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Aug 29th, 2016
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  1. >Be Anon
  2. >It's 1:30
  3. >In the morning
  4. >You were having just the best dream
  5. >You and Vinyl Scratch were working on an album together, when an incident in the recording booth caused you both to fall onto each other
  6. >This seems to lead to you fucking in the booth
  7. >Just as you reach the most heavenly climax-
  9. >Your eyes jolt open
  10. >Oh
  11. >Oh goody
  12. >You don't live in Equestria
  13. >You're a busboy at a Chinese restaurant
  14. >Not a world-famous musician
  15. >Vinyl isn't making sweet sweet love to you while both of you are supposed to be recording a song
  16. >Fucking goody
  17. >Hell, when was the last girlfriend you had anyways
  18. >Well, there WAS Meli-
  20. >...
  21. >Who in the fuck...
  22. >You grab your phone on the nightstand
  23. >Time: 1:39
  24. >Time until your shift: About 7 hours
  25. >And now you have to waste them wondering who the fuck knocks on a door at 1:39 in the FUCKING MORNING
  27. >Grabbing your phone and stuffing it in one of your pants pockets, you slowly rise from your bed, cracking your neck and other joints
  28. >Alright, who in the wide world of sports could be knocking on your door at fuck o'clock in the morning?
  29. >Your eyes ever so slowly adjust to the darkness of your room
  30. >Remembering your bat, you grab it from the closet
  31. >You never know, right?
  32. >So... It couldn't be Jehovah's Witnesses
  33. >They can be insufferable
  34. >But they're not this bug-nutty
  35. >Jessica?
  36. >No, she wasn't coming back
  37. >You wish she would, but she's not
  38. >Bobby?
  39. >More than likely not.
  40. >He's got work in the morning like you
  41. >Whoever's at the door couldn't possibly have any bad intentions, could they?
  42. >...
  43. >That's why you have the bat
  44. >Silently as you can, you make your way down the hall from your room into the living room
  46. >Seems to be coming from the kitchen door
  47. >You slowly enter the kitchen and look towards the screen door
  48. >You see glowing eyes
  49. >"Hellooo..."
  50. >Those eyes are green
  51. >And glowing
  52. >Why
  53. >Fuck this, why aren't you asleep?
  54. >Now you're gonna be tired as fuck in the morning
  55. >And Mr. Jones is a nice guy and all, but he HATES when people slack off at work
  57. >"Yooouuu... I know you're there... I can see you...
  58. >Wait
  59. >Hold up
  60. >Hold up one goddamned second
  61. >That voice...
  62. >You recognize it from somewhere
  63. >But where...
  64. >You try to get a better look at the mystery person at the door
  65. >Glowing green eyes
  66. >That voice
  67. >Pitch-black skin, though you could swear it looked more like chitin
  68. >And a protrusion appearing from the forehead
  69. >...
  70. >No
  71. >It can't be
  72. >You're fucking hallucinating
  73. >It's not her
  74. >There's no way some bug-horse hybrid from a fucking cartoon was knocking at your door
  75. >Nope
  76. >You just snapped
  77. >You would've thought It would have happened much later in life, but nope
  78. >You, Anon Y. Mous, are officially fucking mad
  79. >"Hey, do you want a... What did you hyoomans call it?... A waifu?"
  80. >...
  81. >You pinch yourself
  82. >You feel pain
  83. >No dreams here
  84. >Only violations of universal logic
  85. >...
  86. >No, someone's playing a prank
  87. >That's it
  88. >You didn't know who it could be
  89. >You didn't care
  90. >You didn't care if someone was playing a prank
  91. >You didn't care if this WAS who you think it was
  92. >You had a bat
  93. >You were angry
  94. >And if this somehow didn't turn out to be a dream
  95. >You were gonna hit something
  96. >"Are you even listening to me?"
  97. >Oh, right
  98. >That thing at the door that couldn't possibly be.
  99. >Bat in hand you walk towards the door
  100. >You turn on the porchlight
  101. >...
  102. >Yup
  103. >Fuck
  104. >You didn't know why
  105. >But, standing at the door
  106. >In all her bughorsey glory...
