow
  268. >She looks at you with nervous bedroom eyes and rubs your leg with her hoof
  269. “Rainbow could you please control yourself; a child is right there”
  270. >She gasps
  271. >”So you would rut me if Scootaloo wasn’t here?” she says with a really wide grin
  272. “…Only on our third date, like a gentleman” you say awkwardly
  273. >You blush and return to watching Scootaloo; averting eye contact with Rainbow at all costs
  274. >You could hear her punch the sand and call herself an idiot
  275. >Few minutes pass and Scootaloo makes some new friends as they play together on the beach
  276. >It was good that Scoot could make friends so quickly
  277. >Meanwhile Rainbow’s attempts at making
  278. >She had laid her head on your lap and you’re not feeling too comfortable right now
  279. >Your instincts kick in and you start mindlessly petting her, she reacts by softly cooing so you stop
  280. >She gives you those damn eyes again and you return to petting
  281. >”Anon…”
  282. “Yeah?”
  283. >”You know I like you right?”
  284. “Yeah”
  285. >”I mean like, like you”
  286. “Yeah I know”
  287. >”Good”
  288. “And I thought you didn’t like mushy stuff” you say with a chuckle
  289. >She blushes again and returns with silence
  290. >After a while and a few games with Scootaloo, you all decide to walk back home
  291. >This time you’re not the only one walking
  292. >”Today was so much fun!” exclaimed Scootaloo “Thanks Rainbow Dash”
  293. >”Don’t mention it kiddo, and thanks for being there Anon”
  294. “Well you know me” you say with a chuckle
  295. >You walk Scootaloo to her orphanage and, being the gentleman you are, Rainbow home
  296. >While on the walk you and Rainbow start chatting about stuff
  297. >”So…does this count as the first date?” she asked
  298. “I guess” you reply
  299. >”Cool, so that means 2 more and I can rut you like there’s no tomorrow”
  300. >You stop and stare at her
  301. “You think about sex a lot little missy, and maybe”
  302. >”Oh,” she looks down with disappointment, “Well this is my place, I’ll see ya around, maybe?”
  303. “Sure” you say with a smile
  304. >She smiles back and fly’s into her cloud home, if you’re not mistaken you think your heard her shout ‘yes!’ as she entered
  305. >All seemed right once more and you guess you can forgive Rainbow this time
  306. >You chuckle warmly as you walk home to get some sleep
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