  107. >...
  108. "Who are you?" You whisper
  109. >"I am Chrysalis, QUEEN OF THE CHANGELINGS!"
  110. >She seems to stand tall at this declaration (which probably woke the whole goddamn neighborhood up), splaying her wings in a dramatic fashion...
  111. >...Before they withdraw into her back and she slouches back down with a sigh
  112. >"Though, it would seem I'm the Queen of back luck at this point..."
  113. >Even now, though your anger seemed to have faded and traded itself for confusion and questions about the very nature of existence, you still couldn't believe what- no, WHO was in front of you
  114. >"I... Ask that you please put that object down. We don't intend any harm upon you."
  115. >She looks up at you with eyes that look like they just saw their family murdered in front of them
  116. >Pure liquid depression seemed to leak from them
  117. >Oh, wait, those are tears
  118. > she crying?
  119. >"Please, I don't... I just need some help..."
  120. >Holy shit
  121. >Bughorse queen is at your door
  122. >And she's quietly sobbing
  123. >If this wasn't the textbook definition of the phrase "what in the fuck," then you don't know what could be
  124. >This isn't real
  125. >SHE isn't real
  126. >At the very least, she SHOULDN'T be
  127. >You slowly move your hand towards her
  128. >"Yes, yes, I'm real. You can touch me if you don't believe me."
  129. >She pushes her head into your hands, and you feel it brush against her mane
  130. >You slide your hand against her face, eventually brushing bits of mane out of the way
  131. >Yeah, that's her alright
  132. >Damn, this is fucking insane
  133. >The queen of the fucking changelings is here
  134. >You think, anyways
  135. >This could just be a hallucination
  136. >But you weren't sure
  137. >She looked, sounded and FELT real enough
  138. >You move along her body, dragging your finger along it
  139. >Yeah, she's definitely here
  140. >Occupying the space in front of the door
  141. >Eventually you make your way to her flanks
  142. >You bring your fingers to her dock an-
  144. >*sigh* "Who am I kidding? I AM that desperate."
  145. >She raises her haunches and lifts her tail
  146. >"If you wish to use me, then go ahead."
  147. >You would have chastised her for being loud, but...
  148. >Is she really this desperate?
  149. >You spot two holes on her backside
  150. >So she seems to have an anus and...
  151. >An ovipositor?
  152. >A vagina?
  153. >You really had no idea whether wh-
  155. >Queen Chrysalis is letting you stare at her ass after she knocked on your fucking door
  156. >Why would it matter whether or not she bred or excreted waste like a mammal?!
  158. >And she seems... Lost
  159. >Depressed
  160. >Hopeless, even
  161. >And she's basically offering her body to you because...
  162. >That's how she gets love?
  163. >Or at this point, she's THAT desperate for some sort of contact?
  164. >You rub the back of your neck, trying your goddamned hardest to logically explain this to yourself
  165. >...
  166. >...
  167. >...
  168. >Yeah, you got nothing
  169. >"Are you done?" She asks dejectedly
  170. >...
  171. "Do you want to go inside?"
  172. >She twists her head in suprise
  173. >"A-Are you sure?"
  174. >You were probably going to regret this
  175. "Yes"
  176. >Her face lights up at the slightest bit of hope
  177. "BUT do not make a ruckus. I don't want half of the neighborhood coming by to investigate only to find a bughorse in my house."
  178. >"Of course," she whispers
  179. >You raise yourself up and walk towards the door, Chrysalis watching you all the while
  180. >You open the door, giving her enough space to walk through
  181. >After walking in and closing the door behind you, you flip the light switch, bringing light into the small kitchen
  182. >For a second, you shield your eyes before allowing them to adjust to the light
  183. >"Sooo..."
  184. >You move over tothe table in the corner, scooching one of the chairs out and gesturing for her to take a seat
  185. >She does so, and you take the seat opposite
  186. >And now, for the big question
  187. "Sooo... How in the hell did you get here?"
  188. >She clears her throat
  189. >"Well, dearest hyooman..."
  191. >You are Chrysalis
  192. >You are Queen to the insect/equine hybrid race known as the "Changelings"
  193. >And you have fucked up horribly
  194. >So, after getting your haunches handed to you in your invasion of Canterlot, you were furious
  195. >Enraged
  196. >Absolutely livid
  197. >Other words for angry
  198. >How?
  199. >How could they have beaten you so easily?!
  200. >You planned everything down to the last Celestia-damned t!
  201. >So after that failure, you might have been a bit... out of it
  202. >After letting your hive build more, you might have started... harassing the Elements of Harmony a bit
  203. >Oh, you know... Just...
  204. >Occasionally sending out a few scouts to attack them every once in a while
  205. >Making sure they don't feel safe... Even in their own home...
  206. >Nothing special
  207. >So, as it turns out, the Elements had found a new friend
  208. >Who just happened to be The god of chaos, Discord
  209. >Who also happened to be very protective of Fluttershy
  210. >And didn't exactly appreciate having his best friend be assaulted right before him
  211. >He might have taken it the wrong way
  212. >You could say he wasn't too happy about your friendly... "reminders"
  213. >In fact you could say he was so mad, he could've opened up a portal to some other dimension that you had no idea existed and thrown you in, knowing full well you couldn't fathom what was in store for you.
  214. >And you'd be... Right on the money, actually
  215. >You are Queen Chrysalis, and...
  217. >"And I brought this all on myself..."
  218. >Your bring your hand up to your mouth, absorbing all of this in
  219. >So she was sent here by Discord after an incident involving Fluttershy...
  220. >And now she's here
  221. "Wait..."
  222. >"Yes, Anon?"
  223. "So if what you're telling me is true..."
  224. "Then how do you know what humans are? Or the word waifu for that matter?"
  225. >"Well you see Anon, I've been here for a good few... weeks, I want to say, and after some information gathering, from that thing you hyoomans call the internet, I... Discovered some things..."
  226. >Oh shit
  227. "Do you know about the... Uh..."
  228. >"I know about the show, yes."
  229. >Oh
  230. >Uh...
  231. >Well then
  232. >Dodged that bulle-
  235. "How did you get internet access?"
  236. >"Well, after first arriving in this world, I did the first thing I could think of: Gather as much information as possible on where I was."
  237. "Nonono, I mean, how did you find out about the internet and gain access to it?"
  238. >"Oh. It's a long story."
  239. "I've got time."
  240. >You actually didn't have any time at all for her, but fuck it
  241. >You figured you'd call in sick today
  242. >This is MUCH more interesting than what a picky 7-year-old doesn't want to eat off of his plate which then gets given to you to wash off
  243. >You can spare some time for this
  244. >"Alright. Well you see, I was transported to this little farm in the countryside in the dead of night. After looking around, making sure I wasn't being watched I made my way into the nearest building, only to find myself in a stable."
  245. >"After being unable to communicate with any of the horses there, I deduced that they were not sapient, at least like you and I are. So, after transforming into a mouse with some of the magic reserves I still held, I hid in the darkness, waiting for whatever was taking care of these animals. After all, If ponies didn't build the stable and other buildings, then who did?"
  246. "Okay..."
  248. >You had just explained to Anon how you had managed to gain access to the internet by following the farmer who owned the barn out of the stable and into his home, where you observed his actions.
  249. >After discerning that the computer could gain access to new information that the farmer wanted (thanks to his son, whom you never saw yet were aware they communicated through what you now know as a "cellphone"), you figured you could find a way to get what information you needed without the farmer knowing.
  250. >An easier task than you thought, thanks to the farmer using it sparingly.
  251. >After more explanations, including when you found out about the show (and the subsequent existential crisis), and the porn (and THAT existential crisis, followed by your critiquing of certain pieces which, you had to admit, were pretty good), you finally got to where you were now.
  252. >By Celestia's cock that was unnecessarily long
  253. >"One more question."
  254. "Yes, Anon?"
  255. >"Can you ONLY feed on love, because you look (at least somewhat) fed, and when I was checkin- I mean- looking at your-"
  256. "No, if need be, Changelings CAN feed on things such as vegetables. However love is able to increase our abilities, both physical and magical. It's like the difference between eating pure sweets every day and eating more healthy foods every day, if you catch my meaning."
  257. >"Ok, I can see that."
  258. >Thank Luna that's all done and over with
  259. >"Well, now that that's all out of the way..."
  260. >"What are you going to do now?"
  261. "Well, of course, I-"
  262. >...
  263. >Wait
  264. >What WERE you going to do?
  265. >Sure, you were resourceful and crafty when need be
  266. >But then, you had at least a clear objective of some manner, an endgame
  267. >Whether it be information gathering, survival, love stealing, you name it
  268. >If the goal itself was clear and you knew there was a way, you'd find it.
  269. >But now...
  270. "I..."
  271. >The weight of your situation decides to hit you even harder than it had when you were standing at Anon's door not minutes ago
  272. "I..."
  273. >Only now did you see just how deep the hole you dug was
  274. "I don't..."
  275. >You didn't know what to
  276. >There is no magic here, no way of casting spells or even channeling it, besides the reserves you had when you were first dropped here
  277. >Maybe some from love stealing, but even then, it was sparse amounts
  278. >You didn't know what to do
  279. "I-I..."
  280. >Only now did you realize...
  281. >...That you might never get home
  282. "I don-..."
  283. >Your eyes water
  284. >You wish you were home
  285. >You don't notice your body begin to tip to the side
  286. >You were too lost in despair to hear Anon call your name when you fell from the chair
  288. "Shit, Chrysalis, watch o-"
  289. >She fell to the floor before you could catch her
  290. >And from the looks of things, you don't think she cares
  291. >"I-I-I just wanna go ho-ome..." you hear her choke out between sobs
  292. >She's in the fetal position now
  293. >Jesus, she's like an emotionally distressed eggroll with a side of existential trauma sauce
  294. >Speaking of which, you should probably shoot Mr. Jones an email or something-
  296. >'Cause this wasn't gonna be solved in 30 minutes with commercial breaks
  297. >You kneel down and pick up the changeling queen, noticing how light she is
  298. >After taking her to the living room and putting her on the couch you try your best to calm her down, being mildly successful
  299. "Come on Chrissy, I'm sure there's gotta be SOME way back."
  300. >After she gains some composure, Chrysalis tries her best to respond
  301. >Tries, mind you
  302. >After a few deep wails and sobs, she finally rebuts with some coherence
  303. >"N-No there's not! Even if I somehow g-gained en-nough magical power from love t-to m-make a portal, I wouldn't even know how to get back from here!"
  304. "Well- I mean you c- Perh- I- Uuhh.."
  305. >Shit
  306. >You have to say, she has a point
  307. >Even with enough magic to make a portal, it can't just be as simple as stating "TAKE ME TO EQUESTRIA" or however.
  308. >At least you think so
  309. >Fuck, what WILL she do?
  310. >...
  311. >Fuck you were tired
  312. >You had an idea
  313. >But you were going to sleep on it
  314. >Which is to say, you'd make a decision when your mind could better decide what to do
  315. >You grabbed a blanket from the closet and wrapped it around her
  316. "Alright, are you gonna be okay..."
  317. >For whatever that's worth right now in her life
  318. "...for now? Because all of this has just tuckered me out."
  319. >After a few sniffles, she finally speaks
  320. >"I-I think so."
  321. "For tonight you can stay here. I'm gonna go get some rest. If you need anything, just holler."
  322. >"Ok..."
  323. "Good night Chrysalis."
  324. >...
  325. >"A-Actually..."
  327. "I-"
  328. >You tried to spit out what you wanted to say
  329. "I don't-"
  330. >Dammit Chrysalis, grow a pair and just spit it out
  331. "I don't want to be alone... I'm scared, and... I just..."
  332. >"*sigh*I got ya."
  333. >Anon again picks you up and slings you over his shoulder, a pathetic sop that apparently needs coddling now
  334. >This is what you get Chrissy
  335. >This is what you get for antagonizing innocent ponies
  336. >This is what you get for being a meanie-bo-beanie, as the pink party pony might say
  337. "This is what I get for being such a-"
  338. >"No."
  339. "But this is all my fault. I'm just a-"
  340. >"No."
  341. "But I-"
  342. >"No. Don't even start with that."
  343. >You turn your head over to Anon, his face gripped with concern
  344. "What do you mean?"
  345. >"I get why you'd be so self-deprecating, but putting yourself down isn't going to help you right now."
  346. "What does it matter? I'll never get back."
  347. >"Not with THAT attitude you won't."
  348. "Why would that matter?"
  349. >"Well you learned your lesson didn't you?"
  350. "If by lesson you mean 'terrorizing ponies only gets you more trouble than it's worth' then yes, I've learned my lesson."
  351. >"Well, there's a positive right there."
  352. "And...?"
  353. >"Aaaaand I had something for this, but I don't know what to say now."
  354. "Well, good job on forgetting whatever you had in store for me."
  355. >"I'm tired, sue me."
  356. >"Besides, I figured looking at the positives of things right now might help cheer you up a bit."
  357. >It kinda did.
  358. >Just barely
  359. >A nominal amount, really
  360. >But some nonetheless
  361. >After reaching the bedroom, Anon pulls the covers back on his empty bed.
  362. >He lays you on the bed and pulls the cover over your body, leaving only your head exposed.
  363. >"Just hold up one second-"
  365. "-I gotta shoot my boss an email."
  366. >You type away a quick excuse that you hope will convince your boss to give you the day off (family emergency)
  367. >Finally, you send it and crawl in to bed next to Chrysalis
  368. >"Compassion."
  369. "What?"
  370. >"Compassion. Your heart is filled with Compassion."
  371. "Oh well there's no n-"
  372. >"May I have some?"
  373. >...
  374. "Uhhh-"
  375. >"Calm down, it's not as if I'll be ripping open your body and eating your heart whole."
  376. >Well that image certainly did everything BUT calm you down
  377. >"...I'll simply siphon some out by tapping your chest with my horn."
  378. >"Please, just a little."
  379. >...
  380. "Alright, fine. Don't overdo it though."
  381. >"Of course."
  382. >Chrysalis brings her black horn down onto your chest, absorbing some of the love you hold
  383. >It feels weird, having an emotion like that just sucked out of you
  384. >But it's over before you know it
  385. >"Thank you Anon."
  386. "Sure."
  387. >You didn't question how she detected your emotions for her.
  388. >You were too sleepy
  389. "*yawn* Good night, Chrysalis"
  390. >She seems to wrap one of her hooves around your chest
  391. >"Good night Anon"
  392. >With any luck, by tomorrow morning you wouldn't be killed so your chest cavity can be used for holding her eggs
  395. "*Yawn* Good morning Chrysalis"
  396. >"Good Morning Anon"
  397. >You jump a bit
  398. >When did she wake up?
  399. >"I woke up a few minutes ago."
  400. >Ah. Alright then.
  401. >"Tell me, do you humans usually breed in the morning?"
  402. "No, why?" You ask, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes.
  403. >"You seem to have quite the erection going."
  404. "GAH!"
  405. >This wakes you up
  406. >You sit up and hear Chrysalis chuckling
  407. >"I don't see what there is to be upset about. You have an erection. There's nothing wrong with that."
  408. >Well at least she's happy, what with last night and all.
  409. >She turns to you
  410. >"So, have you decided what you will do with me, now that you're all rested?"
  411. >...
  412. >You have an answer
  413. "For the time being, you can stay here with me."
  414. >Her previous smile widens
  415. "However-"
  417. >"- You have to promise me you will at least attempt to find a way home."
  418. "I-"
  419. >You knew it wasn't going to be easy, but now that you're not sleep-addled and love deprived, the portal idea wasn't actually that bad. You could probably find another way, given time
  420. >Not that any of these ideas were concrete, but they were something
  421. "-will do what I can."
  422. >"Promise me."
  423. >Fine, fine, no need to be stingy
  424. "I promise."
  425. >"Alright then. It's a deal."
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